
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Ecclesiastical Embroidery Pattern: Thistle & Star


Amazon Books

Here’s another ecclesiastical embroidery pattern. The 8-pointed star with the thistles, surrounding the IHS, would be great for any place where a medallion would be required. It could make a good central focus on a vestment, as well as an ornamental covering for a chalice veil, pall, or burse.

This design would look exceptionally nice in goldwork, with couched gold passing covering the star image.

Click on the image for a larger version. Right-click on the larger version to save it to your computer.

Church Embroidery Patterns: Book One

Interested in more church patterns? Check out Church Patterns: Book One – a collection of over 120 patterns in a 38-page PDF, suitable for church embroidery, and also for other arts & crafts endeavors (appliqué, paper crafts, painting – you name it!).


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(9) Comments

  1. Hi Mary,
    I was checking out your ecclesiastical
    patterns,found this one but also liked the crown with wheat and for some reason there is an error (file 404)or something like that. Can you tell me how I can obtain this pattern? No hurry 🙂 Thanks
    Maria in Kansas

  2. I am interested in embroidering a pall like the one you recently finished. I think I missed the directions for the construction of the pall. Is that somewhere on your website? I need to know what size to cut linen and how to put it together after the embroidery is completed. Thanks very much. I follow your emails every day and have learned so much.

  3. Hi.

    I am a handweaver. I will hopefully be making an altar cover soon. I was wondering if you had an embroidery pattern of the Agnus Dei (Lamb of God/lamb with flag)?



    1. Hi, Allen –

      I’ve had lots of requests for this pattern, but as luck would have it, after I finished the piece – and in the midst of a clean-up – I must have (stupidly!) pitched the pattern. One of these days, I’ll draw it up again and post it – hopefully, not before toooooo long.



  4. I’ve been looking for inspiration amongst these patterns for a ribbon trim on an ecclesiastical piece. I won’t use this (its obviously a medallion and I’m looking for trim ideas), however I’d like to point out an interesting fact that few are familiar with – this eight pointed star is a silhouette of two interlocked squares. The two interlocked squares are the seal of Melchizedek, who was the high priest of Abram before Abram became Abraham. This great patriarch did answer to a higher priesthood power, being Melchizedek. The 8 pointed star, or two interlocking squares, is Melchizedek’s seal. This may be common knowledge to the Christian world, I am not sure, but I thought I’d share that interesting fact about this pattern.

  5. Hi Mary:
    I’m interested in perfecting my skills to be able to do detailed monograms. I don’t have a problem with the stitches (split stitch, padded satin, trailing or coiling stitch, etc) but my biggest hurdle is determining what direction my satin stitches need to go when stitching a monogram. For example, should the satin stitch be straight across, on the diagonal? It’s particularly hard when doing very small motifs. Any rule of thumb on stitching these detailed motifs?

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