
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Free Hand Embroidery Pattern: Snowflake!


Amazon Books

As promised, here’s the snowflake pattern I’m using for the silver, silk, & suede hand embroidered snowflake! I hope you find some use for it!

Hand Embroidery Pattern: Snowflake

I’ve included two printable versions of the snowflake embroidery pattern here. The first has fewer lines in it, and can be used as a basic pattern for transferring the design. The other is the “dressed up” version, with all the little details added. You can print and use both or just one or the other – I’m sure you’ll figure out which way works best for you!

Here they are:

Snowflake Embroidery Pattern – less detail
Snowflake Embroidery Pattern – with all the details

You can find plenty more free hand embroidery patterns here on Needle ‘n Thread. If you’re looking for something particularly Christmassy, you might like this Boughs of Holly embroidery pattern.



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(19) Comments

  1. Thanks for making this pattern available to us Mary. i’m thinking of using it for an anniversary gift to my daughter and son-in-law. They married in february and used the snowflake as their theme. i know i won’t get it done for this coming february as i will be working on baby items for them after christmas as their baby is due beginning of march, but there’s always next year….lol. Isn’t it funny how we plan things out a year in advance? again, thanks for making this pattern available.


  2. G’day there Mary,

    So lovely-apples-divided in half-sunny side up-sharing the joy-lots of them-dancing-especially the set touched by the ice~crystal fairy’s magic-gracefulness energised.

    You know, I think those last two words might just be…you.
    Thank you for sharing, with the sunny side up too!
    Cheers, Kath

  3. Thank you for this nice piece of work. I will not use it this year but I really like it and I will certainly keep it for 2012.

  4. Hello, I have a 6 year old grandson that wanted this particular snowflake, which I don’t know what it is called other than Needle n Thread Snowflake. He wanted it bigger & I tried a couple different ways but I’m not that good at these things & he was upset that it couldn’t be bigger. Is there a way to make it larger on the computer? Appreciate any help you can give me.

    Thank you, Margie

  5. Your patterns are stupendous. I love them all. Thank you very much for sharing. There’s a special place in heaven for people like you. Thanks again.

  6. Thank you so much for the pattern. I wanted to make my daughter something for a house warming gift so I did a small cushion with this design. I am so proud of it although I am a beginner I think the design helps a lot with making it turn out so pretty. I wish I could share it with you but there is no way to attach an image. so I am uploading it to my website. You can see it at https://amyyvonnethompson.com/img_4858/

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