
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Online Needlework Show is Live…


Amazon Books

Just a quick post to remind you to stop in at the Online Needlework Show this weekend. It closes Monday, September 29th at midnight. I’ll tell you a little bit about it here…

It’s great fun to browse all the vendors to see what’s being offered in the world of needlework out there. Many vendors focus on counted cross stitch and needlepoint, but there are thread vendors, accessory vendors, lots of “European” flavor designers, etc. And, part of the fun – many of the designers / vendors offer “door prizes” – you can see on their individual pages what the door prizes are. Generally, you have to send in an e-mail to the vendor, answering a question or what-have-you, to get included in the drawing. While it may seem like a lot of effort, there are some vendors that would most certainly be worth trying for!

For example, Dinky-Dyes is again giving away a whole line of their silk! Worth the effort of browsing, I’d say.

They ask a specific information question about their silk line, so make sure you go take a look at their silk line at their website for yourself (the link is available on the Needlework Show page).

Some other fun stuff to do while there, besides door prizes: try their treasure hunt. It’s on The Fun Page.

The purpose of the show, by the way, is for retailers and customers to see what’s available in the needlework line – and some retailers (check your local needlework shop) will carry many of these newly available items. Some may even allow you to submit a list of things you (the general viewing public – not a retailer) see on the site that you like, that they will order for you. If you’re looking for an online retailer that will order items you see for you, check out the Happy Stitcher website. Mary Kathryn is usually happy to do that for customers – you may want to drop her an e-mail to see if she’s still doing it (she doesn’t usually answer her comments section on her blog, so that’s not the route to go…)

So, enjoy the upcoming weekend – I know it’s only Thursday… *sigh* (it feels like Monday)… and if you have time, stroll through the booths at the Online Needlework Show!


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(1) Comments

  1. Hola saludos Mary, me gusta mucho tu pagina y soy desde hace poco una asidua lectora de todo lo tuyo, apenas estoy poniendo en practica algunas de tus puntadas. Gracias por enseƱar. Una pregunta estoy interesada en comprar el hilo seda en degrade o sea color matizado como le decimos aca en Colombia pero no he podido encontrar en donde los vende tu me podrias informar donde los puedo conseguir GRACIAS

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