
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Securing Re-woven Threads in Drawn Thread Embroidery


Amazon Books

The other day, after posting a little tutorial on withdrawing and re-weaving threads in preparation for some drawn thread embroidery, several readers asked how to secure the withdrawn and re-woven threads on the back of the drawn thread work. Instead of writing a separate tutorial on securing the threads, I’ve edited the first tutorial and included a few pictures and instructions on securing the threads on the back of the work. I figured it was better to keep the whole tutorial together in one spot!

So if you want to see my method of securing the withdrawn and rewoven threads, please visit the original tutorial.

Thanks for asking the question – sorry I didn’t clarify that step! (Now I know – you really DO read my posts!!)



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(2) Comments

  1. Really helpful, doesn’t seem too difficult now I know what to do. Might be proved wrong, but am going to have a go. Thanks.

  2. Buen día. Lo que estoy disfrutando con su blog.
    Le agradecería si un día pudiera hacer un vídeo de todo el proceso de la VAINICA desde el princio hasta el final. Pués entiendo poco el ingles y no me aclaro.
    Gracias y un abrazo de Carmen de Barcelona (España)

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