
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Looking Ahead – Some Autumn Embroidery


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After about two weeks straight of hexies-only stitching (due to the reasons mentioned in this article), it will be good to (eventually) get back to some hand embroidery.

Don’t get me wrong – I love my hexies and I love their portability. But really, I love hand embroidery better, and I can’t wait to do some again.

In the meantime, these casual bits of autumn embroidery have been developing behind the scenes. I kept my cohort Anna busy, despite her broken leg, by test stitching some fall designs.

Autumn Variety embroidery designs

I’m a sucker for maple leaves. The maple trees here in Kansas are the first to show signs of the color change, and when they start to change, I’m usually happy from head to toe! So, with this group of embroidery designs, I wanted to make sure the maple leaf got some serious stage time!

I know it’s simple stitching. It’s not goldwork. It’s not silk shading. It’s not complicated. But it’s just nice, comfortable, relaxing stitching. I need it right now! And so I set up some of the designs for me to stitch, too, and I’m trading out my hexies for some embroidery. This type of embroidery travels well, after all.

Autumn Variety embroidery designs

The other favorite of fall: the oak with acorns. Oak trees are mighty, but their leaves are not always an immediate harbinger of autumn. Out here on the prairies, they seem to take a little longer to turn, but they seem to have excellent longevity. In a good year, they add fantastic glory to autumn colors!

So those are a couple designs that have developed on this end, for autumn stitching. It’s not far away now – even though the 100-degree weather might beg to differ. There’s a third design that draws in my third favorite natural element of autumn, but I’ll have to show that one to you down the road!

Looking for Autumn Embroidery?

If you’re looking for autumn embroidery, you’ll find lots of available projects here on Needle ‘n Thread.

In the ready-to-stitch category, I’ve got this Festive Fall three-towel set, with the designs pre-transferred for you.

If you’re looking for more of a stand-alone embroidery project, Octoberfest! is a colorful autumn kaleidoscope design that’s fun to stitch, and accessible for every level.

And, if you’re a tree lover and looking for something with a graphic quality that has a nice variety of stitches to learn, you might enjoy The Leafy Tree project, in an instructional ebook with pattern, stitch guide, and materials lists.

News Update

In the meantime, thanks to all who have sent kind notes about my Mom situation that I mentioned last week. I’m sorry I can’t respond to your kind emails and comments! Last Monday afternoon, due to the strain of the situation, I was able to get a doctor’s exception to the current hospital visitor policy, and my sister and I were able to split the long days in half through the week. That was a huge relief!

This Saturday, Mom was transferred closer to home for rehab. The whole situation is going to require some definite changes in my life, so please bear with me while things settle into some semblance of a routine again.

In the meantime, I hope you’re well and happy and that you’re able to get in some good stitching time these days!


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(21) Comments

  1. I’m very pleased that you have had a little respite by splitting the hours with your sister and I hope that the move to rehab means that your mom is on the road to recovery.

    There are definite signs that this long, extraordinary UK summer is preparing to slip into autumn. Lockdown has been bearable while I was able to get out and do some gardening, walking, cycling. Now we have to see what the autumn and winter brings and what adjustments we will have to make.

    Best wishes to you, your mom, and your family.

    1. They’ll first be coming out as ready-to-stitch towel sets. But I will be putting together a collection of all the ready-to-stitch patterns later this year.

  2. Glad to hear your mum is coming closer to home and great that you were able to split care time with your sister. Best wishes for a full recovery.

    These designs are beautiful! Anna is doing an awesome job! Can’t wait to see it finished. (My guess for the 3rd element.. Pumpkin????)

  3. I miss maple trees! Where I live, the horse chestnuts are the first trees that start to turn in the autumn and they are very beautiful, too.

    Best wishes to your mother for her recovery. Being the middle generation in a family comes with difficulties but also great joys. I’m sure your readers will cope with whatever changes you must make. Remember to look after your own health during these stressful times, too. After all, you have Anna the Apprentice to keep busy. šŸ™‚

  4. Morning Mary, Relieved to hear that things are on an uptick for you and your family. I agree too that there is as much therapy as there is satisfaction in stitching even the simplest of patterns. Fall is my second favorite time of year, the first being Spring with it’s re-awakening joy of life. Fall is a time of preparing for the muted landscape of winter with a last hurrah of color. A time to begin to pull in the corners of the blanket and enjoy the coziness of family, home and hearth.
    I love the Fall patterns you’ve shared with us, they’re such an inspiration for the simple stitching I enjoy.
    Best wishes – Brenda

  5. Best wishes for a speedy recovery for your mother. Take care of yourself in this stressful time.

  6. Hi Mary,

    I just wanted to remind you to look after yourself because what you’re doing is more draining than your might realize.

    I hope that your Mum feels better soon!

  7. Glad to hear the progress with your mother. I really like the leaves in the photo. Look forward to the pattern.

  8. Thinking of you Mary, and your mom. So glad you were able to get at least a small respite. Having been the care giver of my dad for 7+ yrs., and having him living with me for the majority of them, I understand the stress and issues taking that on can bring. Wishing you well from across the miles and know that in retrospect, as hard as it was, I am so glad I did it for him, and as it turns out- for me! God bless and keep both you and your family and make his face shine on you and give you peace.

  9. I love Autumn leaves – the changing colours are something I look forward to every year, and I especially love maples too! We used to have a huge purple one in our backyard that changed to yellow in the fall Oaks aren’t common here but the longevity symbolism and the idea of the “small acorn growing into a mighty oak” and its plea for patience is so hopeful and appealing Best wishes to your Mom for her recovery, and to your family during this time ā¤

  10. Dear Mary

    I was so glad to read that your sister was able to help with the visiting and I was so glad that your mother is near home that will be a relief for you and your family. I do hope the changes aren’t too stressful for you and that you will get lots of help from the family.
    I love the maple leaves that you have stitched and the colour threads of autumn are lovely and very often simple stitching is really nice and soothing and it does produce such lovely embroidery as we can see above with your maple leaves. Thank you for sharing with us the maple leaves embroidery and for the links to autumn embroidery and for update on your mother. Take care

    Regards Anita Simmance

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