
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Some Embroidery Related Links and AWOL


Amazon Books

I’ve been absent without leave the last few days. My apologies – I’ve been really sick with whatever is going around! I plan to put more tutorials together for later in the week once I get to feeling better, but for today, I’d like to share with you a few embroidery-related links I’ve come across lately that I hope you find interesting.

First up – I’m a sucker for free hand embroidery patterns. Given the current and upcoming seasons (fall and winter), I thought these free patterns were worth taking a look at:

Jacobian leaves: I’ve mentioned these before. Now that it’s autumn, methinks these leaf patterns are even more significant. While you’re checking out Kelly’s Jacobean leaves, take a few minutes to check out two new patterns she’s put up lately – Bloomin’ Marvellous 1 and Bloomin’ Marvellous 2. They’re a perfect way to practice a variety of stitches on small motifs. Bloomin’ Marvellous 2 is my favorite – it looks like lots of fun!

Cute pumpkin tea towel design – from Bird Brain Designs.

Christmas ornaments: Twelve Days of Christmas – these designs from Tricia-Rennea would make darling hand embroidered ornmaments, and could also be used to decorate all kinds of Christmas items – tree skirt, table runner, bread basket liner, etc.

Heart Christmas Tree Ornament – from Matryoshka Biscornue, a counted cross stitch ornament that’s very pretty.

I wonder if you’ve had a chance to check out these old Sajou patterns from Pattern Maker Charts that are free for the downloading. They are mostly Very Nice cross stitch alphabets, along with some pretty border designs and so forth. I like keeping up with this blog!

Moving out of the realm of free patterns, here’s some good needlework news:

You know I’m a Trish Burr fan. I don’t know if you know I’m a bird fan. I am, I am! Trish Burr’s kingfisher stole my bird-loving heart….. and then she made another bird kit, and … it … is … gorgeous. If you haven’t seen her Lilac Breasted Roller that she has added to her embroidery kits page, do check it out. If you like beautiful birds and you’re a lover of needlepainting (long and short stitch shading), then you’ll probably be taken by this beautiful creature.

And finally, Yvette Stanton of White Threads (and Vetty Creations) has finished her Left-Handed stitch dictionary – The Left-Handed Embroiderer’s Companion – and has sent it off to press! Yvette’s stitch samples – worked on beautiful colors of felt – look absolutely lucious. There’s inspiration to be had in this book, I tell you! And I can’t wait to get my hands on it! It’s not due out until January, but it’s available for pre-order now.

I think that about does it from this end. I’m going back to “recovery” mode. In the meantime, I’ve fallen behind a bit on website e-mail, so if you haven’t heard from me, this is why. If you have an urgent-urgent question, feel free to e-mail me again, and your question will move to the top of the list.

To LISA (in San Francisco?) I did try to reply to your e-mail, but it bounced back (AOL addresses always bounce back on me). If you want to try again with an alternate e-mail address, please do!


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(12) Comments

  1. Hi Mary

    I hope you feel better soon.

    Thanks for the links they look very interesting. I am still working on the silk shading sampler so I had better finish this first!

    Regards Pam

  2. Hope you're feeling better soon. I always worry when a regular like you is suddenly absent. Thanks for checking in and for the links.

  3. Hi Mary, I love your blog and wanted to let you know you have inspired me to return to embroidery after a break of many years. The videos, information, links and photos are inspirational. I, too, am a teacher but in Berlin. My German isn't good enough (or I'm not brave enough!) to go to an embroidery class taught in German so you have been my long distance teacher. Take good care of yourself and don't – like so many teachers do! – go back to work before you are really healthy!

  4. Hi Mary,
    I hope you don't have the flu! Take care of yourself and thanks for taking the time and energy for this post even though you are sick. I would definitely not have the energy. I look forward to following the links you have provided, they do look interesting.


  5. Adding my get well vibes to the others, Mary. Take good care, and don't knock yourself out trying to get things posted. We'll be here. 🙂

  6. Thanks, all, for your get-well wishes! It has been a Rotten Week all around. You know how bad it is when I couldn't have picked up a needle & embroider to save my life! But I do believe I'm on the mend, as today, I finally feel somewhat alive.

    Stay healthy!


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