
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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And the Winner Is…. and Favorite Embroidery Technique


Amazon Books

Good morning, folks! I’m up early to post, since this was supposed to go on last night. A couple points on the embroidery stash contest for April, so please read on…

First point – the winner of the Gilt Sylke Twist is BaileyGirl5. Yippeeee! If you would please contact me with your address, that would be great. I’ll get the package in the mail by the end of this week. Please use the “contact us” feature – don’t post personal information in the comment section! Thanks! And I hope you like the thread!

Second point – KerGiz? I never did hear from you about receiving the March stash package! I hope it arrived in Hungary safe and sound. If it didn’t, let me know!

And finally, Meeta asked what my favorite embroidery technique is. I had to laugh at her question – I didn’t mind asking readers, but when I turned it around to myself, I thought “Gosh. That’s just too hard.”

I can tell what techniques I don’t like more easily than what techniques I like best!

But anyway, here are my favorites (note the plural!) & not necessarily in order of preference:

Surface embroidery, including needlepaiting, crewel work, general free-style stuff, and so forth (right – not very narrow).

Gold work and metal thread embroidery.

Ecclesiastical work – which is just a specific application of the types above.

And historical embroidery that focuses on, again, any of the points above, as well as historical counted thread and canvas work techniques.

But I really do like anything, or at least will try anything. I don’t really tend towards abstract designs; I prefer more traditional patterns. I best like working on projects that I draw up myself, but I enjoy working kits, too, as long as the kits are tasteful, incorporate good quality materials, and will help me learn. For example, Tanja Berlin’s kits and occasionally (when I can afford it!) some of the kits from Country Bumpkin are the types of kits that entice me.

So there’s my two-cents’ worth.

Every time I do the drawing for these stash contests, I end up feeling really happy for the person I drew, but really disappointed for the rest! But I do want you all to know that I appreciate your input and your indulgence of my embroidery ramblings! May is coming up – keep an eye out for the next embroidery stash contest!


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(1) Comments

  1. Son muy lindas las flore. Es tan hermoso el bordado. me gustaria saber sobre los puntos que se aplican, que parece la figura real.

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