To all my Needle ‘n Thread friends, Happy Easter!
In my family’s traditions, Easter has always been a very joyful holiday. After Lent and the solemn days of Holy Week, on Easter Sunday, we normally have a big gathering of family and friends, Easter egg hunts, a good meal, and fun all around.
Easter is the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ, which for Christians has always been the ultimate sign of hope. Regardless of the present crisis, this doesn’t change. So even if my family can’t all be together, we are still reveling in the joy of the day and celebrating as circumstances allow.
For me, today is a glorious day, despite the separation and the modifications to our normal Easter festivities. And I hope that you are seeing some of that glory and joy in your life, too!
For your Easter Entertainment, here’s another seasonal Eye-Spy game for you, as well as a link to a coordinating jigsaw puzzle. I hope they bring you a smile!

You know how this works, right? I give you a list of a number of things, and you see if you can find them all.
But first, just in case you’re afraid that the photo is too small, here’s a link to the Really Large Version:
Eye-Spy Needle ‘n Thread Puzzle for Spring, 2020
If you click on the link above, you’ll get a jolly big photo.
Here’s a list of things to look for. See if you can find them all! (Some are tricky.)
If you found forty-five, you found them all.
In fact, there are nine – look closely; you’ll see.
And four angels wings thrown into the mix.
Some so well-hidden, it’s almost alarming!
Are twenty-eight bees, some dull and some shiny.
They’re waiting and hoping at last to be found.
The Jigsaw
You can find my Eye-Spy Spring 2020 jigsaw puzzle available here, if you’re an online jigsaw fan. If you go to the menu on that page, you can adjust the number of pieces in the puzzle. Maybe you’re a Super Duper jigsaw fan, and you want to work a puzzle of hundreds of pieces! Or maybe you’d like something short and sweet, with fewer and larger pieces? Adjust the number to suit yourself.
See you Tuesday, when we’ll talk about Leaves and Trees and lovely things like that!
From my house to yours, Happy Easter!
and Happy Easter to you and yours, Mary!
I couldn’t bear not to have an Easter dinner – but I shouldn’t have everybody over here, either! – so we’ve compromised. We’re having a drive-through Easter dinner. The prime rib and scalloped potatoes will be cooked as normal, and then served up and wrapped individually for the local family to pick up, take home, and enjoy.
And we’ve been sharing links to our favorite Easter songs. Here’s mine:
and here’s my hubbys:
He’s risen! He’s alive! What more could we ask for?
Thanks for the fun puzzle and Happy Easter.
I love your puzzles!! Thank you so much for making these for us. It must be a lot of work, but they really are enjoyable. You are brilliant!!!! Happy Easter!
Happy Easter to you and your family!! Just wanted to thank you for the fun jigsaw puzzle. These are my favorite “scenes” for puzzles. Rather than a meadow or a castle, I love a jumble of like items…costume jewelry, toys, sewing items etc. Have a lovely day!!
LOVE that pic and LOVE that rhyme! It took me nearly an hour to complete that jigsaw! Thank you – it was alot of fun!
Thank you, Mary, for the colorful & fun activities to keep myself busy while I’m missing my children and grandchildren today! I found everything including 2 extra hearts; finished the puzzle in 1:03:34. I hope you’re having a joyous day!
That puzzle was super fun = very well done in terms of the items and layout. Thanks for it!
Mary, you are wicked! I am supposed to be *working* from home. Hadn’t done a jigsaw for about 50 years and this was so much fun! I won’t tell you my embarrassing time.
Happy Easter to you and your family. Yes, He is still risen whether we can congregate or not :o)
Love your ‘I Spy’ and love all your work and blog – you are truly a blessing.
Thank you.
Thank you for the eye spy I found everything and I did the puzzle right up my alley.
Happy Easter to you and you family
G’day there Mary,
Loved the jigsaw. The cheering at the end is great. Haven’t tried the other puzzle yet.
In a 1973 Reader’s Digest. Anyone bored these days is not paying attention. I could add, to Needle n Thread.
Keep well,
Cheers, Kath.
Your posts always lift the day. Your (search) poem even more so.
I really enjoyed this the last time you made one & I follow the daily puzzle now because they’re so much fun.
I hope you had a good Easter. Do you ever embroider using beads incorporated into your designs? I would love to see some work using beads. I would like to know where I can buy good beads but at a modest price. I could use a tutorial or e-book or something to give me a clue about this. I’m just a really really newbie in embroidery and I would like to use some beads to embellish my work, later, when I’m better at it. I wish you a good weekend and good stitching!
Yes, I do quite frequently. My snowflakes projects are a good example. I’m working on another project right now that incorporates beads. I get beads from a variety of sources. These are some of them, which you can look up online: Fire Mountain Gems, Aura Crystals, Artbeads, Caravan Beads… and I’m sure there are others, but those are the ones I use most frequently. Hope that helps!
Dearest Mary Could you please give me 2 answers. The first one is in regards to your picture you had to reframe yourself after it came back from the “”professional””. You said it was being sent to be photographed for a publication. Which one would that have been? Next what is the purpose of working with silk materials if they have a tendency to shatter with age. Silk does not seem to be reliable for heirloom projects. Curiosity always. Friend April
Hello, April – It was sent to France to be photographed for Au Ver a Soie’s 200th anniversary commemorative book.
Silk is perfectly reliable for heirloom embroidery. There are extant silk embroideries in museums all around the globe, dating back centuries – and even millennia. 🙂
Dear Mary
I hope you had a Happy Easter even if you couldn’t be with your family at this time. Thank you for the fun puzzle you sent in your blog I love the jig saw it’s so interesting and the fun guess the items is great for an isolation Easter game. We had a Church Service online and we partook in the Bread and the Wine online it was really good and it was nice to see my friends on Zoom which is a great app for getting in touch with people. My sister and I were on it the other day and it was good to see her. Anyway God Bless.
Regards Anita Simmance
Happy Easter. Thank you for the games. They were fun.
Hi, I recently saw your needlework on the website how beautiful. I was trying to find out what is the best way to remove wrinkles from embroidered silk? I was doing a search on this subject and some of your posts came up. These are fold lines in some unframed embroidery artwork done on silk that I found. Thanks so much. Debi
Hi, Debi – It really depends on the age and condition of the piece, etc. It would be difficult for me to advise you on any particular action, without being able to carefully look at the piece first. With new embroidery, I block and damp stretch (you can find instructions for that here: – but, again, it really depends on the condition, materials, and age of the piece you’re working with.