
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Embroidery Pattern: Pretty Daisies


Amazon Books

Here’s a simple flower embroidery pattern. The design is suitable for different line stitches. It could be outlined in one color, or several colors. This would be a good pattern for beginners to get some practice outlining around curves. Try a variety of line stitches – stem stitch, couching, whipped back stitch or running stitch – to create a textured look, as well as to get in some good practice on a pretty pattern. This would look nice centered in the middle of a hand towel. Any other ideas on how to use it? Feel free to share!

Click on the design for a larger image. Then right click on the larger image to save it to your desktop.

Do you like this pattern? Would you like to see more of the same? What types of patterns are you particularly interested in? Please let me know!

For more hand embroidery patterns, please click here.

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(16) Comments

  1. Thanks so much for this daisy pattern. I love its old-fashioned simplicity. I appreciate your other patterns as well. Please keep them coming as it is so very hard to find patterns like these online.

    Anna M.

  2. This is a great design. I’m actually looking for a motif to do some needle felting and I think this will be perfect!

  3. Glad you like it! Come to think of it, it would be great for needlefelting! Wonderful idea! Good luck with the project!


  4. Hello there,

    I have a silly question. This is my first time looking into stitching a pattern. My question is, how can i get this pattern of cloth?

    1. Hi, Karol – the easiest way is to trace it, using a sunny window. Tape the pattern to a window and put your cloth over it, and then trace it slowly and lightly with a pencil. If you search “embroidery design transfer” here on Needle ‘n Thread, there are several articles with information on how to transfer a pattern, or you can look under “tips and techniques” in the main menu. Hope that helps!

  5. I am planning on using this pattern on the back of a shirt centered on the bottom with the “daisies” pattern you have going around the rest of the edge. I think it will turn out nicely, the shirt is light cotton, do you think it will looked warped if I did this much embroidery to it?

    1. Hi, Marie – This is one of my older patterns, which I didn’t convert to a PDF. You can right click on the design and save it to your computer and print it from there.

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