
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Trish Burr CD Give-Away Winner! & Resolutions


Amazon Books

Good morning, and Merry The Day After Christmas, Happy Boxing Day, Happy Second Day of Christmas (two turtle doves style), and all that! I hope you enjoyed a beautiful Christmas Day!

I promised I’d announce the winner of Trish Burr’s project CD today, so I’m happy to pop in and make that announcement!

This give-away features a project CD (to be viewed on your computer) focusing on several of Trish Burr’s needlepainting projects. It is a lovely CD, and if you didn’t win it this time, never fear. I’ll be giving away a second one in the coming weeks, to which I hope to add a little something special. (We’ll keep that part a surprise!)

If you can’t wait for the giveaway, and you want your own project CD or one of Trish’s new DVDs (both packaged together!), you can find them available through several retailers around the world, and also from the Trish Burr website. In the US, you can buy them from Nordic Needle – if they aren’t on their website yet, you can call and order over the phone. For further information on suppliers in different countries, you can contact Trish.

Ok, all that having been said, let’s move on to the winner!

The winner, drawn by random number, is Karole King! Karole, please contact me as soon as possible with your mailing address!

Karole answered my “New Year’s Resolution” question:

Yes indeed, I intend to try gold work, long and short, Hardanger, and simply finish embroidery projects I have started. I also inherited many kits from my mother. I want to work them for grandchildren. I want them to have something started by their Grandmother and finished by me, the Aunt.

It was interesting to read everyone’s resolutions! While reading many of them, I felt as if I had been a bit of a sticky-beak in asking that question! Just call me “Nosey Mary.” At the same time, I felt a bit kindred to many of you!

My stitching resolutions so far have boiled down to two vague notions that I need to solidify a bit: 1. to use more stash and less new stuff; and 2. to finish what I start. Pretty vague, pretty vague!

Thanks for your participation in the give-away!

Enjoy the weekend!


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(6) Comments

  1. Congratulations to Karole !!!
    I didn't enter the giveaway 'cause once you informed us that Trish Burr had a DVD/CD set available… I jumped right away and ordered a set from her site along with the kit (with no threads) that goes with it … 😀 !
    Mary … Thanks for always keeping us up to date !

    I'm also trying to use what I have on hand for needlework and to finish what I start… let's see how good I do with that !!!???

  2. Vague? Not at all. As I have found, those two resolutions are: profound, perennial and perpetually procrastinated! (And, yes, grammar suffered for the sake of alliteration.) Happy New Year!

  3. I too send congratulations to Karole.
    All the best Karole for your resolutions, perhaps especially the heirloom projects. I'm sure they will be very rewarding to work on.

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