
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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For Embroidery Thread Lovers (who might be nuts?)


Amazon Books

This isn’t exactly an article about embroidery thread. It’s more about Me, the Meany.

Springbox Thread Puzzle

I’m mean on two accounts. One, you’re expecting me to talk about a subject most embroiderers love – embroidery thread – and I’m not going to! (Sorry!) And two, I gave this puzzle to my mom for Christmas, even though I knew it would drive her nuts. (Actually, I think, deep down, she liked it.)

For all you puzzle fans out there who happen to embroider… or for all you embroiderers out there who happen to like putting together puzzles… Springbok has a 1500 piece puzzle available that features a heap of colorful embroidery floss, up close and personal. Try not to let the fact that they’ve titled it “Yards of Yarn” bug you.

I don’t really do puzzles much myself, so I wouldn’t know exactly how to rate this puzzle, but according to mom, it’s “challenging.”

Springbox Thread Puzzle

So if you have someone in your life who is a thread nut and a puzzle fanatic, here’s the perfect marriage of the two. And what about you? Are you a puzzle fan? Or do you cringe at the Very Thought?!

I have lots of things I want to chat with you about, coming up this week and next – among them, a look at a couple beautiful embroidery kits from different sources (followed by a give-away for each of them); some real thread talk; some project updates; some hints for beginners that I’m attempting to finish, and on and on. It’ll be fun, so stay tuned!

Have a swell Tuesday!


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(19) Comments

  1. Now that’s my kind of puzzle! Love the colors, and glad I don’t have to untangle those skeins.

    Showed the picture to my husband, and he described it as “mental floss” 😉

    Wonder if my local card store can get it? They carry a lot of Springbok puzzles….


  2. Crazy abt puzzles. Once I get started on them I usually end up working on it all thru the nite, well at least til I fall off my chair. But, I am the same way with my sewing projects. Just have the need to get it completed NOW! Wish I could say that abt packing to move…LOL

  3. Hi Mary,
    It seems that these days you are in the mood to make us think of mind-boggling things. After the embroidered eggs, now you show us a threads puzzle. I like puzzles, and I think I agree with your Mum about this one: looks like a challenge. Whereas for the eggs….

  4. LOL That looks very challenging to me!

    I did use to do puzzles with my Dad as he liked doing them. He has Alzheimer’s and it was something we could share. Unfortunately, the disease has progressed so that he stopped trying to do them with me some time ago and all he wanted to do was to watch me doing them. I’m afraid he doesn’t even do that now, so I don’t do puzzles now 🙁

  5. After the unusual article on egg embroidery, this is more my alley. Puzzles, I love them, in my youth, it was a way to entertain many children without costing a ton of money. Imagine working with all these colors, heaven on earth, (for me).
    Thanks Mary for your info.

  6. Good Grief Mary! Now look what you’ve gone and done. Honestly, some people have no idea of….blah, blah, blahahahah!
    Mary, I love puzzles but don’t get to do them often. The threads one is fantastic but when I went into the site here’s this BUTTONS jigsaw. Oh joy!
    How come the Threads are on special but the Buttons aren’t? Story of my day. Bad health news of a friend, lost a few hours work on the computer. Told hubby I wasn’t getting dinner until I’d finished, then suddenly, now you see it, now you don’t. Now it’s 9.45 p.m. and it’s his birthday to boot.
    So thanks for the happy jigsaw post and finding those buttons for me. Somehow they got into the cart too. Will sort that out after dinner!
    Cheers, Kath

  7. PS: Mary, the night’s getting better. I signed up for the Springbok Puzzle’s e-newsletter and just found an email to say I’ll get 10% off my next online order, by 31 May, for signing up.
    So, a tip for anyone thinking of buying too.
    Thanks Mary, Kath

  8. Mary, There’s no way you are a Meanie….You devote so much of your valuable time every day to give us all a wonderful source of Embroidery information, trivia and stitching happiness, & w/pics to boot….
    As far as the Puzzle goes….I love looking at it, but would not have the patience to put it all together. I would be thinking that I could use that time to practice my stitches.
    It does make me happy to just look at my stash of colorful threads, like someone said “It’s like getting a new 64 ct. box of colorful crayons” when you’re a kid.
    Fatal Floss Addiction going on here.
    Thanks for all you do Mary. You are the best!

  9. I’ll have to keep an eye out for this. It would make a nice companion to my Stitchopoly game I have hanging up.

  10. I did this puzzle a couple of years ago and it’s a tough one but I pushed through and finished. It is now glued down and hanging in my sewing room.

  11. Mary,
    No matter the subject, your writing is always a treat for me. You present whatever you cover simply and exquisitely–like your embrodery work. The quality of your writing is a breath of fresh air.
    I look forward to what you promise us for the near future.
    Doris Hernandez Huston

  12. Hi Mary,
    Sorry but I have an unrelated question that is driving me crazy… A while ago you gave us a teaser of a project you were starting and had us guess what it might be. I think you hinted that it might be an Easter project (I remember thinking “hmmm decorated eggs”?). Anyway do you know what I’m talking about? I was wondering if I missed the post of what it was, but I couldn’t even find the original. Even if you decided to nix the project will you let me know what it was?

    1. Hi, All! Thanks for your comments! Fun puzzle, isn’t it? I think it took my mom about 4 weeks to do it, working at it off and on. She’s pretty good at puzzles!

      Heather – I think you might be talking about the “Jacobean Jumble” project, which is a silk project with touches of goldwork in it. I’m still developing it. I made some major changes in the design, one of which is reducing it in size (it was waaaaaay too big!). As soon as I make headway on it and get it going in the direction I want it to go in, I’ll resume posting about it. I haven’t nixed it – it’s a pet project! (Though there are plenty of half-attempted projects I have nixed lately. Arrrrgh!) Thanks for asking!

      Sherry, Corinne, Doris – thank you for your sweet comments! 🙂

      Kathy – congrats on doing it and FINISHING it!! I admit, I never would attempt, let alone finish, it!

      Gail – Julie – Kath – go for it!!


  13. Mary, I love that your always posting fun and interesting stuff, info and things that make me think. Loved the eggs and really love that puzzle. Can’t wait to see what’s coming in the future!

  14. Ooh, that’s beautiful! I love puzzles almost more than I love embroidery. It’s available on Amazon, and I think I have a gift card sitting around somewhere…

  15. I’m sitting here laughing because when I saw the first picture I thought you’d gotten a HUGE box of flosses and I was preparing myself to be thoroughly jealous – imagine how surprised I was to realize it was a puzzle!

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