Things never quite go the way I plan, no matter how hard I plan on them going the way I plan!
Just a short note to let you know that I’m taking a short break this week.
I had planned on having a couple articles prepared for you, but alas, I couldn’t get it all done.
Right now, I’m working on an article for you towards the end of this week, highlighting a few more steps on Cotton Quartet. We’ll see how that goes. It may not happen. I will have very limited internet access most days this week.
I will also have very limited email access, but I will check in when I can. If you have an urgent question, drop me a line and I will respond as soon as I can.
We’ll be back to the normal broadcasting schedule next week!
Have a wonderful week! I hope you have plenty of time to bond with your needle and thread!
Breaks are necessary sometimes…. dont feel guilty. Enjoy and come back refreshed.
We’ll still be here.
Ps… stay away from tornados!!
Hahahah! I live in Kansas, you know! LOL! But I didn’t encounter any tornados while I was on the road, thank goodness!
I do hope everything is OK or will soon be OK. Thinking of you.
Oh yes, thanks! It was a planned trip – it just came up on me a lot faster than I realized! LOL!
Safe travels Mary! I don’t know about everyone else, but I’ve plenty to be going on with this week what with the beginning stages of the Needlebook plus the Spring Variety Towel I’m working on. I’m calling it Early Summer!
Dear Mary
I hope your break is not serious. Take care and I look forward to your return and all the up and coming projects you have for us. God Bless on your journey and I hope it is hassle free.
Regards Anita Simmance