
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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A Goldwork Crown Embroidery Kit


Amazon Books

Just in case goldwork embroidery is somewhere on your New Year’s Resolution list, I feel Absolutely Compelled to let you know about a wonderful resource for goldwork kits and supplies.

It’s not a new resource – au contraire! – but you might not be familiar with their goldwork embroidery kits. And if you’re not, you might want to know that not only does this renowned company carry goldwork kits, but many of their goldwork kits just happen to be on sale right now.

What could be better?

But what really compelled me to announce this particular happy circumstance today is the fact that one of their kits is this magnificent goldwork crown:

Goldwork Embroidery Crown Kit from Benton & Johnson

And today being January 6th and the Epiphany – which makes me want to sing We Three Kings all day long – I thought the goldwork crown kit from Benton & Johnson perfect for today.

That, and the fact that it’s on sale. But I think I already mentioned that.

This is a kit for embroiderers who are already familiar with goldwork. If you’ve dabbled in goldwork and you want to take your skills a bit farther in 2015, it would be a great kit for you!

I ordered it. I haven’t seen it yet. But I do know this: B&J makes great goldwork threads. And they’ve been around for millions of years, so I’m absolutely confident it is a quality kit.

If you haven’t tried goldwork embroidery yet, but you’ve thought about taking the plunge, Benton & Johnson offers other kits, too, which are suitable for beginners.

I’m quite smitten with these three goldwork Christmas ornaments. I think they’re adorable:

Goldwork Christmas Ornaments from Benton & Johnson

The goldwork snowflake features spangles, pearl purl, and check purl; the goldwork angel features spangles, beads, pearl purl, and whipped plate; and the goldwork dove features pearl purl, checked purl, and spangles.

You can find these and other goldwork kits at Benton & Johnson in the UK. They do ship overseas, but keep in mind that the currency is listed in British Pounds Sterling, so, if you’re in the States, you’ll need to do a currency conversion to determine the price in US dollars. At the time of writing this, the crown kit is about US$44, and the ornament kits range from US$16.50 – US$18.30 – not bad at all for goldwork kits.

Unfortunately, the shipping is a bit steep…grumble, grumble. Sigh..

Of course, you can always make the shipping a little more worthwhile by ordering some of their delectable, colored, couchable metal threads while you’re at it. Oh, those peacock blues!

Grumble, grumble. Sigh. How do I get myself into these situations?

And on that note, have a happy “Little Christmas” and a glorious day!

PS. I’ll show you my kit when I get it!


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(14) Comments

  1. Thank-you, Mary, for yet another wonderful resource. I love goldwork, but it intimidates me, so the ornament kit might just help me to reach my comfort zone. It also helps to have the materials included. I intend to check it out.

  2. I completed the goldwork crown last year – it’s truly beautiful and a challenge to do! I also have the lion and the unicorn to do, and have also completed the tudor rose. Very good quality kits – i@m sure you will enjoy doing it, Mary

  3. Hi Mary,

    Gorgeous! I oh so want to buy it, but after currency conversion the shipping is almost equal to or just above the cost of the kit itself!! Grumble, grumble. *sigh* This kit would be wonderful practice for me and is perfect for a future project I have in mind. Shame this wasn’t on sale before Christmas 😉 For now I’ll just follow along with you and save your posts for future reference. Thanks for sharing this info and I’ve bookmarked the suppliers page.

  4. Funny that you would be talking about goldwork today – last night I was trawling about on the rabbit hole that is Pinterest and came across that beautiful little goldwork tape measure cover you made awhile ago. Drooled over it then, and drooled over it again.

  5. Ooo – shiny!

    Well, I placed an order for several kits. The shipping charge really is steep. Not sure I would have ordered if I’d realized just how steep. I’m guessing they are just getting into the retail side – not much info on the kits. Title, price, and if you’re lucky, a picture – no descriptions or dimensions.

    From your article, it appears the ornaments provide a good sampling, and I fell in love with the thistle. Also, I’m making ornaments for my sister’s daughter, so these will get stitched.

    Since there aren’t many goldwork resources, I’ll check back again later, and save my pennies.

  6. The goldwork crown is approximately 3.5 inches wide and 3.25inches deep and is quite padded. You will love it – really! I have framed mine in a silver frame and it is much admired.

  7. Mary, these are terrific. I would love the ornaments, but I can’t bring myself to pay that much – especially when the shipping is more than the kit. Are there any places in the US that carry kits?

    Thanks so much for sharing.

    1. Hi, Cynthia – In the US, there aren’t many goldwork designers that carry small beginner kits. Tanja Berlin in Canada carries some nice kits, though, and the shipping is not nearly as steep. Surprisingly, though, it takes longer for a package to get from Canada to the US than from the UK to the US!

  8. Hi Mary! I hope you had a great holiday and I hope you’re feeling well and getting better!!
    I have a question about this website. They don’t have photos of their threads… just a few of them. Do you know if they have any way of seeing them such as a catalogue or sample chart or anything like that?


    1. Hi, Natalia – Yes, that’s one of the problems with the B&J website! I wish they had pictures! I’d recommend looking at Tanja Berlin’s website (berlinembroidery.com) for good photos of goldwork thread. They’re not all necessarily Benton & Johnson threads, but you’ll get an idea of what the different types look like, and then you’ll know better what the descriptions mean when you read them on the B&J website.

    2. Thanks! Yes, I’ve bought goldwork threads from Tanja! So silly these Benton & Johnson people not having photos…

      Take care and thanks for all you wonderful, informative, fun, and creative work! I LOVE getting your emails.

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