
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Crewel Work Company Kit – a Beautiful Give-Away


Amazon Books

Perhaps you’ve heard of The Crewel Work Company? If you haven’t, but you are interested in crewel embroidery, you must (must) become familiar with Phillipa Turnbull’s website. She offers glorious crewel embroidery kits, in the tradition of historical crewel work – they are timeless, they are lovely, they are… *sigh* … covetable! And she offers them in different stitching levels, from Level 1 for beginners (whom she calls “the terrified”!), Level 2 for beginners and stitchers with some experience, and Level 3, for those with some experience in embroidery who like a challenge.

One of Phillipa’s newer kits – the Mellerstain Parrots – is the subject of today’s give-away, with thanks to The Crewel Work Company.

Mellerstain Parrots from The Crewel Work Company

The Mellerstain Parrots come from a larger design that Phillipa offers on her website as well – the Mellerstain Firescreen. The firescreen is based on a 19th century design from Mellerstain House in Scotland, and the Parrots (pictured above) are a little excerpt of that larger design.

Mellerstain Parrots from The Crewel Work Company

The lovely little birds, stitched in wool and surrounded by autumnal foliage and acorns, peer over their shoulders, tentatively checking the other one out.

Mellerstain Parrots from The Crewel Work Company

They are undoubtedly making eyes at each other! The Red Parrot is completely mesmerized by the beauty of the Blue Parrot … and the Blue Parrot? She’s a little worried! But you know how it’s going to turn out – after all, they’re stuck in a tree!

Mellerstain Parrots from The Crewel Work Company

Some of the stitches included in the piece: long and short stitch shading, satin stitch, fly stitch, French knots, stem stitch – lots of nice variety that makes crewel embroidery fun!

The acorns, by the way, are gorgeous, and perfect for the approaching turn of seasons.

Mellerstain Parrots from The Crewel Work Company

The kit includes 25 full skeins of Appleton wool, Jacobean linen twill woven exclusively for The Crewel Company (the design is already printed on it), needles, stitch & color chart, color images on CD, and thorough instructions. It also includes the booklet “The Essential Guide for Newcomers to Crewel Work,” and two beads. It’s a £79 value – and today, you have a chance to win your very own!

Crewel Kit Give-Away

If you’d like to participate in today’s give-away, please do the following (yep, I’m going to make you work for it!):

1. Leave a comment below, on today’s article, on the website. If you’re unsure of where to leave your comment, please just follow this link. It will take you right to the comment area! Comments via e-mail or left on other articles on the website are not eligible.

2. In your comment, you must answer the following question. Comments that don’t answer the question are not eligible. (I’m getting mean in my old age, am I not?)

What’s your favorite crewel kit on Phillipa’s website and why? She offers three different kit levels, and here are direct links to those sections on her site:

Level 1 Crewel Kits
Level 2 Crewel Kits
Level 3 Crewel Kits

I know it’s a hard question to answer! I tried – and ended up with five! (Or was it six?)

Well, do your best!

3. Since you have to do homework for this one, you have plenty of time to sign up for the give-away – it ends next Monday morning, September 10th, at 5:00 am Central Time (Kansas, USA). So please make sure to leave your comment by then! The winner’s name will be drawn from the eligible comments on Monday morning and the winner will be announced here on Needle ‘n Thread, at which point the winner must drop me a line with mailing info. The give-away is over – thanks to all for participating!

That’s it!

The Mellerstain Parrots kit is on special during September, by the way. It’s normally £79, but for the month of September, the kit is offered for £69. So if you don’t win the give-away on Monday, at least you can get a good break on the kit!

Can’t wait to read your comments! (That’s why I do this, you know – it’s always fun to read the comments!) Good luck!


(559) Comments

  1. Dear Mary,
    You are killing me! These kits are STUNNING!!! How I would love to win this absolutely beautiful kit. As for my favorite crewel kit from Phillipa’s site (and yes, it was very hard to pick just one) I would go for the Jacobean Wild Wood in level 3. Not sure I am quite a level 3 stitcher but this particular design tickles my fancy the most.

    Have a wonderful day and thanks for exposing me to more ideas to add to my wish list!

  2. Hi Mary,
    You’ve done it again…what a nice giveaway! I think my favorite kit is the Jacobean Sampler for 2 reasons: (1)I love Jacobean flowers & this is a simple, lovely design and (2)it is a beginner kit & I am truly a beginner. Thanks, Sheila from CA

  3. I have never done crewel work before, just embroidery. I have always wanted to learn to do crewel work. I love the “Jacobean Fantasy” it is a Level 2 project. Thank you for having such a gorgeous giveaway.

  4. I love love love the Elizabethan Snails! I know it is a more simple kit, but I have always loved snails and this kit just looks perfect!

    -Heather in Chicago

  5. What a wonderful website. Isn’t the Internet a great way for like-minded people to get together? Of all the kits (and I like most of them), the one I like most is the snails. The ones I don’t like are more for strange personal reasons than anything to do with the kits themselves. It would be wonderful to get this kit and stretch my abilities.

  6. I like the secret squirrel. We have a lot of squirrels here, but they are gray, not brown. I wonder if she would change the color of the thread. I like it because it looks interesting enough to enjoy doing and simple enough to complete. I would have to divide the parrots in sections to be able to finish, but I know someone who has a parrot rescue who would absolutely adore this. If I won it though, I would make it and give it to her to raffle off for her rescue.

  7. I really liked the simplicity and sweetness of the Elizabethian Snails. I have always been partial to snails and have no idea why. They are all beautiful in their own way. Thank you for a wonderful give away.

  8. It is such a hard question having to choose! There are aspects to many that I like, but my favourite is the Level 2 Jacobean Fantasy. I love the bright colours, (my own attempt at Jacobean used dull almost sludgy colours and am disappointed with the results but I usually shy away from strong colours) and the way the design is cut off so it could almost be a piece from a large crewel work rather than a piece designed for a certain shape.

  9. On my bed as I type this is a crewel pillow done by my grandmother. I love the look of it. I inherited it after she passed away many years ago. Unfortunately, I never asked her to teach me how to do the work myself, this offer reminds me that even though I am 69 years old, it’s not too late. I would like to learn how to do this and a free kit would make that possible especially from someone you so highly recommend.

  10. My favorite of Phillipa Turnbull’s crewel kits is the Scottish Thistle for a very personal reason. My niece Tamara married a Scotsman here in the USA. The groom and his party wore their clan kilts. My sister and I designed and fashioned Tamara’s weeding gown with many long hours at our sewing machines and with our beading needles in hand to do some bead embroidery along the neckline and waistline. Their anniversary is in October. …and if I stitch day and night I would get the piece done as a surprise gift. Thank you, Kay

  11. I love doing crewel, but find it hard to find pieces that challenge me. That means that the Mellerstain Firescreen is my favorite. How could you not love this wonderful scene done in crewel!!!

  12. While my skill level in crewel is (unfortunately!) more in the beginner range, my favorite piece seems to be one of the largest- the level 2 Mellerstain Firescreen. I love the history behind it- that it’s copied from an original, functional piece. Birds are also one of my favorite animals, so it would be a pleasure to embroider them! Thanks for the opportunity to win such a great kit!

  13. I picked one from each level!
    Level 1 – Scottish Thistle – the symbol from my Alma Mater and I LOVE flowers
    Level 2 – The Tulip Tree – did I mention I liked flowers?
    Level 3 – Elizabethan Oakapple Tree – and pink flowers are the ultimate!
    Thanks for the giveaways! Always fun to try winning 😉

  14. I can’t quite choose – I will have to go with my favourite from each page! For the advanced kits, I love the Elizabethan Oakapple Tree – I just love the way the design curves to fit into a circle. But then in level two, I love the Elizabethan Stag — maybe stitching animals just seems like more fun! But then I love the simplicity of many of the level one kits, especially the thistle one, because I have always loved thistles!

  15. Oops, I forgot to answer the question. My favorite design is the Marriage Pillow. The reason: We just celebrated our 50th Wedding Anniversary and it would make a beautiful memory even more beautiful.

    Original post: On my bed as I type this is a crewel pillow done by my grandmother. I love the look of it. I inherited it after she passed away many years ago. Unfortunately, I never asked her to teach me how to do the work myself, this offer reminds me that even though I am 69 years old, it’s not too late. I would like to learn how to do this and a free kit would make that possible especially from someone you so highly recommend.

  16. My favourite is Jacobean Wildwood…no, Jacobean Long Pillowe…no, Elizabethan Oak Tree…no, Levens Hall Pillowe,…no, Jacobean Fantasy…no, Tulip Tree. Oh heck, I love them all 🙂

  17. There are several I really like, but the one I like the best is Jacobean Fantasy because it the traditional look. And I love the colors!

  18. I was lucky enough to attend a workshop by Phillipa a few years ago in Columbus, Ohio. I admire her approach to teaching and became a lover of crewel and especially LOVE her piece, Mellerstain Firescreen. I would love to add this piece to my stitching treasures.

  19. Love the Elizabethan snails – simple, elegant and so very British: snails in a garden just wondering along, minding their own business, until they cross paths and bow in greeting

  20. Hi Mary: These kits are all so lovely but my favourite is the Jacobean Long Pillow. It is an unusual shape, with a delightful motif, and seems perfect for the weary back when you want to keep stitching in the evening.

  21. As I know that I am older than you are I will say “I cannot choose as there is something about each that speaks to me”. The beauty of each design and the colour and texture creates totality and therefore I would treasure each one of them. I thank you for making me aware of this site.

  22. First your link for the crewel kits aren’t correct.

    I am a level one crewel sewer(?). I wasn’t sure whether you wanted favorites for each category even though I couldn’t complete the two pillowe kits below!

    My favorite level one crewel is the Heartsease Pansy.
    Level two is the Levens Hall Pillowe
    Level three is the Jacobean Long Pillowe.

  23. My favorite kit from The Crewel Company is the Levens Hall Pillowe. It has amazing color combinations, and unique stitches I haven’t seen before. It is an amazing piece of Jacobean style embroidery.

    I know if I win the kit I’ll be contacting Philipa for her free advice on how stitch those parrots!

  24. My favorite kit is the Level 1 Heartsease Pansy. The pansy has always been my favorite flower and the wonderful shading and interesting stitches in this design are fascinating to me. Also, being a level 1 crewel stitcher it is also a piece that will help me improve my crewel technique.

  25. My favorite is the Mellerstain Firescreen, though the Jacobean Long Pillowe and Marriage Pillowe are most fine. What incredible designs and needlework! Oh my, my. Thanks again Mary, I so enjoy your column each morning.

    Shelia in Oklahoma

  26. Since I’v seen the Crewelcurtains in Blairecastle, I am hooked to crewelembroidery.

    It’s really stunning the results of this beuatifull work, and I am glad that there are books etc. to encourage to do this work, or at least try to.

    Best wishes Tine

  27. My favorite is the Eyam Hall Bedhanging.
    The colors are bright and while I love the muted tones too, these catch my eye.
    The stitching of the large leaf in the right corner– blows my mind and I want to learn that!
    The story behind it– the design is from original bedhangings made for Elizabeth Wright when the hall was built in the 1680s. Who can beat that for being a part of stitching history!

  28. Mary, This is a hard question. I love so many of the embroideries of Phillipa’s and I have actually done the oakapple tree. I love her kits. I will go ahead and say that I love the Mellerstain Parrots the most. I love birds and crewel work and the coloring of the parrots in this piece is exquisite. I would just scream if I were to win this.

  29. >>What’s your favorite crewel kit on Phillipa’s website and why?

    Do I have to choose just one? Aaargh. From the Level One kits, I have to say that I adore the snails. Despite their simplicity, they have such personality! In Level Two, the Mellerstain Firescreen is the clear winner. It is exemplary of Jacobean style. The Level Three Elizabethan oak is such a strong design, and I’m a tree hugger, so trees are always a favorite motif.

    So, favorite? I guess I’d have to chose the Mellerstain Firescreen. It has a little bit of everything, and as a bonus it’s a recreation of a historical piece. Very cool.

  30. Oh my goodness! I didn’t know…….what a wonderful source! My very first love was crewel embroidery; I have been looking for a way back in, but never found the ‘perfect’ entrance. This is it! I WANT the Jacobean long pillow….something about it just appealed to me. I am an intermediate counted thread stitcher, but reading your website gets my creative juices up! I recently did a pillow that was supposed to be all cross stitch…but I used Rhodes and eyelets and long armed and diagonal cross stitches, and, well, you get the idea. Sat with my stitch guide open! I also will be adding the entire fire screen to my greatly desired want list, right near the top. Have two fireplaces, and this would be perfect. Thanks for ALL your inspiration!

  31. what a glorious giveaway, I love crewel work…I don’t do much of it, but this is a wonderful kit, my favorite on Phillipa’s site is from level 3 called Elizabethan Oakapple Tree, the colors are beautiful and I have an attachment to tree designs that this suits to perfection…I would love to win the kit and thank you for the link to her site…Rebecca Keith

  32. That’s tough. I think I narrowed it down to two. I love the snails (cause tehy’re whimsical and adorable), but if I were really going to buy a kit, I’d probably buy the Oakapple Tree one. I love the colors so much, and there’s something about slightly droopy, ‘sad’ trees.

  33. I am a self taught stitcher and the first serious stitching I did was in Crewel. Whenever I stitch a crewel piece it brings back memmories of many years ago.
    I love the Mellerstain firescreen, it’s my favorite piece in the collection. It seems to embody all areas of historic crewel…animals, birds and fauna. It would be a wonderful piece to stitch and since I am a parrot owner, the pillow would be a fince addition to my home 🙂

  34. That is a fabulous gift. For once I take my chance. The kit I prefer is “Levens Hall Pillow” because I like the colors but more I like the use of the stitches. It is not so common to see a crewel work with those blanket stitches made in squares. I saw it on a bag in the Inspirations magazine and also on the online book that you mention once in your blog.
    Thank you again for all your interesting articles.

  35. I just love the tulip tree on the crewel work level 2. it is so colorful and bright, beautiful.

  36. I love the Rabbits in level 2. They represent a traditional pattern with some whimsy added. I especially like the red tulip.

    Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful kit.

  37. It has to be the fire screen, I love the detail and that the more you look the more you see in it..
    I also love the Oak tree, the Marriage pillow and the Eyam bed hanging.. 🙂

  38. Mary,
    eu gostei de todos, pois todos são lindos,
    mas para iniciar nessa arte, eu começaria com o Kits Nível 1 Crewel , mais especificamente com o Jacobean Peony….

    Um grande abraço de
    Maria Filomena

    I liked everyone, because everyone is beautiful,
    but to start this art, I’d start with Level 1 Kits Crewel, more specifically with the Jacobean Peony ….

    A big hug
    Maria Filomena

  39. Dear Mary, I would choose level one, the Pansy Kit. I chose the kit because pansies hold a special place in my heart.When I was in elementary school we had a special project for Mothers Day. We painted earrings or broaches for our Mothers and Grandmothers. After they were painted, the teacher took them to be fired, and after that we glued either earring backs or pins on the back of them. I chose pansies to paint for both my Mother and my Grandmother. Many times I saw my Grandmother wear her pansy earrings. When she died in her 84th year my Aunt sent me a box with my pansy earrings along with a note from my Grandmother saying “give these earrings to Dede, she made these for me and I want her to have them back”. Every time I look at a pansy I think of my Grandmother’s loving ways. Kind Regards, Dede

  40. Everything on her site is beautiful, but hands down, my choice is the Mellerstain Parrots firescreen (pillow is a close second.) These remind me of “The Parrot” — a beautiful crewel work that my grandmother made in finishing school at the age of 16. “The Parrot” (now over 100 years old) features a single parrot on a perch. The piece is large — about 24″ x 42″. Throughout my childhood “The Parrot” was THE featured piece of artwork in my mother’s living room. I inherited “The Parrot” after my mother’s death a little over a year ago. It was highly coveted by other members of the family. But because of my love of all things needlework, my mother wanted me to have it.
    The yarns in the Mellerstain Parrots have many of the same colors as “The Parrot”. Mine is slightly padded and has a huge glass eye.
    The Mellerstain Parrots would be a beautiful complement to my crewel aviary and add another needlework story to my family history.

  41. Ah Mary you go right to the heart!. I have been eyeing Phillipa’s web site for over a year and watched it go through it’s recent changes. I enjoyed learning from the short video on crewel stitches and was always awed by the man at the weaving loom near the end of the video! My favorite at the moment is The Wedding Pillow. although these parrots will have me going back to her site over and over again while I save up my sheckels to make a purchase. Blessings of steady hands, quick eyes, and happy countenance to whomever wins!

  42. I really like the thistle and the Elizabethan oakapple tree… do we have to do just one? I read a series of books that was originally set in Scotland, and have been intrigued by thistle embroideries since then, but the Oakapple is so pretty, with the red apples, the acorns, and the leaves. Thank you for the link!

  43. Hi Mary, my favorite kit is the secret squirrel. I am a beginner and earth tones and woodland scenes appeal most to me. If I ever became brave enough I also liked the stag in level 3.

  44. It is hard to find challenging crewel designs where i live. I love the Elizabethan Oakapple Tree most of all.

  45. It’s hard to choose a favorite, so I’m going to name my top two. ^_^ I like the Mellerstain Parrots for the varied color scheme and the coy parrots. My second favorite would have to be the Elizabethan Oak Tree for it’s great twisty shape, leaves and acorns–it would be so great as a pillow during the fall.

  46. I especially love the Mellerstain firescreen and I have a beautiful fireplace that it would go in front of perfectly.

  47. Mary,
    You sure know how to make it tough on a girl!
    I find it impossible to list one favorite. I have three.
    1. The Mellerstain Parrots. I love birds, and I love the expression on these birds faces and the texture in the acorns.
    2. Jacobean Fantasy because I am always drawn to the movement, colors and the design elements in them. This one in particular is stunning with the reds used.
    3. Rabbits! Love the rolling hill effect and once again the textures with the acorns and a jacobean element or two.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win one of these beauties.

  48. Mary,
    My absolute favorite is the Mellerstain firescreen.
    I love parrots (we have five of them), and I love crewel work. I would be in heaven stitching this piece. Thank you for the chance to win this beautiful design. It is absolutely beautiful!

  49. Oh, wow, what a lovely give away. Well, I like all the designs, but since I have drooled over it a few times already, wishing I could recreate it in 1/12 scale, my favorite has the be the Mellerstain Firescreen. So learning to do crewel work on a part of the design would be great!

  50. Even though I’m not an advanced stitcher, my very favorite pieve is the Elizabethan Oakapple Tree. Not only do I love the pastel palette (whar she calls “faded”), but trees are my favorite subject. Running a close second was the Mellerstain Firescreen.

  51. I love all of Philippa’s work. Of course, I have finished one of her Needlepoint “Slips”, Her “Woodland Posies” kit and am working on a large crewel mirror frame, I bought a few years ago (not on the website). Anyone who likes to stitch, should love her kits. They are really awesome. She makes sure that you have plenty of wool thread and it is organized on a strip so that you can just pull and stitch. Her instructions are very clear and easy to understand. So, I highly recommend these kits… I would love the birdies to stitch;-) Thanks.

  52. That firescreen is awesome, but I’ll pick the Elizabethan Oakapple Tree – I love oak trees (esp old burr oaks), this kit has just enough more color than the Elizabethan Oak Tree kit to make me happy.

    And you are correct, it is tough to narrow it down to one!

  53. Levens Hall Pillowe

    I just LOVE this one. The design could be caried over into so many mediums. Love the texture. This one is over the moon for me.

  54. My favorite kit is from the Level 2 group, Elizabethan Stag. He’s such a magnificant beast! All of the designs are just lovely. Thanks for introducing this site.
    Marilyn in Wheaton

    1. Hi Heather, where did you hear it was being discontinued? I have been saving up for a few of them and don’t want it to disappear before I have a chance to get it!

  55. FYI… the links to the kits in my email didn’t work. Went to the site, but not the page. Stated “Category Not Found”. Love your work!


    1. Hi, Marinel –

      Yes, sorry about that. The problem is actually on the links on the Crewel Work website – they lose something in translation going through e-mail. The links above the article work. ~MC

  56. The complete Mellerstain Firescreen would be my favourite project to attempt because I’m a sucker for wildlife pieces.

  57. Hi Mary,
    Years ago I did some crewel stitching from a kit. Nothing as beautiful as these though. My favorite is the Snails from Level One. I love their simplicity.

  58. I just finished the Crewel component of my certificate program with the Royal School of Needlework. It is so much fun to do. I especially like to shade with the crewel wool. The level 3 looks delightful to do.
    Jim M

  59. All of the kits are soooo beautiful!!! My favorite kit from Phillpa’s site is the Mellerstain Parrots- I love birds and any kit that gives me the opportunity to stitch up birds is always on my wish/covet list. The Tulip Tree came in a really close second though.
    Thank you for another wonderful give away.

  60. First, your not being mean, you do ask a question to be answered. So, I always love your site, as I love sewing. For the kit I would love to have or the that means something to me is the Elizabethan Oakapple Tree. I have been doing research on my family. And this reminds me of our families, all different but still from the same roots.

  61. My Favourite is the level two design the ‘Levens Hall Pillowe’ I love the different stitches used and the traditional Jacobean design. Im definitely not a level two stitcher, but this one is my favourite. Am I allowed a second favourite?….

  62. Mellerstain Firescreen Is my favorite. I did a lot of crewel work in my younger years and this really brings back all that I loved of the designs. The flair of the way they are positioned and all my fantasies of being 12 again return to me, like a fairy land. The way the deer positioned, the squirrel in mid stride so interested in the birds. The way every space is used up, but not overwhelmed. I love it.

  63. Elizabethian Snails is so beautiful in it’s simplicity and color. Millerstain Parrots is a wonderful giveaway. Have a great week.

  64. Although it’s a tough call, the kit that delights me the most is the Elizabethan Snails (http://www.crewelwork.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=59_64&product_id=83) from level one. I find it to be such a charming little design, and the snails to be an unexpected subject. It reminds me of the East African Land Snail—it’s not a legal pet in the United States but there are some really cute videos of pets from other countries on YouTube “taking a shower” in the sink!

  65. Wow, what a tough decision! My favorite level 1 is the Heart’s Ease pansy. The design is lovely, and the colors are beautiful. Level 2, it’s the firescreen. Or maybe the bunnies. No, the firescreen. Level 2, The Oakapple tree stool top is so appealing. But then, so it the oak tree pillow. But really, they’re all beautiful. Thank you for the introduction to Turnbull’s work.

  66. Hi Mary, Apart from a stamped crossstitch apron from my grandmother (done in variagated threads no less), crewel was my first foray into needlework. I didn’t even know it was called crewel; it was just a kit that looked like a little Hummel girl. Anyway … crewel has a special place in my heart. My favourites are (1) Mallerstain firescreen because of all the elements and the symmetry of the design AND because it would look excellent in my hypothetical country castle; and (2) because I don’t have a country castle and because I might be intimidated by the size of the screen, my “real” favourite is Jacobean Fantasy. I like the vibrant colours and I would like to live long enough to see how the wool would become more subdued with age. Is it wrong to imagine it fading? If so, it’s YOUR fault … I actually like the sublety of some of the aged pieces you have been showing us. Who knows: distressed furnture was all the rage?? THanks for the tremendous give-away and thanks for all you do to open our eyes (and pocket books!) to the joys of embroidery.

  67. I think my favourite is the Mellerstain Firescreen. I would just love to have the whole thing in a wooden firescreen frame just like on the website next to my fire, so pretty.

  68. What a horrible task! Only pick one?!?! Ironically, there was only one on Level 3 that appealed to me (Wild Wood); I liked the sampler and the peony on Level 1; Level 2 I found the tulip tree and Jacobean fantasy nice, but I adore the Levens Hall kit!! I found the variety of stitches presented in such a geometric fashion very appealing. So…that’s my favorite!

    As always, thanks for all you do for us!!


  69. Mary,
    An almost impossible task you’ve set us – reminds me of the dilemma posed in some fairy tales, how to choose the “right” one, only thankfully, the choice we make here will bring us a treasure and not a disaster!

    After much dithering, my favorte design would be Jacobean Fantasy because I love the shades of rich red contrasted with the deep, bright blues. And – I think the red flower to the right in the design is just luscious!

    Crewel work is my first love in embroidery and it would be fabulous to win these cheeky parrots.

    -Sharon in France

  70. Ordinarily, I have a hard time picking a favorite. But this time, my favorite is the thistle, because I collect thistle kits in many different needlecraft forms. My second favorite is the squirrel

  71. I would like to do the Mellerstain Parrots from Philippa’s website because of their beautiful colors. They are my favorite, with a close runner -up being the acanthus leaf on the Levens Hall Pillow because of the swirling textures. If I were to work either of these I would be tempted to sneak in a snail from Elizabethan Snails, because they make me laugh!

  72. They are all so beautiful and challenging but I think I would like to try the Oak Tree in Level 3. Did one picture in crewel, which was the first time for me, and I thought it came out quite well. Love the colors and would enjoy doing this.
    Thank you for giving me the opportunity to experience this new project.

  73. You’re right, it is very hard to pick a favourite but if I have to choose one it would be the Mellerstain Parrots. Why? Well I was lucky enough to see the newly completed pillow in person when I did a day class with Phillipa last year. I fell in love with those birdies there and then before the kit was available!

    What a wonderful give-away. How can you bear to part with it?

  74. The parrots are real cuties! You make crewel sound fun to do. And there’re some familiar stitches as well so its not quite so terrifying as I’d imagined.

    I loved the level one kit, aptly named, “for the terrified” featuring two Elizabethan snails, so much so that I’m going to order it before it disappears for ever. It reminds me of the delightful embroidered insects and bugs at Hardwick Hall in Derbyshire.

    Then there’s my grand daughter, she’s just turned four and loves everything creeping and crawling. She’s even names the snails she finds in the garden – so much for them being pests: they’ve turned into pets!

  75. Apreciable Maria estoy comenzando a bordar y estoy impresionado por la gran variedad de bordados y técnicas, me gustaria tener mas informacion detallada del bordado, el nivel dos es el que mas me a impresionado

  76. Hi Mary,
    I love “Rabbits!” in the level 2 section. My mother collects bunnies and that would be something I could make for her and they just look so adorable!

  77. My favorite crewel kit is the Jacobean Wild Wood. I love the vibrant colors, the simplicity of the pattern and the fact that it will stretch my ability beyond the simple stitches. Thanks for sending me to this website. susan

  78. Well, that was pretty hard to choose just one, you were absolutely correct in that! But I have to say my favorite is Elizabethan Oakapple Tree. I love the soft, muted colors, and the fact that it’s round, not the normal square or rectangle. But mostly I love the colors, just beautiful! Everything they have is gorgeous, but this is one I would do. Also loved seeing the entire firescreen project, that the parrots come from. I wish I had a fireplace! 🙂 Thank you for the giveaway. Karen Gass

  79. The Jacobean sampler, the Mellerstain Firescreen, and the Jacobean Long Pillowe are my very favorites!

  80. Oh Mary, how in the world can I pick 3. I’ve been dying to try crewel. My eyes can’t handle the single strand floss embroidery any more, and I’ve wanted to try crewel hoping I can see it better.

    I tried to pick from each level. I wanted the scottish thistle until I saw the pansy. I have a real weak spot for pansies.

    On level 2 I think it is the Levens Hall Pillowe. The closeups of the stitches are really appealing.

    On level 3 the Eyam Bed Hanging really got me. Again, I was entranced by the variety of stitches. It all looks like so much fun.

    Thanks, Mary for this great giveaway.

  81. wow what an awesome giveaway-and I would really love to win this kit.
    I browsed thru her site and love everything-but I settled on the rabbits-cause they are too sweet.

  82. Oops, I thought you wanted to pick 3 – probably wishful thinking. I think it has to be Leven’s Hall Pillowe.

    Hard choice.

  83. I’m definitely in the Level 1 category, so fortunately for me the design that I like best is in that level! I love the Scottish Thistle.

    Scotland is next on my “must see” travel list, so right now I’m almost obsessed with things Scottish. Thistles, bagpipes, men in kilts, haggis…okay maybe not the haggis, although I’ll certainly be trying it when I do finally get to Scotland.

    Thank you for the nice giveaway! I love the colors in the crewel kit, they’re so soft and lovely. 🙂

  84. Hello Mary, Well I did my homework and I like them all but the one I would like to do first is from level 3 and it is Pillow Wild Wood. I just love pillows, have heaps on every bed and all the couches, cant get enough and the colours in this beautiful piece just caught my eye. On another subject have just downloaded your tutorial on the herringbone stitch with the lacing and it is so much fun, have practiced enough, now about to get serious and put it on an embroidered book I am making for my daughter.

  85. Hi Mary-
    Perfect way to get folks to look thru Phillipa’s website!
    I like the firescreen the best because of the way the space is filled. Also like the muted colors and the subjects. The next for me is the one you featured in your post.

    thanks! Cindy

  86. I love these kits!!!! Since I have only done one crewel kit in my life, I consider myself a beginner. I love the Elizabethan Snails in Level 1! I am a fan of animals, reptiles, bugs, sealife, etc. I am interested in fabric textiles. I love to watch the various threads become an art when finished. A blank canvas transformed into a beautiful design!

    Thank you for the beautiful give-away!

  87. Hi Mary,

    What a difficult job, but I think in the end my favorite is the Secret Squirrel. I love to do animals and birds in my stitchery and always tend to gravitate to them. Squirrels are a favorite of mine…must be those bushy tails!
    Thank you for another amazing give-away…

  88. I have never done crewel work, but since seeing the beautiful piece here, I am intrigued. Its beautiful!! I checked out Level One on Phillipa’s website and LOVED the Jacobean Squirrel (devilishly charming little critters). On level 2, the Parrots were charming but I also liked the Stag. Its medeval (sp) was lovely and the muted tones cry fall/winter at the fireplace. On level 3 I loved the Jacobean Long pillow. A lovely cushion for the back while creating dreamy handwork. When I get used to doing crewel, I want to do the entire screen piece with the parrots as a hanging in my bedroom.

  89. I like the Marriage Pillowe. The little people are so cute, and it’s very romantic. I’m sure you could even embroider names on it to personalize it if you happen to be married which would make it extra special.

  90. Hi Mary,
    Wow – what a giveaway! My favorite Crewel Company kit is the Jacobean Long Pillowe. I’ve had my eye on it for a while because I love the pattern, the colors and the shape.
    I’d love to stitch the parrots and have my fingers crossed! Thank you for offering a wonderful project.

  91. Hi Mary,
    This is truly wonderful! My favorite kit is the Jacobean Fantasy (level 2), because it is very similar to a piece of crewelwork I have from my great grandmother. She did quite a bit of embroidery – mostly linens and wall hangings. Learning crewelwork is one of my lifetime goals, so that I can do justice to my family’s tradition of needlework.

  92. Hands down the Jacobean Peony. First, because it’s at my level and looks doable. Second, the flowers look like they are being kissed by a summer breeze. Third, it makes me smile.

  93. I really love the Heartsease Pansy. I love the beautiful colors and the fact that it is a level one piece. I have never worked a crewel piece and am quite twitterpated with this beautiful piece. Another piece that I am enamored with are the Elizabethan Snails. They are so cute and the piece looks easy enough to finish, being that it is also a level one piece. It was difficult choosing just one so I went ahead and chose two. I hope that I win so that I could try my hand at some crewel!!!

    Thank you for the chance to win!!


    Mindi from Livermore, California

  94. My favorite of her kits is the Levens Hall Pillowe. The patterned stitches just look like so much fun! Actually my 2nd favorite is the parrots. What luck if I should win that kit. I’ve always admired Phillipa Turnbull’s work and her website is on my favorites list. Thanks to you and to her for offering us a chance to win it.

  95. I have, unknowingly, passed Phillipa Turnbull home/office on my way to see my father in Carlisle, Cumbria. I am SOOOO tempted next time i visit him to stop on the way………. just to look you know :))

    My favourite!!!!!! I love them all. The Pansies if I am really pushed though

  96. After carefully looking at each kit on the 3 different levels I decided on the Mellerstain Parrots. Such a variety of stitches on this piece makes it very appealing to stitch; french knots, long & short, stem and others. I also think it is the best looking one of all the kits. I also love the colors used which blend into any setting. The history behind this beautiful piece taken from the fire screen would make it fun to tell friends about if I win and stitch this beautiful piece. I started crewel embroidery when I was in highschool, but it has been a long time since I have done any creweling and I am now in my 60’s. I always loved working with the crewel wool!! Here’s hoping I win! And thanks to you Mary for the wonderful give-a-way. Sherry Lou

  97. My favorite kit is the Scottish Thistle. It’s pretty, of course. The purple thistle is very common in Utah mountains, where I am now. And it offers six crewel stitches from just one kit, which is very useful for totally beginners (like I am).

  98. The screen! The screen! The Mellerstain Firescreen has to be my favorite of the crewel kits on The Crewel Work Company Website. I love the fact that it is based on a historical piece and that it includes a squirrel and a deer with the parrots. I have no idea where I would use a firescreen, but maybe I can start a new trend by putting it in my dining area!

  99. There are so many beautiful choices, but I think that the Mellerstain Firescreen is still my favorite. I’m so glad that you told us about the Mellerstain Parrots. I would love to stitch this. Thanks so much!

  100. Oh how naughty you are, Mary, to have introduced me these glorious designs and kits, but I thank you! For the generation of us introduced to embroidery during the Crewel Craze of the 60’s in the US, it’s hard not to say ALL are favorites. True to your instructions ‘though, I’ll pick the Levens Hall Pillowe (level 2) because I like the unusual (to me) stitches and nifty effects they make. Thanks for the introduction and sponsoring the Crewel Work Company’s generous give-away. Best wishes, Shirley

  101. I would say the Elizabethan Snails
    they are too cute and it would be an easy place to start. I have done embroidery and needle work for years but have not tried crewel. Thank You for having this contest and introducing me to crewel. Best Wishes, Nancy

  102. Loved the Heartsease pansy for colors and simplicity of design. Thanks for the great contest and for introducing us to such beautiful websites and designers.

  103. I especially like the “Tulip Tree”. I primarily looked at the level 2 choices because I feel that’s just my speed. Thanks….love getting your emails!

  104. The Crewel Company offers truly beautiful stitchery kits. As a bird owner/lover I am particularly taken by the featured kit ” Mellerstain Parrots “. The colors and detail of this design are just beautiful, and the use of wool yarn gives the birds dimension. This design made into a pillow would be a beautiful addition to my home.

  105. Hi Mary–you are very generous once again with your give aways! I have often looked at Phillipa’s site with great oohs and ahsss– and even tried to coincide trips to UK with possible workshops there. Her kits look quite remarkable.
    My favourite? the one you are giving away the Mellerstain Firescreen–those parrots are particularly gogeous and as i am very much in a Jacobean stitching mode (Talliaferro waiting to be stitched and several other projects underway) winning this kit would be pure magic. Thanks for your own fantastic website and blogs . Helen in Perth Australia 🙂

  106. I just love the Scottish Thistle. The two little rabbits at the bottom are adorable!

    Thank you for the link to this site. Crewel is where I started in needlework (a funky little owl, if my memory serves). I haven’t worked it in years!

  107. Visitei o site e realmente foi muito difícil escolher entre tantas maravilhas, mas o Jacobean Wild Wood me encantou, pois as flores parecem dançar ao sabor de uma brisa e isso me deixou inebriada. Que trabalhos lindos!!

  108. Boy, you really make it difficult to answer this question. I drooled over all of her kits but I would really like to have the Firescreen as it would give me a major challenge. Being new to crewel I would have to start with the Level 1 kits and build up to the firescreen. So I guess that means I would want the Jacobean Sampler in Level 1, then Millerstream Parots of Level 2 and then Elizabethan Oakapple Tree to prefect my skills so I could tackle screen.

  109. Hi Mary!

    What a generous giveaway! In the end, I had less trouble than I had anticipated in selecting a favorite Philippa Turnbull: I like Jacobean Fantasy best because it is very colorful and full of movement. The other ‘jacobean’ flavored offerings, while lovely, are more static – which is true to the tradition, but not necessarily very exciting to the eye. That said, the parrots are ever so cute, and I would thoroughly enjoy stitching them, were I the lucky winner.

  110. At first I was going to say the Oakapple tree from the Level 3 kits was my favourite. But really, I think the “Secret Squirrel” pillow in the Level 1 kits is the most charming, so that’s the one that gets my vote.

    But I do love parrots too, so I sincerely hope I win!

  111. What a wonderful website – how to choose between such lovely items! I think the Mellerstein Parrotts come first – I love the idea of doing ‘shading’ in wools instead of silk and the colours are just so sumptuous; but a very close second is the Levens Hall pillowe – I just love the variety of stitches in that design, and I would learn such a lot from that particular kit (though I would learn so much from any of them) – and living in Newcastle I am not that far from Cumbria and Levens Hall. I think that will be somewhere I shall be visiting very soon! Thank you for such generous give-aways.

  112. Since I have already been fascinated by her website and her work, this was easy – oops- maybe not. I just love the marriage pillowe. It is unique and utterly charming!

    I have visited and admired her work for some time now. As I revisited her site I was drawn
    again to the Marriage Pillowe. The happy couple are absolutely charming! Your other readers may love snails and squirrels, but is the love struck duo for me!

  113. OOO the rabbits in Level 2 or the snails in Level 1….more the rabbits because I always think of the nut brown hare from The Velveteen Rabbit when I see the brown ones!

    Loved the stag and the marriage pillow too.

  114. Oh, my! When I saw these birds, the colors, I fell in love. I’ve got to have this kit – win or buy it!

    Mary, you have the most unique and beautiful website that I’ve found and am constantly intrigued by the vast quantity and quality of items you put before us. I just don’t have enough fingers and time to do all that I want to do!

    Thanks for all your work and talent that you share with us.


  115. I love almost every kit but my favorite is the Wedding Pillow something about it reminds me of my grandmother she had a similar pillow on her bed for many years after she passed it just disappeared and I loved the pillow for the beautiful work and all the memories I would love to do some crewel work so would love this great give a way it is such a wonderful prise

  116. All of the designs are wonderful, but there is something about the red in “Jacobean Fantasy” that makes it my favorite. Another favorite, if I am allowed to say, is “Mellerstain Parrots/Firescreen.” The whole website is marvelous and I enjoyed visiting. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.

  117. The kit is gorgeous and just the project to restart my needle skills. I’d love to work on the parrots or some other Jacobean foliage. Crewel will go so well with my applique project.

  118. My, It was hard to choose!. I love the Elizabethan Oakapple Tree the best but the snails came in a close second.
    Thanks for the chance to win!!

  119. Hi Mary 🙂

    I’ve been dying to try crewel work and I’ve read that Appleton Wool is THE best! I’ve been to Phillipa’s site and am in love with all her Jacobean kits, but I think I like the Wild Wood best – plenty of stitching and a gorgeous theme. Though it’s Level 3, I think I could manage it! 🙂

    So exciting to have a chance to win such a beautiful kit!

  120. The Levens Hall Pillowe really caught my eye. I love the bright colors and adore the stylized acanthus plant. The design is absolutely timeless. The second piece of crewel I ever did, many many moons ago, was a Jacobean tree of life. The kits reminded me of that wonderful experience. Thanks so much for telling us about Phillipa’s site!

  121. For God sake, what are you doing with us? 🙂 I said I will never dig into crewel and was resistant to all beaties so far. Now just looking to the site I completely forget all my promisses 🙂 They all are just fabulous! The most beautiful for me are:
    1. Jakobean Fantasy
    2. The Tulip Tree
    3. Jakobean Wild Wood
    What shall I do now? Drop off all other embroidery and head to crewel???? Would like to win, but possibly better if someone else wins – I will be safe in my promisses

  122. Dear Mary,

    Beautiful give away. My favorite one on Level 1 is Jacobean Sampler. Though I have a mental problem with always wanting to do the harder challenge like Level 3 on ALL embroidery I must say that the sampler teaches six stitches so by the time I’m through an easier task I’m a master of the stitches. It requires patience to arrive at another level. Sally Collins, a quilt professional says you only have to get it right once and that is the last time you do it. Excellent statement.
    . Excellent.

  123. I like the Levens Hall Pillowe best for its intricate motif and vivid colours. It seems like a typical Jacobean pattern and I would love to work on something like this as I’ve never tried Jacobean embroidery before.

  124. Dear Mary, thank you for offering this giveaway of a simply stunning kit. My favorite of them all is the Jacobean Fantasy kit, mostly because of the bright colors, and the full sized fire screen is a close second.

  125. I decided I like the Tulip Tree in level 2 as the kit I would most like to work, and that I probably have the skill to work. Besides, it’s the state tree of Indiana.

    I enjoyed doing Crewel Work in the 60’s, except for threading the needle. Not knowing the correct way to do it, I put a piece of Scotch tape on the end of a piece of yarn, cut it to the size to go through the eye of the needle, threaded the needle, and cut off the part of the yarn that had the Scotch tape on it.

    I liked the squirrel kit in level 1 and the oak tree in level 3, too. The squirrel might be just the kit to get me back into crewel work and get my hand used to doing the stitches. It looked a little too simple. The oak tree, on the other hand, looked like it had too much shading for me to handle in the trunk of the tree alone. I suppose I could do it if there were very good instructions and good markings on the fabric.

  126. I love the colours used in these embroideries and would like to try at sewing one . They are stuning and are probably fun to make .

  127. Hi Mary,

    What a beautiful pillow! I like the Heartsease in level one because pansies are my favorite flower after lilacs:) I would love to work on this one and get back into crewel work not working on it for so many years.

  128. I’ve enjoyed Ms. Turnbull’s work for years. I had a chance to do one of them several years ago, and I was impressed with the design, the directions and the colors of wool. Her kits are almost as good as taking a class from her. I’m always seduced by color, and am drawn to the Jacobean Fantasy piece. I’ve been doing a lot of crazy quilting lately, and I think it’s time for me to get back to the discipline of crewel.
    Nancy in Newport

  129. For some reason I could not get to the second or third level, I kept getting “server not found”.
    Therefore I guess I’m out of luck. I learned to do crewel as I waited to be diagnosed with cancer, many years ago and never took it up again. I love Ms.Turnbull’s work and wish to be able to attend her workshops, but that is near to impossible for me to travel. Good luck and congratulations to the winner.

  130. oh the birds are lovely! I do hope to win this one as I adore any bird anything! Crewel work was some of my very first stitching so fond memories for sure… very hard to choose a fav but I would love to stich the Jacobian wildwood …luv luv the richness in color..its a level 3 I think…very nice site! ty for the heads up!

  131. I love the Mellerstain Firescreen. I have always been interested in history and fascinated with firescreens and I’ve always wanted one.

  132. Never done crewel work, but sure am interested so put my name ‘in the hat’. Thanks for all the opportunities to win great items!!

  133. Not an easy question, unless “all of the above” is acceptable. First, I headed towards Level 1 “Terrified.” That’s me. But besotted at the same time. The Jacobean Sampler caught my eye right away, as it reminded me of my mother’s sofa. Wouldn’t it look fine perched there,l though I love the design regardless of where it ends up. But that squirrel is so darn cute. Then again, it is squirrel vs tomato season, so I’m feeling some ill will towards them now. Well, the Scottish Thistle resonated with me because of my Scottish heritage, and the tiny bunnies are so dear. Oh, let’s say Jacobean Peony is my favorite because it is such a striking design, and I really like them all almost equally.

  134. With so many beautiful projects, who can choose just one? I especially like the deer, squirrel, rabbits and birds; but I’m also drawn to the Jacobean Wild Wood kit.


  135. Dear Mary,
    Thank you for showing this to me. It is beautiful. I went to the website and decided that I will buy the Elizabeethan Stag. I live in the NJ Pine Barrens, and, last week, there was a fawn grazing in my back yard. I think that is a sign.


  136. I am in the middle of a crewel project. My very first one and have fallen in love with the wool threads. I looked at Phillpa’s site and had a hard time choosing a favorite, but I think I would go with the Elizabethan Snails. I love the simplicity, but yet it really makes an impact. Plus I love bugs in needlework, even if it is a snail.

    Mary in Oregon

  137. I love the Rabbits kit (level 2), not only because I think my 4 year old (a budding stitcher herself!) would love those sweet rabbits, but because I think it would be a good practice piece to improve my crewel stitching!

  138. These kits are gorgeous! I am a huge fan of her work mainly because she incorporates so much history into her samplers. I also love the color palettes that she uses. Many times, I feel like kits are not worth the cost, but this is not the case with Phillipa Turnbull kits!

  139. What eye candy! You find the best shops. I have never ordered from a company overseas and she has such lovely/useful items like the seat frame. I love flowers, birds, animals and bugs so I want them all. My favorites from each category:
    Level 1 Elizabethan Snails (such character)
    Level 2 Mellerstain Firescreen (has the birds, stag, flowers
    Level 3 Jacobean Long Pillow.
    If I have to narrow it down more, I would say the Mellerstain Firescreen because it has so much of what I love. Thank you for sharing.

  140. Dear Mary,
    Thanks so much for offering this splendid kit to be won! I love the birds, but I have always loved Jacobean crewel embroidery. Even though it was difficult to choose just one design, my favorite is ‘Jacobean Fantasy’. The colors are so bright and beautiful!
    Thanks again,
    Cindy in Florida

  141. Thank you for another web site. Your blog is indispensible.
    Like you said it is difficult to pick your favorite. I like working with wool and love the colors that are available. In addition, birds are a favorite. So,in the end the Millerstain Parrots are my favorite.

  142. Ouch, hard question. My favourite is the Eyam Hall Bedhanging, because of the huge variety of stitches used to create this fun design! This would be very interesting to work, I think.

  143. I love your website; you’ve inspired me to start embroidering again. I would love to win this beautiful crewel kit. My favorite kit is the level 2 Jacobean Fantasy, I think. I would learn more about long and short stitches and the colors are perfect for my living room!

  144. My favorite is the Jacobean Long Pillowe. I love the design, the colors, & the shape. I have added this site to my favorites. I thoroughly enjoy the contacts to whom you introduce us!

  145. The firescreen is absolutely my favorite. I’ve always wanted one. I love all the little critters besides the parrots I think the hard part would be coming up with a stand like Phillipa’s – might have to find a woodworker who could make me one. Also I think I’m probably a Level 2 stitcher. I got to find a conversion chart so I can see if I can afford it!

  146. My favorite Phillipa kit was the Levens Hall Pillowe… the colors and texture and the weaving stitch fascinate me and would look so pretty on my couch or on my bed. I did have to narrow it down to the one because I have (like you Mary) about 5 favorites. Perusing Phillipa’s website was happiness at all levels. Thank you for sharing!
    When my mom passed this past winter I returned to my home the crewel piece I had done for her many many moons ago… I’d forgotten I had even stitched it.

  147. I love crewel embroidery! I had to learn to embroidery, crochet and sew as a youngster. Didn’t do much until I lived in Germany (military husband). The pillows I did are long gone with all the use they had, but my beautiful oriental flowering tree is still hanging in my family room. The bird kit you are giving away is wonderful. The colors are the colors in my home and I really need a new pillow in my living room!

  148. I am brand spanking new to your website. I have been signed up for about l week and wished I had known about you sooner. I absolutely loved the Levens Hall Pillow hands down. I love the colors and the texture is out of this world. I enjoyed the pictures up close and personal. May have to have that one!

  149. Thank you for the wonderful give-away. I love reading all the techniques on your blog. My favorite crewel kit is Rabbits. The two reddish-brown rabbits remind me of the two Belgian hares, Hareson and Scarlett O’Hara, that my daughter takes care of for our neighbor. They are such sweet hares.

  150. I love the snails! No special reason other then I like snails!
    I really do like this kit though, the birds are beautiful.

  151. My favorite Phillipa Turnbull kit has to be the Rabbits in level 2. I ‘ve had a rabbit collection for as long as I can remember and these 2 fellows…or are they girls? are too cute. I once went so far as to have pet rabbits that were house/litter box trained…bt I digress. The 2nd best thing about the Rabbit piece is that it also contains the acorns which is the part I love the best about the giveaway piece. And thirdly-the colors lok perfect for my living room! An all around good deal.

  152. The Elizabethan Oak Tree….. That’s the one I would like to have (in addition to the Mellerstain Firescreen, Parrots, etc.) Her designs are so beautiful. I like the historic “feel” to them. And they have a certain kind of visual softness. Really Good Stuff! Thanks Mary!

  153. they are all great but I think the fantasy is my favorite I just love jacobean but then again the snails are too cute to pass up thanks for the chance to win yet another great giveaway
    Bernadette from New Mexico

  154. I love the Jacobean Wild Wood. I love the colors and it requires the use of several stiches i enjoy using in my own embroidery work. Thanks for introducing me to this amazing site!!

  155. Oh my, crewel work! Probably my favourite form of needlework even though I do all kinds of other forms. I love the traditional Jacobean themes and of Philippa’s kits, my two favourites are the Levens Hall Pillow because of the filling stitches and Jacobean Wildwood because the Tree of Life motif is my favourite crewel motif. The parrots, however, would look very nice indeed on my sofa. Keeping my needles crossed …

  156. Hola primero quiero saludarte, y agradecerte por compartir tus conocimientos, Deseo enormemente participar en tu concurso y que bueno seria salir ganadora.
    A ver si entendi tu pregunta: mi edad son 57 años y soy ALICIA DORIS EGAS DE PEREZ.
    Y DEL EQUIPO DE FILIPA me encantan el Kit nivel uno porque se adapta para mi que soy principiante, aunque todos son muy hermosos y deseo llegar a dominarlos ampliamente.

  157. My favourite is Heartsease Pansy which I have completed and made into a cushion. Philippa taught it on a less than 2 hour workshop at the Embnroiders Guild AGM a few years ago and I finished it some time later. I wouldn’t want to take on the really large projects but the one you write about and is on offer I think is delightful and would be just right for a challenge. I also .ove Secret Squirrel and intend to do it sometime. Your article was interesting and the photos good.

  158. Choose just one???? Crewel and unusual punishment. If I must choose just one, the level 3 one of the Leopard, Strawberries and Cockatoo. Then again, perhaps the level 3 Unicorn, grapes and dark blue bird.


  159. My favourite, and oh difficult with so many beauties, is the Mellerstain Parrots. I would just love to win this kit and it would be so appropriate as we are just about to embark on a months bird watching trip so the parrots would be a perfect gift to receive on our return.
    Thank you Mary for introducing me to this website with its wonderful crewel work – a technique I would love to improve on.

  160. Hello, I would like to congratulate you on such a beautiful job, I would like to participate in the competition, for now I’m learning crewell embroidery, and I find it very beautiful all its colors, the little pictures I have no words to describe it, at this time I can relate level one kit Filipa. thanks.
    My name is Alicia EGAS OF DORIS PEREZ and I have 57 years

  161. Dear Mary
    I absolutely adore crewel work and Phillipa’s kits are wonderful. My particular favourite is the Scottish Thistle, which I would work as a gift for my husband Bill(a Scot from Aberlour in the Scottish Highlands) to celebrate our Golden Wedding Anniversary this year. Thank you for a great giveaway from Dorothy in Bideford

  162. My vote must go to the Mellerstain firescreen. The tulip tree was a close second, but the deer, the squirrel included with the parrots just put it over the top for me. The close up the the dimensional acorns must be a hint there are more elements with dimension. I started learning embroidery with Erica Wilson crewel kits. Although no longer displayed I can not part with them. These kits are so wonderful that I am very tempted to put aside the silk thread for a bit and pull out the wool.
    Thanks Mary, Marilyn

  163. OMGosh, this is gorgeous. Your question is too hard to answer. If you asked which one I would most like stitch, it would be the Mellerstain fireplace screen that matches this pillow. As for my favorite, it has to be the Secret Squirrel. It is just too cute! (I also love the bunnies.) I haven’t done any crewel in a while. This may make me move something to the head of the pile!

  164. It is very difficult to choose a favorite, but I think I can narrow it down–to two, anyway. I like the Elizabethan Snails (which are adorable) and the Elizabethan Stag very much. They have so much personality.

  165. My favorite kit is the Jacobean Fantasy kit in the level two offerings. The design is lovely- well balanced both in shape and colors. It has an interesting combinations of fill stitches, which are what fascinate me most about Jacobean work. I think it would be an interesting kit to work and stunning as a display piece.

  166. It is hard to choose as you said but if i must The Rabbits is my favorite. It is so nice of you to give away such great gifts. I would also like to tank you for making avaviable the stitches i may have never learned or have forgotten. I have been doing crewl work off and on for about 35 years.

  167. I love Phillipa Turnball’s crewel kits. I think her work is just wonderful. My favourite kit is “Rabbits” in level II, because rabbits have been my favourite animal since I was little.

  168. Hi Mary,
    My favorite is the Eyam Hall Bedhanging… why?
    First off the color’s – they call you in for a closer look. Then you find yourself enticed further with all the texture the rarely seen 17th Century stitches from the 1680 original piece unfolds! And if that’s not enough, it’s a rare family owned piece, a part of their ancestry that so many people forget nowadays. It urges you on to honor it and enjoy.

    Have a great day and Thanks for asking!

  169. All of the kits are beautiful. From level one, my favorite is Secret Squirrel, Level two, is Jacobean Fantasy, and Level Three has the beautiful Jacobean Long Pillow. Thank you for always seeking out the best designers and products for your readers.

  170. Hi – Thanks for another beautiful giveaway.
    My favorite of all the crewel designs is the entire Mellerstain Firescreen. It is absolutely stunning and I’m one who likes to take on big challenges. Each part of it is lovely and together they are stunning.
    I would love to win the parrots section.

  171. Such beautiful kits on the website, but my most favorite is the Muncaster Lion shown under the Historic section. I also adore the Mellerstain Firescreen which is where the parrots come from, and I was surprised it is a Level 2. Thanks so much for sharing this site – I’d not seen it before and she has some very lovely kits.

  172. OMG! I covet these every year when I go to the knitting and stitching show at Ally Pally. I think the Level 2 Jacobean Fantasy would be my choice, it has everything I like about crewel work, leaves with other things embroidered inside them, blue leaves, swirls, laid and couched work, and beautiful colours used in a slightly bonkers way. Crossing my fingers extra hard that I win, my embroidery muse needs a gentle kick …..

  173. My favourite is the Jacobean Fantasy cushion which is level 2. It reminds me of my aunties house which is an immaculately furnished old renovated house. It also says it is perfect for beginners – which I am! 🙂

  174. I’m a sucker for anything Jacobean and I really like the Long Pillowe. I was hoping you were offering a free trip to England. I drooled over the Lady Anne trip to Phillipa’s and beyond but sadly I didn’t win the lottery.

  175. unicorn grapes and dark blue bird would be my first choice… but since it’s a needlepoint my crewel kit of preference would be the heartsease pansy. thank you for introducing us to this wonderful site.

  176. My favorite crewel kit is “The Marriage Pillowe”. Just beautiful. I think what I really like about these beautiful kits is that they are separated into skill levels. That is very helpful. Thanks for the give-away.

  177. Oh what is not to like!!!! After enjoying my time looking at the beautiful kits, my choice was simple The Elizabethan Oakapple Tree kit. The beautiful soft colours, the wonderful stitches, and this is my favourite tree and of course the acorns!!!!!! Once stitched, you can have this piece made up as a square or round cushion or framed piece.

    Thank you Mary for your wonderful blog and website.

  178. Eyam Hall Bedhanging | Crewel Work
    Hi Mary,
    After much oohing and ahhing, I have selected this kit as my favourite for *today*.
    I really appreciate ‘traditional”‘ forms of needle arts being given new dimensions which widens the audience. I can imagine this cushion on *my* furniture but fitting equally well into my daughter’s decor.
    I did win something once – at 10 I won a port decanter at the school fair, so I live in hope!
    I am soooo appreciative of your love and enthusiasm for all things ‘needled’.
    ATB Carole-Jayne

  179. Ok!! That was hard, but have to choose 2, I love the Jacobean Wild Wood, but would be foolish not to also love the pansy in level 1.
    Her work is wonderful!

  180. I like the “Levens Hall Pollowe” it has some facinating stitches I’d like to try. I do some Crewel work, I have never done a design by Phillipe Turnbull, so that would be a first form me and I would be ready to accept that challenge. Her designs are so beautiful.
    Ana-Maria from Cambridge

  181. You always offer some wonderful give-aways ! Many thanks for that !
    In fact, this design (Mellerstain Parrots) really caught my eyes. I also love the Elizabethan Oakapple Tree, with its soft colors. I never stitched with crewel wool, this would be a first try !

  182. You are so right Mary !!! I had difficulty choosing and ended up with three possibilities, i.e. Mellerstain Firescreen, Elizabethan Oakapple Tree and The Marriage Pillowe. I finally settled on the MELLERSTAIN FIRESCREEN. It reminds me of a combination of both William Morriss and Elizabethan designs, both of which I am partial to. The parrots have the cutest expressions on their faces.
    Although I have not tried Crewelwork to date, I am booked to do a workshop next year at the Koala Textile & Embroidery Convention in Brisbane so looking forward to that. I have been going there for 4 years and each year like to try a new technique.
    How amazing to win this glorious kit which would enable me to give
    Crewelwork a good try !!
    Cheers…………Kaye – Australia

  183. Hi Mary,
    My pick is the Elizabethan Oakapple Tree in level 3. I love the colours, the size and the formation of this one the best.
    Thankyou Mary for all the work you do, you are truely an inspirational woman.

  184. Mary
    That was hard to choose but I like the Scottish Thisle the very best. The purples are cute and so are the little bunnies. It have a nice mix or of colors and stitches. Thanks for giveaway.

  185. I love the Jacobean Long Pillowe in Level 3! The design is beautifully classic and the size is unusual. I started my stitching with crewel and have always loved it. Even though I work primarily in needlepoint these days, I still pick up crewel work at intervals for the sheer sensual pleasure of it. There is nothing quite like it, the colors, the textures, all of it! I started out with the Elsa Williams and Erica Wilson kits and still find ones I haven’t stitched on auction sites. What a treat! And now of course I have Crewel Work Company!

  186. THANK YOU! I have never heard of this website and have just finished very pleasant time on the site and like many of the kits, but must say
    I like the parrots on the Mellerstain FIrescreen. best because they make me smile. crewel was one of the first needlework pieces I ever did, and always
    Go back once in a while and do a piece. I would start this piece the minute it
    Arrived if I was blessed to win it!!!!!

  187. Hi Mary,
    My favorite kit of Phillipa’s is the “Elizabethan Oakapple Tree ” . Skill level 2. I like it because of the colors, they are soft and exquisite. (there is also a kit that has deep blues abd reds in it that love too!) They speak to me. I think I’ll have to use some Birthday money to purchase this little diddy!! I love crewel work and Jacabean is a period that I’m enchanted with. Phillipa’s kits look like she made them with me in mind, also the skill level is a little harder than I’m used to and it would be great to work on something more challenging. I’m a fall girl all the way and love the flora and fauna subjects found in crewel work. Thank you love your giveaways!!

    Always, Melissa Bird

  188. It has always been a fantasy of mine to stitch something of such elegance. I’m in love with the Elizabethan Stag. There is just something so pristine and tranquily about the scence. It isn’t overly compelecated, yet it drew my attention. Maybe I’m being overly imaginative. I think subconsciously my childhood favorite moive drew me.
    Thank you for the give away. Keep stitching,

  189. Yes, the kits are wonderful–my favorite was the Levens Hall Pillow. I loved the colors and the basket-weave type stitch looks like something that would be interesting to learn. I’ve picked a few others as well but I’ve gone back to this one more than once. Thank you for bringing all these interesting sites to us.

  190. I think I would have to go with the Elizabethan Oak Tree as my favorite but they are all great!

  191. Beautiful beyond words!! How can you choose just one? I love Phillipas talent and knowledge of wool and linen. Her kits look outstanding and I would be so excited to be the lucky winner of her kit. I have two favorites: The Mellerstain Firescreen for the beauty of the scene and the colors. I love the Levens Hall Pillowe for the perfect colors of my living room, the many stitches that are unusual, antique looking, yet country casual. It would make my heart sing to be the winner of one of her kits! I love your newsletters!!

  192. Sheesh Mary! How can I pick just one! Phillipa’s website is amazing…such talent! I would love to win the Mellerstein Parrots kit. Saw the firescreen…b-u-t-ful! If I have to pick just one, I’d choose the Rabbits! Thanks for sharing and the give-a-way opportunity.

  193. Hi Mary,
    I would love to win one, since I haven’t try it. I’ve seen so many beautiful design and this one sure is pretty.
    I find Philippa website very helpful, since she has level category, its much easier to know which ones to get.

    More power to you all!

    El Forguson

  194. I’m enchanted by the Muncaster lion, though very timid to actually attempt such a feat. There are no wrong colors in the scene. I think my readings have starting to influence close to everything in my life. (I’m a fantasy scifi geek.) The lion portrait to me depicts a scence of myth or fable with hundreds of ways to intrepret it. Thank for providing such a wonderful oppurtunity and information.
    Thank you once again,

  195. My favorite is the Mellerstain firescreen because I love all the animals. Plus I hope to make a crewel firescreen someday.

  196. I have been wanting to try crewel embroidery. A level one kit would be perfect. I like the Heartsease Pansy very much. What a beautiful site!

  197. Probably Jacobean Fantasy, followed closely by Levens Hall (both in the Level 2). But if I look again tomorrow, I’ll probably change my mind. Her designs are just beautiful! Janet.

  198. Hi Mary,

    What a wonderful give away! I have had a quick look at Phillipa’s website and decided it is one to book mark for the future! I decided to pick the Elizabethan Oak Tree in Level 3. I have a fondness for Oak Trees, and also love the Elizabethan era, so what a great combination!

    Happy stitching!


  199. Wow! What a wonderful website. The designs are all just lovely!. I do regular surface embroidery and always loved the crewel work. I have a couple of pieces my great-grandmother & great aunt finished and would like to learn this technique. To pick one piece is really hard!! As a beginner I really like the Jacobean Sampler because it is beautiful and offers a variety of stitches to learn. However, my most favorite piece is the Levens hall Pillowe because of the different rare stitches used. I love things that are not the “norm”. Thank you for all your wonderful info and the chance to win a beautiful kit.

  200. Yes, I’m getting mean in my old age lol, I don’t like to share my embroidery threads as easily as I used to. I guess that is because I can’t buy them as easily as I used to. I love Phillipa’s kits they are just gorgeous but way out of my reach, I do like the Mellorstain Parrots design, the style is right up my street and I could do with an inspiring challenge at the moment. Thank you for sharing Mary. Kind Regards Mandy Currie (mandycurrie@googlemail.com)

  201. Mary,
    I have a few of Phillipa’s kits waiting in my stash. I’ve always loved crewel and have been doing it since I was a child. Her choice of colors is so lovely.I used to love Elizabethan Oakapple Tree the best, but now my favorite is the newer Mellerstain Firescreen. It has the creatures I adore (squirrel, deer, birds) and the tree itself is so wonderfully extravagant. All it’s missing is a rabbit…or, at least, I couldn’t see one in there. What a joy this piece would be to stitch!

  202. I like the Jacobean Wild Wood crewel kit best because:
    1. I like traditional designs;
    2. I like the colors;
    3. I like a challenge; and,
    4. It does not include pesky varmits like squirrels, rabbits or deer.

  203. Oh, I love her kits. Terribly hard to pick, but I do love the Elizabethan Oakapple Tree. The greens and pinks are wonderful. Hope I win!

  204. For me it is a toss up.

    I love the Mellerstain Firescreen. The colors and the pattern are just wonderful. I know it is way bigger of a project than I would probably manage but I love the looks of it.

    I also love The Tulip Tree. Tulips are my favorite flower and I love the bright pops of color and the asymetrical pattern design.

  205. Dear Mary,
    Love your emails. I really like the tullip tree. I love the colors and I always am a sucker for flowers and trees. Keep up the good work. I do believe I could stitch that one quite nicely.

  206. I liked the Jacobean Fantasy, Level Two, the best. The traditional flowers and leaves fill the space quite well, with the two large blue flowers and the smaller red ones positioned so that your eye travels around.

  207. I fell in love with the Secret Squirrel in the level one kits! He is just adorable, and I love the acorns and the colors (I even have that exact color of green velveteen in my stash!).

    OK, that is my favorite realistic kit, one that I could actually do. My favorite fantasy kit is the firescreen–oh my heck, I want to make that!

  208. This is easy! Since I personally know Phillipa, (just had show off), my favorite project is the one we did on our retreat this past June. But, since that one doesn’t qualify, my favorite is the firescreen. We actually saw the original firescreen in the tour of Mellerstain. But, I really do love the pillow with just the parrots on it, too.

  209. I think my favorite is the Jacobean Long Pillow. I love the shape! And the design is wonderful. Of course, it IS very difficult to choose a favorite from all the beautiful designs! Thanks for this fun contest, Mary.


  210. I really like Jacobean Fantasy. I love the name, and the colours in this seem to be the purest. I love the swirling nature of the design as well. Thanks for introducing us to the site. I love those birds too.

  211. Mary, how on earth do you choose a favorite? They are all so lovely! I think it would be a tie for me between the Marriage Pillowe and the Levens Hall Pillowe. I absolutely adore both of them and I would love to be able to make them both. I love the Marriage
    Pillowe because it is representative of my husband and me who are best friends and have loved each other for over 15 years. He is the love of my life, no doubt. I love the Levens Hall Pillowe for the beautiful flowers and the colors. It would be magical on my bed! Truly magical! I would so love to win the Mellerstein Parrots because I would love to spend the time doing these beautiful birds! Hope I win!

    Thank you for all that you do Mary!

  212. My favourite is the Jacobean Long Pillowe. The stems and branches fill the shape so beautifully and I love the little hillocks along the bottom. The balance of the rounded shapes is elegant and the stitch variation will be really interesting to execute – especially with the range of blending colours. It’s really enticing.

  213. Hi Mary,

    Not an easy decision by any stretch of the imagination, but I’d just have to go with the Mellerstain Firescreen–mainly because I’m a birdwatcher and a keeper of birds, but also because it’s such an unusual and grand-looking piece.

    Thanks so much for introducing us to this site! I’m hooked!
    Therese from PA

  214. After spending considerable time on this fabulous website, I have come to the conclusion that the Mellerstain parrot kit is by far my favorite! My husband LOVES birds and I have stitched all different kinds of birds! My first project as a new stitcher was a crewel project with birds! I love this one so much and would love to win it!

  215. My favourite pieces are the Jacobean fantasy. Love the colours and the textual look. Secret squirrel is my next pick but the loveliest one, I think is the Jacobean long pillow. This design fits so well with the way it is being used and gives a feeling of soft summer days.

  216. My favorite crewel kit is the Levens Hall Pillowe because I love the details and color combination. I just started crewel recently and it is so much fun.


  217. I guess it wouldn’t be answering the question if I were to say that I like them all?? I will narrow my favourites to two – Jacobean Fantasy and Elizabethan Oakapple Tree. I did some crewel work back in the day (70’s likely?) when it was all the rage. I’m glad to see that it’s coming back!

  218. Oh you are so right. There are so many beautiful kits here. I really love the Fire Screen. It is simply stunning, but my favourite is the Tulip Tree Pillow. Really lovely.

    I would so love to win the Mallerstain Parrots. I have visited this House many years ago when visiting Scotland.

  219. I think my favourite might be the Jacobean Sampler, though I keep wavering back and forth between it and a handful of others. I really love the Jacobean style, so it definitely appeals to me. (But then, there’s also the Levens Hall Pillowe, which looks like it would be a bit more of a challenge, but also a great learning experience. And oh, honestly, how could anyone decide?)

  220. All of her designs are gorgeous. But, if I have to choose a favorite, I think it’s the Elizabethan Oak Tree. It’s unusual, not what I usually picture when I think of crewel, and it reminds me of the oak trees surrounding our house. Our road is called Acorn Drive for a reason!

  221. Hi Mary, Well, this is 1 of my most favorite forms of needlework. It brings back ford memories of learning to stitch and being taught by my grandmother. I found a small piece of crewel work kittens in a basket which I stitched when I was about 8 years old. I remember feeling so proud when I finished this basket of kittens. have done 1 of Phillipa’s kits about 3 years ago. It was a little bunny with flowers. Her kits and materials are beautiful. I would love to win the parrot pillow as my favorite kit on her website is the beautiful fire screen. I think I will order the fire screen and would like to win the coordinating pillow!

  222. I would love to win this crewel kit! My favourite is the Jacobean Wild Wood. I like the way the design reaches into every corner. The colours are so vibrant, ( would fit beautifully into my living room) and there is a wonderful selection of stitches to keep my on my toes. Sue

  223. What beautiful kits, and what a generous giveaway! I’ve just become interested in crewel, and haven’t seen such a lovely collection before. While I am not a level 3 stitcher, the unusual shape and grace of the Jacobean Long Pillowe have hooked me. It is something to aspire to!

  224. I have been a silent follower of your newsletter for many months, but had to put a word in when I saw these kits! Each and every one is exquisite, but I think my favorite is the Heartsease Pansy. The colors are among my favorites, and I love all the detail that fits into such a small space. Elegant and efficient. I also really want to work the couched leaf. Gorgeous!
    Well, here’s hoping I’m lucky!
    Jennifer S.

  225. I was SO tempted to just plunk down my credit card as soon as I saw the Mellarstain Firescreen. Two things stopped me – 1. How much is 110 pounds (I’ll have to call my niece who is currently living at Oxford University)? 2. I haven’t done crewel work in a long time. (However, since it was only a level two I have just about convinced myself “How hard can it be?” I love that piece! (And I DO have a fireplace to put it in front of)

  226. The Jacobean Peony is one of my favorite. I am new to crewel and love Jacobean work. I have had Phillipa’s website on my favorites for several years. I purchased my lap stand from her a couple of years ago after taking a trip to England and seeing this type of stand in all the needlework shops. I love it. I have a vary basic crewel project to start on for now and when I get comfortable with it, I will purchase some of Phillipas.

  227. Beautiful! I just love the parrots! She is such a talented lady. OK, choosing one (really?) of her designs is tough, but I went through them and then back to The Tulip Tree. So that is my favorite (other than those adorable parrots).

    Thanks Mary and Phillipa.

  228. I’ve always loved the way crewel work looked, and the stitches aren’t difficult, but making them look good is another story. My favorite stitch kit is the secret squirrel. Since it is a beginner kit it would suit me. Most importantly I love squirrels and all creatures relating to them, (Chipmunks in particular). I would enjoy bringing the wildlife indoors without worrying about feeding and tidying up. Tanya Wersinger

  229. G’day Mary, Yes, took me awhile. Love browsing those type of sites, especially as is new to me.
    The Levens Hall Pillowe (love that romantic spelling, even if spellcheck doesn’t) is my bestest favourite.
    Love the different filling stitches.
    Thanks Mary and, The Kind Crewel Lady (!), for this very special give-away. Those parrots are very appealing too.
    Cheers, Kath from Oz.

  230. Dear Mary,
    Thank you so much for encouraging and promoting embroidery.I found your website by accident and have followed it ever since and look foward to my daily emails.

    I have stitch a little crewel embroidery. Phillipa Turnbull does exquisite work and I love all her designs, but as I must chose my favourite would be Jacobean Fantasty for its colour and design. The colours are bright & beautifully blended and the design has movement and interest and keeps one looking incase something is missed.

    Once again thank you for sharing your love of embroidery.

    Glenda – Australia

  231. The Mallerstein Parrots kit that is offered as the give-a-way is my very favorite offering from The Crewel Company. The colors and variety of stitches are lovely and the difficulty level is something that I could handle. I also love working with Appleton yarns. I really love the rabbits kit, also. The texture is rather 3Dish and very interesting. This is a wonderful site. Thank you for the introduction to this website.

  232. Mary,
    Thank you for sharing so much beautiful needlework through your website. My favorite level 1 crewel kit is Elizabethan Snails. My reason is because I am slow like a snail! I learned some embroidery at my Mother’s knee as a young child of 7 or 8. Our family fell on hard times and needlework became an expense we couldn’t afford. Now that I am 65 and a grandmother of 4, I have taken it up again. My progress is slow, but I love it! And I will teach my granddaughters to embroider as soon as they can hold a needle!

  233. Hi Mary,
    What a wonderful article – and kit. Thanks for the chance to win. I’ll get on with my homework – I was in the level 1 kits and my eyes went right to the little rabbits in the Scottish Thistle kit. Then I went to level 2
    and there was a kit called Rabbits!! I just laughed and laughed – then I got my thoughts together and figured I would put myself in the level 1 category so I choose Scottish Thistle kit. I know me – too much of a challenge and it would remain in the “waiting to be finished” bin.
    Thanks – Mary – Blessings

  234. Jacobean Wild Wood | Crewel Work is my favorite of her crewel designs. I am getting interested in crewel. I’ve always liked the Jacobean designs.

  235. Hi Mary,

    Here’s my favorite. It was almost a tie, but I like the Jacobean Long Pillow the best. Two reasons.

    Here’s Why,
    1.Now, I’m not at an advanced level, but I tend toward the pillows. The one’s I look for now are those with more muted colors. That way, if I give it away as a gift (something I do with what I sew) I don’t have to worry about it matching their decor. Because of this reason The Tulip Tree was a close second fav.
    2. I like the different shape. The regular square or rectangle gets boring. The long pillows are more unique and functional for those of us with aging backs.


    Not sure if feedback is welcome, sites that offer the choice of purchasing mat for the back and trim appeal to me. Maybe it’s included, but I didn’t see it.

    Thanks for the opportunity of winning this. It looks awesome!!

  236. I have wanted to try Crewel, but there aren’t too many places in Arizona, USA, to find kits. It’s exciting to possibly be able to try.

    The designs I like the best are Heartsease Pansy and Jacobean Peony- couldn’t choose just one of them. The Snails were close behind. I am a beginner, so these would be great to learn on.

    Currently I do Cross-Stitch and Crochet.

  237. Thank you for sharing this beautiful website! I love crewel work and the designs on this site are adorable. I think my favourite design is the Jacobean Long Pillowe or The Tulip Tree. The long pillowe because I have an old footstool/sewing box that needs a new top and I think this would look beautiful on it. The tulip tree because of all the different colours and stitches. It looks like a challenge to stitch and I do like a challenge. 🙂

  238. Hi Mary, before last year, I was terrified of not only satin stitch but long & short stitch also, feeling that I never could do such fine stitching, so I went no futher that Level One – for the terrified stitcher and I would choose the Heartease kit as my garden is full of these flowers. Many plants are self-sown from one year to the next. I have such lovely colours to copy many of which are definitely not available in the garden centres.


    Marian, NZ

  239. She has a lot of lovely kits, but I think my favorite is Jacobean Fantasy. I also think this site could be very hazardous to my pocketbook. Thanks for sharing though.

  240. I have to say that the Mellerstain Parrots are my favorite. The colors and the particular stitches used are wonderful.
    I used to do a lot of crewel embroidery when I was a teenager and looking at the kits on Phillipa’s sight brings back great memories. I would love to win this kit and begin crewel embroidery again.

  241. Jacobean Wild Wood is my first choice after the Mellerstain Firescreen. These kits are gorgeous, and I’m drooling onto my keyboard…..! I’d love to win that kit up for grabs. Thanks for the opportunity.

  242. Hi, Mary!
    I love love love all of the kits! The one with the bunnies is adobable. But I think I like the Levens Hall Pillowe the best. The choice of colors and variety of stitches are wonderful. Thanks for the chance to win one of those lovely kits!
    Shelley Wine

  243. Hello Mary, I do so enjoy your daily post and today’s is another beauty. It has introduced me to another website I would otherwise not know about. I am very fond of Jacobean embroidery and also working in wool. You are right finding a favorite was very difficult. I loved Levens Hall Pillow, the Mellerstain Firescreen, the Tulip Tree but because I love muted colors which I have to say are not usually found in Jacobean embroidery my absolute favorite is the Elizabethan Oakapple Tree. I was a subscriber to your daily post but a couple of years ago when we were going on a long holiday with limited access to the nett I unscribed to all my non essential emails. Then On return from our wanderings I couldn’t remember your name. It was only recently when I was looking for information on silk thread that I was directed to your site. I was so happy to be able to re subscribe and once again enjoy your daily chat. Kind regards Andrea Fong

  244. It is so hard to decide, they are all so nice and the closeups of the stitching makes my mouth water, but I think that I like the parrots firescreen the best as it has so much work in it and that would make the pleasure of stitching it last so much longer.

  245. For a challenge, I *love* Jacobean Wild Wood. But the Elizabethean Snails stole my heart! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

  246. Without a question I absolutely love the Mellerstain Parrots! The soft colors and the autumn theme won me over. I have been looking for good parrot pattern for some time, for a good friend who recently lost her mother. They were both parrot lovers.

  247. Thank you Mary for another great giveaway & introducing me to Phillipa’s site! The Elizabethan Oakapple tree is my favorite because of the shading on the tree, the texture of the acorns & the overall color scheme. It is stunning! After drooling over the crewel kits, I took a peek at the needlepoint & found the classic panels with birds, beasts & fruit. Sure hope Santa shops online!

  248. Hi Mary, I found your site about two months ago and have enjoyed spending time reading all your posts since 2006. It has been a wonderful journey. What I particularly like about these birds are the variety of soft, bold colors that are used in the design and the combination of parrots (or love birds) and acorns, I would have expected some other berry or fruit in the grouping. My favorite design has always been Elizabethan stag, we have 8 or 9 deer who pay a visit to our backyard every evening. Two are young bucks who are just getting used to their new antlers and this design always reminds me of them. Thanks for this give away. Sharon

  249. Hi Mary!
    I am with you – can’t decide which one I like best. My top picks….not necessarily in this order…..are:

    Snails: way too cute! I could see them as a border on something.

    Eyam Hall Bedhanging: I love the bird, and the variety of stitches.

    Jacobean long pillow: I love the wildlife pattern, and the non-traditional shape (i.e. a long rectangle and not square). I would do something non-traditional with it. I see it as a valance for the little window in my back room that overlooks the forest next to my house!

    Thanks for the opportunity. I enjoyed window shopping on the site!

  250. It was hard to pick, so many interesting designs, but I’d have to say the “Levens Hall Pillowe”. The different stitch patterns and the layers are beautiful.
    Thank you for hosting this giveaway!

  251. Oh dear Mary…you ARE getting mean! Since I have always been fascinated with the various shades of pansies, I would have to select the “Heartsease Pansy”…although there’s something about those “Rabbits!”

  252. Crewel work is always so beautiful. I am partial to the Scottish Thistle because I’ve always loved that plant and this design looks like one whose results I might be happy with when (if) I ever completed it, but I am going to vote for the Levens Hall Pillowe as my favorite. It has an interesting variety of stitches that would be fun to learn. And there’s not much long and short which always makes me anxious.

  253. I like the Elizabethan Snails in Level 1 because it’s unusual, yet still shows off the crewel work beautifully. Who thought that snails could look so good?

    Thank you for the chance to enter the giveaway.

  254. Hello,
    All the kits are so lovely. My favorite is the Jacobean Sampler, because it looks beautiful and it is in the easy section, so I think I could probably just about stitch it! Also, I really love the colours.
    Thank you,

  255. I absolutely love the Mellerstain firescreen. It is beautiful. I would love to have the opportunity to do a portion of it. I think the Jacobean Stag and the Rabbits are wonderful too. I was amazed at the quality of these pieces. Thank you for sharing. I love the timeless beauty that is found in these works.

  256. WOW! Such a difficult decision. I love the mellerstain parrots, but the wedding pillow and the secret squirrel are also favorites. In fact, there isn’t one I wouldn’t love to have the opportuniy to make. They are all lovely.

  257. ONE of my favorite kits is the Jacobean Wild Wood | Crewel Work kit. I’ve always liked Jacobean style and I love that this kit has a good variety of challenging stitches. Thanks, Mary!

  258. Hello Mary
    Like so many other commenters, choosing a single favorite was difficult !! I settled on “HeartsEase Pansy” for multiple reasons. 1) Blue is my favorite color,2) Level I is reasonable for my limited experience(although I have done needlepoint & cross-stitch for years, I have only started in surface embroidery recently & have done 2 pieces). I’m currently working on your long/short stitch project with the geometric shapes. It’s a true practice piece, but it’s a marvelous way to solidify a new stitch in my repetoire. 3) I am an avid gardener & 4 (but most importantly) HeartsEase is the name of a dance that I have danced, it’s a lovely dance.

  259. Oh Mary, these are so beautiful! It’s so hard to decide which pattern is my favorite. I have visited The Crewel Work Company many times and longed to try most of them! If I had to choose one as a favorite, I would choose the Jacobean Fantasy, but I would most likely hand it on the wall. I would never trust it as a pillow with my family in my house. It would truly be a treasure, as would the Mellerstain Parrots if I were to be so lucky! Thanks for the great sharing!

  260. I took a class with her and this was the class. It was awesome to make and I was proud of myself when I finished it. Don’t enter me in the drawing please… but I was just so happy to see she kitted it. It’s hard to choose for sure. The Mellerstain Fire Screen is my favorite. I have it and can’t wait to make that one up.

  261. Jacobean Fantasy, definitely. No, wait, Elizabethan Oakapple Tree. Yes, absolutely, the Rabbits!. I love them all. There, that’s my final answer. Love you and your stuff. I do hand-dyed wool applique on quilts and wall hangings, and since I found your website my embellishment skills have increased ten-fold. At least. Thank you Mary Corbet.

  262. I love the Jacobian sampler for the amazing color and crip beautiful design, plus it would look AMAZING n my sewing room! I love the Elizabethan oak and the Elizabethan oak apple tree because I am a pagan, and both are beautifully symbolic. And I love the secret squrril . . . Cause its a SQUIRREL!

  263. What a fabulous Giveaway!!!
    I like the Mellerstain Parrots the best because they are so cute the way they are looking at each other and they are very colorful.

  264. Just like the blue parrot, at 71, I have no time for fools or wasting time in needless flirtations.
    As a better admirer than a stitcher I reall love the Level One Heartsease Pansy Kit.

  265. I had two that I find it very hard to choose between. First Levens Hall Pillowe and the other first is Jacobean Sampler. They both seem to have a variety of stitch patterns to work with. They have a clean, elegant design. I would love to stitch them both and they may have to go on my wish list.

    My sister has always loved crewelwork. So should I win this drawing I would (reluctantly) give it to her. Not sure she could stitch it given failing eyesight. But maybe she could work with her daughter on it when they are doing their historical reinactments.

  266. The kit is really beautiful.
    I love Mellerstain Parrots kit the most . I have been an embroider for quite a while now and know basics to some extent. So a level 2 kit would be a good choice. The beauty of the design , its fullness ,and how it lies on the fabric makes it look elegant and awesome
    Looking forward to winning this kit . thank you.

  267. Hello Mary, I have been following you on facebook for a few months and I have learned so many wonderful techniques that would have made my grandmother proud to see.

    The Crewel Work on all the kits are wonderful and I did have 3 that I really stood out for me; Rabbits! (lvl2), Eyam Hall Bedhanging (lvl3), and my favorite the Levens Hall Pillowe (lvl2). I just couldn’t get over the woven pattern in the stitching, and Eyam Hall Bedhanging was a very close second with its intricate patterns.

    Thank you for pointing crewelwork.com out to me, I am going to try some crewelwork of my own, I’m just not sure it will be quite as beautiful.


  268. Hi Mary,
    I love Phillipa’s crewel work. To know that she offers free advise with the kits if you are having any trouble is wonderful.
    My favorite one is “Elizabethan Oakapple Tree”
    level 3. The soft colours appeal to me very much & I’ve been looking at it for a while now.
    I find crewel work very relaxing & I alternate it with my counted work.
    Thank you for another wonderful give away.
    Ley Rapley in NZ

  269. My favorite crewel kit on Phillipa’s website is Jacobean Wild Wood. I love the traditional nature of the design, the fabulous colour combination and the wide variety of filling stitches used, that give the design lightness and interest. I agree it was very hard to pic. Thanks Mary for giving me another great site to visit.

  270. That’s easy – the Levens Hall Pillowe because it reminds me of the beautiful Indian chintzes that I’m also in love with. The colours…the patterns…that create the textures…that give me more ambitious ideas for stitching projects…[sigh]

  271. Gosh, just so hard to choose!
    I do love the simplicity of “Rabbits” with “Jacobean Fantasy” coming in a very close second 🙂

  272. Hi, Mary This is a nice give away,encouraging many people who are interested in to participate.My favorite kit in Phillipa’s website is Jacobean Fantasy in level 2.I love doing long &short in various shades.Hope i would win this.I love doing embroidery,learned a lot from your website.

    Thank you for helping us improve our skills.

  273. I am so glad you introduced this site. The kits are of such quality and beauty, and that is hard to find! I love the Jacobean Wild Wood both because it is a well-balanced design and that it has so many of the classic Jacobean elements. I am not an experienced crewel stitcher, but I always go for a challenge, no matter what craft I am undertaking. I find that we can be more inspired when there is more complexity and often we do better than we thought we could! As always, thank you for your tireless efforts to preserve the craft of embroidery.

  274. My favorite kit is the “Rabbits.” I am very traditional and this is also another illustration that has been modified. It is a corner of a previous kit, which I believe included a dear from some time ago. I love the blue.green and brown colors. They just pop. I had the pleasure of receiving one of her kits for my birthday: the “Jacobean Sampler” for beginners. They also are very willing to answer questions at the The Crewel Work Company site. I am so glad she has modified the Parrot Firescreen for someone like myself who is impatient and always anxious to get to another project. I haven’t had the pleasure of completing another one of her kits, but I would enjoy working on the parrots very much, because I know I could not complete the full Firescreen and I have always admired it. Also, it would look great in my parents living room since it includes all of their colors.

    Please consider me for this give away.

    Thank You!

    Suzanne R. James

  275. FYI from Suzanne James.

    I already submitted a comment for the contest, but for those who enjoy the “Rabbits” from the Crewel Work Company. As I mentioned before it is from an older kit called the “Tree of Life”, that has been discontinued. If you are interested you can view that kit at the following site http://www.ineedlework.com. It is under Crewel Work Company and then Tree of Life. Look at the left side of the picture and you will see the Rabbits on the left.

    Enjoy Everyone!

  276. This was so difficult, I had to think about it overnight! It was between the Heartsease Pansy and the Tulip Tree. The Heartsease Pansy won, as I just love the colours, and it looks more manageable for a first attempt at crewel work.

  277. You are right! It is very hard to choose just one!
    However, I think my favourite has to be the Jacobean Wild Wood.

    This is for several reasons: I love the range of colours used; I like the fact that it uses a variety of stitches so it would be a tremendous learning experience (although as a Level 3 kit, it would be a challenge!); I love that it has been developed from bedhangings found in castles, giving a sense of creating a piece of history.

    Also, having seen The Crewel Work Company’s kits at the Alexandra Palace Knitting and Stitching Show, whoever wins is in for a real treat, so thank you Mary for running such a generous give-away 🙂

  278. Elizabethan Oak Apple Tree! I do just love the colors of this design. I enjoy apples! I have done one of her small designs and it was a great way to reintroduce myself to crewel as I had done a bit when I was lots younger. Enjoying it again as the empty nest has become a reality.
    Avis in VA

  279. The kit that strikes my fancy is ‘The Marriage Pillowe’ in level three. This would be a fine marker for our 25th anniversary next year – not bad for something that was only going to last a couple of weeks! And may I say that the giveaway is absolutely wonderful – as well as your commentary on the image! Made me chuckle 🙂

  280. Hi Mary,

    I really like the Levens Hall pillow kit. The stitches are fascinating – they have a modern feel to them. This kit would really stretch my crewel stitching. Thank you for introducing me to The Crewel Work Company.

  281. I checked out the crewel work company website and all I can say is wow. My favorite design must be the heartsease pansy.

  282. Hi Mary!
    What a great give away, thank you so much!!!

    My favorite kit is “The Tulip Tree”. I love the Tulip combining with “the Tree of Life” and all the surrounding crewel stitches and colors.Absolute beautiful.
    I really hope this is my chance to work one of Phillipa’s great kits. I am looking to her DVD regularly.She was doing a great job on those duvet of the Queen-mothers’bed!

    Happy stitching day!

  283. Heartsease Pansy, I love it, the bright colours, the shading and the trellis work. It looks like a good challenge, and hopefully not too difficult.

  284. The Mellerstain parrotts are now my number one pick. I love birds and follage so it is such a treat for my eyes. A lovely piece to enjoy the pleasure of the wool and linen being worked in my hands and then passed along through the generations. Thank you for your wonderful site.

  285. Oh WOW! What beautiful designs. I have done crewel many years ago and how wonderful to see some designs that are more modern. I absolutely love the Mellerstain Firescreen, because it is not only beautiful but it would be a great challenge to stitch. I like to have a challenge to work on.

  286. Hi Mary – sure was a tough question! I think I would have to choose the Jacobean Long Pillow in Level 3. This is mainly because most kits and designs are for cushions (ie square) and not able to be adapted to a long pillow which would be very useful but also decorative and enhance the home furnishings. (too good to give away!!) As I am an embroiderer from way back I think I would be able to handle Level 3 kits.

  287. I just loved the mellerstain firescreen. It’s got it all! It is a total classic. I would love to try my hand on one of these kits. They are just beautiful.
    These kits are amazing. I can add another site to my drooling list. When I look at these kits I think it is unfair that I have to work and that there are just 24 hours in a day. I would love to do them all…..

  288. Hearts-ease Pansy has the simple perfection in blue of crewel work showing its glorious beauty.

    Dear Mary & Philippa thank you for this wonderful giveaway simply love working with the tenderness of wool.

  289. Jacobean Wild Wood is my favorite because it has so many stitch elements and I love all things about trees. I have a crewel piece which was the last thing my mother was working on when she died many years ago. Crewel is relaxing with no counting. I look forward to your wonderful emails and the detailed information you give to the stitch world.

  290. I was really surprised when i saw this post pop up! Before christmas Phillipa asked me to pattern test this very design and to make up a sample for her. She sent me the first half of the design, but never sent the rest, even though I emailed her several times. I thought she’d gone out of businesss…

  291. Goodness me, it’s hard to choose, they’re all lovely. I think I have decided that my favourite is the Levens Hall Pillowe. I like the way the leaves are given such texture with the unusual patterns. I also like the design – the way the red flowers make a curve round the central leaves so that the eye follows round the picture and into the central feature.

  292. Dear Mary
    And my favorite is : Jacobean Fantasy.
    Because it is of a very traditional style, in the style of the tree of live. and I enjoy Jacobean embroidery !
    But in France, it is very difficult to find and buy all you need for it ; and only a very few people know what you are talking about …
    Sometimes in great fairs as “l’aiguille en fête” in Paris or “pour l’amour du fil” in Nantes, you got the chance meeting a designer (for instance Sue Hawkins) and talking with her ! I got some books, such as “the beginner’s guide” and fortunately, there is Internet to buy necessities.
    I don’t kwow if I am permit to subscrive to your give-away ! And will you understand all I tried to say for my english is not so … hum … good enough ?
    Thank you for all you do and explain in your website. Jacqueline.

  293. The Elizabethan Stag. I enjoy crewel work and have done a few. The stag is gorgeous and the whole picture is interesting. I like the background leaves.

  294. Oh oh oh! I just woke up my husband while cooing over my iPad in bed, looking at all the beautiful kits. He’s not so happy with me so I hope I win and I can SHOW him why I got excited (although truth be told he still might not be so excited…).

    I think my favourite is (I kept changing my mind) “The Elizabethan Stag”.

    Wow. Just Wow.

  295. Dear Mary, I have a hard time picking a favorite from these designs! I have actually seen a number of these worked by friends in my EGA chapters and they are so gorgeous done up in those wools. But I did get it down to the Levens Hall Pillow in Level 2, which has wonderful stitches in it, with a great use of color to bring them out, and The Elizabethan Oak Tree in Level 3, because I am an acorn/oak fan. I’ll go with The Tree. Thanks.

  296. I like several, but as a beginner I chose jacobeam sampler from level 1. I like the colors and the variety of items to stitch. I believe it would look wonderfu finished on my sofa.

  297. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, pick me, pick me!
    I love all her kits, but my favorite would have to be Jacobean Peony.
    It was the very first crewel project I stitched and right then and there I fell in love with crewel embroidery. I love the way wool yarn feels in your hand and the sound it makes as it slides through the linen. It always calms me. That was a year ago and I still love it and get excited every time I set down to my frame. By the way I gave the peony to my Mom, she is the one who always appreciates my first attempt at new thing messy stitches and all.


  298. Oh, what beautiful art! I love them all!
    My favorite [which I immediately had to order, of course!] is the Oak Tree, Level 3. I have always loved the magnificent Oak. Its importance in history cannot be underestimated. I have incorporated the Oak in furntiture, textiles, and artwork, wherever I have lived. Yes, the Oak Tree design is my favorite!

  299. The Tulip Tree is my favorite. Such a graceful and airy design, and the colours are so glowing and not as heavy as some of the more ‘traditional’ designs that I usually see in crewel books

  300. Talk about frustrated! I’m reading the comments about all these wonderful kits and I can’t access them! When I click on the link, the response is “product not available”! Or “category not found”. Grrrr. I know I must be doing something wrong. I don’t see any kits that relate to levels of skill. So, my comment is that I love the Historic British Needlepoint, which I CAN see, and my favorite is The unicorn in the Traquair Collection.

  301. Love the pictures on your site – they are so beautiful and inspiring! Not the usual “crafty” work you see so often, but just lovely and elegant. As for my favorite kit from Phillipa’s site, it is so difficult to choose just one, but if I must: the Jacobean Fantasy in level 2. I love Jacobean flowers and this design is just gorgeous.

    I look forward to future articles!

  302. Wow. That’s a tough choice indeed.

    I think I’d have to go with the Levens Hall Pillow. For the educational/historical value so I gain some context of the style; for the supplies that come with it, and for the elegant design, colours and practical end use 🙂

    Although I’d probably have to beg my sister to sew it up *blushes*

    Wow, what an amazing give-away. Thank you!


  303. Fav is the Jacobean Long Pillowe. The overall design appeals as well as the tricky and challenging work in the flowers but I especially like the little animals cavorting around in the bottom of the piece.

  304. I loved the Elizabethan Oakapple Tree, Level 3. The colors were soft and very warm looking. I especially liked it framed in the round-it filled the whole area-it was simple yet very elegant.

  305. You are so right! Phillipa has some really beautiful kits, which certainly did make it hard. If I were to start with only one, it would be the Levens Hall Pillowe (Level II), because I like the use of color in this one and the type of stitches used.

    That said, if I had an unlimited amount of time and $$$, I’d chose the Eyam Hall Bedhanging next, then The Marriage Pillowe. Finally, I’d like to tackle the fire screen & the matching pillow.

  306. I really like the secret squirrel kit, it looked like a fun project, and I love the face of that little squirrel.

  307. I love the level 2 “Rabbits”. I mostly do counted cross stitch, so it has been some time since I’ve done crewel embroidery. Not really a true beginner, but also not an expert either – so that leaves me in the middle and I thought the rabbits were the cutest idea!

  308. I love those parrots! All of the kits are lovely, but I’d have to choose the Level 1 kit Heartsease Pansy for my favorite. What can I say? I’m a sucker for those colors 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity, Mary!

  309. My favorite piece of Phillipa Turnbulls is The Mellerstain Parrot Firescreen. I always look for a large project to become my comfortable companion throughout the cold, snowy months of Colorado plus my husband loves to study birds & I have the perfect place for it in my sunroom where I stitch in the winter. I am also enamored with her Secret Squirrel, Rabbits, and Jacobean Wild Wood pieces.Now that I will be getting her e-newsletters also. I am getting my daughter involved with stitching through EGA & she is attracted to this venue of embroidery also. Nice choice Mary!

  310. Decisions – decisions. I must admit that the Tulip Tree design tugs at my heart because of the history of how the tulip arrived on the stage of history. It is a fascinating story. The design of the Tulip Tree is also appealing, along with the teaser about the well know and lesser know stitches to develop and grow ones stitching abilities. I’d love to know if this

    But….. as much as I like that one, I must admit that my very favorite is the Mellerstain Firescreen. It has such a unique play of perspective, from the bottom to the top. I love the way the little hills are arranged at the bottom of the design with the stag. It incorporates the wonderful rugged, untamed outdoor life of Scotland – the hunting parties that would have happened in the great houses and castles. The mid ground – the delights of forest and streams perhaps – a place of calm to contemplate. The parrots – possibly the delights reminiscent of a grand tour abroad, bringing back the exotic, having the exotic surround one in the drawing rooms perhaps, culture and civilization in the midst of the wilds of the north. The vines and stems around the parrots tend to be more “romantic” or whimsical. Perhaps there was a renovation, and piece was needed to finish decor, giving a history of the house.

    It would be fascinating to study and learn more about the piece, who the artist was, what their thoughts were with the designs, the history of the house and family – how they lost the house and how it was restored to the family, their ties to William of Orange, and other nobility. Also, who stitched the piece. Yes, this is my favorite because it is a lovely design with a history-mystery to explore and learn about.

  311. Oh, I do love crewel! I love Tulip Tree because it reminds me of the Tree of Life and it would look great on my couch. I love all of her work and am glad to see the new kits added.
    Louise B.

  312. Mary! Mary! Mary!

    How could you ask a woman to decide between a Diamond, Emerald, or Sapphire! These kits are super wonderful. I’ll take stab- I am enchanted with Elizabethan Snails. I love little critters in Crewel embroidery. Can’t get enough- caterpillers, spiders, butterflies, etc…

  313. Hi Mary, well I had to subscribe to The Crewel Work Company’s website! I loved all the kits, but one that struck my eye was the “Eyam Hall Bed Hanging”. I loved the variety of stitches, but what caught my eye was the limited color scheme. The variety was mainly in the stitches, not the colors. I love both, of course, and I would LOVE to win this kit, lol! Thanks for the chance to win such a nice item!

  314. I have had my eye on four designs on the website for ages now and had to think about which one is my favorite.
    In the end the Mellarstein Firescreen wins out…lots of reasons : color, stitch selection, historical base, great example of crewelwork.
    Would be great to work the pillow also.

  315. Love the Marriage Pillow, the colors are really pretty and I think it would make a beautiful reminder of our own wedding. Thanks for all the things you share with us!

  316. WOW–Eye (I) candy!
    Heartsease Pansy Level 1—I think I could do it!
    The Tulip Tree Level 2 – I would pick this one if I thought I knew enough about crewel embroidery.
    Elizabethan Oak Tree 3 – If I was really, really brave!

    Thanks for a chance to win one of these wonderful kits!

  317. I really love the Jacobian Fantasy Mary. Primarily because it’s crewel…..one of my two favorites, but also because of the vibrant colors. It puts me in mind of the Hungarian works I’ve seen you feature, which, hopefully, I’ll be able to afford some day. My background is Eastern European and so I’ve grown up with this kind of needlework…thanks…
    Judy in Pittsburgh
    PS the parrot piece would make a perfect wedding anniversary gift for my son and his wife if I can complete it by November. Maybe also, I can mount it on the trestle which I was so happy to order from you to help a worthy cause.

  318. My favorite Crewel Work design is the Tulip Tree because I love flowers and it doesn’t have any rabbits or squirrels in it. I’ve fed them too many expensive host as to enjoy stitching them!

  319. Mary,

    I really like the Jacobean Long Pillowe. I like the design of the crewel work and the animals in the design and especially the shape of the pillow. I have actually stitched the Elizabethan Oak Tree and made a pillow with similar fringe as the one on the website and a green velour pillow back. Very pretty.


  320. On Level 1 the Heartsease Pansy is the one for me. I like pansies and work a lot of them into stumpwork. On Level 2 it would be the Mellerstain Parrots. This looks great, the eyes are real looking and each bird looking at the other. Level 3 the Marriage Pillowe, I have a wedding coming up. Over all it would the Mellerstain Parrots, birds look good, good stitches and the colors that are used make the birds stand out more. Thank you for offering this to us.
    Deb Puma

  321. Ok, I’ve finally decided. My favourite is the “Heartsease Pansy” because I love the colours! And pansy’s. Also it has trellis work in it and that is my favourite part of Jacobean Crewel work. Which leads me to my second favourite which is the Levens Hall Pillowe do to all the trellis’. I als really like the rabbits but as I have already done this one (my first piece of crewel embroidery) I won’t count that one.

  322. Thank you for introducing me to these kits. I did crewel work many years ago and these are tempting me to do it again.My favorite kits are the complete firescreen and I can’t resist the Elizabethan snails. I prefer to make things that i can use in my home.My current home has 5 fireplaces, so you can see why the firescreen is so tempting.But, i will be content with just the parrots, if I am lucky enough to win them.

  323. Thanks so much for a chance to win this lovely kit! I enjoyed seeing the website. I think my favorite was the Scottish thistle. Maybe because thistles are blooming along the roadside where I live now, or because I am of Scottish heritage.

    Love your blog, your embroidery how to videos are such a help for me in learning new stitches.

  324. Oh, what a hard question! I think I’ll have to go with “Rabbits!” from level 2, because I love rabbits and she made a point of putting the exclamation point on the end of the title, which makes me smile.


  325. Thank you for the lovely give-aways. I had trouble choosing between the Scottish Thistle – level 1 and Jacobean fantasy – level 2. Each have colors I really like and the Scottish Thistle reminds me of my cousin’s wedding in Scotland. So, I think my favorite is the Scottish Thistle.

  326. Hi Mary
    I rally like Jacobean. My favorite of Phillip`s kits is the Wildwood (level3) because of the bright colors and the lot of different stitchesl. It seams like a TREE OF LIFE. Jacobean is an a nice aventure (challenge) in embroidery.
    Thank Mary for having such a gorgeous giveaway.

  327. I love the rabbits most of all, probably because of the degree to which I can see the texture as well as the changes in scenery and design seem enough to actually hold my interest. However at first glance I wanted to say that I would choose the Elizabethan Oakapple tree because I liked the colors a lot and it would match the decor in my home. I also like the Pansy on the first level but that would be based on what I am capable of because I am a beginner…however I like a challenge and I would settle for the middle and I really do better with something being alive for me to focus on when I am finishing a project of any kind. So yes my final answer is Rabbits! because I enjoy the colors and the texture as well as the change in stitches and challenge of the piece. Its simply stunning.

  328. All of the kits are just gorgeous! But I have to pick my favorite, which is hard. I like the Levens Hall Pillowe the best because it seemed to have stitches that I have not seen in crewel work before. The colors are also stunning. But any kit from the site would be a big treat.

  329. Oh what I wouldn’t give for this kit–if I had the money, that is! And that is why this giveaway is so wonderful! My favorite kit? Oh goodness, this is hard. I think I can narrow it down to either the Jacobean Fantasy or the Tulip Tree, because they are both so gorgeous they took my breath away when I saw them. I love the rich colors and the asymmetrical, yet perfectly balanced, patterns. Stunning. Thank you for hosting this giveaway!

  330. Mary,

    This is a hard choice, but I finally decided it was the tulip pillow kit. It was a little intimidating to read the notes, but I love the idea of working with seldom used stitches so that I can learn some of the not so familiar stitches as I practice the routinely used ones as well. I must admit, that I love these parrots for their colors and the Mellerstain Fire Screen is just fabulous. I have a collection of birds in cross stitch, paintd on butterfly tree leaves, and even pictures from my bird feeder, I would soooo love these parrots to stitch an add to my collection.

    Thanks for offering them to us.

  331. My favorite kit is the Elizabethan oak tree (a close second is the Eliz Oakapple tree) because my favorite tree is the oak and I love acorn designs and the french knots give such a nice texture to the acorn caps. I stitched an acorn sampler in silk with a variety of stitch techniques in counted and surface embroidery. Oaks have such interesting texture on the trunk and the acorns. Easy question to answer when I saw the design. Fun give-away!! Thanks Mary

  332. I love the Heartsease Pansy because of the gorgeous colors and it was inspired by a 400 year old design!! I would love to do crewel work again and refresh my skills!
    Thanks for the wonderful giveaway 🙂

  333. I like the rabbits!! In the kit you get the linen, wool, and needles. Also to learn at least seven traditional crewel work stitches, I’m sure it would be some that I don’t know. I love a challenge and this would be that for me. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  334. Thank you for introducing me to a wonderful website for Crewel Embroidery. As a beginner, it has been a joy to view the beautiful work available. To choose one is extemely difficult. To begin with I considered my own skills, choosing the Heartsease Pansy. The simplicity of design and subtle changes in the blue tones make for an exquisite piece which could be used in many ways. However, I then ventured to the more advanced pieces. My final choice was The Tulip Tree. I chose this because I feel it combines not only the elements of design but also the intention of the designer. To me, the embroidery portrays the expansion of the old world through the growth of the tree and asymetric design. The presence of the exotic flower such as the tulip and the more familiar flowers creates a link between the familiar and unknown. The subtle colours of the tulip contrast with the other flowers and help make this a beautiful and most harmonious piece of embroidery.

  335. Oh my goodness these pieces are works of art! I think many others would agree that it is rather mean of you to make us pick one favorite.
    As I am still more of a beginner I am always in awe of embroidery of any kind that is well done, the colors blend, and the picture is clear.Most, if not all of the crewel embroidery on the website fits that description.
    If I must choose, the kit entitled Elizabethan Oak Tree speaks the most to me. It whispers of life, growth and hope.
    I was born in Washington state. Which is known for it’s forests and trees. Seeing the oak tree reminds of the forests I love so much.
    Whether or not I am lucky enough to win the embroidery kit, I, for one thing am lucky enough to have been introduced to the website.
    Thanks Mary!
    Katherine Browning

  336. Oh my goodness Mary like you I would find it hard to select the most liked one. I like them all for different reasons. I do like crewel work as it gives a bold texture and yet looks elegant. As to the ones I like or would do is the Marriage Pillow.
    It appears to be a more open design but it really has a lot in it. It allows you to look from one part to another without being distracted by other parts. Who would want to sit on it?
    The Fire screen for all the many lovely creatures in it as well including, the parrots which remind me of when I lived in the tropics.
    But of all the beautiful designs on Phillipa Turnbull’s site there is only one that really takes my fancy. The little Heartsease Pansy. Mother’s favourite flower. A simple little flower, that gave her so much joy. She was always so happy to see their little heads pop up in the garden. When I look I see the colour of the blues in that little piece it’s like seeing my Mother’s eyes. She had the most amazing blue eyes and as she grew older her eyes seemed to pale but they were always bright and sparkling to the day she died. It is nice to see that flower in the garden still; it is as if Mother is saying ‘another lovely day and the heartsease are out.’ I think it is nice to do pieces that leave lovely memories and can make you smile.
    Thanks Mary.

  337. I finally got the link to work! Hurrah! I am glad I perservered. I love the Elizabethan Stag. He is my favorite. I love the shading of the colors on the stag and his regal stance.

  338. Hands down it is the pansy pillow. Since I was a little girl, I have always loved pansies. We had them in our garden and would pick them to float in a large shallow bowl. What a sight to see all those pretty faces looking back at you.

  339. I like Level 1’s pansy design best. I really liked the bright use of colors and the good assortment of stitches. Best of all it looks doable in at reasonable amount of time. Just lovely! Thank you for sharing this website.

  340. Well Mary, you’ve posed a great question for us this time. We are all drooling over the pictures. I’ve done a few crewel pictures, and I also remember once going to our local Embroiderer’s guild. There was an exhibition on that I was visiting, and in a neighbouring room was a group of women all stitching very intently, the looks on their faces was of utter contentment!!

    The selection of projects is great, something for all levels of stitchers. I do love the soft colours, but then I love the use of red too. Probably my favourite is the Mellerstain Firescreen, what more could you want animals, birds, flowers…..Ahhhhhh, just gorgeous. (And my parents were married in Scotland which makes it more nostalgic).


  341. I’ve visited Phillipa’s site many times and well, since I am a beginner I have always liked the Jacobean Sampler. What I like about it is that, being a pillow, it’s useful. Of course I like many others, such as the firescreen, but knowing my limitations that would be a bit too daunting for me just now. Something smaller though, would be perfect! Something to work myself up to. Thanks for your daily emails. I really enjoy them 🙂

  342. Hi Mary,
    These kits are stunning. I just love crewel work. My very first crewel embroidery was a Jacobean footstool. I had not done this type of embroidery before but joined a class and when it was finished it was so much better than I had every hoped for and I was hooked. It is my favorite embroidery of any type.

    It was very hard to pick a favorite but it has to be the “Tulip Tree”. I am a flower person. The asymmetric design contained in the traditional “Tree of Life” reminds me of my other love “Flower Arranging” which I am involved in. The Tulip is also my favorite flower I just love it. I did a little quiz on a flower magazine website on the internet the other day to find out what was my “flower” and amazingly it came up with the tulip and this blew me away.

    Thank you once again for your generousity I would dearly love to win the parrots and get lost in the world of crewel all over again.


  343. Hi Mary, A fabulous give away. My favorite kit of Phillipa’s is the Levens Hall Pillowe. All that laid and couching is just to die for and so much fun to stitch as the more you do the better it looks. It is on my list of things to do before I die!!! A couple of years ago I did a workshop with Phillipa at Koala Conventions and it was the best workshop I have ever done, I enjoyed every minute of it, she was a fantastic teacher. I also love birds and parrots too, so this cushion would be a pleasure to work.

  344. Oh Mary thank you for introducing us to this site. All of the designs are just lovely. I’ve never done this type of stitching, but am going to have to try it now. The Elizabethan Oak is amazing. So peaceful.

  345. The Mellerstain Firescreen is my favourite. This cushion seems to be the top part of the screen ie. same birds.

  346. What a BEAUTIFUL collection of kits!! I know this may sound odd, but my favorite is the absolutely adorable little Elizabethan Snails! It’s simplicity is part of the charm. Phillipa Turnbull is one talented lady! I think I will ask for the Snail Kit for Christmas 🙂
    As always Mary, you have shared a new joy with all of us! Thank You so very much!! Your site has brought me so much joy and has made me a much better Embroiderer.
    Bright Blessings,
    Sandi R (Happy Stitcher In FL)

  347. Hi Mary,
    I love your website!
    All of the kits are wonderful but I particularly love the “Tulip Tree” for its design and coloring. It narrowly beat out the “Marriage Pillow” and the “Mellerstain Parrots”.

  348. Hi Mary,

    I have been doing crewel work since I was in college. I gave tours at a historic house and when we weren’t giving tours, the other hostesses and I sat around a table embroidering and doing crewel work. Needlework has been a lifelong passion.

    This kits are truly beautiful. I think my favorite is ‘Jacobean Wild Wood.’ It reminds me of a design I worked on back in the 70’s.

    Thank you for sharing all these wonderful designs and your daily newsletters.


  349. I love Jacobean embroidery, with its beautiful, unique designs and variety of color!

    My favorite design of Phillipa’s is the Jacobean Fantasy (Level 2). It was indeed quite difficult to choose, for I really do love them all! However, this one stood out with the contrast of golds, reds, and blues–one of my favorite color combinations.

    Thanks for this opportunity to win the Mellerstain Parrots design. For some reason, it reminds me of a book I read a while back by Elizabeth Goudge–Green Dolphin Street. 🙂

  350. I fell in love with Elizabethan ‘Snails’ and ‘Stag’. They are so much life-like. The long and short stitches on the Stag’s body in shades of brown and beige just fuse and render this ‘natural’ feel to the piece. And what can I say about the snails! Their shells are the best part of the piece.

  351. Hi Mary,
    Ooh this is rather tricky! Do I have to choose just one? I’m wavering between two different Level 2 kits: the ‘Jacobean Fantasy’ and the ‘Levens Hall Pillowe’. I particularly like these two because of the bright; modern colours, although the softer; antique colourways of some other designs are very pretty also. The first pillow sounds perfect as it is described as ideal for a beginner and teaches soft-shading which I’d love to learn. The second teaches some ‘rarely seen stitches’ which immediately appeals to the stitchophile in me! Both are delicous designs and I might just have to put both on my wish-list! Thank you, Mary.

  352. Hi Mary,
    I like the Mellerstain Parrots. I like to watch the birds in my yard (not parrots, of course) so this reminds me of birdwatching. My second favorite is the Tulip Tree because it reminds me of spring and all of the blooming flowers.

  353. Dear Mary,
    Another superb giveaway. I found out about Phillipa Turnbull from “The Unbroken Thread” blog. Her kits are stunning – how difficult to choose!

    I think my favourite is the Levens Hall Pillowe. I love that the design is a little different and that the stitches are more unusual – it looks fascinating – not to mention the colours really appeal!

    Penny Batchelor

  354. Wow what BEAUTIFUL crewel stitchery!!! I had a hard time choosing just one. But loved the Mellerstain firescreen! It looks like a lot of work!!! But I love a challenge! Thanks for letting us in on a website that I don’t thing I would have found on my own!


  355. My favorite crewel kit is the Jacobean Long Pillowe. Something about it just draws me in. I’m definately not a level 3, but would tackle it anyway. Thank you for sharing.

  356. I assume I can not really enter being in Australia, but she has beautiful kits!

    I can not choose between Elizabethan Oakapple Tree (L3) and the Elizabethan Snails (L1).

    If I had to choose I would pick the snails for 3 reasons:

    1) They are beginners and I have never done crewel work before
    2)I think the ‘cute’ factor wins it and it would go well with my ladybird obsession
    3) “This kit will be discontinued this year”… Time limit!


  357. Thank you for introducing me to Phillipa Turnbull’s work.
    My favourite type of crewel embroidery is Jacobean and these are fantastic examples.
    It certainly is hard to pick a favourite. I finally chose Elizabethan Oakapple Tree . The subtle shading of the soft greens won me over.(The Levens Hall Pillowe was a close second.)
    These are certainly going on the Christmas/ Birthday list!
    I enjoy your blog everyday. Thank you again.

  358. That was difficult to choose a favorite so I had to pick two. First I like the Elizabethan Snails. I think those little snails are just adorable! My next favorite was the Elizabethan Oak Tree. Something about the brown colors and the shape of the tree, I find appealing. Of course, both these designs are going to be discontinued…
    Thanks for the newsletter. I really enjoy it.

  359. I like the Mellerstain firescreen because of the design and the colour scheme.I also like the marriage pillow,it’s difficult to choose one…Thanks Mary for this give away.

  360. The graceful curves and the subtile, nearly monochromatic, color plan of the Elizabethan Oak won my admiration. Thank you for calling our attention to these lovely kits.

  361. Your right, it was a hard choice! But I’m going to have to go with the Mellerstain Parrots. Why? Because I have and I love parrots. And Autumn is my favorite season. So this beautiful design has two of my favorite subjects in it. And I would love to have it! Might even have to buy it! I’ve never done crewel work like this, but I’m always up for the challenge!

  362. Dear Mary, what a hard choice as I have always loved phillipa’s work and one day would like to take a class with her. I have always loved the Tulip tree and the little slips, but at the moment the marriage pillow is my favourite.

  363. Hi Mary,
    I found it hard to go past the Mellerstain Firescreen for the challenge and committment to complete a traditional piece of crewelwork.
    Just what my new slate frame needs to christen it and get me started. And I have a friend handy with woodworking tools studying the trestles. Then I will feel totally set up!

    Thanks Mary for the opportunity.
    Chris in Australia

  364. Hi,
    My favourite kit is the Leven Hall Pillowe because of the lovey vibrant colours and clarity of the design.
    Clean, crisp look yet intricate stitches….gorgeous to look at.

    Melanie C from Goa

  365. Dear Mary,
    I’ve been getting your newsletters for years and your talent continues to amaze me. I also love your book reviews and links to other sites with stunning works to look at.I have not done crewel but have done a lot of regular embroidery since age 10 and am self taught,although I haven’t finished much lately. I have been wanting to branch out into some crewel. The kits on Phillipa’s site ARE ,as Tania says below: STUNNING” It was a hard pick since I love,collect (non real ones) and raise abandoned baby squirrels,4 so far, my most recent one didn’t make it.They too as Debbie P. said all were and are Eastern Gray Squirrels,therefore I am partial to them, having lived in Florida all my life. I do love the fire screen , it has about everything so I thought I’d pick a smaller project for my favorite so I had it narrowed down to the “Marriage Pillow “the ” Levens Hall Pillow” and the ” Jacobean Wild Wood “??? I’m going to have to pick, Drumroll here……..My Pick is : THE JACOBEAN WILD WOOD , There! I’ve done it! That took me forever gong back and forth. Hope I’m not late for my doctor’s appt. now! LOL!

  366. Hello
    This giveaway makes me dream. I discover crewel embroidery a year ago and Philippa Turnbull this summer. All the kits are so beautiful, my favorite kit is the mellerstain firescreen, I love the elegant curves of the branches and leaves, the squirrel and the parrots, its make a wonderful composition; but I love also the Levens Hall pillow with its wonderful bright colors and….,and…

  367. Okay, I know we were supposed to just pick one and if I must, it will have to be Scottish Thistle. I know it’s a beginner but I have always loved the simplicity and beauty of thistle. Now I also loved the Mellerstain Parrots because really, it was all about the parrots this was by far the cutest design available. But I also loved the lushness of the colors in Eyam Hall Bedhanging. Oh the choices, the choices!!!!!

  368. It is hard chose one, but my choice is level 2, Jacobean fantasy. The bold colour and strong design speak to me. Every time I see some Jacobean style pillow cases and bed spreads in an interior shop ( such as P. Barn), I say to myself,” I will make my ownand that should be better”.
    As summer is going away from us, wool embroidery looks very cozy and homey.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  369. Hi Mary!

    I absolutely adore the Levens Hall Pillow! I love the colors, the different stitching required and the fun, wimsy of the piece. I love how it is bordered in a coordinating blue, velvet fabric. Beautiful! I also really love the Eyam Hall Bedhanging, because of that pert peacock? in the middle. So fun! Again the colors, different stitches and the wimsy get me.

    Thank you for such a great giveaway! Those parrots are too cute!! Her site is amazing. You always give us the best! 🙂

    Jen in Oregon

  370. You provide the most fantastic give aways. I also love that you provide such a fantastic network of links out to sites that I might not find on my own. I just spent (wasted?? – should have been working on “real” work) 2 hours browsing around Phillipa’s site – I love Jacobean Fantasy and Jacobean Wild Wood. MORE stuff to add to my wish list!!!! To win a kit would be a dream come true. Thank you, thank you, thank you for these opportunities.

  371. What beautiful kits – so good to now know that the Crewelwork website is available. I loved so many of them but for learning purposes the kit titled Jacobean Wild Wood would help me to explore and learn a variety of stitches – some of which I have never used. Not only is it a wonderful teaching kit but it is extremely beautiful. It was very hard to decide as I was also drawn to the kits with historical English and Scottish backgrounds. I was also impressed with what each kit contained. Intrigued by the two types of crewel needles.
    Thank you once again Mary for drawing our attention to the site and giving stitchers the opportunity to

  372. Dear Mary,
    I did a class acouple of years ago with Philippa Turnbull at Koala Conventions in Brisbane, Australia working on Jacobean Fantasy. I have really enjoyed finishing this project and would love to do more crewel embroidery. My favorite project is the Leven Hall Pillow with The Wild wood and Tulip Tree coming very close behind and I still love the finished appearance of Jacobean Fantasy

  373. The tulip tree kit is my favorite because it has open shapes along with the traditional filled in shapes. Some leaves are outlines and others are filled with wonderful stitch patterns. It would be a joy to work!

  374. Having reviewed the work on Phillipa’s website, I am awed at her work. Philla’s Heartease Pansy is my first choice. Why…because it has my favorite flower & color, but more importantly the stitching & shading provide an excellent learning opportunity for new stitches, & color shading. Winning would be wonderful!

  375. Hi Mary,
    My favorite kit is the Mellerstain Parrots Pillow – I love the design and the colors which would blend perfectly with my living room couch. I recently bought the RSN book on crewel work and would love to make this pillow.

    Thank you,

  376. Love this piece. Thank you for giving us the opoortunity to win such a lovely kit!! Happy Stitching.


  377. My favorite kit from Phillipa is the Marriage Pillow. Next summer Marty and I will hit 25 years of marriage. Jacobean is my first stitching love so I’ve been trying to come up with my own pattern to commemorate this anniversary. Life has been getting in the way (!) and this pattern would certainly beautifully relieve me of this angst!

  378. I “think” my favorite is Jacobean Fantasy – although wow, how do you decide, they’re all absolutely fabulous! I always have to pick the vivid colors tho – although the rabbits gave me pause too!

  379. Mary,
    Thanks for offering such a wonderful giveaway! The Malletstain fire screen is my favorite. It would look beautiful in my bedroom. And of course it doesn’t need to be made into a fire screen. It would look just as lovely as a wall hanging.

  380. I love the wedding pillow! I have been married 50 years and find this such a beautiful remberance of a long, happy marriage! All the kits are so beautiful. I have not done crewel work in many years but world love to do it again. Hope you have a fantastic day. Keep sending us your wonderful news!!!

  381. Ive friend who loves birds and would love this. Of course, she wouldn’t have a clue what to do with a needle if you put it into her hand, so I’d have to stitch it for her if I won it.

    Oh, the angst.


  382. I especially like the jacobean sampler. The light airy blue in balance with the rich rust is very appealing by design. The parrots have the same coloring in the design. The personality showing in each parrot is adorable.

    Some of the stitches appear challenging – and worth learning.


  383. I love these Parrots, but if I were going to pick a favorite from the web site, I would probably choose Elizabethan Stag. Where I live in the Texas Hill Country, deer walk by my house several times a day. I never tire of admiring them.

  384. I love the two little snails on the Level 1 page. They are simple and subtle but would still be a good way to showcase crewel stitches that would work in a more quirky household than a lot of the other (still gorgeous) pieces. It’s different and Iove it.

    Thank you for hosting this giveaway!


  385. Oh I would SO love to win – I’m such a great admirer of Phillipa Turnbull and I love crewel! I like the Tulip Tree, Jacobean Fantasy and the Jacobean Wild Wood pillows – they are gorgeous!
    Oh – if I do not win this great give away – I win anyway – have booked two small crewel classes with Phillipa Turnbull in october – lucky me :-))

  386. Very pretty! I used to do crewel work;however quilting took me away. Now I am combining the 2 together and love the results You have taught me alot Thank you whether i win or not. Your work is a inspiring idea for us all.

  387. You’re right, it is very difficult to choose a favorite, they are all lovely! But if I must choose, I would pick the Jacobean log pillowe. I love the colors, the different elements (animals as well as flowers) and the shape of the piece. I would love to win this kit!

  388. I really like the Elizabethan Snails. I have two boys who spend time studying the snails in our garden so this makes me think of the boys leaning over two snails who have met on a garden path!

  389. Pretty, pretty stuff! The one that I would like is the Level 2 Mellerstain Fire screen – because I want a fire screen. That, and I’ve never done a piece that big before, and the challenge would be nice. Thanks!

  390. I narrowed it down to the Mellestain Firescreen I just kept getting drawn back to it. I just love the detail the colors and the design. There is such a variety of stitches most all the crewel work I have done has been mostly long and short stitches I would like to do something more challenging.

  391. Hi Mary,
    Though it’s almost impossible to prefer ONE kit, I finally made my mind : the Mellerstain Firescreen is my favorite one because of it’s sumptuousness. It makes me dream and imagine myself in a castle, lazily stretched out on a divan, in front of a fireplace, with this magnificent firescreen which makes me dream of… Well, it is gorgeous!


  392. Oh dear too much choice!! I really like the Jacobean Fantasy a level two kit. The colours and pattern would look very good on my sofa.

    I also like the Mellerstain Parrots kit – birds are my favourite creatures. Thanks for arranging the give-aways.

    Pam J

  393. I love the squirrels from level one, and the rabbits from level two. As I mostly do cross stitch, I didn’t dare to choose from level three, as it will be too difficult for a first project, but I would like to try myself in this type of embroidery, too.

  394. I am, at this moment, sitting on a balcony overlooking the Moselle river in Germany. I had not had the opportunity to check my email until today. When I saw the Phillippa Turnbull contest I just knew I had to give it a try. I would like to consider myself something other than a level one (“the terrified”), but I really have not moved much beyond being terrified. And when I saw the kit called “Secret Squrriel”, I knew he was the one for me. Maybe having such a cute buddy to stitch will get me beyond that level 1 fear.

  395. Mary,
    I loved so many of these kits, it was really hard to decide. I loved the colors and have always been drawn to Jacobean style.

    If I have to choose just one, it would be the Levens Hall pillowe. I loved the stitches and colors. They are awesome.


  396. Hi Mary

    Well this really is a gorgeous kit and I would love to have the chance to stitch it. I completed one of Philippa’s small acorn designs several years ago and the quality of the materials and instructions is just wonderful. My favourite of her current designs is Secret Squirrel – quite small and with a restricted colour palette but that squirrel just has such character – like the birds in this much larger kit.

    Guildford, UK

  397. My favorite kit from Phillipa’s inventory is the Elizabethan Stag, because it’s similar to the stags on the Cabinets of Curiosity. So majestic and a reminder of the deer that surround our home in Southern Maryland. We seldom see the bucks, so the embroidery would be fun to have.

  398. I have drooled for days in the Historic British Needlepoint section, so I’m glad I don’t have to choose a favorite from the website in general. I think my favorite of the crewel kits is the rabbits. They’re just so cute! Not to mention I think level 2 is about my level but with possibly a few challenges involved.

  399. I don’t normally prefer people in my needlework; however, The Marriage Pillowe is so stunning. The colors are so vibrant I couldn’t stop returning to view it time anf again.

    Thank you for the link to this fabulous site!

  400. It was hard to choose my favorite. I went to level two because I have done crewel work but it has been a while. My favorite would be the Tulip Tree but the Parrots are beautiful also.

  401. The designs are all beautiful; I narrowed it down to two favorites.
    1. Scottish Thistle | Crewel Work – for my Scottish heritage. I’ve always loved the thistle.
    2. Jacobean Fantasy | Crewel Work – love the colors in this design! Would be wonderful to have that in my living room!
    Thanks, Mary, for a great giveaway!
    Joy in Southern Indiana

  402. My favorite would have to be the “Scottish Thistle”. It would be a perfect beginner piece for me to learn with before doing the winning piece The Mellerstain Parrots! (your right, it was very hard to pick a favorite!)

  403. I like the Jacobean Sampler, Jacobean Wild Wood and Jacobean Long Pillowe the best because they have a good balance of many stitches. Not too heavy on a single stitch. Also they have a happy array of colors and the Wild Wood and Long Pillowe have happy woodland scenes with animals. I like that all her patterns and stitches are recreated in part or full from actual historical pieces and Phillipa’s own research. It adds a level of interest and meaning to the work.

  404. Honestly either the jacobean sampler or the jacobean fantasy. i love the sense of whimsy and the almost abstract feel.

  405. Hi Mary, I guess I would have to say go for the gold with the Mellerstain Firescreen. It really is hard to pick though since there are so many beautiful kits. Phillipa is certainly a talented lady. I love crewel work and do a little now and then, but would love to win the Mellerstain parrots and work on those beautiful birds. Wow what a beauty! Thanks for bring my attention back to an old favorite.
    Mary Ann

  406. I love them all but the Jacobean Fantasy won as my very favorite. It has lots of color and lots of stitches and it all comes together as a beautiful work of art. I can envision it on my bedroom wall.

  407. Hi Mary,
    The Elizabethan oak apple tree is my favorite. I love the colors on that one. All her kits are fantastic, it is very difficult to choose one.

  408. I would love to try and do a level three. Always up for a challenge and these are absolutely gorgeous

  409. I was torn between the marriage pillow & the Scottish Thistle. But the pillow won even tho I have a love for the thistle due to my husband’s heritage. I haven’t done crewel work in ages and lookin at her sight makes you yearn again. The firescreen is a must have for any sampler lover!

  410. I love the Mellerstain Firescreen because it has a little of all of the beautiful components of her crewel designs. It’s the only way I could just pick one, lol.

    Thanks for the giveaway, Mary, but thanks most of all for introducing us to all the possibilities in the world of embroidery the way you do.

  411. Dear Mary,
    My favotite is mellerstain firescreen; I love jacobean embroidery, but in france we have not
    kit; thank you for the giveaway and for your
    work and your web site !

  412. I love the snails on level one, because they speak to me . Snails always say that thing s will be fine slow and easy.

  413. I’ve prowled The Crewel Work website quite a lot, and daydreamed about her Lady Anne’s Tour this past summer. I would dearly love to have the Mellerstain Parrots because my favorite on her website (very hard to pick a favorite) is the Mellerstain Firescreen. It’s partly my favorite because it’s just so beautiful, but there’s another more personal reason. I never knew my paternal grandmother because she died when my dad was 16. I was named for her and my entire family always said I look just like her. The only thing I have from her is her picture and an embroidered parrot that she worked. More accurately, I used to have an embroidered parrot that she worked. After I had left home and moved far away, my parents were clearing out the house to move to a smaller one and they brought in people who would buy many of their things. One of the items they allowed them to take was a trunk in the basement and my embroidered parrot was in that trunk, so it disappeared into someone’s shop. I’ve wanted to buy Phillipa’s Mellerstain Firescreen for quite a while. The smaller extracted version would probably be better. If I don’t win it, I will buy one or the other at some point. I want to make it simply because it’s beautiful, but also as a sort of remembrance of my grandmother.

  414. Dear Mary,

    My favorite kit of Phillipa’s is the parrots. The remind me of the parrots that visit our winter home in Cave Creek AZ. They say the parrots migrated from Mexico. They are so sweet and could fit into your hand if you wanted to try. They bring peace just as Phillipa’s parrots and the colors blend so beatuifully in her kit.


  415. Mary,
    What a challenge to pick just one! And now that I’ve narrowed it down— it was between the Jacobean Wild Wood and the OakAppleTree. (is there such a thing?)
    I would pick the Jacobean Wild Wood, mainly for the tradition crewel look. The colors are stunning and the variety of stitches would be a challenge to attempt.
    Thanks. Annette in Vanc.

  416. Such beautiful crewel designs, how to pick a favorite? I think it has to be the Levens Hall Pillow although Rabbits! is adorable too. The full design featuring the parrots is an incredible beauty. Thanks for this amazing giveaway. Good fortune everyone 🙂

  417. I really loved all of the kits and it certainly was difficult to decide. I finally narrowed it down to Level 3 Jacobean Wild Wood, Level 2 Jacobean Fantasy, The Tulip Tree and the Mellerstrain Parrots. In the end I decided on the Jacobean Wild Wood. It reminded me of a piece that I did back in the 70s. I dearly love Jacobean designs they just seem to speak to me – such wonderful fantasy flowers and usually some kind of “beastie” is included. I love the colors that seem to be a part of Jacobean crewel work too. What can I say Jacobean Crewel work just makes me feel good. I haven’t done any for quite sometime as it seemed that it just went away and back then in the 70s and 80s I was raising children and working. Now I am retired and have time to do things that make me feel happy and to make beautiful pieces of embroidery. I really hope I win this .
    Thank you! April Foster

  418. I like the Oak-Apple tree that is done in the round frame. Both trees have such strong meaning, the oak represents strength and health and the apple represents love and connection. The idea of having them in one piece is lovely.

  419. Hi Mary,
    Thanks for the reminder! I looked at all levels and picked one from each.
    Level one- Heartsease Pansy because that was my moms favorite flower.
    Level two- The tulip tree because the stitches look like they would be fun to try!
    Level three- Jacobean Wild Wood- I have always liked the style. It just makes my mouth water to look at. Its like a great piece of chocolate!
    Thanks Mary!

  420. Only one? Well, if I have to choose just one, it would have to be “Rabbits” on Level 2 because I just love little bunnies! However, I also love the “Heartsease Pansy” on Level 1 because of the colors and beautiful simplicity. I also have to mention “Jacobean Wildwood” because the colors and design are gorgeous! Thank you, Mary, for this awesome opportunity!

  421. My favorite is the Jacobian long pillow because of the colors (would match my newly painted room) and because it has the deer and squirrel (two animals that frequent my back yard). Lovely!!!

  422. It’s hard to pick a favorite, because all the kits are beautiful. I chose Elizabethan Oak Tree, because I love to embroider trees and the colors go well with our decor.

    I remember my dear mother sitting in her comfy chair with her crewel in the evenings.

    Thank you for this giveaway opportunity!

  423. If I have to choose only one it will be the Elizabethan Snails. I love whimsey and this one really speaks to me. It is both elegant and whimsical. Thank you for such a beautiful give-away.

  424. Definitely hard to choose just one but I really like the Levens Hall Pillowe. It looks quite modern to me even though it’s a design from the 17th century. Plus those unusual stitches look like they would be fun to stitch.

    I didn’t know about The Crewel Work Company before reading your article — uh-oh 🙂



  425. Hi:

    I love Phillipa’s kits because they are the perfect blend of traditional and contemporary.

    My favorite kit on her site is the Jacobean Long Pillowe. I do a lot of cushions/pillows and I love this one for its interesting shape and dimensions as well as the lovely Jacobean florals. I like birds too. Hope I win, but I never win anything so perhaps I will buy the long pillowe kit.

    Cheers as always for a wonderful site.

    Anastasia M in the Wilds of Rural Utah

  426. Hi,
    Once again you have offered us the chance to win a lovely kit. As you said its a hard choice but I have decided that the one that I like the best is the Elizabethan Oak Tree.Why is it my favourite is because I just love the shape of the tree which looks warm and friendly. Would love to sit under it whilst stitching or reading a good book. Thanks again
    Joan from Vancouver, BC Canada

  427. Don’t even need to look at Philippa’s site. I know the kit I have been yearning for for two years. I just happen to find the Jacobean Long Pillowe/Piano Bench at a garage sale!!! Its more work than I have ever done. Some day I shall get up the courage to tackle it. Would so love another smaller kit to get the feel of it.

  428. I love the Levens Hall Pillowe for its colours and for the amazing variety of stitches. Even though it is based on an old design it looks so fresh and modern!

  429. My favorite kit is the Secret Squirrel from Level One. The colors are so soft and soothing and I love the squirrel even though I shouldn’t because they eat the figs on my fig tree before I have a chance to. Also, I thought that since the kit is for beginners, I could get instruction in those stitches and practice them.

  430. Well for the “Terrified” the Heartsease Pansy is so beautiful. Pansies are one of my favorite. Both my grandmothers grew them, my mother and I grow them. And, of course, the Mellerstain Parrots will be such a delight to stitch. Thanks again for the chance.

  431. While all of the designs on her website are lovely one stands out, to me, as being my favorite. That favorite would have to be the Elizabethan Oak Tree.

    My love in life is historical embroidery and over the past few years I have been researching and recreating many of the existing pieces of fiber work that I can get pictures of. This Oak reminds me of both extremes of my research, the design reminds me of the couch work boarder trees in the Bayeaux tapestry
    (http://www.djmisc.com/type/super_archives/smallBayeaux.jpg )
    The tightly packed, interchanging branches in the trunk to the interwoven branches. On the hand of later work I have found a deep love for opus anglicanum. The tight precise stitches and contrasting shadow work appeals to my eye.

    Crewel work takes that attempt of realism and brings it forward another step. So when I see the Elizabethan Oak pattern I don’t just see an early example of an art that reaches it’s peak in reality in the 17th century but just another step on the ladder of an embroidery style that has spanned thousands of years.

    It is that thought alone which drives me to learn and share the fiber arts with all who are willing. Its also the reason I get shivers just thinking about it. It’s soo cool!

    Thank you for this wonderful contest.

  432. The Mellerstain Fire Screen is my favourite. Scotland is a fascinating country, tragic, strong and invigorating! I love this period in history when the original was made and a fire screen evokes feelings of comfort and companionship when the day’s work is done. Thank you for the chance to win a crewel work and for drawing my attention to this company! best wishes, Evelynne

  433. I love Phillips’s designs and these birds are special. I would be honored to win this.

    Thank you for the opportunity.


  434. You are absolutely correct. They are all wonderful. However, I was able to select Mellerstain Firescreen when all was said and done. I love the design so much. The colors are relatively subtle and I like that. I am a lover of nature and this piece is just loaded with nature.

    Take care and thank you for these giveaways! One day, perhaps I’ll be a winner. In the meantime, I visit your site every day and have learned so much.


  435. Wow! I really enjoyed looking at all the kits. After looking at them all I have to chose the Secret Squirrel in honor of my father. He had a thing about them. Actually not in a good way – getting into the bird feeders, you know. Since he passed my family equates squirrels with him. Not sure how he would feel about that! But we get a good chuckle. I use to do crewel work a lot but most days I’ve been using floss. This site has turned my head and I might just have to click back over that. Thank you! I really enjoy your site!

  436. Hi there,
    I actually particularly like the parrot kit that is being given away best. I find it harmonious, a good sized kit that can be finished within a reasonable timeframe, and the colours are easy to match in a variety of settings which makes it a good gift candidate once you finish the project.
    Jan (from Barcelona)

  437. I would love to have this crewel kit! Where I live I can only find cross stitch kits, of which I’m not that fond. I’d really like to cross over from simple thread embroidery to using heavier threads.

    I have learned more from this site about embroidery than I ever learned in my previous 52 years. Please keep going!

    Thanks for all the great advice.

  438. Well hmm. Anything with bunnies or birds gets my attention right away. I really like both the Mellerstain Parrots and the Eyam Hall Bed Hanging, but the Scottish Thistle wins my “favorite” vote. Why? Heritage (Montgomery clan), composition and colors, and ….. bitty bunnies!

    Thanks for sharing!

  439. Dear Mary

    I’ve met Phillipa a couple of times at local exhibitions; she’a a fun lady.

    My favourite Phillipa crewel work is the oak tree with acorns. Only because it reminds me of autumn here in England. Squirrels dashing up and down the trees, and lots of acorns on the ground. We have planted several oaks started from tiny acorns. I started off crewel work with one of Phillipa’s kits, the beautiful english pansy. I have another in progress which I pick up from time to time in between other work.

    best wishes

    Brenda (Clark)

  440. It was difficult to choose a favorite but I will share with you the ones I really liked since I really couldn’t choose a best.lol
    Level One- The Secret Squirrel…because I love adding animals into my embroidery.
    Level Two- Mellerstain Firescreen because of the parrots and the squirrel and the deer.
    Level 3 I believe would be my favorite of all and that is because of the beautiful colors and the man and woman and that is titled The Marriage. I guess I would definately have to say this one is my favorite but the rest of them running close behind. lol

  441. I love the Jacobean Wild Wood pillow. The thing about crewel is the amazing and never ending assortment of filling stitches you can use. It never gets boring. I simply love it.

  442. DEFINITELY the Mellerstain fire screen – it’s just … WOW! Would I have the patience to do it all? Normally no, but it’s so gorgeous I’d probably persevere … even though I don’t have a fire! The cushion you’re giving away is a close second for me! 😉

    Why? I love the variety of traditional crewel animals in there, I love the colours, and I love the way the whole design works together.

  443. That IS a tough one! I would have to pick the Firescreen. I selected shis one because it is a fabulous sampling of crewel techniques and images! It has the swirly leaves, acorns, berries, birds, stag, and squirrel. Just beautiful!

  444. Hi Mary, These are lovely designs and look to be extremely wonderful kits. If I had to pick one, it would be the Heartsease Pansy – because it has a simultaneous richness and simplicity in the design, color choices and stitches used. I love the pansy motif and this one is a keeper! Thank you for sharing another talented designer. Lynn

  445. This is a beautiful project would not mind winning it for myself to make, then I might give it as a gift

  446. Dear Mary, You did make things difficult this time round. The kits are stunning. After going through the levels I narrowed it down to two kits On level 2 it was the Jacobean Fantasy and level 3 Jacobean Wild Wood. After comparing the two it was the colours that did it for me. My choice will be Jacobean Fantasy. I like the design too. Jacobean Embroidery is definitely on my to do list. I recently got a book on it and there is a printed panel waiting. Thanks for this beautiful give-a-way in your competition. Elza Bester Cape Town.xxx

  447. My favourite is Levens Hall Pillowe from Level Two. It has been designed in red and blue, my favourite colours and it would match perfect my bedroom. I love Jacobean floral motifs and historical embroidery. Levens Hall Pillowe is replica of old masterpiece, but looks very clear and modern. I’m dreaming about Jacobean kit which including Appleton wool.

  448. I started my needlework obsession with crewel work but have found a paucity of patterns in craft stores as cross stitch and needlepoint have become favored. A kit such as this would get me back to my first love. Even if I am not the lucky one, I still have won, as you have provided a link to a wonderful source for this type of work. Thank you.

  449. Dear Mary,

    Phillipa Turnbull’s work is beautiful. I had the opportunity to meet her in SF at an EGA event a few years ago. My favorite is the Elizabethan Stag. He is just wonderful. I enjoy crewel embroidery and this piece has soft, warm colors that would look beautiful in my home. I am fond of deer and have a number of small ceramic deer. Thank you for sharing this website with us.

  450. Mary, Mary, Mary ~ how could you ask us to pick a favorite? Surely you did not intend for us to choose ONLY one from ALL of those beautiful designs on Phillipa Turnbull’s website. Thank you so very much for the opportunity to win this beautiful kit.
    During the first round of my ‘favorite’ process, I came up with 6 and knew that wouldn’t work. The Mellerstain Parrots is one of my favorites but I excluded that design from the selection since that is your give-away kit. I then read the descriptions of each and considered the stitches used and the colors, as well as the overall design. That got me down to 3 – one from each level. I finally, finally got it down to one. That was so-o-o hard and I’m thankful you gave us until the 10th!! I cannot believe how much time it has taken me; however, I’m ready, so here goes:
    My favorite is The Tulip Tree from Level 2. I love the colors in this piece and the ‘graceful’ tulip is one of my favorite flowers. This is such an elegant design. Plus, there are 12 stitches used in this piece!! The shading is beautiful. Just recently, I purchased a couple of Trish Burr’s books, Needle Painting Embroidery and Colour Confidence in Embroidery, and can’t wait to begin using and perfecting (hopefully) this stitch technique.

  451. Oh, I think my favorite is the Level 3 Oakapple three and the Jacobean Wild Wood. It’s just what I like to embroider and I must admit, wool is much more forgiving on the embroiderer than silk or cotton floss. I simply love the antique look of crewel embroidery.
    It’s my favorite kind of embroidery. 🙂

  452. I liked several of her kits. I looked at level 2 first and I loved the rabbits. I have appliquéd several quilts with rabbits and it is fun to me to position the ears and arms differently so I really liked that kit. Then I looked at level 1 kits and the thistle kit just caught my eye for 2 reasons, purple flowers and flower that are purple. There are stitches that I am dying to learn perfection used in both kits. BUT as I looked closer and kept enlarging the thistle photo what do I see but rabbits!
    This site will be the topic of discussion at my stitching groups tuesday and Friday.
    I would love to stitch the birds in the trees.

  453. Hi… Well if I have to pick, I could narrow it down to two. The Elizabethan Oak Tree is exactly the type of image I always gravitate to. It reminds me of a tree of life. The second is he Mellerstain fire screen. It’s just gorgeous. It is definitely on my to do list, even up near the top. Debra.

  454. Hi, Mary
    Since I’ve found this website I take hours (!!!) “searching” new stitches and kind of embroidery articles.
    I’m delighted with crewel embroidery, the magnificency of the colours, the beauty and diversity of stitches and, above all, the historical background. I came to dream of them all.
    My favorites by now are:
    level 1: Jacobean Peony
    level 2: The Tulip Tree
    level 3: Elizabethan Oak Tree.
    Thank you very much!
    Stela, from Brazil

  455. I fell in love with the squirrel embroidery. I think squirrels are really cute and we don’t have any in New Zealand. This crewel embroidery is simple in its design, but would be a one thing that I would enjoy stitching. Fiona – NZ

  456. Hi Mary,

    I discovered you web site a few months ago, and just love it, the amazing amount of information, tutorials etc, are just wonderfull, so Thank You very much for sharing all this with us.


    I never expected to be able to do embroidery, because I am a counted stitcher (cross stich, hardanger, etc.) a freak at evenness, but since I took a course in free hand embroidery, new horizon has open to me…

    So to win a kit from Phillipa’s, that would be the cherry on my embroidery journey…


  457. OK, I see now the “crewel” part is making the choice…but I finally gave in for the Mellerstain Firescreen. As to the whys I like the variety of animals and especially the inclusion of parrots, not especially common, with the more common squirrel & stag. I also appreciate the colors which while soft are by no means boring or mundane. Nice piece.

  458. Mary, I am still unable to register.The message I get is “unable to connect”
    Have no idea why this is happening.

  459. What a gorgeous giveaway! It was difficult to pick a favourite but I settled on the Elizabethan Oakapple tree with its soft colours and beautiful shading. It’s whetted my appetite for crewel work again!

  460. To only choose one is so difficult! I have so often drooled over these designs. I think that my favourite is the Tulip Tree from Level 2 as it is so pretty. The design has a great range of stitches and will increase my crewel work skills further. This design so perfectly captures the essence of sewing at that time and it marks one of the most important flowers in history at that time – the tulip is one of my favourite flowers

  461. I’m impressed by the designs used for these kits and have added you to my favourites list..
    I really quite fancy getting involved in one of these kits. I do particularly like the Elizabethan oak tree design.

    When I clicked on the larger image of the Elizabethan Oak tree, however, it looked slightly pixelated which wasn’t the case with the previous images…but was also the case with the next image…you might like to look into this…

    Lovely products

    In the heart of England

  462. The Levens Hall Pillowe is my favorite (although I’d love to do the parrots as well!). The Levens design is so cheery, and has some fun stitches. It’s a hodgepodge of colors and techniques, but the piece is an adorable whole. Fun to look at and fun to stitch!

  463. Hi Mary,I have been interested in Crewel embroidery for a long time but, was a bit of a chicken to try it. I am so happy you have posted this article as it brings my attention to these beautiful designs and it has plucked up my courage to really want to give it a go. As a beginner I love the Jacobean Sampler in the Level 1 kits although the others are an incentive to try harder and really concentrate on learning this wonderful art form.

  464. Hi Mary,

    I have always loved the Mellerstain Firescreen kit but as it is so large and expensive I’ve only been able to look. Whilst visiting Sydney last month what should I see but the kit you are offering made up into a cushion in the Crewel Gobelin in Killara NSW. What a surprise and they said that when Phillipa was in Australia she gave it to Margaret to make up and that they were going to make a kit up. I asked if I could see the kit but the girl said that it hadn’t been released yet and didn’t know when it would happen. I was so disappointed and low and behold there is my treasure on your wonderful website! Oh how I would love this beautiful kit as it is full of my “happy colours” and it would make me smile whenever I was working on it.
    Thanks Mary,
    Lyn Dornauf.

  465. Lovely kits! Makes me want to get back to stitching. My favorite is the Heartsease Pansy because of the beautiful blues and purples.

  466. I love crewel, and I love these kits. I have done one, the Oakapple, which I found in a shop near where I lived, and I would love to do another.

    My favorite is probably Jacobean Wild Wood, as the Tree of Life designs always appeal to me.

  467. Thank you for this offer – It is so hard to choose a favourite – I love the Secret Squirrel and also Rabbits and the Jacobean Fantasy is so colourful but the Elizabethan Oak has such depth to it. The Mellerstain Parrots are gorgeous and I would love to have something so beautiful… How kind of the Countess of Haddington,to grant permission to replicate the design. Then what a beautiful design is the Tulip Tree. It is so incredible that work can be replicated from the 17th Century – how clever is that? I think I have to say that this is my favourite though it is difficult to pick one out of so many delightful patterns – but those wonderful little birds ?????????? Oh dear, it is so hard.

  468. All of the kits are beautiful. But I really like the “Rabbits” kit. It is just darling. Just like the parrots. Thanks for this opportunity.

    Cheryl in San Diego

  469. I love bunnies, so “Rabbits!” is my favorite. That would be just plain fun to work on and as there are some acorns in it too, it’s perfect. Thanks for the chance to win the parrots kit.

  470. I love the oakapple tree design because of the muted colours compared to the other designs. I live in an area where apples and oak are plentiful and this seems to serene.

    The kit in question would be a dream come true as the parrots would fit in so well with the designs in my living room and help me to learn more with crewel.

  471. Mary,
    I keep trying and getting back an error message…. I hope I am doing this right, because I would love the opportunity to have a chance at winning one of these amazing kits. I love the Mellerstain Firescreen, so hopefully this comment will go through!!

  472. Hi Mary,

    My favorite has always been the mellerstain fire screen, I have coveted it for such a long time! These lovely parrots ( if I am not mistaken?) are the same ones on the fire screen?

    Thank you for the cance to enter the giveaway .


  473. I fell in love with the Mellerstain Firescreen some years ago when a friend did it in a class with Phillippa. Each time she worked on it I eyed it covetously – the design, the wools and the stitches were all beautiful. Alas, it’s size means that stitching it will remain a pipedream. Of all the kits this is my favourite (though I love many of them).
    Thank you for this wonderful giveaway – this kit contains my favourite element of the firescreen – those gorgeous parrots with their lovely expressions.

  474. I loved all of the kits but it I were to purchase one, it would have to be the Elizabethan Snails. I am a beginer and the snails look easier than the rest All of the kits are magnificent! Thank for promoting your craft. Your e-mails are inspiring.

  475. Dear Mary,
    The kits are all wonderful for their colour and detail. I love the eye-catching simplicity of the Jacobean Peony, the magnificence of the Mellerstain Firescreen, and the romance of The Marriage Pillowe, but your giveaway project The Mellerstain Parrots is my favourite…. what is nicer than a couple of love birds?

  476. Oh, my goodness! All of her patterns are gorgeous, but if I had to choose one, it would be Mellerstain Firescreen because it has so many different elements to it……a wonderful challenge.

  477. Hi Mary, I enjoyed looking through Phillipa Turnbull’s website at all of the info and kits. Thank you for the reference to her work. Although I can tell you why I like several of the kits, I’m going with a sentimental value in choosing one. I would pick the Secret Squirrel in the Level 1 kits. This commerates my daughter’s very first word “curl” when pointing to a squirrel playing out in our yard! I would stitch it up for her.

  478. Although I love the Elizabethan stag, I truly believe the new Mellerstain Parrots are my favorite kit of Phillipa’s. I love the colors of the birds and the berrie bush they are perched upon. My beloved grandmother always had Parrots and this kit reminds me of her

  479. Hi Mary

    All the kits are so lovely, it is a bit difficult to choose a favourite. I love the different trees.
    Since I have only done a little bit of Jacobean work I have chosen the Jacobean Sampler from level 1 as my favorite. I like the colours and the pointy ends on the peach flower. I also like what I think are Blue bullions up the side of the main flower.

  480. I love all of them!!! Parrots are close to my heart as dad had a pair of lovely parrots as companions during his life. When he passed away, he left them to me. The parrots are a delightful addition to our family.

  481. Such a very hard question, but after lots of looking (and dreaming) I have to settle on the Jacobean Wild Wood kit. It is just lovely.

    Your give-away kit would make an ideal present for my friend, she would love to receive this.

    Thank you so much Mary and Phillipa for the opportunity.

  482. My favorite is the Jacobean Sampler in level one. As a newbie, this kit teaches Crewel Stem Stitch, Long & Short as “Soft Shading”, French Knots, Closed Fly Stitch, Laid & Couched Work and Satin Stitch. It packs a lot of learning into one beautiful kit!

  483. What a gorgeous kit! I really like some of the more complex designs, I think my favourite has to be the Elizabethan Snails. They’re just so cute!

  484. Hi Mary This crewel kit is a dream come true is absolutely lovely ,I do a lot of x-stitch and brazilian embroidery and I will be so ager to try the crewel embroidery because I do like the challenge to learn thats what a said with the Brazilian embroidery and know I do enjoy it!!!

    Thanks for inviting me to give it ago have a nice weekend
    cheers from perth,Australia

    Maria Gooch

  485. Love the red parrot, and the acorns! Am new to crewel, would love to give it a go. After looking at Phillipa’s site, my favourite ones are:
    Level 1: Jacobean Sampler
    Level 2: Mellerstein Parrots
    Level 3: Eyam Hall Bedhanging

    Thanks so much, Mary!
    best regards always,

  486. What a difficult choice! I think though it has to be the Jacobean sampler because it is a beginner’s kit which offers a variety of stitches and I am a true crewel work beginner. My grandmother taught me to embroider and I have a beautiful crewel work fire screen embroidered by her – but for some reason she never taught me that technique.

  487. Thank you for the opportunity. I liked the Jacobean peony since I am a beginner and it had different stitches to try.

  488. My favourite kits are The Elizabethan Snails, The Elizabethan Oakapple Tree and, of course, The Mellerstain Parrots. If I had to pick only one (arghhhh) it would be the Oakapple Tree.

  489. This is a very hard question to answer as there are so many beautiful designs on Phillipa Turnbull’s website and I would choose all of them if I could. The one design that really stood out for me is “The Marriage Pillowe”. I have a wedding coming up next year for my youngest son and this design would be ideal to make for them. I just love the design – so bright and colourful and something my hands are really itching to try.

  490. Oh, my! This was quite a difficult task. I like “The Tulip Tree” for its variety of flowers and design balance. I would be so delighted to have it on my chair or to give it as a gift to a dear friend.

  491. I would be thrilled to stitch up this design. I love parrots. I have six small parrots that I adore. It’s been too long since I’ve stitched a crewel piece. I’m ready to get back to crewel.

    Thank you.

  492. I have to say that my favorite is the Mellerstain Firescreen. It’s so beautiful! But the Elizabethan Oak Tree comes in close second.

  493. I would have to go for the Jacobean Sampler in level 1. You had me at easy and beginner. The samplers all are beautiful and would make a wonderful beginner’s project. Thanks for all the information you give us. I love it.

  494. Only because I have to pick a favorite…
    I will go for the Level 1, Jacobean Peony. Love the colors and would like to do some more Long & Short stitch shading.

    It was very hard to choose a favorite. Thanks for the give away opportunity and sharing the website.

  495. The kits were all so lovely, it was hard to pick just one. At first it was the Scottish Thistle, love the purple colors. But then, I saw the Elizabethan Oakapple Tree, and that took my breath away. What a beautiful combination of soft, muted colors. That would be my favorite. Thanks.

  496. There are so many lovely kits to choose from on Phillippa’s site that choosing is hard but I think my favourite is the Mellerstain Firescreen – it would be a challenge to complete as it is so large but the end result would look lovely either as a firescreen or as a picture. And I love the parrots in it!

  497. Although I would like to win any of the amazing kits, My Favourite design is the Elizabethan oak Tree (level 3) as I love the ways the branches twist round each other.

    Thank you for all your helpful tips,


  498. Thank you for the chance to win this beautiful kit!! I did my first crewel embroidery kit in 1974. I love the Jacobean long pillow it is beautiful. I do love the Jacobean design, it has always been my favorite in crewel design! Thank you, Marla

  499. Hi Mary – what a lovely kit as a give-away. If I had to choose one particular kit(and it is difficult, as they are all beautiful) it would be The Mellerstain Parrots. The design as a whole is beautiful with interesting shapes. I do love birds. The colours in the kit are also beautiful. It would make a lovely cushion or picture for the wall. If I am not lucky to win this prize, I think I might just order it for myself. GB, Knysna

  500. Okay, I have to confess that acorns get me every time. I’m an addict. My favorite stitching box contains all acorn motif items. The parrots are wonderful, and guess what…they have lovely acorns too! My favorite Phillipa Turnbull kits are Heartsease Pansy in level one – pansies are another passion; and Elizabethan Oak Tree in level three. This one, for obvious reasons! Winning this kit would be awesome.

  501. What a beautiful picture of the birds. I love birds. Just this morning I was watching the red birds in my tomatoes. They were working on the bugs. I wondered what was making the small holes in the tomatoes.
    the kits I really liked was the Heartsease Pansey. Pansies were my grandmothers favorite flowers. I love the way they look and the colors are blended together.
    the other one was Elizabetha Stag. My son loves to hunt and we all work into the processing of the meat. I have one room in my house that I use for my sewing room and it has deer on the border of the room. We have the fish he caught and the guns and antlers on the wall. It is a wonderful inspiration. My grandson loves to go into the room and look at the “D”.
    Again, I love the birds!!

  502. I really like this design and would love to have it. My favorite is the Leven Hall Pillowe kit. It is beautiful and different, with lots of different stiches. Have a fun day, and thank you for all your hard work that you share with all of us.

  503. Dear Mary,
    I love the Marriage Pillow on level 3. I am not a level 3 stitcher but this design I like so much and it who’d be a beautiful start for my 40e anniversary .It is a very nice giveaway and so generous of you. I have 2 years to learn and to practice.I have done some crewel work.
    Have a wonderful weekend and I wish you all the best, The Pillow is going on to my wish list for my birthday.
    Mabel The Netherlands

  504. Dear Mary,

    Many years ago I saw a photograph of the Millerstein Firescreen and thought how beautiful it is. I have long admired the crewel work done so long ago and wish I had the ability to stitch something so lovely. I would not call myself a rank beginner but I wasn’t aware that pieces so representative of those stitched long ago were available. Having the possibility to stitch a small section of the firescreen would be a dream come true.

    Thank you for such an opportunity.

    Gail Schwesinger

  505. Hi Mary,
    As everyone else, I had to make very difficult decision. I cut down my favourites to two: Jacobean Fantasy and the Mellerstain Parrots (both level 2). I think because of the colours and design my final choice are the Parrots. I like using the work I have done and they would look great in my living room. Great colours, great design! I am really happy that my favourite one is the give away!
    Have a great day,


  506. I love the rabbits. It’s good to see beauty and sense of humour combined in needlework. Also, having never done crewel work, the kit gives a satisfying result for a manageable number of new techniques/stitches to learn.

  507. Level 1- definitely the snails. I’ve always had a thing for snails.Oh, and the Scottish Thistle. Must go on to Level 2 before I list them all! Level 2-Jacobean Fantasy-what rich colors and swirly-curly lines! The Stag! The rabbits!Level 3-The Elizabethan Oak Tree.MMMmmmm, the Oakapple, too. Beautiful colors.

    That’s 7 for me! They are beautiful, Mary.

  508. So many beautiful designs to choose from. Believe that the tulip tree will be my favorite for a variety of reasons. I like the simplistic asymetric design. But what what I like the best about this design is that it is a sampler of multiple types of stitches. How better to learn a technique and in the end complete a lovely project.

  509. Love your everyday e-mail and look forward to seeing what new eye candy you have for us. The little parrots is awesome and be a very nice project to do this winter..finished pillow or picture just in time for SPRING !!!

  510. Elizabethan Snails (because I had a pet snail when my parents wouldn’t let me have a dog, I was very attached to him) and the Mellerstain Firescreen (love all the animals hiding in the foilage!)

  511. I love the complexity of the Mellerstain Firescreen, with all of the interesting components. The colors are beautiful and all seem to coordinate nicely with each other. I also love the Elizabethan Oakapple Tree in level 3. I so enjoy stitching historical pieces, since they continue a tradition. These are all fabulous pieces their website certainly doe them justice. Thanks for the invitation!

  512. I love the simplicity of Level one.The Scottish Thistle was an instant choice because of my Scottish hertiage.All levels are very beautiful yet I still favor simple things in my life right now.Simple sewing,simple needlework,simple meals.I`m just pleased there are these lovely kits to work.
    Karole In Texas

  513. I love that Phillipa calls her beginner students “The Terrified”. Crewel work can be daunting to beginners, but it is so lovely and surprising colorful. Mt favorite kit (although the firescreen is gorgeous) is the Jacobean Fantasy kit. The colors in it would be perfect for my living room!

  514. Hi Mary, I have never tried crewel work, but I am game to try! I think my favorite design is the Mellerstain Firescreen, with a very close second the Elizabethan Oak Tree.

    Have a great day and thanks for all the wonderful things you show and teach through your newsletter!!

    Cindy J.

  515. I just loved those darling snails. I am new to crewel but love wool work of any kind.
    Thanks, Carol

  516. Hi Mary, I too had trouble just pick one favourate, but think the Heartsease Pansy is the one. I live pansies and plant many in my garden each year. I also think that level one is something I could manage, as I have done some crewel work before but not enough to try something too hard. Thanks for this wonderful offer, Colleen

  517. Crewel work is one of the most beautiful needlework artforms. I treasure the crewel work that I inherited from my grandmother. From Phillipa’s website, The Crewel Work Company, I love the Mellerstain Parrots as my grandmother often created crewel pieces with birds in them. I also love the Jacobean Oak Tree and the Crabapple Tree. Phillipa provides to us absolutely breathtaking pieces in which we can create and keep this artform alive.

  518. Dear Mary,

    I would really be happy to win this kit. My details are it has animals on it and they

  519. The tulip tree – the colors are vibrant and enough background empty to allow the flowers and leaves to be seen in all their beauty. Someday I hope to be accomplished enough to attempt this design.

    Mary thanks for this great web site. I have learned so much from your posts.

  520. I am SO excited with your current give-away of the Mellerstain Parrots! Prior to your email I had not known of Phillipa’s crewel work and it makes me wonder what else I’m missing out on. As for my favorite among her designs, the Mellerstain Birds rank first place along with the vivid color and joyful design of Jacobean Fantasy and the simple charm of the Elizabethan Snails. The snails take me back to when our children were very young and my husband returned from a business trip with a new story book called Adeline Schlime. The story begins with Adeline cloaked in a cabbage leaf nervously preparing for her onstage operatic performance, and naturally ends with Adeline receiving a standing ovation. Such a charming tale it was with gentle watercolor illustrations.

    So, thank you for the introduction to the beautiful historic interpretations of Phillipa Turnbull and the opportunity to win one of her kits.

  521. Dear Mary,

    My favorite kit is the Mellerstain Firescreen. I would really be happy get this kit. My details are it has animals on it and they added the leaves and plants. They also added grass that is what makes it pretty. The parrots are a good touch to the picture. The deer is a good touch also. The squirrel makes the bushes look good with him on it. The plants add more detail otherwise it would only have animals. I like the acorns and berries too.

    My grandson, Damien, helped pick our favorite kit and he wrote all the details above.

    We hope you have enjoyed reading our response.

  522. Favorite piece, Eyam Hall Bedhanging, because I am considering doing hanging for my copy of my Charleston bed cira 1750 and need to see and work a full size copy to judge time to do it. And I love the look of the two parrots. Too many idea so little time. Charlie

  523. Rabbits! Is the kit I would choose. I love rabbits and recently lost my beautiful fluffy friend. Handwork is so personal…I love creating something that has a connection or a memory attached. This is the most beautiful give away! I now have a new resource for gorgeous kits!

  524. Dear Mary this site is just so devine and to have to chose is really really hard, I adore the parrots, but the “Rabbits are just so gorgeous, when you look at this picture it gives you a sense of mystery and secrecy, they are hidden in their own private little world, I love this one so much. thank you for introducing me to this artist and website.
    Flora C. West Australia.

  525. My favorite is definitely the Eyam Hall bed hanging. Something about the colors and the goofy (in a good way) bird just appeal to me. Also,the details in the stitching are beautiful.

  526. Oh, no…..we have to choose? This is truly hard since all of Phillipa’s kits are so lovely. If I have to choose, it would be Rabbits. I love Jacobean designs with animals and these rabbits are so charming! I also love the combination of colors..deep blue, brown, yellow, green and a splash of a beautiful red. Phillipa’s designs truly represent traditional Jacobean embroidery at its BEST!!

  527. Hi Mary. You’ve set a very tough test before us. I have chosen the squirrel as my favorite(with the snails coming in a slow,i mean close second).I like the squirrel kit simply because I like things to be simple, and neat.There isn’t much more to the crewel work than the main character and his grub. I’m not saying the other kits aren’t beautiful, they are gorgeous!, but maybe after i’ve been stitching for more than a few hours, i’ll see things diferently.Even if i don’t win, thank you for expanding my world of thread by introducing Crewel Work Co.to us. Have a blessed week.vickeyb.

  528. Hi Mary,
    Picking my favorite design of the group was also a hard choice. Lots of beautiful patterns. I finally settled on the Jacobean Long Pillow. I particularly like the variety it contains with flowers, animals and insects. In addition the colors are lively and bright, in contrast to a couple other selections from the site.
    Fingers crossed,

  529. My eye caught the offer as we flicked through the Woman’s Day magazine. I asked my daughter, “You want to try making this Eric Wilson pattern?” As a 14 year old she had learned knitting by herself, both English and American style, so I was sure she could learn crewel. And, she did.

    At that time, I was just too busy to learn crewel myself. For like other women of that era, I was starting college, married with family. With studying and husband the four children, there was no time to learn this type of stitching or for that matter ANY stitching.

    Several years later after earning two degrees, I gave myself a graduation gift of an embroidery book authored by Erica Wilson. Now I could stitch.
    Right? ..Wrong!!!

    My new job was just as time demanding as family and college. I gave my married daughter another Wilson pattern which again, she stitched. Both of her beautiful crewel creations are in my home, a picture and a pillow.

    As retirement neared, I began to think about how I would use those years. Immediately, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. In my “olden” days, I have stitched needlework, placing many, many stitched pictures on the walls of my home; BUT NOT CREWEL.

    “The Tulip Tree” is my favorite because it is very very like the second crewel work that my daughter stitched for me…..AND…. at 75 years of old, I would like the gift you are offering because this time I will stitch the crewel myself AND I will give the stitched crewel to … MY DAUGHTER.

  530. Dear Mary,
    it is the most difficult question. To choose 5 would be a little bit easier (to choose less favorite would be very difficult too). But maybe my favorite (one of them 😀 ) would be Elizabethan Oakapple Tree in level 3. I hope one day to stitch it (and some other 5 or even more kits).
    Thank you very much for showing this wonderful website. And thank you for your wonderful and very inspirational blog.


  531. I forgot to write, why I like Elizabethan Oakapple Tree in level 3. I like it’s colours, the picture. It catched my eye and I am dreaming about it. I have even dreamt how I stitch it…



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