
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Out of Commision for a Wee Bit


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Well, my friends, I will be away from Needle n Thread this week.

I am talk typing this on my phone while lying in a hospital, recovering from an emergency surgery I had on Saturday.

I will write an update later when I am semi functional again! In the meantime, no worries. I will live! Just a wee bit of pain.

I will not be able to answer email or moderate blog comments until I am home and a little recovered. Hopefully not longer than a week to ten days.

Thanks for understanding! Hope to be with you soon!



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(161) Comments

  1. Praying for quick healing, Mary, that you can return to the things you love. As necessary as hospitals are, they are not places we love. Got the t-shirt. 🙂

  2. Descanse bastante Mary Querida, fique bem e receba um abraço de quem te gosta e admira muito aqui no Brasil-Bahia- Salvador.

  3. May God in His infinite mercy give you comfort and complete healing. May His Grace abound and free you from pain. You are being prayed over.

  4. Dear Mary,
    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Sending loads of love and positive energy. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Take Care.

  5. Hi Mary, So sorry to hear about your surgery, hope all is sorted and you are on the mend!?
    Sending lots of good thoughts for your speedy recovery and look forward to when you are back! Ann x

  6. This is so sad to hear. You are in my heart and prayers almost daily and you were sailing along so well. Now this health storm has blown in. I do hope everything has worked out well and you’ll be back to your usual creative self. I love your sweet, positive attitude.

  7. I wish you a speedy recovery. Thanks for the update. Hope you have some time to do what you love to do while you’re out of commission. My prayer today is that you will be surrounded by those who love you and God’s peace that passes all of our understanding. May you feel blessed by Him.

  8. Please don’t even think about replying to this message.Just to say that I and all your friends are thinking about you.It doesn’t seem enough to just say that.
    Get well Mary and get back to your busy life that brings so much to us all.
    With much love and gratitude.

  9. Mary,
    Best wishes and speedy recovery!
    You mean so much to us here who read your blog daily.
    Sleep, eat, pray (in any order).

  10. Mary, May God in His Mercy bestow His Blessings upon you for a swift and total recovery. You will be in my prayers and thoughts until then.

  11. Mary, I hope you make a speedy and full recovery. Your newsletter and Facebook posts greatly enrich my day and are a blessed respite from the political vitriol I see so much of. Your efforts are greatly appreciated by thousands. Thank you.

  12. Oh Mary! This sure doesn’t sound good. I hope the problem was fixed and your recover is uneventful. Take gentle care, and all the time you need.

  13. Mary,
    So nice of you to give some news even lying in hospital bed. Take good care of yourself
    and hope that you will be home soon.

    Be sure that all of us will be here waiting for your return.


  14. Mary – – lots of prayers and good wishes flying your way! Be well; know how very much we care about you.

  15. Oh Mary, such a shock in the evening! I’m so sorry to hear about you having had an emergency surgery. My heart and soul are with you. Take good (but really VERY GOOD!) care of yourself in order to fully recover. Take your time, allow yourself all relaxation you need. I’m sure we all miss you, but I’m also sure, we all want you hale and hearty in the first place.
    Wishing you all the best, Angela

  16. Mary

    I hope that you recover as fast as possible. Please remember to take care of yourself. Surgeries take a while in terms of healing. I’ve lived your site for many years. Good thoughts coming your way.

  17. Mary… Having watched you and followed your blog, I feel I know you, and really hoping all goes well. We will miss your frequent comments and instructions. Loving wishes….

  18. Just take care of yourself! You will be back when you can do this and until then, you must take care of yourself.

  19. Dear Mary, What a surprising post I opened after work today. I get the impression that you are the kind of woman who will plow on through no matter what.

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you, lots of rest please, eat healthy, do what the doctor says and please take the time you need to repair yourself. You hold such an important part in the lives of your family and friends plus your cyber friends in all the blogs and social media places.


  20. Hello,

    Mary whenever you are able to read this, please know that I am praying for you. Rest and
    recover. We’ll all be here when you return.

    Take care,
    Northwest Illinois

  21. Hi Mary,
    Hope you feel better soon. Sending positive thoughts and will miss you while you are out of commission.

    Jan Conners

  22. Dear Mary
    Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Thinking of you and I’ll miss your email news and I am sure many other people will too. But don’t rush back, take care of yourself.
    Regards Jude

  23. Dear Mary,
    I enjoy reading your excellent blog and find your love and enthusiasm for embroidery contagious.
    Sending you my best wishes for a speedy recovery!

  24. Mary you are in my prayers and here’s to hoping your hospital visit will be short and beneficial. Take your time recovering Mary. Many good wishes and blessings to you. Helen from Australia

  25. Dear Mary

    I am so sorry to hear of that you are in hospital I do hope it is nothing serious and that the operation was successful. Please take care of yourself and get lots of rest. I will be thinking and Praying for you and I do hope you recover very soon. Lots and lots of love.

    Regards Anita Simmance

  26. Mary,
    What a shock for you and for us all out there. Very glad to hear that you responded to warning signals and have had surgery to correct the problem. Best wishes for a thorough recovery. Please take the time you need to do this. Us addicts to your web page understand and will survive while you do this. We know your dedication but YOU and your HEALTH are more important to you and us than a webpage.
    Best wishes for your recovery,
    Ann B.

  27. Sending you my best wishes, warm thoughts, and lots of hope for a fast and uneventful recovery. You have SO many people praying for you.

  28. You’re in our prayers! We’re close to the shrine of St Philomena and I will pray for a thorough and swift recovery!

  29. So sorry to hear of your predicament. Hope you recover quickly. As always i look forward to your next post. God bless

  30. I hope you feel better soon. I love reading your posts and seeing all the beautiful embroidery in the facebook group.

  31. G’day dear Mary,
    I’m so sorry for this latest rough detour in your journey and being forced into pit stop. Although I don’t comment like I used to I do still read, and look into your posts, and wonder about you. Please pick up quickly, regain your strength and abilities and keep encouraged.
    Thinking of you with love Mary.
    Cheers, Kath.

  32. Sending you healing thoughts and prayers and for a quick recovery. Come back when you’re ready. We’ll all still be here! xo

  33. I’m sorry to hear that and wish you all good luck and speedy recovery! I don’t comment very often, but I always look forward to your posts. Your website is the reason why I returned to embroidery after many years. Your instructional videos are superb and your practical tips for lightning enabled my 73 year old mother to continue embroidering despite worsening eyesight, which made her (and me!) very happy. Most of all, I love the free, creative and joyful spirit you bring to embroidery. Get well soon, and take all the rest you need!

  34. Don’t know if you’re able to keep up with these, but you will be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you feel better soon!

  35. Sorry to hear you have been ill. Hope you recover soon and in the meantime, catch up on some reading or tv!
    Take care,

  36. I hope you are healing and resting. Just wanted to pop on and say your voice is missed and send you positive mojo.

  37. Mary…I have been away from the computer for almost two weeks (and I survived not being “connected” to anything or anybody!!!). Today I settled down to read your blog and was surprised to find that you had emergency surgery! Wow! I hope you are recovering nicely and that you will return soon to this site! I am sure that I speak for lots of folks…we miss you!!!

  38. Hi dearest Mary

    So sorry to hear that you are in hospital. Very grateful though that all went well and that you are on the road to recovery. God is so good even in the midst of adversity!

    God bless and keep you and make you whole.

    Fond regards


  39. Hi, Mary – hope your recovery is going well! Thank you for the wonderful instruction and inspiration.

  40. Oh Mary. I was looking at my scissors yesterday and today and thought of you. I am back to some needlework these days. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  41. Hi Mary,

    I’ve been thinking about you and saying quick prayers for your recovery. I’m sure many are hoping you are feeling better (out of pain) and will be back to work soon.

    Prayers and wishes for a quick recovery,

  42. Dear Mary,

    I was so sorry to read of your emergency surgery last week, and I hope you are mending well. You are still in my thoughts and my prayers for you continue.

    Best wishes,

  43. Here’s hoping that you feel better soon! I know that I, along with all of your Needle’n Thread community, am sending you my best thoughts and wishes for a speedy recovery.

  44. Dear Mary, I am delighted to see all these blog comments appear because it means that you have recovered enough to moderate them. Please continue to recover! I know you wrote that you had had the surgery and that you were recovering and that you would live – but, Mary, you are precious to us all, and we want you to be well.

  45. Sending you prayers and good wishes for a full recovery. Your website brings company and knowledge to many.

    Rest up!!!


  46. Dear Mary, Hope you are getting the rest you need and that your healing continues towards a full recovery. My prayer to the Lord is that He may be able to meet all your needs. Your instructions by example have been such a help and encouragement as my embroidery skills slowly improve. Thank you so much … and get well soon!

  47. Hope your recovery is going very well and that you will be back to yourself very soon. Look forward to your posts every morning. Best wishes, Suzie

  48. gee wiz get well soon will say a prayer for you—if you don’t mind—-my learning problem can wait till you are fit as a fiddle

  49. Dearest Mary, you really have been through the mill lately. Wish you and and your nephew a total recovery. I pray for healing for you both, just remember baby steps. Lots of love and blessings, Elza, Cape Town.

  50. I’m sorry you had to go through all that, but I’m so glad it was not cancer coming back. Take your time recovering. We will all live with fewer blogs for awhile. Pay attention to your health first.

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