
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Hectic Stitch-Free Saturday… and some Needlework Links


Amazon Books

I had a looong list of embroidery-related plans for today, most of which were in preparation for Easter break, which begins next Wednesday at noon! But some things just aren’t meant to be…

Besides straightening up my studio, where I do the set-up work for all embroidery projects and where I store (sometimes rather haphazardly) all my supplies, I was supposed to get the following done today:

1. Catalog all my needlework books!
2. Set up two future embroidery projects!
3. Frame up four blank pieces of fabric for filming some videos!
4. Work up three technique tutorials: overcast stitch, trailing, and twisted bars for drawn thread work.

As far as cataloging the books are concerned, though it sounds like a mammoth project, I don’t think it would have taken too long. I have a new book cataloging program and a scanner to help things along! I’ve got about 20 books in the database so far – all the needlework books inside the house right now. The rest would require toting in to the computer, then back out again to the studio. Hm. Doesn’t sound so enticing, come to think of it! A laptop would come in really handy right now – unfortunately, mine has a dead backlight. I considered hooking it up to my digital projector and projecting on the wall, while I cataloged the books. But… that might be going a bit too far. (Though, come to think of it – it might be worth it!)

The funny thing about the two future embroidery projects… they’re the two Inspirations kits I wrote about the other day. I’ve been an Inspirations subscriber for a long time. I know I had #50 (for the Summer Harvest stumpwork project). As luck would have it, it’s the only one I can’t find! Another good reason for cataloging books! I have leant many a book and many a magazine over the years, and lost several, so now I will keeping strict track of them!

I have four stretcher bar frames specifically to use for filming stitches in the next couple weeks. I wanted to set them up with four different types of fabric – white plain-weave linen, a good cotton muslin, a beige even-weave, and a white even-weave. I’m out of thumb tacks… they were on my shopping list for my quick trip into town early this morning – but more on that in a moment!

Finally, later this afternoon, my plan was to work on some photo tutorials, one of which was actually supposed to be this blog post.

Unfortunately (not for me, but for my Mom!), all plans went a bit askew this morning when my Mom and I were at our first shopping stop on our quick trip into town. Walking out of the store, poor Mom (she’s 75) stepped on an uneven curb and fell. I took her to the emergency room with a broken foot, which will need to be further addressed on Monday morning by an orthopedic surgeon.

And so… you can see how my weekend will go! I hope to have something more interesting for you tomorrow, depending on how tonight goes! In the meantime, if you want to browse online through some interesting links, here’s a list:

The Stitchin’ Fingers Gallery – prepare to be inspired!

Allison Aller’s blog – she’s got some really bright, springy projects going, involving lace, embroidery, and crazy quilting – really flowery, cheery stuff!

Pinbroidery – a new stitching cards website, in the “spirograph” style. A few interesting flower designs on there for your spring cards, plus a couple free patterns.

The Embroiderers’ Story – check out the lace for the Plimoth jacket – it’s gorgeous – bobbin lace with metal threads and spangles!

Threads Across the Web – Carol-Anne has been embroidering some gorgeous cherry blossoms!

Completely unrelated to Embroidery! Silk-Dyed Easter Eggs – yes, I want to do this. It just looks cool.

Beadlust – Robin Atkins has a really pretty piece full of French knots and colonial knots.

Needle in a Haystack – they have some interesting weekly specials, including 40% off Gamnut threads!

Easter Egg Design – would be really cute embroidered – simple and sweet.

Wool Felted and Embroidered Easter Eggs – this look fun, and they’re pretty! And heck, they’ll last til next year, too!

From Old Books – lots of scanned images from out-of-copyright books… some neat illustrations that could serve as needlework inspiration.

Whew. That’ll have to do! Until next time, enjoy your needle ‘n thread!


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(9) Comments

  1. Dear Mary,

    I’ve been reading your blog for a while, but never had something useful to add as a comment 🙂
    I am totally in love with an online cataloging service for books that I’ve been using for more than a year now. I started by putting there all my calligraphy books… by the time I finished I’ve been addicted :)))

    It’s http://librarything.com.

    It is very handy and saves you a lot of time; to add a book to a catalog you need just to find it in the Amazon or in some other catalog hooked to the website (so having a book in hand it is as easy as typing the ISBN in the search field), click on the resulting link – voila! it is in your catalog, with a cover picture, full info about the authors, publishers, editions etc. I processed almost 100 books in 1 hour!
    It also has all those social network features like “who owns same books as you” etc, but I usually don’t use them, although the reviews that the readers post there can be very relevant sometimes.
    Just thought this might be useful for you. Unfortunately they don’t pay me for referrals, or I would earn some change for making most of my friends join the LT :)))


  2. Mary,

    Thank you for the time you spent for our enjoyment. I hope your Mother has very little issues with her break, and I hope she will be up and walking with little issues in 6 to 8 weeks.

    I am saying a little prayer for her, I know she must be in quite a bit of pain.

    Take care,

  3. Hi, Annabel – thanks for the link to library thing. I ended up using the software from Collectorz, actually, and it's working great – it's the same concept, I think. And with a scanner, yep! It goes pretty quickly. I love it!

    Thanks, BJ! I'll pass your kind wishes on to me ole Ma… the Agéd P, as Dickens would say! Thanks for the prayer!


  4. Mary,

    I hope your mom will be up and about again soon! Best wishes and lots of prayers for her.

    PS Haven’t started the Indian girl yet–maybe in May when I go to Kosovo, I should have some time then.

  5. Hi Mary. I have a spare copy of No 50 if you can’t find yours. I could send you the whole mag, or just the relevant article, if you’d like. you can email me if you need it: paulaandmatt(at)virginbroadband(dot)com(dot)au

  6. Thanks, all! Mom’s doing “ok” (ish), but we’ll see how today goes with the orthopedic surgeon! Maybe she’ll just end up in a walking cast – that would be good! Fingers crossed!

    Oh, thank you, Paula, for the offer! I found a #50 online here in the States, and bought it at half price! I was pretty happy about that! But thank you so much for your generous offer!


  7. I am relatively new to stitching….less than one year. I have found an 84 year young mentor who has shared books, patterns, thread, fabric, tools and most of all, her TIME and KNOWLEDGE. That is the best gift I have been given. I wouldn’t be stitching today without her gift of generosity! Trish Binkley

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