
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Really NICE Iron-on Transfers for Hand Embroidery


Amazon Books

If you like to use iron-on transfers for your hand embroidery projects, you might be interested a really nice line of transfers produced by Mani di Fata of Italy, and available through Lacis. I purchased a couple different types of iron-on sets, including regular surface embroidery designs and cutwork designs. Here’s the set for surface embroidery…

I’ve only occasionally used iron-on transfers for my embroidery projects. Truth is, I find it easier and more reliable to trace patterns, even those intended to be ironed on. With this set of transfers from Mani di Fata, I’m definitely tracing. Though the transfers would last through several applications, I’m pretty sure they’ll last even longer if I stick with tracing them rather than ironing them.

Iron-on Transfers for Hand Embroidery by Mani di Fata of Italy

These transfers came in a very large envelope. There are three sheets of transfers, each sheet folding out to… oh, some huge tabletop proportion! (I didn’t measure them…)

Iron-on Transfers for Hand Embroidery by Mani di Fata of Italy

Each sheet contains many motifs for embroidery. You simply cut out the pieces you want to iron-on, making note of the markings for repeat patterns if your design has a repeat. Then you set up your fabric and iron on your pattern.

Iron-on Transfers for Hand Embroidery by Mani di Fata of Italy

The package contains motifs suitable for the bedroom, the living room, the dining room, the kitchen… you get the idea…

Iron-on Transfers for Hand Embroidery by Mani di Fata of Italy

… and they’re all more or less mixed up on each of the three sheets in the package.

Iron-on Transfers for Hand Embroidery by Mani di Fata of Italy

There’s one nice alphabet in the set – it features letters marked out with lilies of the valley. It’s a very pretty, medium-sized alphabet.

Iron-on Transfers for Hand Embroidery by Mani di Fata of Italy

Some of the highlights that sold me on this particular set were these cute cups…

Iron-on Transfers for Hand Embroidery by Mani di Fata of Italy

… this line of cacti – though I’ve never embroidered potted cacti and have no idea if I actually ever will…

Iron-on Transfers for Hand Embroidery by Mani di Fata of Italy

… and the many nice corner-type designs in the set. There are at least six or more designs specifically suitable to corners, some very simple and some more complex.

Now, I haven’t tried the actual iron-on-ness of these yet, though I will, so I can let you know how well they work. But given the quality of the paper and the sharpness of the designs, I’m assuming they iron on well. I’ll play with that this week and let you know.

You can find these iron-on sets through Lacis, by searching “mani di fata” in their online catalog. You’ll also find that they have several cutwork iron-on sets, books, and so forth by the same company. You can also look up the Mani di Fata website, which is written in Italian, but you can switch to English or Spanish translation on the site. I found it difficult to find exactly the same set of transfers on their website, but they have all kinds of other delectable things to look at, too, including kits – cutwork tablecloth kits, for example, with the design already printed on, and all kinds of other neat stuff.

Back to the transfers – these sets really have the nicest designs I’ve seen in these types of transfers. I’m glad I found them while rummaging through Lacis, and now I wish I had bought more of ’em!


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(8) Comments

  1. I'm rather disappointed with Lacis' site, actually. 🙁 It doesn't have any way to view so much as the cover of the books any more closely, so you are getting a pig in a poke unless you know precisely what you want.

    On another tack…if you want to do standard (ha!) embroidery, does it matter if the patterns are listed as 'cutwork', 'cross stitch', 'hardanger', etc?

  2. Ah, yes, Mani di Fata….my next shopping indulgence. They have a couple of cutwork kits that are so beautiful that I'm willing to give them a try and I SWORE I'd never do cutwork again! The site is kind of difficult to navigate, but I've found it worth it.

    Mary, these patterns look wonderful. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with them.

  3. I would love to see the different patterns to see what I want to order 🙁 Was so excited since my daughters dad is from Sicily & I want to make her a tablecloth… Why can’t we see patterns?

  4. Hello; I am trying to learn about the process by which iron-on transfers for embroidery are made. I don’t seem to be able to find anything but the regular heat-transfer paper, which leaves a film on the fabric, dye-sublimation, for which you need manmade fabric. Do you know what kind of printer and paper is used to create the kind of transfers that are offered by Sublime Stitching, Stitcharama, etc?

    Thanks so much for any help you can give!

    -Lauren Rizzo

    1. Hi, Lauren – The Stitcherama transfers are not the same type of ink used by Sublime Stitching, to my knowledge. The Stitcherama transfers will wash out of linen and cotton, but I think Sublime Stitching’s are permanent. You might contact them for the information you need, since you’re asking about their products. Just a thought…

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