Joyce sent along some photos of a gorgeous embroidered quilt she is working on for her granddaughter. In selecting patterns to embroider for the king-sized quilt, Joyce told me, “I picked out pictures I thought would be ok for her now as a little girl and would be ok for when she has grown up.” This is a grand idea!
So far, Joyce has embroidered fourteen cream colored squares and sixteen colored squares. She sent along photos of a selection of the squares – it’s obvious that she has put a lot of time, effort, and love into this work! So let’s take a look at some of the squares so far:

Can you imagine the amount of time this iris took?! It’s worked entirely in French knots! Amazing work!

I love these two dragonflies. It looks like the wings are worked in a metallic thread, and the bodies in two tones of floss. Nice!

The purple and yellow pansies look like they were worked in either buttonhole stitch, or satin stitch outlined by another stitch. Whatever the case, they are really pretty!

Another French knot grouping – these, I think, are lilacs. I like the combination of the different purples, the white, and the green.

I recognize this butterfly pattern! I used the same one on an embroidered baby girl’s quilt that we raffled last spring! I thought it was a fun pattern to work, although we both interpreted the design differently.

The swan gliding under the willow is beautifully embroidered in all white – I am a huge fan of white work, and I think this works really well for this pattern! Pretty! It reminds me of a piano piece I had to learn when I was a kid. The words to the piece went something like: “Stately as princes the swans… something something… and glide under the willows. Are they enchanted men soon to be free again here, under the willows? Oh, how I’d like to be there when a fairy wand touches the leader and changes his looks. Will he be handsome and brave as the heros I find hidden in my storybooks?” (The “something something” is as close as I can get to the missing words!) Funny – I haven’t thought of that in years. But that’s just exactly the picture of it!

This is a super-nice whitework basket. The contrast between the flowers, the leaves, the bow and the basket is really nice!

Very pretty little wreath, dove, and heart!

These intertwining hearts and bullion roses are so pretty! Working them in white was a great idea, I think.

And finally, Joyce also sent a long a shot of the finishing fabric – the colors are her granddaughter’s favorites. Purples and greens are a great combination!
Thanks, Joyce, for sending the photos along! Congratulations on your amazing work! Your granddaughter will have quite an heirloom! I hope we can see the finished product!
“Stately as princes the swans part the lilies and glide . . . “
Amazing work , the lady has lot of patience and lots of love for her grand daughter. really waiting in anticipation to see the finished product.
Thanks Anais! That’s IT! LOL
Yes, I agree – lots of patience and love!
A true labor of LOVE. What a lucky grand daughter!hhddmt
What a *very lucly* little girl!
Joyce you do beautiful work!!! What a luck granddaughter!!!! Hugs Debby in Michigan
Thank you everyone for your very kind complements I have put a lot of time and love into it am looking forward to the day its all finished
Have a great day
I remember that piano piece, but always forgot the part that says “Are they enchanted men soon to be free again…” I’ve often wondered what the name of the song was and haven’t found it. Thanks for reminding me of the part that I forgot.
i was hunting for that song and Google sent me here. Think i was about 7 when i first learned it. i still love it, but can’t recall all the words either!
Me too! i was teaching my friend piano, and i remembered that swan lake song from long, long ago. but i forgot the “something something” part. Thank you anais. 😀
Stately as princes the swans part the lilies and glide under the willows. They are enchanted men soon to be free again here, under the willows.
I think that’s the part you were missing. =D
The whole song…
“Stately as princes the swans part the lilies and glide, under the willows.
Are they enchanted men soon to be free again, here under the willows?
Oh I would like to be here when a fairy wand touches the leader and changes his looks.
Would he be handsome and brave as the heroes that live, hidden in my fairy books.”
The quilt blocks are beautiful. I found your blog when I was looking for the words “Swans on the Lake”. The song suddenly dawned upon me 20+ years after having had it for a piano when watching a scene in “Cranford”. Your site was the only place I could find on the web with the words….funny you had the same memory when you saw that quilt block. :0)
These blocks are fantastic…. the first picture is my favorite!!!! such skill and patience. Since she sent these in 2007, did she ever show the finished project?
i hope to attempt such a project one day!!
Hi, Jules –
No, I never did see the finished project, but I do love the quilt blocks – they’re fantastic. My favorite is the first one, too.
Kay – thanks for the comment! Funny! What scene in Cranford prompted the memory??! I love that movie!
Thanks, all, for commenting!
Your needlework is beautiful, but I, too, was brought to your site when searching for the lyrics to the swan song I was teaching to my daughter. It's the only song I remember from piano lessons and she was so excited to learn it. Thank you to the anonymous person for posting the full lyrics! They're so magical!
Thanks for the opportunity to view the wonderful work done by Joyce. I admired all the squares.
Always wondered what white work was, now I have an idea. I loved the little hearts intertwined, so simple and pretty.
I’ve started working on a chest of drawers cover and trying to decide on the stitches to be used.
This sure has helped me.
Stately as princes the swans part the lilies and glide,
under the willows.
Are they enchanted men soon to be free again here,
under the willows?
Oh how I would like to be
here when the fairy wand
touches the leader and
changes his looks!
Would he be handsome and brave as the heroes that live
hidden in my fairy books?