
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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A Favorite Spot – Learn basic embroidery stitches


Amazon Books

Looking for good online stitch dictionaries? There are plenty of them out there, though when I first wrote this post (in 2006), there weren’t a whole lot.

Needle ‘n Thread Embroidery Stitch Instruction

You can start right here on Needle ‘n Thread with the how-to videos for embroidery stitches.

On that same page, you’ll find embroidery stitches listed by name from A-Z. This A-Z list of embroidery stitches includes links to the individual stitch videos and also to any step-by-step photo tutorials on the site.

You might also enjoy the Stitch Fun series, where you’ll find step by step tutorials for more obscure stitches, combinations of stitches, or different uses of stitches.

Other Online Stitch Instructions

There are plenty of other online embroidery stitch instructions – it’s just a matter of searching about for them. Here are some good ones:

Sharon B’s Stitch Dictionary – Sharon’s stitch dictionary is extensive and features photo tutorials. Her stitch dictionary was one of the first photo tutorial stitch dictionaries online and will always be a favorite.

Kimberly Ouimet’s 100 Stitches – Kimberly decided to work out the 100 stitches featured in Anchor’s old embroidery pamphlet by the same name. She demonstrates with step-by-step photos. The link goes to the topic category on her blog rather than an index.

Sarah’s Hand Embroidery Tutorials – Sarah’s doing a good job working up an extensive stitch dictionary using step-by-step photos. Interesting to see how far she’ll go with it! She’s categorized the stitches, too, in a logical way.


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(6) Comments

  1. I was unable to follow the link you provided for Sharon B. Please post the actual web address.
    Thank you so much for your wonderful site. I now have hope that I will be able to learn how to hand embroider.
    Carol T

  2. Hi, Carol –

    It worked for me. It’s where it says it can be found here. The linked word is “here.” It takes you to her static website.


  3. Dearest Mary,
    June 2006.
    Around the time you just began your blog.
    You introduced an enthusiastic embroider to us whose website you admired.
    5 years later, through handwork, patience and a generous spirit, your website is easily one of the best. What goes around comes around.
    We love you for that.

  4. Dear Mary,
    Internet-wise there’s no competition, my favourite spot is http://www.needlenthread.com, but what about a guilt-free favourite spot, a time and place for relaxation and indulgence in embroidery.
    I’ve just visited your first blogs in 2006. Wow!!! Mary almost one a day for 6 years! Congratulations! Your site not only provides an enormous one stop trove of information for embroiders of all levels but the excitement and insight expressed in your blogs, where new is new and old is new again is so inspirational. I’ve only just discovered your site this year and I’m thrilled, mind-boggled, and overwhelmed by the possibilities, and determined to have this beautiful age-old art be a special part of my life. However, I struggle with guilt. Guilt about my other life commitments, time with loved ones, work, my garden, and housework – the world goes without while I stitch. I have so enjoyed and been immersed in my embroidery projects that I’ve done nothing else, sometimes for hours and late into the night. Just like a good book that I haven’t wanted to put down. There’s the whole meaning of life, life is short, and what’s important kinds of thoughts as justification. I’ve read about the 15-minute sessions, and the carrot (reward) systems that take willpower and/or a structured schedule. My apprehension using the best materials and stitching possible have lessened thanks to you, but I have guilt about the self-indulgence of it all. Mary I’m sure that you and your readers have some sage words to offer.

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