
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Browsing Through Needlework Websites


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It’s been a while since I’ve done a lot of needlework website hopping! I try to keep up with all the neat things I see going on in the needlework world so that I can pass on a few links to you… so, here are the things I’ve noticed lately that you might enjoy checking out, too.

For those of you interested in drawn and pulled thread embroidery, you might enjoy looking at Broderibloggen, a website in Swedish that has some really nice embroidery on it! I like this post especially titled Hopdragssommar, which has a pretty little pulled thread sampler featured on it. There are quite a few other really nice projects on the site – scroll through! You’re sure to find some inspiration there!

On Craftstylish this week, there’s a Dorset Button tutorial. I like Dorset Buttons. I made a couple to match a whitework pouch a while back, and the one I chose worked out really well. I reviewed my favorite tutorial for Dorset Buttons a while ago, which is where I originally learned how to make them. Dorset Buttons make great additions to sweaters and totes, by the way!

Sharon on Pintangle has been documenting the development of her band sampler, line by line. If you haven’t seen any of these posts, do check them out! They’re great for stitch variation inspiration! It’s fun to see each line on the sampler upclose!

Speaking of Sharon, I mentioned earlier that one of my other online haunts is Stitchin’ Fingers. There’s been some pretty interesting conversations going on in the pulled thread group, and also in the goldwork group. I haven’t had a lot of time to spend interacting in the past couple weeks, but I hope to catch up there soon! If nothing else, though, have a look at the photo gallery on Stitchin’ Fingers! It’s a collection of amazing needlework from talented stitchers around the world, and really fun just to browse through!

JoWynn of Parkview 616 posted some magnificent photos of goldwork bonnets used in traditional Austrian costumes. Very nice! I don’t know if I’d ever be able to make, by hand, something like that, and to have it be fully functional! They’re gorgeous! (And, oh – the kids are really cute!!)

Megan posted some neat Elizabethan embroidery links on her blog recently. I love the butterfly wing that stands up from the fabric! Nice!

Di van Niekerk has been adding a lot of stuff to her website lately – don’t miss her little downloadable lessons on embroidery and silk ribbon embroidery. I think I may have mentioned these already, but they’re worth mentioning again. I like the idea of these small, manageable projects that help stitchers learn techniques! And the projects are attractive and colorful, and very reasonably priced.

The Victoria & Albert museum have these nice designs for embroidery, available to print.

I was completely twitterpated (yes, that’s a Thumper-ism) when I visited Robin’s site, Beadlust, and saw these darling beaded rabbits. I can’t help it. I think they are so adorable. I like bunnies, by the way. I’m not really a “cuddly pet person,” but for some reason, I’ve always had a penchant for bunnies.

My visit to Robin’s site corresponded with my seeking tiny beads to use in my miniature embroidery project. Susan Elliot (of Plays with Needles) very kindly responded to my comment about miniature beads, and directed me to Beadcats, where I was able to find vintage beads all the way down to (or up to, depending on how you look at it!) size 24/0. I ordered some little beads, TINY beads – and I’ll share those with you a little later. Nice colors, and … did I mention TINY?

Check out this little cross-stitch jousting knight on Maria del Valle’s website! He makes me chuckle! Such a valiant little fellow!

In response to my miniature embroidery project, I got several recommendations for places to purchase silk gauze in high counts (up to 100! oh yes! I am!!). One of the shops recommended was Micro-Stitchery. I haven’t ordered from them personally, but I couldn’t help mentioning that I’m enamored by (with?) some of their projects – little tapestries and so forth for miniature embroidery. Check out their “kits” link and just take a look at some of those tiny things! I kind of want to do one of those wee medieval tapestries on silk gauze. I don’t know why. I don’t know when. But some day…

Update, 2018: While MicroStitchery is still online, they are no longer honoring orders. I have heard from many folks who have placed orders with them, but have never received the orders and had to apply to PayPal for a refund. I’ve tried to contact Joy, the lady who took over the business, but with no luck. Just a word of caution, for those looking for miniature tapestries!

Speaking of Medieval, have you seen this website called Reconstructing History? They have an embroidery section with patterns available for purchase. Though the patterns aren’t free, they are certainly interesting and worth looking at! If you’re into historical costuming, this is a neat resource! (No, I’m not making a coif. Could you see me in a coif? Me neither!) Thanks, Margaret, for sending the link!

I have been watching Allie’s Cottage CQ develop since she started it, and I’ve really enjoyed the process of development – the piece has blossomed into something really amazing. Allie recently posted a photo with the center complete – so do take a look at it! I love the trees and the grasses and the look of the sky glinting in. She says she still has work to do on the water section — ooooooooh. Fun! Can’t wait to see it!

Ok, completely unrelated to embroidery, but one of the “cross over” areas of inspiration, I have to admit that I spent some time looking and looking and looking at these mosaics of the Galla Placidia Mausoleum. Embroid
ery inspiration can come from a lot of places, you know!

I’ve also spent far too much time trolling around Alison Cole’s website. Have you looked at her goldwork kits? Have you ever worked one? I’m dying too! I especially like Alison’s mini-goldwork kits (scroll down). If you click on those – the strawberry, frog, gecko, etc., you can see a larger version that will enchant you. The gecko – I want to work the gecko! I love the gecko. And I’m quite partial to the frog. I think part of the reason I find them so enticing is that I would have never thought of working a gecko or a frog in Or Nué! They are whimsical and darling. I’ve got them on my “list.” I have a most expansive list.

Speaking of Most Expansive Lists, I think I am done for the day! I’ve run out of typing time, and you’ve probably run out of reading time!

Enjoy the links – I hope there’s something in here somewhere that appeals to you, too!


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(7) Comments

  1. Aww. I got excited at another resource for medieval embroidery patterns, but it is all blackwork. That and nothing earlier than the 15th century from what I can see. Not really “medieval” at all as “medieval” ends in the mid 1400s. I’m more a dark ages than a renaissance girl.

  2. Thanks Mary. I browsed the links and got inspired by the needlework enthusiasts throughout the world.


  3. I’m so glad that you found my blog and that you liked it. I have just started to read yours and I am really impressed, so much inspiration and information!
    Best regards,
    Helena Ericsson

  4. Thanks, Helena! I’m glad you found mine, too! I love your embroidery projects – your blog is so much fun to browse through!

  5. Wow! I checked out the jousting knights and lo and behold . . . I found the name of the tapestry my late mother-in-law gave us as her bequest. It is the lady from the unicorn scene. It hangs in our entry, but when given it was in the dinding room as it matched perfectly our chair backs. Brenda – – from Queensland Australia

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