
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Medallion: Goldwork Galore!


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The only embroidery left on the Medallion project is goldwork embroidery… and lots of it!

I really appreciate all the incredible input from you on the last article regarding adding the pink ring around the design, joining the roses – thank you so much for your take on it, whether positive or negative. You all gave me a lot to think about, and I really appreciated all your comments. I’ll be answering some of them when time allows.

Ummm…. I did decide to keep the pink. It isn’t Pink-Pink, by the way (if “Pink-Pink” is allowable as a classification of Pinkness!). I would call it more of a “light red” or true “rose” color – not Candy Pink.

This is more or less my current state of progress:

Goldwork & Silk Embroidery: Church Embroidery

All the silk embroidery on the project is finished. For goldwork, this is what needs to be done:

1. The rest of the beaded areas (40 more little beads – perhaps 50, because, believe it or not, I’m thinking about taking the first ten out and starting over with them, making one slight alteration!)

2. Finishing the gold around the center cinquefoil – just a tiny bit left on that (I’m actually a little farther along than the photo shows).

3. The gold on all the Tudor roses. (Sigh.)

4. The outer rim of gold around the dark blue. In the photo, see the grayish line inside the blue basting line around the outside of the whole piece? That marks the end of the gold that will surround the whole Medallion.

So, on that note, I better get busy! (And I don’t mean with laundry… and who needs groceries, after all? Cleaning house – naaaa!) Should we place bets on meeting the deadline? I’m aiming for April 15. Originally, I was aiming for Easter, but that isn’t going to happen.

If you’d like to read the back story on this project and follow it from start to finish, you can find all the articles relating to it in the Medallion Project Index.

Next week, I’ll show you some fabulous finishes from the Nesting Place online class that just came to a close this past week – some really gorgeous results there, and I can’t wait to show you some of them! Also, some fun and funky Stitch Play to spice up your spring stitching, and a few other tidbits that are currently developing. Oh, and you never know… there might be a book give-away in there, too!

If you’d like access to all the tips and techniques discussed in the Medallion Project, including complete step-by-step coverage of the Tudor-Style Rose, conveniently collected in one document, interlinked, referenced, and indexed, why not add the Marian Medallion Project e-book to your library? It’s packed full of all kinds of embroidery tips for undertaking a project like this, all in a convenient electronic format for easy searching.


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(32) Comments

  1. Hi Mary,

    Now that you have more of the tudor roses done your decision to stay with the “rose pink” looks great. It supports the roses without shouting PINK!!!, and it’s subtle enough to create unity.


    Doreen from Maine

  2. Dear Mary , You have outdone yourself. This is truly a masterpiece. I just love it.
    Regard Elza, Cape Town.

  3. Mary:

    What will this medallion be used for once it is done? 9″ is not big enough to go on an alter cloth and be seen by the congregation. Will it be part of a vestment? Or some other cloth?

  4. P.S. I want to see a phot of it in “use” or at least in its designated place when you are all done!

  5. oops–technicl problems here. What will the medallian adorn when it is finished? 9″ seems too small to be used as an alter cloth and be visible by the congregation & I don’t know if the gold could stand heavy use as a vestment (maybe it could). I really want to see the final product once the embroidery is finished.

    1. Hi, Margo – the medallion will be used on the back of a chasuble, in the center of the cross on the back. I think most vestments that are made right should be able to stand up to heavily embroidered elements. This particular chasuble is Roman in style, made from silk, lined, and so forth. It has 1″ galloons on it marking out the cross on the back, plus 1/2″ galloons surrounding the edges. So it’s not a “lightweight” vestment in the first place, and it will handle the medallion just fine.


    2. This congregation is going to be wishing for the old style mass where the priest faced the alter the whole time! I can’t wait to see the finished chasuble. Will you sew that as well?

  6. Mary,
    It is truly beautiful. If you have a chance, could you show how the real Japanese gold thread was added to the 5 circles? I can see that it is couched, but how does it met up at the sharp little points? Is each thread brought to the point and then plunged to the back when it has gone around a section of the circle?

    I’ve learned so much following this project from the beginning, I just hate to miss out on the last bit of instruction!

    1. Hi, Carrie – I’ll show the gold couching work up close, probably next week. Because the angles where the “petals” of the cinquefoil meet are so sharp, I’m actually plunging at each intersection, rather than just pinching the thread and continuing on. I debated about this point and tried it both ways, but finally decided if I wanted to maintain that sharp angle and have it really visible as a “corner” from afar, the thread needed to be plunged. So the plunging takes up a bit of time, but I think it looks better with the sharp angle.

      I’ll show you that soon!


  7. Oh Mary this looks so beautiful–the colors are just right–even the little bit of rose pink. I too wonder where this work will be–9″ is so small and there is so much in that little space. You are having fun, aren’t you? Joan

    1. Oh, yes! Great fun, Joan! 9″ seems small, but actually, as the central medallion on the back of a chasuble, it’s a good size, and it will be easily viewable, due to the contrasts in the piece… ~MC

  8. It doesn’t really look pink in the photo above. It looks magnificent. What will you do with the Medallion when it is completed?

    1. Hi, Lori – Margaret’s class hasn’t been announced just yet… waiting on a few finishing touches, and then I think it’ll be ready to go! It’ll be announced here on the website. There’s no waiting list for it, so it’s a first-come, first-served sort of situation. I’m hoping it’s ready in the next couple weeks. Sorry about the delay! ~MC

  9. Now that I can see a bit more of that pink in context, I can say for sure that I love it. Because it’s not cotton candy colored, and because it’s not center stage, you’ve definitely avoided that Barbie aisle/Pepto Bismol effect that non-pink people fear. Good call!

  10. Dear “MM”….Marymentor 🙂

    Looking at this beautiful piece, nearing completion, I am again reminded of a question for you that has popped into my head, from time to time. All of these magnificent works of art ! What do you ultimately DO with them ? <3 ? Thanks….Judy in Pittsburgh

  11. Beautiful! I’ve been tuning in every week since I found this blog and it is wonderful following the progress but shall I say a bit bittersweet that the end is right around the corner. Then again, looking forward to your next big project. :))

  12. Mary –

    This is absolutely stunning. I am coming around to the pink as well, which looks great.
    Can you tell us how the gold was placed around the five petal ‘flower’ that holds the actual initials? In this photograph it looks like flat gold and I seem to have missed the post where it was applied.

    Again – just amazing. Anastasia

  13. I knew you would! Usually after you’ve gone thru the spectrum, the final color choice is the one you keep! Still, it is absolutely gorgeous!

  14. I like it! That little dash of pink seems to pull your eye from rose to rose. I like that sense of movement in the design. I’ve read your description of what it’s for, though I don’t understand the words (I’m guessing it’s not for a Presbyterian Church!!) Would love to see the final placement on the vestments, or whatever. I’m in awe of your ability to take things out and redo them. I’d have given up ages ago, or gone on, and then regretted the finished project forever. A true mark of craftsmanship–the patience to make it perfect.

  15. Yay! for “light red”!!! I personally enjoy the way it serves up those roses! In this picture it doesn’t look as pale as the previous close-ups, and ties into the brilliant color of the roses without taking over or getting lost — which I believe was your goal. …….. Your sharing of this issue and all your “trials and errors” will strengthen my resolve in all my crafting areas when I figuratively “paint myself into a corner.” Thanks! Gail

  16. Those roses really pop out and make the whole piece look so beautiful! The person who is getting this is extremely lucky. Good luck on the dots, I’m sure it will be somewhat tedious to work them all.

  17. Dear Mary

    I haven’t commented before because like you I have been busy with the pomegranate goldwork project, but I have been following the blogs.

    The Medaellion goldwork is truly a work of genius its absoloutely beautiful you must be very proud of the project. You are truly gifted and an inspiration to us all whenever I
    come to a stage where I become exasparated and feel like giving up with a project I always think of you and it helps me to stick with the project.

    Regards Anita Simmance

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