
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Monogram Book Winner!


Amazon Books

Yes, yes, yes, ladies & gents, we have a winner for last week’s give-away, which features the book Monograms: The Art of Embroidered Letters, a hard-to-find (in English, anyway), out-of-print instructional book on monogramming, by Susan O’Connor.

While we wait and hope for the book to be reprinted, I’ve been giving away some spare copies off and on. Hopefully, the book will be reprinted soon – if I hear it’s coming, I’ll definitely let you know.

Monograms: The Art of Embroidered Letters

The image above is from the original back cover of the book – a quintessential vision of the clean and crisp monogrammed napkin. When it looked like the book was going back in print, this was the image that was shown for the cover. So if it ever comes about that we see the book in print again, keep an eye out for this image, just in case it’s The One.

In the meantime, on to the winner! This morning, nice and early, a random number generator did its job and chose for me. And it chose a most enthusiastic recipient, methinks!

The winner is Marietjie down South, who answered my question about embroidered monograms thus:

I have been searching high and low to see if I can get the ‘new release’ – obviously to no avail…
I won’t be a hypocrite and type out a whole story, I’ll just say it out straight – I ‘NEED’ that book:-)
I’m addicted to beautiful white-work monograms, and if you add lace to them, I am lost… Ever since I saw Marie Suarez’s masterpieces in white, I have been planning my own project… Then you dangled this tempting book before my nose, and I was lost…
Pleeeeeeeeze Mary, I’ll dance, jump and rollover better than any circus poodle, I’ll even whistle any tune you like…

Golly, what an offer – I think I’ll let you pick the tune!

Just drop me a line, Marietjie, with your mailing address, and I’ll get that off to you as soon as possible.

I have one more spare copy of the book, so in the future, you may see it pop up again here on Needle ‘n Thread!


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(9) Comments

  1. G’day there Mary,
    And congratulations Marietjie. When does the entertainment start? C’mon now Marietjie, be a sport, and video it for us all eh.
    Thank you Mary.
    Cheers, Kath.

  2. Congratulations, Marietjie!

    I can’t wait for that next give-away, Mrs. Corbet! I hope it’s soon!

    Thanks for your generosity in giving these books away. Your kindness is so appreciated.

    Sarah 😀

  3. Dear Mary

    Congratulations to Marietjie I hope you enjoy your give away lovely monogram book, now it’s time to jump and rollover and whistle a happy tune! and thanks Mary for the give away that is so generous of you.

    Regards Anita Simmance

  4. Good luck with the book Marietjie–you need not dance if you embroider something fabulous using
    ideas from that book! Thanks Mary for another great giveaway. After you have packed/mailed her book, sprint on over to Sotheby’s site to see a casket that is about to be auctioned. It’s monogrammed MC & needs a good home! Trish has it posted on her blog today. Letters are magical!!

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