
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Embroidery Website News…


Amazon Books

For all you embroiderers out there who like to keep up with what’s happening in the embroidery world on-line, I’m sure you’ve run across Sharon Boggan’s embroidery (and other textile stuff!) site, Inaminuteago.

Sharon has, I think, the most thorough pictorial embroidery stitch dictionary online, and that’s how I found her site years ago.

If you’re familiar with her website, you may want to know that the In a minute ago blog has moved recently. Sharon’s blog features much informative content for the needleworker, so if you’ve never checked it out, give it a look!


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(4) Comments

  1. This site was very helpful to me for understanding each & every stitches
    but i have only one negative comment that in basic stitches video one stitch is missing that is CROSS STITCH.

  2. Mary,
    With your love of historical church embroidery, do you have any experience in Goldwork?

    I’d love to see an instructional video on how to couch down Purl or Bullion gold threads over padding (felt or string)!!

    Maybe a new section for those of us who are attempting historical Goldwork?


  3. Hi, Ray –

    I think that’s a great idea! I do have a bit of experience with goldwork. I will definitely add that to my list of “upcoming” tutorials. But be patient…. from the beginning of September through the middle of October, I have a hectic schedule, since the school year’s just getting underway. I’ll try to shoot for filming some more tutorials during the weekends around the end of September / beginning of October.

    I have a few still in the editing stage that can fill the gap between now and then.

    I’ll probably have to work out some camera logistics, too. Oh, to be more professional with the camera!

    Thanks for the input! That’ll be a fun project!

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