Would you like to be featured on Needle ‘n Thread this summer? If you stitch, if you write about needlework or textiles on a blog, if you have a hand-made enterprise for needlework-related goods (like an Etsy or Artfire shop), if you own a needlework shop, if you are a needlework book author or publisher, if you dye your own threads or fabrics, if you’re a designer or a manufacturer – if you’re involved in the needlework industry in any way at all and would like to contribute content to Needle ‘n Thread, I’m ready and waiting!

Last summer, we enjoyed a series of interesting guest contributions on Needle ‘n Thread, thanks to stitchers from all over the world! For example, we saw a fantastic aquatic sampler in two parts: part 1 and part 2. We heard how Jo stitched her way into a successful Etsy venture, Jayashree introduced us to Kasuthi, a traditional Indian embroidery technique, and we saw some gorgeous ribbon embroidery on linen from a reader, among other things.

Maybe you’re a blogger who writes about your needlework adventures and would like to share a tip with Needle ‘n Thread readers? Maybe you just finished your needlework masterpiece that needs some showing off and you’d like us to enjoy seeing it, too? Maybe you’ve discovered a shortcut to transferring embroidery designs and you’d like to tell us about it? Do you dye your own threads – and can you tell us a little bit about it? Do you offer online needlework classes that you’d like to let readers of Needle ‘n Thread know about? Any proposals for needlework-related content are welcome and most appreciated! Just send me an e-mail with your proposal, and I’ll reply.
In case there’s an influx of content proposals and volunteers, I’ll have to do some picking and choosing. I may not be able to use all contribution right away, but I will let you know either way. Contributions will be posted between mid-June and mid-July.
If you have any suggestions for content or would like to see something in particular that’s needlework-related, maybe you could leave a comment below and it might spark someone’s interest to write for Needle ‘n Thread!
For those who less serious about their stitching, am having a fun little mystery stitch on mondays. Also have a few free fun non-traditional redwork pattterns avaiable there too. Cyndi
I am currently making pastoral stoles for my son-in-law and would like to see some more ecclestical needlework,especially flames for a red stole. Thank you for all the information you continue to share with us.
I had sent you some pics awhile back of some short stays I had made using one of your free patterns 🙂 I also do a lot of various styles of embroidery, some of my own, as well as a lot that is inspired by other’s works. Would you be interested in any of those?
Mary, there is a very nice lady from Japan that dyes embroidery floss and other fibers with natural homemade dyes. She has a blog (in English) in which she posts very interesting/educative entries on her process and results, like for example here:
Hope this helps !
Hi Mary.After browsing blogs that other commenters have, then Im sure there’a heaps of talented stitchers who will take you up on the offer.
I for one am am avid “blogster”.Reading others blogs. So much creativity out there.Love Love Love it 🙂
Picked up a library book yesterday that I would recommend to your readers.Amazing ideas in it.
Embroidered Flora & Fauna.3D embroidery. By Leslie Turpin-Delport and Nikki Delport-wepener. Published by Search Press.
Now Im off to search the book sites to see If I can find my own Copy.
Regards Phillipa
I’d like to see something on stitching freehand–no hoop, no design except in one’s head. It’s my preferred method of stitching (okay, okay, mostly because I can’t find my hoops!) and I love the result, but I’d like to know how to do it BETTER–something you’re really good at teaching!
Hi Mary,
This is in response to Onafixedincome. Please see my tutorial on Kasuthi, I don’t trace a pattern or use a hoop. I use a net which is perfectly square and then remove the net once the embroidery is done.
Jenny, I am starting a red stole, with flames, for a December ordination. I intend to be a bit freeform with the flames, and will be working some in heavy chain stitch, and others…well, I’m not sure yet. Silk floss, and probably some satin and cotton floss, on silk dupioni. I would be happy to share my design and pictures as I go along if they would be helpful for you.
I just finished a green stole for a deacon’s ordination (she will be ordained as a priest in December) and I used some of the information on this blog to guide me, particularly the suggestion that satin stitch is best worked with one strand–I ended up redoing the design using one strand instead of two and liking the results much better. Also, the information on Solvy was useful for deciding how to transfer the design to the fabric.
Hey Mary,
Just finished up a tutorial on making silk screen then printing onto embroidery cloth and counted ground. Will begin on embroidery phase of the tutorial late this week. Love to contribute to your blog over the summer if you are interested. Check out my blog at http://www.lilystitch.blogspot.com.