
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Trestles and Slate Frames – at a Steal!


Amazon Books

Last year I reviewed this slate frame from Mythic Crafts.

The original article in this spot was the announcement for a crowdfunding campaign for Mythic Crafts to set up business. I have since deleted the original article, since the whole thing went “bust” in 2019.

Update, 2019: At this point in time, I’m cautioning folks about purchasing from Mythic Crafts. After a very successful crowd-funding campaign in January of 2018, many of the backers have still not received their goods from backing that campaign. I hope that Mythic Crafts is able to fulfill the orders made during the crowdfunding campaign, but until they do, I don’t recommend ordering from the company’s website.

Update, July 2019: Mythic Crafts is out of business, with no explanation to the backers. I have since adjusted my policies on backing and promoting any kind of similar crowdfunding campaign. Like many of you, I am also out the funds I backed the campaign with, and I’m sorry I went to the effort to support the business and told other people about it.

I believe in giving the benefit of the doubt, and I believe Mythic Crafts began with the right intentions, but that they over-extended themselves and through a variety of circumstances, couldn’t keep the business running. Communication to the backers would have been nice (and really, the only correct thing to do), but I imagine there’s a whole lot of emotional pain going on there, too.

Slate Frames & Trestles for Embroidery

There is nothing more to say about the product or the crowdfunding campaign, so I am removing the text about it. You are welcome to contact me if you have any questions, but I really don’t know anything else about it, except that they have gone bankrupt and the business has completely failed.


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(29) Comments

    1. Hi, Joanne – the shipping charges showed up after I entered my address but before I hit the final button. Shipping from outside the country on large items isn’t inexpensive, admittedly, but it wasn’t too bad on the frame I pre-ordered.

  1. Dear Mary

    I do hope that Mark succeeds in his business and is able to obtain the funding that he needs to continue such a good quality embroidery product and I hope he is able to establish his business after such a rush move from Canada to the UK, I agree with you Mary that small businesses in the embroidery world are important. Good Luck Mark and thanks Mary for sharing Mark’s story with us.

    Regards Anita Simmance

  2. As a happy user of Mark’s slate frames, I wholeheartedly recommend his products. His version of slate frames is *it* for me. They are so much easier/faster to set up than a traditional slate frame. Oh, and they’re beautiful, too!

    If you’ve ever thought about buying a slate frame this is your chance to acquire, as Mary put it, an heirloom quality slate frame.

    I hope the needlework community is able to support this effort. Besides, I want the trestles I’ve ordered! 😉

  3. I am always happy to support a small business especially one that provides both an excellent product and customer service. I look forward to using Mark’s clamp ( my husband will be glad to get his wood clamp back……) and I am sure I will enjoy stitching with it as much as I enjoy using his slate frames.

  4. Mark is such a nice, sincere and hardworking man.

    His work ethic is outstanding and he really is conscientious about producing
    high quality products.
    I would highly recommend his frames and stands.
    If they take longer to arrive compared to ordering other products for needlework, remember these are all hand made with excellent finishing standards……I have seen them in person.

    Tanja Berlin (Berlin Embroidery Designs)

  5. On his Etsy site, Mark has just a few more left! Mary, I went with an even bigger frame. I want to do a headboard. I hope Mark makes his goal!

  6. Thank you Mary, your timing is perfect as always. A slate frame from Mark was on my birthday wish list, and since my birthday is in February, I’ve just order my first slate frame.


  7. When I was on the site at 6:15 (Eastern time) he was at 105% of his goal. Guess he is going to have to do a lot of work, and no refunds for us. I ordered a simple 18″ frame; that’s big enough for what I do. I remember your review of the frame, and I so wanted one. In a few months, I’ll have on!

  8. I selfishly hope that this campaign raises the funds he needs because I selfishly ordered the frame and clamp I’ve been dying for!

  9. Hi! I cross stitch more than anything… but what do u suggest I get? I do large and small, have plenty of space and surely want to help this man out! Just tell me what I need cuz I dont yet have this type of set up! ty for any help!

    1. Hi, Cher – Well, I’d go for a mid-size – maybe a 22″? – slate frame. It’s a good size for handling “not huge” projects, but not tiny ones, either!

  10. Thanks for the heads up, Mary. I have long coveted these but the price put me off a little, but now I have jumped in and bought one. The biggest problem with such transactions is the shipping costs which just seem to have ballooned in recent times but I am telling myself that this is the price we pay for living where we do – in a nice quiet safe rural town.

  11. I see Mark has reached his goal! Amazing what results you can get from your readers. And that includes me! Thank you so much for giving me a chance to purchase something I have wanted for a long time at a great price!

  12. Hi Mary!
    Love your blog! So appreciate the thorough information. I have a question. I am starting goldwork and I know that I will need a slate frame sometime in the future, but am not there yet. I usually buy for the specific project, not ahead. If I do opt for one of Mark’s frames, what size do you think I should start with? What size is most generally useful?

    Thanks in advance for your advice!

    Sincerely, Debbie Caruso

    1. Hi, Debbie – it really depends on what size projects you normally work. I’d check the inside dimensions of the different frames (the fabric size it can hold) and decide which will work best for you, based on the size of designs you normally work. You can always go a little bigger, because a bigger frame can still work with a smaller project. Hope that helps!

  13. Hello Mary. I know you ordered an item from Mythic Crafts during their big promotion. Have you received any communication from them since that time? I ordered several frames and I haven’ received any updates either. I emailed them a few eeeks ago and had no response. I just emailed them again and, hopefully, he will get back to me this time. I wanted to see if you have experienced any problems either.


    1. Hi, Linda – I was keeping up with progress on the original Indiegogo page, but I haven’t checked it recently. I’ll try to check in and see how things are going as soon as I can.

  14. I am now worried, and suspect I’ll never receive the trestles nor the slate frame table stand I purchased. This is disappointing for me, since using chairs simply hasn’t worked for me (I’m quite tall) and I’m out around $800.

    I should have just bitten the bullet and purchased trestles through the RSN, but this seemed a tried and true small business to support. Ah, well.

    1. There’s still a tiny side of me hoping that they will come through and we won’t all be out our investment. I know many people did receive their goods starting last autumn, but apparently these were all just the small frames. I’m going to try to work through my credit card company to see about getting the charge reversed – that might be something to look into, Tracy.

  15. Hi Mary,
    I too backed Mythic Crafts (£600+) via indigogo – do you know if anyone who didn’t get their items has had their money back?


    1. I heard from one lady who was able to get her money back by going through her credit card company. But that is a rare thing, this far out, and in crowd-funding situations. It doesn’t hurt to try, but I’m not sure how much hope I would pin on it. 🙁

    2. I didn’t receive mine even after two years. I have given up. I don’t even get any reply from them anymore on Facebook or email.

  16. Please don’t order from this business. I placed on order for a slate frame in Sep 2017 and I never received it after paying $245. I don’t blame anyone sponsoring this business but unless you live close to where this business is, please just save your money. You can find many complaints like mine on their Facebook page. They don’t respond to messages or emails and I have lost that money forever.

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