
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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More Tulip Monograms & Some News!


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Hi, there! Did you miss me yesterday? Well, I missed you! For those who wrote to wonder where I was, thank you! I was still right here in Kansas, but I was out of commission.

I’m back in commission this morning, which is a good thing – and hopefully, I’ll get some real work done today!

This morning, I’m sharing with you the next four letters in the Tulip Monogram alphabet. I know some of you have been waiting eagerly for the later letters of the alphabet, and we’re finally getting there! I also have a little bit of news, just to keep you abreast of Needle ‘n Thread-related activities.

Tulip Monograms - decorative letters for hand embroidery

So, the next letters in the Tulip Alphabet are Q, R, S and T.

If you’re looking for stitching suggestions, check out the earlier letters of the alphabet – I’ve included stitches samples and some suggestions for embroidering the letters in the articles featuring earlier letters. You’ll find all the letters in the monogram pattern index here.

You can also read the comments on those earlier articles, too, to get some good ideas from other stitchers out there!


Here’s the handy-dandy PDF printable for you to download. The letters print at 2.5″ high, if you choose “no scaling” or a similar option on your printer menu.

Tulip Monograms Q – T (PDF)

Favorite Monograms – PDF Collection

You’ll find this complete alphabet – along with 15 other decorative alphabets – all in one place in Favorite Monograms, a downloadable PDF collection of 16 monogram alphabets perfect for hand embroidery and other crafts.

Favorite Monograms for Hand Embroidery and Other Crafts

In the photo above, you can see samples of each alphabet available in Favorite Monograms.

Each letter in each alphabet in Favorite Monograms has been carefully traced into a clean line drawing that can be easily enlarged or reduced on a home printer or a photocopier.

The 16-alphabet collection is delivered as via a download link to your inbox shortly after purchase, so that you can begin creating right away! Priced at less than $1.00 per complete alphabet, monogram lovers can’t go wrong with this collection!

Favorite Monograms is available in my shop, here.


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(94) Comments

  1. Thinking about you and sending good wishes and happy thoughts your way. Hopefully autumn will arrive soon for us too.

  2. Hi Mary,

    Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I for one will be having Mary Corbet withdrawals. I love opening my email with your blog.

    Take care,
    Barbara in Texas

    1. Get things sorted, take your time, and take care of yourself first, Mary. The rest can wait, and so can we (even if we don’t want to!).

  3. Take care of yourself and feel better. It’s been a beautiful fall so far–perfect for a little rest and relaxation while you’re on the mend.

  4. Dear Mary

    Do hope that all will be well, you are amazing to have done so much each and every day. It will just be that even more special when we do hear from you Most sincerely Margaret

  5. Best wishes on getting it all sorted out. I love your site and your tutorials and videos are what gave me the courage to branch out in my stitching.

  6. Miss Mary –
    Glad to hear it’s nothing serious and will miss your daily posts, but totally understand. I, for one, don’t know how you do all you do! Get your needed recoup time and rest – we’ll all still be here –
    Thank you again for YOU!
    Barbara in TN

  7. My very best wishes for a swift and complete recovery. I’ll miss your daily posts, but there are many articles from way back before I discovered N&T, so I shall can do a little archive delving if I get withdrawal symptoms.

  8. I am very grateful for your ALL the work you put into NeedleNThread. Prayers (I mean it) for answers to your health concerns.

  9. We always miss you Mary when that daily email doesn’t arrive! Those daily emails are such a lovely part of the day. Please take good care of yourself, recover nicely, and we’ll look forward to the day you can get back to “normal”. Until then, I’ll be sending good thoughts and prayers up for you. God bless. Carol

  10. Dear mary

    Thanks for the free monogram patterns. So sorry to hear you are unwell and glad it not serious, I hope you have a very speedy recovery and are back sooner then you think. Thinking of you and wishing you well, will really miss you and your articles they keep me stitching. God Bless you.

    Take Care

    Regards Anita Simmance xxx

  11. You will be missed, for sure. Your articles are great, informative and helpful. But your personality shines through and that’s what I’ll miss. Yes, it is like visiting with a friend. I do hope the medical mess is sorted out and you feel fantastic when it’s done. Please take care.

  12. Yes, I did miss you! I’m sorry to hear you aren’t tip top, take care of yourself and I will look forward to reading your posts,X

  13. Mary, I am sure I am not the only one who will be having “Mary’s Blog Withdrawal”!!! I really enjoy reading your thoughts, ideas, hints on stitching, and encouragement! I am happy that you hope to post 3x’s a week…that will keep me (and the hundreds of other readers) hungry for more! Saying that…I do hope that you take as much time off from this blog as you need to “mend” your medical situation…so that you can return to us happy and healthy! You are in my prayers for a speedy recovery…

  14. All the best in getting your health issues sorted out. As someone else commented, it will be a great opportunity to go back and read your early posts.

  15. Mary, please take care of yourself. Your health is so much more important than my daily “hit” of needlework chatting. Please rest and know that you have a whole community praying and sending good thoughts your way.

  16. Bonjour Marie,
    Oui, prenez grand soin , calme et repos. Je vous souhaite un bon rétablissement.C’est sûr vous allez nous manquer.

  17. You have always been a part of my morning routine. That first cup of tea without your blog just won’t be the same. Get well soon, you will be missed!

  18. One of the things I like best about this site is how often you post, But – life happens and sometimes you need to make changes and take care of things. We will miss you – yes we will! But take care of YOU, Mary.

  19. Will be praying for your speedy recovery. Thanks for all you do. Always look forward to your emails. Now they will be even more special. And as one of the previous posts said, I will go back and research the archives before I found Needle-N-Thread. Maybe that will help ease my addiction!! LOL! Take care of yourself and we all look forward to hearing that you are doing well!!

  20. Dear Mary,
    Please take good care of yourself. Sending positive healing thoughts your way.
    You share so much with us and for that I thank you.
    Take care.

  21. You’re working yourself to death, aren’t you? That’s all I can figure given how much you do for us. Take care, rest up, get better!

  22. Dear Mary,
    We will keep you in our prayers as you travel the path to good health.
    May the journey be gentle and successful.
    We will miss you and eagerly await your full return.
    Thank you for all you have done for us!
    Sincerely, Molly

  23. I wish you a quick recovery and hope all is going well. Your articles will be much missed, but you need to take care of yourself. I recommend lots of bed time, with a good book and Oreos, M&M’s, or your favorite dessert.

    Take care,

    Shelia in Oklahoma

  24. Dear Mary,
    Missed you yesterday. You are my early morning cup of of Joy.
    God Bless!! and speedy recovery.

  25. Hi Mary – I worried about you yesterday so your post this morning was a relief even though the news was not all rosy – thank you for keeping us informed – I will hold you close to my heart while you’re on the mend – Jane

  26. So glad you are taking the time to take care of yourself. Praying for your health and well being. Posting three times a week is still a pretty generous gift of your time and talent. Thank you and be well.

  27. Dear Mary,

    Glad to hear that nothing major is amiss with either yourself or another family member. I too wish you a speedy recovery and I hope you take advantage of the ‘down time’ – it may be what you need right now. All the best, NoviceStitcher.

  28. Please,please take all the time you need to get well!
    Silver lining for those of suffering from withdrawal: opportunity to read all those posts dating from waaay back. I’m thinking of starting with your very first post (June 2006?) and reading a few every Maryless day. That should help…
    … a little

  29. I missed you! But your health must come first. Please take care of yourself, and make a speedy and complete recovery. The blog can wait.

  30. Hi Mary,
    Thank you for all you do for this community…I really enjoy your website and find it very useful. I also really enjoy your easy, witty style and I look forward to visiting. Hope all goes well with you!

  31. Dear Mary – so sorry to hear you have some medical issues – count on me to pray for your very fast recovery. You take all the rest you need, we care about you!

  32. Just a new subscriber, but sorry to hear you are having health problems. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
    Thank you for all the helpful tips you share, my needlework has improved after implementing some of your methods.

  33. Mary,
    It is never fun to sort out medical problems but thankfully, you are on top of them. I send my best wishes to you for a quick and full recovery.
    I hope you know how many lives you brighten each day with your articles, information and inspiration. I, for one, am so very grateful! So get well soon.


  34. Wishing you well. Hope your medical problems are sorted in the best possible way. Will miss the daily email from you.

  35. Will miss your regular emails Mary – they brighten my day, however good health is imperative, so take all the time you need. Wishing you a speedy recovery and am sending you “good health wishes”.


  36. Best wishes for a speedy recovery! I’ll just have to get my daily “Mary fix” by re-reading some “tips & techniques” or practicing a stitch with a “how-to-video” :-).

  37. Hope you will soon be back to splendid health, Mary, and glad you are taking care of yourself! I count myself among your student “stitching friends” who will be sending healing thoughts your way with every chain, scroll, and lattice.

  38. Hi Mary,

    Thanks for all that you do for all of us! Will be praying for you. Pray, hope and trust. God will make a way.

    Mary, I think that I have had an Eurêka moment the other day while researching the Brother SCAN ´N Cut. This lovely machine can scan any design, like one of your lovely monograms, and it can then draw the design straight on to your prepared fabric!!

    What do you think ? Have you ever tried this method?

    Wishing you a lovely weekend. God bless you!! ☺️

    1. Hi, Jeanne – I haven’t tried the machine at all, but … why not? If you have one, try it and let me know! Sounds like a good idea!

      Thanks for your kind thoughts!

  39. Take care of yourself. I myself have hip replacement surgery
    In two weeks. While incapacitated and slowed, it will be
    A good time to read all those needlework books you have recommended
    And maybe even stitch a little. Don’t push your recovery –
    Healing takes time. Hugs and good luck.

    Darcy Walker

  40. Dear Mary,
    Just want you to wish you well and only a healthy time ahead once your medical problems are sorted. You will be in my prayers.
    Lots of love,
    Elza from Cape Town xxx

  41. Sorry to hear you’re having medical problems, Mary. I hope the health issues are resolved quickly so you can feel great again.

  42. Mary, all over the world, people are sending good thoughts your way and will continue to do so until you are back to “normal.” In the meantime, we will miss your daily posts. Spend your energy on healing, please.

  43. I hope you are better soon. One thing I have enjoyed immensely about your postings is the ability to go back into the archives and the videos to relearn or review previous postings. On your days of recuperating, and no posting, I will be found in the archives 🙂 God bless

  44. G’day Mary,
    Thinking of you Mary with special thoughts Wishing you a trouble free ‘medical problems’ sort out.
    Cheers, Kath

  45. Feel better soon!

    We will wait patiently for your postings, no matter the time in between each one. Things happen in life, and if people aren’t willing to understand this, they aren’t worth having around anyway…

  46. Dearest Mary,
    You brighten our days with your wonderful blog.
    After reading all the comments, it will certainly cheer up your day. You are important to us all and we are sending you loving, healing prayers.

  47. Wishing you a complete recovery soon; look after yourself.

    I’ll be praying for you… and reading your archive!


  48. Hi Mary, I was sorry to read that you are heading off for some medical treatment that will keep you offline for a little more than you … or we … would like. However I am pleased that it will give you a little more time for quiet contemplation. We all need a little downtime on occasion … & as you are constantly flat out, this will be good for you.
    I truly wish you all the very best for a speedy recovery …
    Your posts will be missed … but we want you at your very best … & if this means a little time out, then so be it …
    Cheers for now …. Wendy (from Oz) …

  49. Dear Mary,
    Having spent two memorable weeks in Canada with my daughter I have now returned and am catching up on my emails.
    I pray that all will be well and that the words of Proverbs Chapter 3. 5 will be of comfort to you as they have been to me.
    “Trust the Lord with all your heart …”
    Every Blessing,
    Armorel Carlyon,
    Truro. Cornwall. UK

  50. Hoping for a good outcome & speedy recovery for you! Take care of yourself & if you must be away from us for awhile, know that our thoughts & prayers are with you.

  51. Dear Mary,
    I am praying that all goes well for you and that your recovery is swift and complete. I pray that there will be as little pain as possible.

    Your faith is strong – it will help. Be brave.

    Thinking of you and praying for you,

  52. Mary, I missed reading the articles on the 15th and 16th until today (10/19). I simply want to extend my good wishes for your upcoming medical procedures, whatever they may be. I will be thinking about you and look forward to reading that all is well and you have returned to normal. Take care and God Bless.

  53. So sorry to hear you have medical problems, Mary. I hope it is not too serious and will be sorted fairly easily.

    Like everyone else, I will miss having my daily dose of Mary but your health and well-being is far more important. Take care.

  54. I will be thinking of you next week, and hoping that your surgery goes well, followed by a good recovery. When I had surgery I didn’t realise how much it had taken out of me for a while, so please take it easy.

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