
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Leafy Tree Group, Errata Notice, Last Call for Kits!


Amazon Books

Happy Saturday!

Today, just some quick Leafy Tree News – some good, some bad.

Read on, if you’re involved with The Leafy Tree in any way. Have you purchased a kit? Do you plan to purchase one? Are you already stitching it? Then this news is for you!


Let’s start with the good news!

Leafy Tree in Stock!

There are a limited number of Leafy Tree kits in stock right now, and this is the Final Round. It is Highly Unlikely that I will ever produce more of them. They were fun to kit, and I love the project… but they were a big investment and I can’t keep kitting them indefinitely.

So that’s that. Get ’em while you can! They’ll remain in stock until they sell out, and I have no idea when or how long that will take.

Leafy Tree Group

After scouring all kinds of group options for Leafy Tree-ers, where folks could ask questions, get feedback, post pictures, discuss difficulties and solutions, the most feasible (and affordable) option is a Facebook group. So I have set up a closed Facebook group for Leafy Tree stitchers here.

If you’re on Facebook, feel free to request to join. It is imperative that you answer the questions posed, in order to be approved.

Please understand that this is an “extra.” It’s not included in the cost of the kit. You aren’t obliged to join or participate. But if you do decide to, you should already have some experience with Facebook and social media. If you’re not sure how Facebook works, your best bet is to ask someone you know to help you out in person.

The group is not really an online class at all, but in some regards, it will end up functioning that way. You’ll be able to get feedback and advice that you wouldn’t normally really be able to, if you are just stitching a kit on your own. It should be a lot of fun, and I’m looking forward to seeing you there!

Leafy Tree Errata Notice

There are two problems with the Leafy Tree instructions, so I’ve issued this errata notice, where you can read about the two problems in depth and see the solutions.

The first problem was out of my control – a manufacturing / distribution error with the threads.

The second was crazy-stupid on my part. I published some of the instructions with a missing page.

Gee whiz! There is nothing like a Really Stupid Mistake to keep a person in place. I was starting to feel just a wee bit too good about this project.

My profound apologies for the errors. Feel free to slap me! I’ve included instructions for corrections on the errata notice in the link above.

Incidentally, if you’re an experienced stitcher and you are not following my color scheme or stitch placement step-by-step – just organically developing your own tree’s color scheme and stitch layout – the errata notice might not be too relevant for you. They’re not Huge Problems, but they are definitely errors!

On the Bright Side…

If you are just purchasing a kit today, you won’t need the errata notice!

So grab the Leafy Tree kit while you can! And then join us in the Leafy Tree Group on Facebook for some “social” stitching, support, and feedback! Hope to see you there!


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(10) Comments

  1. Mary,
    Am I correct in remembering that the Leafy Tree pattern alone will not be offered for sale?

    Thank you,
    Sarah Beth

    1. It will not be offered this year, Sarah. It may be offered in the future. I really invested a lot in the kits, so it was very important that I moved those first. Some aspects of the e-book with instructions & patterns will need adjusting, if I sell it without the kit, and I won’t be able to do that this year.

  2. Could you pleases send me the errata for the leafy trees and the missing instruction sheet. I am away from home for a few weeks so don’t know what is missing from my summer purchased kit. Thanks
    I am so looking forward to setting up in my lazy boy chair when I get home and stitching this project!

    1. Hi, Mary – Thanks for your comment! You’ll need to drop me an email for the updated version. I can’t process requests and such through the website the way I can through email. Thanks!

  3. Good morning Mary,

    I ordered the Leafy Tree kit and have downloaded the e-book. When will I receive the preprinted fabric and Madeira threads.

    Thank you.

  4. No such thing as a stupid mistake. If I can’t figure something out for whatever reason, I just do sothing else and move on. Creative problem solving.

  5. Mary,

    Thanks for the updates to The Leafy Tree, but I have been all over the internet and I cannot locate DMC #2513. Do you have any suggestions?


  6. Hi Mary
    I love this design but I cannot buy the kit as i live in the UK and the import tax makes it too expensive. Is the design available as a download or are you planning to make it available like that in the future?
    Thank you for everything that you do on here. It brightens my day as I am able to read your website in my lunch break at work.
    Warm regards, Julia

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