
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Whitework Inspirations – 8 Lovely Embroidery Projects


Amazon Books

I’m slowly making my way through the stack of needlework books on my side table, and today, I want to share a particularly lovely new book on the market dedicated to whitework.

Did you know that I actually read every book I review? I keep a stack on my side table, with a block of post-it notes and a pen. And when I have a chance, I dig into the stack. I can never quite seem to eliminate the stack completely!

But this book was a quick one to read, and thoroughly enjoyable.

The projects are beautiful! If you love whitework, or if you’re interested in learning and practicing whitework techniques, I think you’ll love it!

Let’s take a look!

Whitework Inspirations - embroidery project book

Whitework Inspirations focuses on eight beautiful whitework embroidery projects that are gleaned from various issues of Inspirations Magazine from over the years.

The collection is published by Search Press as part of the 50th Anniversary year.

The eight projects range in levels of difficulty and cover a wide range of techniques. It seems to me that the featured projects were meticulously chosen not only to give the embroiderer something exquisite to stitch, but also to supply a wonderful variety of techniques that fall under the “whitework” umbrella.

Whitework Inspirations - embroidery project book

Among the techniques, you’ll find drawn thread work, cutwork, traditional white-on-white embroidery, Casalguidi embroidery, Mountmellick embroidery, Schwalm embroidery, and Hardanger.

From every project in the book, you will learn different aspects of whitework that can be applied in your own projects and will add to your own wider embroidery repertoire.

Whitework Inspirations - embroidery project book

There’s a brief and very readable introduction to whitework and its history at the beginning of the book.

I like to see embroidery set into context in history, so I always appreciate introductions that include historical development.

Whitework Inspirations - embroidery project book

Each project in the book includes clear photos (beautiful photos – Inspirations is known for their lovely photography!) of the finished piece, a complete materials list, an overview of the order of work, and step-by-step instructions for completing the project.

Whitework Inspirations - embroidery project book

And, in true Inspirations style – those familiar with the magazine will know what I mean! – there are very clear, step-by-step photos to take you through each stitching technique.

Inspirations pretty much sets the bar with their stitching instruction in their step-by-step photo sequences. It’s a great way to learn!

Whitework Inspirations - embroidery project book

Needle lace is often combined effectively with whitework, and this project is a nice introduction to the techniques used in needle lace.

What a pretty gift this would make for a wedding shower, or Mother’s Day, or Just Because! Ever since I saw this linen sachet designed by Christine Bishop in the magazine, I’ve thought about stitching it. It’s gorgeous!

Whitework Inspirations - embroidery project book

And of course, there are plenty of step-by-step photos to lead the embroiderer (beginner and beyond!) through the process of creating needle lace.

The other projects in the book are equally gorgeous and equally instructive.

Whitework Inspirations - embroidery project book

In the back of the book, you’ll find pull-out pattern sheets secured in their own little flap. I love this feature!!

In a Nutshell

All pros, no cons! I love this book! It’s a glorious project book, delivered in the exquisite and thorough instructional style of Inspirations Magazine.

Even if you are a subscriber to Inspirations, the book is worth having, because it collects in one easily accessible publication these eight projects that serve as a marvelous training course in the numerous techniques of whitework embroidery. Even if you’re not looking for learning opportunities, though, it’s just nice to have these projects all in one place for easy exploration.

If you are not an Inspirations subscriber, the book is a wonderful opportunity to have access to eight lovely whitework projects!

Where to Find It

In the US, Whitework Inspirations is available through Amazon, and you’ll find it listed here on my Amazon Recommendations page under Browse my Recommendations. For those who are keen on pursuing whitework techniques, I’ve listed all my favorite whitework books there, too. Enjoy browsing!

In Australia, you can find the book available through Inspirations Studios here.

Worldwide, you can find Whitework Inspirations available with free shipping here from Book Depository.

This article contains affiliate links to book sources, which means that Needle ‘n Thread receives a small commission for purchases made through those links at no extra expense to you.


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(3) Comments

  1. Mary, i love your book reviews! “Unfortunately” you’re causing my pile of books that need reading to grow and grow! (Thank you!)

  2. You showed a single shot of the hardanger, but from my experience (which is fairly extensive), that is Quite a piece of hardanger. Not for the faint of heart. Wow!

  3. Dear Mary

    Whitework Inspirations looks like a beautiful book and such lovely projects it makes you want to buy the book and start the projects shown. My favourite is the last picture of the white doily on the table beautiful work. I’ve not tried whitework work yet that is one of my future projects on my to do list. Thank you for sharing with us Whitework Inspiration book and for the photos which are beautiful and for the websites where you can purchase the book.

    Regards Anita Simmance

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