
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Happy Thanksgiving!


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Just popping in from the cornfields of Kansas to wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! Embroidered Autumn Leaves

I could never let Thanksgiving pass without telling you how thankful I am for you!

I’m ever-so-grateful for your inspiration, your support, your suggestions, your criticisms, your ideas, your contributions – for the important part you play in our Needle ‘n Thread community.

So, wherever you are, even if today isn’t a holiday for you, know that there’s a little piece of you in my heart, celebrating Thanksgiving with me.

And if I could, I’d pass a piece of pumpkin pie right through your computer screen so we could enjoy it together!

Today, my family will be gathering at my sister’s house. There’ll be lots of cooking and heaps of fun – kids running around, family and friends to visit with, dogs to play with, and a general atmosphere of hearty chaos.

But while it’s still early and the world is still quite, I’m sneaking off to the studio for a tiny bit of stitching. I’m starting a wee project with a secret tool – I’ll show it to you in the next week or so. In the meantime, don’t tell anyone where I am!

To each of you, have a happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for being a part of Needle ‘n Thread!


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(30) Comments

  1. Love the beaks Mary!

    In thinking of all that I am grateful for over the last year, I include you. Thank you for sharing your time and talent with all of us. You are a gem in the world of needle and thread. I am also so very thankful for the scissor set that I won in a raffle. To top this off, I find it so very odd that I haven’t even met someone that has been a shining light in my life. I am pleasantly surprised at how grateful I am for for use of technology to learn. Your blog led me to a world of friendship and continued crafting with all things involving needles, thread, and yarn!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours,

    Kathy S.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to too, Mary! I am very thankful for all of the work you do on your blog for us…you have given me inspiration and instruction for many hours of joyful handwork. I hope to get a few minutes of stitching in today to before the trek over the river and through the woods (literally!) to grandmother’s house!

  3. Hi Mary,
    Sending Thanksgiving wishes to you and your family from the cold and snowy northeast. I am very thankful for all your wonderful advice and instruction that makes us the best stitchers we can be!

  4. Thanks for all your hard work Mary. I have been enjoying your blog for years. Still amazed at how you are able to do, all you do!You are a astounding woman!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to all the Americans here! Wishing a blessed and joy filled day to those living elsewhere! Thank you Mary, for all your hard work, we all learn so much from you!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving, Mary! Very grateful for all the wonderful work you do here on Needle ‘N Thread, you are such a delight!

  7. Dear Mary, I just saw your TG message and I am finishing your project on Needle Painting. Iยดm writing to thank you, on Thanks Giving and ever, for being so generous with your time and knowledge. It is really a day-to-day gift that I receive in your newsletters. All of them are detailed, carefully writen, clear and esthetically appealing. You make a difference in my days, even being so far away. All the best. Heloise.

  8. So typical of you to take time on a busy holiday to thank US. Have a wonderful day, you deserve it! Thanks again for your constant inspiration.

  9. Happy Thanksgiving to you Mary. Youve made me a better embroiderer by adding discipline and finishing to my exuberance. I am grateful for that and for many things. Thanks for the holiday wishes.

  10. Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Needle n Threaders too. Its so great to know that there are so many others that share my love of needle work.

  11. A happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

    And a big thank you for your blog. I don’t post often, but I read every day and you have prodded me to get back to doing some embroidery (along with the spinning, weaving, knitting and sewing-the days need to be longer, don’t they?)

  12. Dear Mary

    A very happy Thanksgiving to you and your family and thank you so much for all that you do here on Needle n’ Thread for your inspiration and for sharing your ideas, tips, techniques and for your great sense of giving and humour, you always inspire me to reach a higher degree of embroidery, you have taught me so much over the past years which I really appreciate and you continue to surprise me with your knowledge and beautiful needlework. So it’s not you who should thank us which I appreciate but us who’s should thank you, so HAPPY THANKSGIVING.

    Regards Anita Simmance

  13. Thank you, Mrs. Corbet. And a very happy Thanksgiving to you and your family as well!

    And thank you for your blog. It’s wonderful to see so much beautiful needlework, yours and your various links and your posts about discoveries.


  14. Happy Thanksgiving, Mrs. Corbet! ๐Ÿ˜€
    I am so thankful for you and everything you do for us needleworkers. I always look forward to reading your posts every morning. Just think, I probably wouldn’t know how to embroider without you!
    We’re having family over to our humble abode for this holiday. We’re just finishing up some last dinner preparations right now.
    Hope you have a great holiday ๐Ÿ˜‰

    God Bless You

  15. Hope everyone is having a lovely Thanksgiving. Thanks for the pumpkin pie, Mary; it didn’t get toooo squashed on its way down the wires!

  16. Mary, I get a great deal of pleasure – and learn a lot – from your marvellous blog. Thank you very much for all your inspiring, entertaining and fascinating posts. Enjoy your Thanksgiving Day.

  17. Mary…Where is the infamous embroidered turkey? I do like your leaves, very Autmnie. I got to be in Kansas overnight on Monday. First time to be in my home state in years. Now we are in Minnesota visiting my husbands 96 yr. old mother. We will be back in Kansas on Sunday. So exciting! We came up through Wichita but we will go down through Halstead. Two different parts of the family to visit!

  18. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Mary. I am thankful for you and look forward to your missives as a bright spot in my day. Enjoy your family time!

  19. Mary salutations from Australia for your Thanksgiving Day. When your forebears after landing in what was to become the USA nearly starved to death. Until with the help of the indigenous people and working in harmony both survived.

    Over many a day now I have been thinking about you, in particular.

    It slowly dawned on me when I received a book on embroidery from a dear friend.

    Why on earth does one need an embroidery book when we have you.

    You are a font of information when it comes to embroidery, always ready to show and tell how a stitch can be done and offering with pictures

  20. And a Happy Thanksgiving to you to! I am thankful for Needle and Thread. I have learned so much through your posts and tutorials – it has improved my embroidery and made it so much more fun.

  21. Sorry Mary but my response was got sent before I had finished.

    I went on to say that, why have books when we have you and that you in your generosity just about fulfils our embroidery interest.

    When anything new comes out in either a new twist on a stitch or tools required to help with our embroidery…go to Mary Corbet’s site and the information is there OR if not just say something and Mary will have the information or you can bet Mary will soon have it.

    We are certainly spoilt.

    So why books… when our needs are already met.

    Well books show us the finished item inspiring us that with patience and care we too in time can achieve similar effects and outcomes.

    So it is in short I give thanks that I came across Mary Corbet’s site and for many years now have thoroughly enjoyed every one of your posting.

    My hope is that you continue to show and inspire young and old alike the joys of embroidery or/and needlework as a whole.

    Thank you Mary not just at this time but everyday for your generosity and patience in encouraging so many to just take that step into embroidery to see what we all can do in time.

    Kind regards
    Martha May

  22. Dear Mary,
    Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
    I am on your blog every day.
    Thank you for sharing your passion with us.
    With love,

  23. Ciao Mary come stai sei veramente brava guardo sempre i tuo video sei molto precisa e i tuo ricami sono fantastici a me piace molto ricamare e a tempo libero ricamo mi piacerebbe imparare come te ma come faccio penso che serve molta esperienza ti auguro belle cose a presto ciao

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