Here’s a nice resource for some free embroidery designs and some excellent embroidery instruction.
The last couple days, I’ve been mentioning Tricia Wilson-Nguyen’s website, Thistle Threads, first in conjunction with the embroidered jacket at Plimoth Plantation, and second, when I was discussing needlework kits yesterday.
If you haven’t perused her website deeply yet, you may have missed a couple real gems on there. The website, by the way, is newly over-hauled, so if you were familiar with her website, Thistle Threads, before but haven’t been in a while, it’s worth taking a look at it!
On the new Thistle Threads website, you’ll find a section called Web Instructions, under which you will find two categories, projects and stitch diagrams.
Under projects, you’ll find three little free projects, with thorough stitching instructions.
Under stitch diagrams, you’ll find 8 PDFs for different stitches, and each one is detailed and easy to follow.
So, if you haven’t visited Thistle Threads, you might want to take a look at these excellent offerings from Tricia!
Thanks so muich, Mary!
I don’t comment much, but I am right here enjoying your blog all along the way….terrific!
Thanks mary, I shall go and look while takinga break from the statistics assignment
Thanks for the wonderful resource,Mary.