
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Filet Lace


Amazon Books

Filet Lace is probably one of the oldest types of “embroidery.” It’s actually the decoration of a net made up of square (or sometimes diamond-shaped) meshes. It’s commonly done today on machine-made net (or canvas), usually lacking the characteristic knots on the netted ground found on older samples of lace. This isn’t to say, though, that knotted net can’t be used. It can, and it creates a beautiful and “authentic” effect.

The problem arises in acquiring the net. In the past, the net was made by hand, and this can certainly still be done. There are plenty of books to show you how to make net by hand, as well as a website here and there devoted to it. But you know what? It can be really boring to make a large enough piece to do anything decorative (like curtains or a table runner).

So, what’s the alternative? You could go with machine-made mono-canvas, which I think looks exceptionally flat. Or, you could go with machine-made knotted net, which can still be had through a few sources.

I got “into” filet lace when I was looking at church ornamentation. In churches of old, often the altar linens or the vesture of the priests were ornamented with filet lace. (You can see an example of what I’m talking about at a website called French Yesterdays, in their “antique lace” section here.) Seeing an example of this, I wondered what it was and how it was done.

The example of filet lace at French Yesterdays is commonly called “filet guipure,” which is intricately embroidered net. After seeing multiple examples of this, I came across an individual correspondence course through the Embroidery Guild of America, and was instantly intrigued. I joined up with the guild as a “member at large” and launched in. But you know what? I found out that everything I wanted to know and do on net I could learn on my own. It really just takes a knowledge of basic stitches and a little creativity.

In my explorations, I also came across one book that helped me a lot. It is called Filet Lace – Introduction to the Linen Stitch. This book is packed with clear, easy instructions. The author, Marie-Jo Quinault, has a neat website called Filet Lace By the Sea, where you can purchase the book. Essentially, it covers primarily the linen stitch, which is a form of needleweaving through the mesh. Perhaps more exciting than the book is the fact that Marie-Jo also sells knotted net, for those of us who prefer the “authentic” look of the net ground, without the grueling hours of making your own net.

Don’t get me wrong, though – making the net is not that bad. There’s something to be said for being able to do it. But for an extensive piece, it’s a bit much to knot your own net. So the fact that someone offers knotted net is pretty cool! It’s reasonably priced, too – she charges for the cut. It’s not hand-made, but you can’t tell that when you get the piece made up. It’s made on an old loom. It’s great stuff!

Perhaps the most enticing thing about filet lace is the fact that it really is a very easy way to produce beautiful stuff for the home.


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(4) Comments

  1. The link for Filet Lace by the Sea is no longer valid. It was an AOL Hometown page. AOL Hometown was shut down entirely in 2008. However, Filet Lace by the Sea can now be found at http://www.filetlace.net No affiliation, just someone who learned filet lace as a child and recently wanted to try it again.

    1. Instruction book to learn the Embroidery on Knotted Net
      “FILET LACE – INTRODUCTION TO THE LINEN STITCH” by Marie-Jo Quinault – ISBN NO. 141201549-9

      * This Step-by-Step method teaches you the technique to make you own project, from the layout of your pattern to a wonderful finished piece.

      I do the promotion of this technique of embroidery since 1984.
      The book (FL01) and the Starting Kit to Learn (FL104-14) are available at my Online Store http://www.FiletLace.Net
      See you soon!

  2. Olá Mary, Prazer em conhecê-la. Como você, também sou professora aqui no Brasil. Leciono História. Apaixonada pelo bordado, faço várias peças de quase todo tipo de bordado. Recentemente, desenvolvi uma técnica de fazer filé em toalhas. Amei seu texto e estou publicando-o no meu Blog. Se tiver alguma coisa contra, por favor me avise.

  3. Morning Mary ~ I have decided I’d like to explore your wonderful blog from beginning to current. I’ve already looked at so many of your in depth posts and have thoroughly enjoyed them, they are educational, informative, beautifully presented, and will help so much in the embroidery I want to create. You teach us through example and advise us through ‘errors in thought’ along with solutions that worked for you.
    I haven’t got very far through the list yet, it’s like taking a college course at my own speed with a thoughtful and inspiring teacher.
    I feel I need to let you know that there are some links that are no longer effective. Both links in June 20, 2006 do not work any more. I’m not looking for alternate possibilities, all I have to do is ‘google’ and I can find them or something similar, but knowing how much you care I thought you’d like to know.
    Thank you so much for your dedication and inspiration to us, your students.

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