
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Tips for Embroidery on 3-D Objects


Amazon Books

Today, I wanted to answer a couple questions about embroidering on these 3-dimensional felted hearts that I showed you last week.

The tips below can apply to any similar 3-dimensional object. This is pretty much how I go about embroidering on any pre-felted shapes. In fact, I’ll show you some more explorations of a similar nature in the weeks to come! And share more tips along the way.

But for starters, these two tips answer the majority of questions that arrived in my inbox, so here we go…

Embroidery tips on 3-D objects
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Damaged Books & Brightening Things Up


Happy Friday! Woooohoooo! And Happy Valentine’s Day, for what it’s worth.

If you want to know my general approach to Valentine’s Day, you’re welcome to read my one and only poetic tribute to Valentine’s Day here.

The cynical tone of that poem might lead you to think I’m not a fan of Valentine’s Day. But not so! There are, after all, quite a few heart-ish embroidery designs on Needle ‘n Thread that have shown up around many Februaries over the past 19 years: Will Ewe Bee Mine monogram collection; this free Bloomin’ Heart design; this free swirly heart design; this Heart o’ Flowers design; this branch heart design; this hearty kaleidoscope design (published in July, actually); and of course, Key to My Heart, which happens to be one of my most popular project e-books.

So I’m not opposed to Valentine’s Day, but I don’t really get into that much, either. Maybe I need to buy myself flowers or chocolates or something, to change my perspective? Brighten the day up a bit! LOL!

In the meantime, though, I’m brightening things up and combating the doldrums of winter in a different way here in the studio, and I thought I’d show you how.

Before we start, though, a quick announcement: there are some damaged books for sale in the shop right now. You can find those in this listing. They include Enchanted Embroidery, too. The damage on the books is not severe – often, it’s just a dinged corner or two on the book, and not very noticeable at that. Be sure to read the descriptions if you’re interested in picking up some damaged books at a discount!

Display and Organizational Cubbies in the Studio
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Oh, My Hearts! My Embroidered Hearts!


Greetings from a snowy Kansas! I’m back after a week of company and a big family wedding. All the guests departed Monday, in perfect time for a snowstorm today.

And there I was, thinking winter was over. Ha.

Last week, I found myself dabbling with some mini-mini projects. I couldn’t get the idea out of my head. Since I required flexibility during the week with all the company and such, I decided just to go with my idea and spontaneously play with some stitching. Sometimes, unplanned is the way to go!

Embroidered Felted Hearts
Continue reading “Oh, My Hearts! My Embroidered Hearts!”

Choice and Precious Work – Calling All History Lovers!


For all my buddies out there who are into historical needlework, this is a heck of a treat.

Choice and Precious Work: Treasures from the Schoolroom, 1650-1770, The Needle and Beyond has been my reading companion lately, and I have to say, there are few catalogues of art that have compelled me to keep reading like this one has.

Sometimes, art catalogues hit me as a bit yawny – especially if they tend to be slightly too esoteric, slightly too highfalutin-scholarly to be interesting.

It’s not that I have a problem with scholarliness – I served my time in the world of higher academia – but in general, I’m not a fan of grandiloquent scholarly writing and I like it even less when it’s coming from the broader world of art. Too often, it reminds me of those caricatured pretentious wine tastings that make you want to cry, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, but let’s just get down to the tasting, shall we?”

Get me to the meat of the matter!

This catalogue, though, is different. Blessedly different…

Choice and Previous Work Treasures from the Schoolroom v2
Continue reading “Choice and Precious Work – Calling All History Lovers!”

Stitch Fun: Stacked Herringbone – It’s Double, but it’s Not


Today, we’re going to enjoy a bit of Stitch Fun – musing about a stitch, wondering about its name, and showing you how it’s worked.

Stitch Fun! is this series of stitching tutorials here on Needle ‘n Thread. In the series, we explore different embroidery stitches mostly as combinations or composites, used in different ways and offering a wide range of possibilities for further exploration.

I started the Stitch Fun! series back in 2012, and the list of tutorials is fairly decent. Not exhaustive by any means, but a good list to explore interesting stitches, combinations, composites, and techniques.

The whole point of the series has always been to have fun exploring stitches.

Today’s stitch exploration doesn’t really have a proper name that I can find. It’s a combination of two layers of herringbone, one of which is laced into the other. So maybe we could call it layered herringbone or something to that effect.

Stitch Fun: Playing with layered laced herringbone
Continue reading “Stitch Fun: Stacked Herringbone – It’s Double, but it’s Not”