
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Embroidery Projects – More Photos


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Here are some photos of the kids’ latest embroidery projects – the designs on their drawstring bags. I think they’re doing a really good job! Some of the patterns turned out nicer looking that I realized they would!

The way we did it was this: I drew up the embroidery designs on graph paper, photocopied them, taped them to the classroom windows, and then let the kids pick the color of fabric they wanted to use for the outside of their bag. We taped the fabric to the pattern in the window, and they traced the patterns with water soluble markers.

Many of the girls finished their projects and decided to do the back of the bag as well, since they have one more week to work on the embroidery. Here are some photos of the work they’ve done so far.

Kids Embroidery Project - Drawstring Bag

For the kids who picked the daisy wreath (like this one above), I drew their initials onto the pattern. The water soluble marker will (hopefully) disappear after I’ve soaked the pieces. When they’re dry, I’ll starch and iron them and sew up the bags.

Kids Embroidery Project - Drawstring Bag

This is the sampler pattern. It’s a bit more complicated. The girl who is stitching this bag decided to do the same pattern on the back, which means that I’ll have to line up the seams very carefully so that they match.

Kids Embroidery Project - Drawstring Bag

Another initial in the daisy wreath. This one is going to look really nice with the lining, which is the same color as the initial!

Kids Embroidery Project - Drawstring Bag

Here’s the little dancing daisy garden underway. This and the daisy wreath are perhaps the quickest patterns as far as stitching is concerned.

Kids Embroidery Project - Drawstring Bag

And yet another daisy garden. She decided to take the quicker route and backstitch the leaves rather than fill them.

Kids Embroidery Project - Drawstring Bag

I like the variegated threads used for the stems and for the daisies!

Kids Embroidery Project - Drawstring Bag

Here’s one of the circle patterns being worked. It looks like a fun pattern to stitch – there can be a lot of variation in the stitches used. You can see a ribbed spider wheel there in the small circle below the hoop.

Kids Embroidery Project - Drawstring Bag

Another daisy wreath with an initial – this was a very popular design, and I thought that, by the time we finished, we’d have practically the whole alphabet!

Kids Embroidery Project - Drawstring Bag

And another “C” embroidered here – it’s very pretty, I think!

Kids Embroidery Project - Drawstring Bag

And, finally, an “M” in green and white! I love the colors on these. They’re very delicate. I can’t wait to see them sewn up into bags!

So there’s some progress so far. Only one more week of classes – it’s been fun, but it sure makes for a hectic summer!


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