
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Goldwork – Another Good Source


Amazon Books

Goldwork is enjoying a pretty big come-back in popularity. I’ve not had a lot of luck finding one comprehensive source for any kind of metal thread under the sun, but there are several good sites out there to provide both the beginner and the advanced embroiderer with good stuff to work with. Recently, a reader recommended Mary Brown’s site. She’s an Australian designer who provides not only the metal threads but also some stunning kits. When you visit her site, take a look at her gallery – there are some gorgeous pieces in there. I like the medallion best.

For overseas customers (that would be those of us not in Australia), the ordering is done via e-mail, and they send you a Paypal link. This is a convenient way to pay, but not the most convenient for ordering, since you have to type out exactly what you want in your e-mail. However, the great thing is, you get real customer service when you order that way. A “real person” actually responds! And so you always know that if there’s some kind of discrepancy, it does get addressed.

Ahhh – then, there’s the question of distance and postage expenses. Well, the postage looks very reasonable – $12.00 Australian is about $9.00 US right now – and you’re also paying less for the goods. A package from Australia generally arrives within 10 days. So that wait isn’t all that long, especially if you’re used to ordering from Lacis, which is right here in the US and can take forever!

I haven’t ordered from Mary Brown’s website yet, but I suspect I will soon! If you’re familiar with her or her work, or have ordered from her, feel free to let the rest of us know about your experiences, so we can promote her artistic work – ‘cuz it’s sure nice stuff!

You can visit her here: Mary Brown Designs (And her website’s really pretty, too!)



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(2) Comments

  1. Have you ever seen Tanja Berlin’s website? She is an RSN embroiderer living in Canada. Her site is great for gold supplies, tips and techniques as well as silk embroidery. Her kits are great and she ships quickly to the US. Highly recommend.

  2. Hi, Anneg – I love Tanja’s designs and her website! I order my goldwork supplies from her. She’s an excellent resource and a terrific instructor!

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