
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Embroidery Floss – Thread Conversion Charts


Amazon Books

If you’re looking for conversion charts for your current embroidery project – say, you have a kit that calls for DMC, but you have Anchor floss – there are a few good resources on the internet that can help you.

Updated 2016: Unfortunately, the links that were included in this original article, which was written in 2006, no longer work.

So, here’s a list of current (as of 2016) resources that might help.

NeedleGraphics Down Under offers an Au Ver a Soie to DMC conversion chart.

Yarn Tree offers this DMC to Anchor Conversion Chart (there’s also a handy PDF link).

Yarn Tree also offers this Anchor to DMC Conversion Chart.

As with all embroidery thread conversion charts, the colors are close approximations and are not necessarily spot on. However, a thread color conversion chart will usually get you pretty close to the color you want. Just don’t expect the color match to always be exact.

Hope that helps you find the colors you need when converting your threads between popular brands of embroidery floss!



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(13) Comments

  1. Hi,

    I enjoy very much your blog and would like to take the time to thank you for sharing such great and useful information.

    I would like to share with you a link I had a hard time looking for. Is is about the japanese cotton floss called Cosmo which is quite comum in lots of japanese embroidery books.

    Here you can find a link to a conversion table to DMC:

    And here is the table of colours of Cosmo floss:


    Hope this is useful!

    Stitching in Brazil

  2. I went to the Sophisticated Stitcher Website in search of conversion charts, but all I got was a list of ads, or ‘related’ links to ads, many of which had nothing to do with embroidery, and none of which provided any kind of chart. If it’s been a while since you visited the site, you may want to check out your link and see where you end up.

    Thank you,

    1. Claudia,

      I also agree, I was also trying to see soie d’alger colors better, so thought I would go to the dmc conversion as I have dmc-a-plenty-but the downloads you offer are of no value at all. they even look to me like walking down the path towards that lovely direction towards a virus. I got out as fast as I could!!!!

    2. Hi, Dawn – Yes, this article with the thread conversion charts was written in 2006, and, unfortunately, the links were defunct. I’ve just updated them with a few current resources for thread conversion charts. I hope you find them helpful!

  3. IVe done several quilts and I noticed that all the floss is now Craftways, I’m look for the names of the all the colors and the numbers that go with that color. I have some old DMC floss can’t find the names of the color and the name of the floss. can you help me. Are they converting the DMC floss to now Craftways? please let me know

  4. I have an old pattern from needle treasures using #’s like 6103, 6210, etc as floss #’s. these are not DMC but I am unable to determine what they are in order to convert to DMC. can you help me


  5. Hello, I ordered a pattern kit that came with a different floss thread. I prefer to use DMC thread for its beautiful gloss effect. The tread I received is not Anchor thread. I have a conversion chart and these color numbers are from a different thread. These are the color numbers I received with the kit. They are 17110-17004-13067-6963-13241 and so on. Do you know which thread name do these color codes belong to…I want to convert them to DMC floss thread???
    Thankful for any help you can give me…Most Sincerely, Ruth C. in (NYC)

    1. Hi, Susan – aside from Googling it, too, I don’t know of one off the top of my head. You might try looking at an Anchor – DMC conversion chart. Anchor was a Coats product years back, and the color numbers may be the same. Worth checking.

  6. can you tell me if the American Thread company still exists and if there is a chart converting the colours over to DMC or Anchor I have all of my Mothers and sisters embroidery floss and am trying to use some of it Thankd you very much

  7. Do you know if there is a thread conversion chart for Edmar threads. I am going to do a winter sampler by Crabapple hill and they use Cosmo thread but sent me a conversation to dmc threads but I really would like to use my Edmar thread as it is so much prettier.

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