
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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A Day or Two Off?


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Modern medicine is a wonderful thing. I had emergency surgery last night – my gall bladder was removed – and now I am recuperating. It may take a day or so – and just when I had a Great Post of Pictures of Metal Threads in the works! Ah well. Maybe I can put it together tomorrow.

First things, first…

Do enjoy the weekend for me!



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(29) Comments

  1. Mary –
    What on earth are you doing posting on your blog the day after surgery??!!! Please, take good care and we’ll look forward to hearing from you when you are healed.

  2. Ugh! Poor you! Please take the time you need to take good care of yourself and to mend. Everything and everyone will be right here when you get back. You don’t need to rush! You’ll be in my thoughts, missy Mary. *hugs*

  3. For heaven’s sake! I hope you feel much better!! I know very very well what is that. Last March it happens to me… I wish you a speedy recovery as it usually is!
    Big hug
    Take care!

  4. Wow–glad you’re okay. Did you notice what stitch the surgeon used? 😉

    Will pray that you have a quick recovery.

  5. Oh my goodness! Are you Ok? I was a little concerned when you didn’t post yesterday . . .

    What a lousy way to spend labor day weekend! I hope you get well SOON!!!
    Hugs and prayers,

  6. My goodness girl…. you really know how shock us awake in the morning. I am so sorry, you must have been in terrible pain and you never indicated you were even a tiny bit unwell. Looking forward to you feeling better and posting again.
    Robyn Kirk New Zealand

  7. Oh dear Mary…do look after you! It’s a wonder what modern medicine can do, but take all the time you need to get better and don’t rush back on our account!

  8. Ouch Mary! Been there, done that. You will be happier without that pesky gall bladder.
    Hope all went well. Get well soon.

  9. I was checking all day for something new and exciting, and when there was nothing, I figured there would at least be a GOOD story behind it. Sorry to hear the real scoop 🙁 Hope you are up on your feet and back to needles and threads real soon!


  10. Mary – I hoipe you feel better soon. happy recuperating. I hope tyou have someone to wait on you with cups of tea while you sit in bed and stitch.

  11. Thanks, all, for your very kind and encouraging remarks… nope, I didn’t notice the type of stitch! In fact, on all five incisions, I don’t think there are actually any stitches. I think they’re taped. Maybe there are stitches underneath the tape? Hm. I don’t think I’ll play with it to find out!

    You see… the honest truth is this… there are SOME threads in the world that don’t thrill me the same way as others!

    I’ll be back around soon!

    Thanks again!

  12. Dear Mary,
    My best wishes for a speedy recovery. We all hope you get well very soon.
    With love and good thoughts,
    Laura B.

  13. Ohh dear,
    I was away for 3 days and checked the blog today only to find this news !! It is such a shock… I really hope that you are doing well and recovering fast.. please do take very good care of yourself. Hats off to you for posting and responding to comments on the blog, the next day of surgery !! Please do take care !!
    Loads of good wishes,

  14. Get well soon, but take very good care of yourself! We’ll “see” you when you are well enough to blog, not any sooner 😉

  15. Heard from Megan about your emergency trip to the hospital. It must have been excruciatingly painful. Here’s hoping you are more comfortable now, and recuperating quickly. Sending you healing rays.

  16. Primero la salud,,, asi que mucho descanso y me imagino fue por laparoscopia, si tienes muchos gases toma un te de aniz estrellado, eso ayuda a sacar el aire…
    Y por favor no hacer esfuerzos….
    y a hacer terapias respiratoprias…
    y mis deseos que te recuperes muy pronto…

  17. Mary, sorry to hear about your sugery, I had two major ones too, this year. Take your time getting back into the thick of it your body doses need awile to heal (plus the antisetic takes a bit to get out of your system)
    Best wishes

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