
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Embroidery Stash Give-away Winner Announced…


Amazon Books

Ah, here ’tis, Wednesday morning, and time to announce this month’s stash winner…

Someone out there is going to get this very nice collection of 12 different types of embroidery thread…

February Embroidery Stash Give Away!

Did the usual – filtered the names into a numbered list (making sure there were no duplicates and that everyone had followed the directions!), scrambled the list, and drew a random number….

Speaking of the directions, I was struck by the number of repetition in everyone’s favorite books. I didn’t keep exact numbers, but the Country Bumpkin publications really seemed to have the lead, it seems. I saw a lot of you like Trish Burr, and then there’s a lot of mention of Mary Thomas’s dictionary, Therese Dillmont’s Encyclopedia, and the Reader’s Digest Guide to Needlework. There are some books on the list that were new to me, so I’ll probably check some of them out! Thanks!!

Ok, the winner is ….

Ruth M., who signed her post “rut” – She has quite a few faves, but often turns to the basics, so she put “The Complete Illustrated Stitch Encyclopedia” (Crafter’s Choice Publication) as her favorite.

Congratulations, Ruth! Please send me your mailing address through the contact form, and I’ll send the loot out to you as soon as possible!

Thank you all very much for participating. I’m always sorry when it’s over, because I enjoy reading everyone’s comments, and of course, it would be nice if everyone could win something!

Never fear – there’s always a chance next month!


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(8) Comments

  1. Lucky girl, Ruth! Congratulations!!!

    and Mary: thanks a lot for all these chances, all the lessons, all the things you share, your sympathy!
    I’ve found your blog about a year ago – and how many things I’ve learnt how many whishes you make in my mind! You are really precious!

  2. Hey Mary,
    Thanks anyway and Congratulations, Ruth!
    Have fun with those threads.
    I, too, enjoyed reading about everyone’s favorite books.

  3. OMG! OMG!! I won?? WOW!! THANK YOU MARY!!!!

    And I agree with the comments; your contest benefit everyone–I found quite a few new books from this contest I will be looking for at the library or Paper Back Swap.


    RUTH –with the H this time, LOL

  4. Congratulations Ruth !

    Mary, I so appreciated your question for this give-away.
    I started collecting some embroidery books MANY years ago and never knew if they were any good in the eyes of those who actually DID embroidery. Now that I am venturing into things other than crewel and crazy quilt stitches, it’s wonderful to know I have some great resources already at my finger tips…and of course, this site 🙂

    Thanks. Marlon

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