
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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From Embroidery Pattern to Paper


Amazon Books

Patterns for hand embroidery are extremely versatile – they are useful for a variety of arts and crafts. So even if you don’t always go in for surface embroidery, you might find the plethora of embroidery designs available online and in books capable of producing Muse-juice for all other kinds of crafts. Here’s an example to illustrate what I’m talking about…

Gitte doesn’t hand embroider, but she does indulge in paper crafts. Taking one of my scrolly medallion embroidery designs, she used it to make a beautiful card out of vellum and cardstock.

First, she embossed the design from the back, then, using special scissors, she cut each individual tiny scallop around the embossed lines, creating a gorgeous lacy effect. WOW! The card is beautiful – a real work of art.

The picture below is clickable, and if you click on it, you’ll be taken to a larger version.

Embroidery Design used to Create a Beautiful Paper Card in Vellum

Beautiful, isn’t it?!

If you’re one of those Have-to-Craft people who move from craft to craft, making things, I’m sure you’ve already discovered that you can cross from one craft to another, taking designs and ideas with you. This card is a perfect example of doing that. There are really only two categories of crafts I get into – textiles (from needlework to Kumihimo, felting, and so forth) and paper crafts. I love how this card uses something I intended for needlework in a whole different application in paper craft. It maketh the Muse-juice flow, and all kinds of ideas are popping up in my head now!


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(11) Comments

  1. I can't even begin to imagine how she was able to cut around all those scrolled parts. Wish she had a video of how it was done. I can't even cut a straight line.

    You mentioned crossing from one craft to another (and I'm sorry for intruding here but I don't see a general community for questions). I visit a cross stitch forum and someone asked about "side by side backstitch." I told them the folks on this board know thousands of specialty stitches and may know how to do this. In cross stitch backstitch is just the basic outline used to define details. Do you know what side by side is? Apparently it called for 2 colors but is not the same as blended colors (2 strands, 2 colors for stitching).

    I do enjoy this site and am in awe of the work everyone does.

  2. Hi, Irene –

    Thanks for your comment! The paper cutting is pretty incredible, isn't it?

    You're right – there's no definite forum for asking / answering questions. I've been thinking about developing one, but I don't know how it would go over…

    But you can always use my "contact us" page (top right of the page here) and drop me an e-mail. If necessary, I can 'poll' my readers for an answer! They're extremely knowledgeable!

    But, this is a dilemma. "Double Backstitch" is generally a stitch used in shadow work, where you create, on the front of your fabric, two more or less parallel lines of backstitch, while on the back of the fabric, you create a herringbone stitch across the space, to give a "shadowed" effect on the front, between the backstitch.

    Side-by-side backstitch, though, as a stitch, I've not heard of. I suspect – but I could be wrong – that it is exactly what it says it is – "side by side" – two rows of backstitch, side by side. As for the colors, could one row be worked in one color, and one in another? If the chart shows just one line of backstitch, perhaps it's two rows, worked in the same holes, for a thicker line, in two shades of color. Depending on the colors, this could create a certain "depth" to the line.

    Anyway, I hope that helps! Let's see if we get some other answers here!

  3. This is a great job!
    But I think it is essential to have the skill to do that job and be very patient!!!
    About side by side backstitch I've not heard of too…

  4. Thank you so very much for your thoughts on the backstitch problem. I did find the double backstitch with the herring bone effect to fill in an area. I'll share your ideas over on the other board. And next time I'll use the "contact us" option instead of hijacking your blog. You do a great job (love the pictures) and I may even try my hand at embroidery some day soon if my life slows down.

  5. It is amazing how things can cross over into other areas of art (one of the reasons I love crazy quilting so much). Side by side backstitch is one I haven't heard of either.

  6. I am just now starting in on paper crafts myself. Tell me about the "special" scissors that were used for the lacy medallion. Thanks

  7. Hello Mary,
    I am a bigginer on hand embroidery and since I found your wabe page I have learned so much and I wanted to thank you for all your postings, you are and inspiration every day I look forward to read from you and your new ideas and lessons.
    Thank you very much.

  8. Or I would suggest, to include significant Q&A; in your blog entry for easy find. Isince it would be all under the same topic anyway. Most comments usually express their gratitude. You could just quote the Q&As; in the comments directly under the blog entry, it would be like updating the entry. just my idea. Thanks for the embroidery inspiration.

  9. hi there i know exactly what you are talking about. i have used a lot of embroidery patterns for parchment craft so this looks so elegant the thing is to do these thing neatly still learning so thank you for your site i love to pop in and brouse.

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