
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Beadwork Inspiration: Embroidered Matting


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Today, I’m going to share with you some photos that were sent to me by Anna at Talliaferro, who just knew that I would love seeing these pieces.

Prepare to be inspired!

Beadwork Embroidery & Goldwork for Framing

The mat around the angel image was embroidered by Larissa Borodich, from Moscow, and designed by Irina Rudneva. (Visit her website! Her beadwork is amazing!) While reminiscent of the pearl and jewel-encrusted icons that are characteristic of Russian art, the bead embroidery on the mat is a lighter and airier approach to this type of embellishment.

Beadwork Embroidery & Goldwork for Framing

Here’s a close up on the corner, while the piece was still attached to the embroidery frame.

Beadwork Embroidery & Goldwork for Framing

With the piece still on the frame, you can get a better idea of the subtle variation of color tones. Absolutely beautiful, isn’t it?

Beadwork Embroidery & Goldwork for Framing

Another view of the corner here – it’s amazing to think that each of those little “tendrils” is made of beads. Notice the larger beads used for the scroll motif.

Beadwork Embroidery & Goldwork for Framing

Here is the piece, without the frame at this point. Lovely, Lovely, Lovely!!

I’ve written to Anna for some more details on Larissa’s work, and I have another piece to show you later on that will take your breath away. But there’s one little detail I still need to ascertain before sharing that one with you!

In the meantime, though, I thought you’d enjoy this appetizer.

Now I have to resist the temptation to lay in a supply of beads!!

Beautiful work, Larissa, and a gorgeous design by Irina! Thanks for sending the photos!


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(24) Comments

  1. Dear Mary,

    Thank you for opening a window for us to such extraordinary beauty. The designer’s and the embroider’s contributions have created beauty that leaves one speechless.

    I’m curious as to the material of the mat on which the embroidery was done. Can you enlighten us?

    (I think I’m going to be drooling all day!)

    Have a day as wonderful as the one you have started for us.

    Doris HH

  2. Hi Mary!
    Thank you for sharing a wonderful embroidery with us.We do this kind of embroidery in India too.
    Here bead embroidery is often combined with zardosi(metal springs).

  3. Wow, Mary. I guess I don’t have to tell you how much I like that … not to mention the beading on the website.

    I have a lovely beading project waiting for my attention. This really makes me want to get on with it.

  4. Oh, my! Such a beautiful thing! Irina’s designs are spell-binding. Thanks for sharing it, Mary. I Really enjoyed it. Exquisite work!

  5. Dear Mary!
    That was a surprise to see my work on your site! I knew Ana was going to show it to you, but I did not know when it was supposed to happen. Thank you for such kind words. If needed I will try to answer your questions about any technical details.
    I want to tell that you inspired me a lot! I learned a lot about goldwork, book reviews, materials, internet stores, etc. on your site. My next project is goldwork frame for another tent stitch embroidery that I am doing now. Your site and your articles inspired me to start such a project. And this time I am working on the design myself.
    And you told me where to get beetle wings! I bought them and Irina made a necklace with beetle wings.
    And I have some news about Irina Rudneva. I am sure you know and Bead Dreams contest that is held every year in the US
    And Irina took the third place in Beaded Jewelry
    and People’e choice award for her necklace Manhattan Night Lights which you can also see on her site.

  6. Gosh, I’m almost inspired to take up beading now, so I can do beading like that! There are so many patterns that would be suitable…..
    Thanks letting us see Larissa’s beautiful work 🙂

  7. Oh, how lovely! Just breathtakingly beautiful. Congratulations to Larissa and Irina, and a special thank you to Mary for posting. As I don’t do beadwork I’ve never seen anything like this, and probably wouldn’t, except for you ladies sharing with us. How do we get to Irina’s website? Her name is highlighted as though it’s a web link, but when I click on it, I get an error message. Thanks again!

  8. So Beautiful!!

    I have a small supply of beads, but have only added a few here and there to smocking or embroidered flowers. I can’t wait to take a look at Larissa’s site. Sigh, a new hobby to take up now!

  9. Beautiful work! At first I was thinking “beaded mats? must be hard to stitch through!” Now I see it’s fabric beaded. Oh well, at least I wasn’t wondering why you had and entry on gluing beads to a mat!

    Larissa – in the photo showing it on the frame, it looks like padded fabric? Or is that a trick of light (on the left side by the tacks)? Also how does this go from flat fabric to a mat? Glued on, stitched on ?? And is the mat cut to fit the stitching, or is the fabric stitched to fit the mat?

  10. Wow! I am so awed by this work! And could only hope to use it as an inspiration in my own stitching!

    I am so thankful that you bring such amazing artwork to our attention, without your website and newsletter I would have never have seen such delights!

    I am eager for more details! Especially on the construction. Also, why was the project done? How will it be used? Is the painting it frames The Blessed Mother Mary? Was it a commissioned work?

    Thank you, again, Mary for my favorite newsletter and your must-visit-every-morning website!

  11. Your link to Irina’s website does not work and I can ‘t find any mention of her over at Bead and Button….I would love to see her work!

  12. Breathtakingly beautiful! I’ve been beading and embroidering my little icons (after transferring the images to muslin), but this embroidery is royal and WAY beyond that level…So awe-inspiring and what an homage to the Theotokos. Thank you so much for sharing. Irina’s website is humbly beautiful as well; just like an e-mail gift. Thanks for sharing, Mary. As always, your taste is impeccable.

  13. I am for once speechless. Abolutely …………..but I can feel some words coming back to me.

    This work is gorgeous and I can’t believe that Irina’s necklace got only third place. I am wondering about the collar/necklace which is possiby the one she made for Larissa – is the leaf at the front what I think it is, ie marijuana? It does look a lot like it … don’t ask me how I know, lol. Actually I have a charm just like that one albeit a lot smaller.

    The work on the icons is just fabulous. Wouldn’t it be just the best to be able to have lessons from this woman? I think you will be relieved to know that words are deserting me again …..

    I have a tons of ideas in my head now.
    Wouldn’t that look beautiful framing a wedding pic or a baby’s.

    I can’t wait to see the next picture
    Thank you for shareing

  15. Hi Marie,
    Merci for the sharing. Je retrouve toute la magie de l’art russe dans le travail de ces deux artistes. Des travaux de toute beauté, un réel enchantement,j’aimerais pouvoir les toucher!Le site d’Irina est splendide. A quand Larissa, des cours ou des kits, pour brodeuses avides de votre savoir-faire?
    Merci, merci Marie

  16. Hello Mary, I love Larissa’s work. I would really like to learn how to make the matt’s they are gorgeous!!!! I tried to visit Irina’s website but getting domain is unavailable. I would really like to know more about this Gorgeous form of needlework and how to do it.

    Thank you,


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