
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Replay on the Coral Stitch: Testing a New Video Host…


Amazon Books

Here I go again – you can help me out by giving me some input on your preferences for my embroidery tutorials, or you can just ignore this article as one of those “technical” posts that are really boring…

This is the thing: My coral stitch video that I uploaded a little while ago is not playing…. and it’s not the only one – the split stitch video refuses to play, too. I need to re-upload them to Google to see if they will “take.” Both videos played fine when they were first uploaded, but now…? Who knows.

Anyway, I’m still searching to see if I can find a better way to host the videos.

Today, I’m testing vemeo. So here’s the coral stitch on vemeo – the problem right now is that you can’t watch a comparison on the other one, because, as far as I can tell, it isn’t playing. I’m going to try to fix that, though, in the next few minutes!

If you mouse over the video, the controls show up so you can adjust volume or pause.


If you have any feedback on preferences, don’t hesitate to leave a comment! Thanks!


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(12) Comments

  1. This video works fine for me. I do kind of prefer having the controls available at all times the way Google video displays, but that’s not a strong preference. The most important thing is that it works!

    I tried the Google version of this video around 9.40 AM Pacific time (Sunday 3 Aug). The browser is ‘Waiting for video.google.com’ and nothing happens. Oh, the wonders of technology! 😐

  2. The google video on the original post is back up again… so now if you want to make a comparison between the two, you can.

    One thing I don’t like about the vimeo video is all the colored links and stuff at the end…

  3. But – comparing them both side by side, I have to admit, the vemeo one is noticeably clearer, don’t you think?

    What other features between the two are good or bad??

  4. Hi! I am a beginning embroiderer and I have loved all of your tutorials– they are so helpful and easy to understand. I have a pretty slow internet connection, and from my perspective the Google videos loaded much more quickly. Regardless of which video you choose, thank you for all of your help and ideas!

  5. I agree that vemeo is definitely clearer.

    Google: better sound. I played both at maximum volume and google is louder for some reason. (?)

    I’m not wild about all the stuff at the end of the vemeo video either, but it does look better than google.

    I’ll be curious to see what others say.

  6. The Vimeo one has a far better picture. This is especially noticeable in full-screen mode and when the video is paused.

    The sound quality is better with Google, but if I had to pick one, I’d rather have the higher res picture. The mouseover video controls are fine with me.

    Nice stitch, by the way. I hadn’t watched that one before!

  7. I found that the vimeo vid played slowly – your voice was slower and reduced at times to a unintelligible ‘burble’,
    whereas Google was fine, and your voice was faster, clearer and louder.
    (a good speed)
    I’ve not had the burbling thing on any other video I’ve played, but I’ve never played a Vimeo before

  8. I can detect that the sound on my computer is ever so slightly slower with the Vimeo video than with the Google. But honestly, I don’t think I would have noticed it if I’d not read about it first and been listenin for it.

    The real difference in the sound for me is that the Google video is louder than the Vimeo video, loud enough that I have to turn the volume down. With the volume up a bit I have no trouble hearing and understanding all that’s being said in the Vimeo video.

    As far as picture quality goes, hands down the picture is clearer and the details show up better on the Vimeo. – Jeannine

  9. Hello Mary and others. For me the vemeo is slightly clearer. I did discover that if you put your mouse over the bottom of the picture, you can watch the time go like on google. I liked the google picture better because I could hear Mary talking better. What can I say, Old eyes and old ears. Linda K.

  10. Vimeo has a better picture quality especially at full screen and the annoying buttons go away too. The sound quality is better on Google’s but Vimeo’s sound isn’t so bad that I wouldn’t want to watch the video.

  11. I agree, the vimeo version is clearer, especially in full screen mode. The sound has less bass, but it’s fine to me otherwise.

  12. Hi,
    Vimeo: Much better video quality than Google’s. Buffering time did not lag the video. (a BIG plus with me!) Audio seemed clear enough…I knew what you were saying.
    Google: Much LOUDER audio, not necessarily CLEARER, just louder. Video was much more fuzzy than the Vimeo…Google’s seemed blurry. The audio had to buffer before playing, there was a initial lag and the video stopped a few times to catch up to the buffering.
    That was my experience.
    alicia in Hawaii

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