
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Needlework News Snips – July, 2020


Amazon Books

Happy Saturday!

Here’s a short little collection of needlework-related information, inspiration, resources, and instruction to meander through for your weekend pleasure. A little bit of Needle ‘n Thread news, too!

So grab your favorite cup of relaxing brew, pull up a chair, get comfy, and join me for a short browse!

Needlework News Snips, July 2020

Goldwork Masterclass

I am definitely getting more stock of the book Goldwork Masterclass by Alison Cole that I reviewed earlier this week, for those who missed the first round. I’m not exactly sure when they will be in stock, but I hope soon!

If you would like to be on the advanced notice list for that book once it’s in stock, please drop me a line and let me know.

I know a few of you have already received your copies from your orders on Wednesday, so yes, if things are going well with the post office, the delivery is pretty quick once I have them in stock! Domestic Priority shipping is included in the price.

For those from the UK and Europe who contacted me about the book, it is available in the UK through Golden Hinde Needlework.

Embroidery Thread Samplers

Over on Colour Complements, Lorraine talks about her embroidery thread sampler packs. These are such a marvelous way of adding a unique sampling of embroidery thread to your stash – especially for crazy quilters and embroiderers who enjoy free-style embroidery. You can really mix up all kinds of textures and fibers using her sampler packs. The colors, of course, are beautiful!

Read about them here!

Single Issue Embroidery Magazines

Did you know that you can purchase single issues of two excellent embroidery magazines through The French Needle?

It’s true! If you are looking for current issues of just-recently-passed issues of Inspirations Magazine, you can pick them up individually through the French Needle.

And for those who wanted to take a look at Giuliana Ricama – the Italian needlework magazine (now with an English edition) I reviewed here – you can also buy individual issues there, too.

You’ll find single issue needlework magazines listed here at French Needle.

(If you love counted work, you’ll find Mains et Merveilles there, too, which is a lovely French needlework magazine focusing mostly on counted work.)

Artistic Embroidery – online book

Artistic Embroidery by Ella Rodman Church is one of the old embroidery books that’s just fascinating to browse through!

If you can’t find an old copy to add to your collector’s library, never fear. It’s online! You can browse through it – and a whole lot easier – right here at Internet Archive.

I have this book, but it’s a bit crumbly. I prefer the online version!

(I hope I haven’t shared this link before. This is a favorite of mine, and I’ve browsed it online too many times to count. Definitely worth downloading the free PDF!)

The Schwalm Koala – and Others!

Even though I sent you to see Luzine Happel’s website last time we explored together, I must send you again!

You’ve got to check out the recent update on her Global Schwalm Sampler. In it, you’ll see some gorgeous examples of Schwalm embroidery, some in more contemporary design styles.

The Schwalm Koala by Joy Hakanson from Queensland, Australia is an adorable twist on Schwalm!

Embroidered Cats, Anyone?

A while ago, I reviewed Hiroko Kubota’s book on Embroidered Cats: Hiroko’s Style. You can read that review here.

I’ve added her new book Cat in My Pocket Embroidery: Ten Purrfect Projects to my Amazon Recommendations lists here, under Browse my Amazon Recommendations. If you love cats and you love embroidery, this is right up your alley! Her teaching style in the book is nice and accessible.

Summer Linen Embroidery

Elisabetta Ricami is one of my favorite Italian blogs to explore. You may remember I reviewed her gorgeous wheat field monogram book a while back. Her embroidery is stunning!

If you’ve ever toyed with the idea of some simple embroidery on clothes, you may enjoy Elisabetta’s recent blog post on embroidering a linen caftan. Just a bit of inspiration to get the juices flowing!

Almost All…

Well, that’s almost all for today! I told you it would be a brief stroll.

Just a heads up, in case things become somewhat irregular here on Needle ‘n Thread, things are a bit rocky in my life right now. My mother has been quite ill. Needless to say, the current restrictive situation at hospitals has made this somewhat more difficult than usual. She should be home from the hospital today or tomorrow (hopefully today!). I might be a little sporadic while she is recovering, but I hope to keep ahead on things.

My helper, Anna, broke her leg week before last, poor gal! Frisbee – it’s a killer sport! So I’ve put some projects on hold for the time being, but I’m still managing to move forward on other projects. Thank goodness for laptops!

Things will settle again soon!

I hope you are doing well and that you have a marvelous weekend ahead!


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(11) Comments

  1. Morning Mary!
    Love today’s post. As a relatively new follower I missed the original postings of these books and magazines and enjoy the opportunity to catch up.
    Sorry to hear about your mom. These are strange times which can only make a difficult situation more complicated. I’ve been down the road with an ill parent and it’s harder than it looks.
    Do what you can and take care of yourself. Work on those hexies when you need to hold a needle without taxing your brain! It helps.

  2. So sorry to hear of the family challenges. Give them hugs from me – gently – if you can, and a big ol’ bear hug from a distance if you have to do it that way! I know you’ll keep on stitching to weather this crisis as you have many in the past!

    Love, for all you do for us embroiderers, and for just being the person you are,


  3. Thank you for taking us along on your “brief stroll.” I enjoyed it!
    Mary, I am sorry to read of your mother’s serious illness. I will pray that she may have a full recovery and for stamina for your family as you care for her.
    I will also keep Anna in my prayers. May she mend quickly!
    Take care of you, too.

  4. I received my copy of the Goldwork Masterclass, and it is brilliant! I had read about it before your blog and was hoping to purchase it at some point – so when you said you were selling it, I was thrilled. thank you and hope your mother and friend recover soon.

  5. Very best wishes to both your mother and Anna. Not good news at the best of times and well, frankly, this isn’t. You are right to put your family first. Post a bit as and when you can; we all have plenty of stitching to occupy ourselves between posts.

  6. Thank you for another informative post. Stay well, Mom comes first — we all understand. Best wishes for a good recovery for her and your assistant.

  7. Dear Mary,
    I always enjoy receiving your newsletter: always inspiring, motivating and joyful. Your blog is a delight filed with a trove of information, so please be as sporadic as you need as you care for your mother. Sending you, your mum & Anna much love and may they both heal and recover as quickly and as best as possible!

  8. Dear Mary

    So sorry to hear of your family illnesses especially your mother I do hope and pray she will recover quickly and get well soon. Hopefully Anna will be back with you soon to help you in your work. It’s difficult when things like this happen I am thinking of you and praying for better times for you. Take Care.
    Thank you for sharing the News snips with us and for the links. I especially like Luzine Happel’s website Golden Schwalm Samplers from around the world beautiful. Elisabetta Ricami linen craftan is lovely as well beautiful embroidery and brings the dress to life.

    Regards Anita Simmance

  9. Thank you for this lovely stroll! Gave me a chance to send out some birthday ideas to my sons! 😉 Prayers for your family and for you in these difficult times.

  10. Dear Mary – praying for you, your mom, and Anna! Strength, quick healing, and NO Covid! No worries on posting, family and sanity first.

  11. Nary,
    First and most important, I hope your mom has come home and is doing very well! She will be in my prayers as well as poor Anna! At least she was having fun when she broke her leg! If that’s even a consolation! I do hope they both recover quickly. Your mom takes priority over any thing else as you know, and we are loving followers so If things get behind we are behind you!
    I do so look forward to reading your posts and emails. So when you have time to email us all again, I’ll be happy and of course wanting to know how your mom and Anna are doing.
    Remember to take care of yourself too,


    Robin F
    Aurora, Texas

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