
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Embroider a Bookmark!


Amazon Books

You know Sunday is Father’s Day, right?

My dad is a prolific reader. And he’s forever using any scrap of paper, any paperclip, perhaps a toothpick – whatever he has on hand! – to mark his place in books.

If your dad is anything like mine, you could always embroider a bookmark for him for Father’s Day.

Hand embroidered bookmarks make great gifts for anyone who reads, or should read. Maybe you’ve got a recent graduate in the family? Or maybe you have a children’s summer reading program at your local library that could benefit from some prizes?

The best thing about embroidered bookmarks is that they’re quick to make and easy to finish!

How to embroider a bookmark

You might remember that I gave you a sneak peek of this particular bookmark some time ago, in May.

Well, my free tutorial for hand embroidered bookmarks is available now on Craftsy, so I’m going to direct you there for the complete, step-by-step instructions for an easy bookmark.

It’s a perfect weekend project! I hope you have a lot of fun with it!

Checking Out for a While

This morning, I had to leave town in a hurry.

Yep, they’re after me again!

I’ll be out of town for several days (maybe longer), to visit my aunt who is ailing. I’ve got a couple articles, including some fun tutorials, lined up for you for next week, but it’ll be a rather light week as far as Needle ‘n Thread goes. I’ll have occasional access to email, but the website will be on auto-pilot for a bit. You’re welcome to leave comments and to email, and I’ll do my best to get back to you when I can.

Have a terrific weekend!

And do make a bookmark – they’re great fun!

Toodles for now!

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(17) Comments

  1. Thank you for the great tutorial! A bookmark is a quick and easy gift for a favorite reader, and I always have scraps large enough to use!

  2. Thanks for the great gift suggestion Mary. Wishing you a safe trip and prayers for your Aunt. There’s plenty to research here whilst you’re away to keep myself busy, so return when you can. Family First. “See you” when you get back!

  3. Dear Mary

    So sorry to hear of your ailing Aunt, my thoughts are with you and your family. Thanks for the tutorial on the bookmark above and I agree they make great presents. I shall browse Craftsy and have a look at your tutorial. Look forward to the fun tutorials coming up next week.

    Regards Anita Simmance

  4. I hope you enjoy the travel time but more importantly, I hope you have a wonderful visit with your aunt. So sorry to hear she’s not doing well.

  5. That one’s yours, you said! I remember you chiding yourself for not having a cute bookmark!
    And so you picked up your Dad’s bad habit of random page marking! Guess you could whip up another one. Mary, hope your aunt gets well soon.

  6. I’m sorry about your Aunt not feeling well. Best wishes for her speedy recovery and safe travels for you.

  7. God Bless, and I hope your aunt heals quickly. It’s about time you had a vacation anyway!!!
    Love the bookmark idea, wish I’d have thought of that. Too late for this year, but maybe for his birthday (he reads about a book a day!) He lives with me and that’s all he does day in, day out- read, read, read…

  8. Hi Mary I hope all goes well with your aunt. Don’t worry about the site I’m sure that we are all aware that family comes first. Althought we certainly will miss you you have to be where you are needed.
    Cheers Judy
    S E Queensland, Australia

  9. Dear Mary,

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your aunt, praying for her swift recovery.


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