
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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A Needlework Blog I … Forgot to Mention!!


Amazon Books

If you have not visited Qualquer Motivo, you should!! I knew there was another needlework blog out there that I check with irregular regularity! Thanks to the commentor on the ladder stitch, for reminding me. In fact, this certainly a “Make my Day” blog, because I never go there that I don’t see something bright and beautiful. The towels she’s working on right now have beautiful woven edging – and interesting! But if you scroll down the main page, that fish scene is just perfect. I love the use of the elongated woven picots for the sea weed! (I’ve got a video on woven picots coming up later this week…) So check out that blog, and consider it officially added to my list of blogs that make my day!


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(6) Comments

  1. Thanks so much for the interesting links. I think that is the main value of these blogging awards…they develop the network of great exchanges!

  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
    I am so so very happy!!
    I just made my first french knot! Haha…completely mad to be so excited about a little embroidery stich. But I have been trying to make one of those for ages now, and finally I managed it. I used one of your tutorial videos to guide me through it, it was perfect.
    Now, finally maybe I can make something as beautiful as those little cute Lavender pillows from Caroline Zoob?

    Many kisses from Aina :))

  3. That’s great!! I’m glad you had good success with the French knot! I suspect you’re on your way to embroidery greatness!!

    Best of luck!

  4. the beauty of your site & all your “findings”
    never cease to amaze & delight me. This was on of the best, but how do you get it in English? I want to read every word!

  5. Well, it’s in Portuguese, so what I do is read it for the gist of it (that I can figure out with limited Spanish and a pretty solid classical Latin background). Anything I can’t “get,” I drop into Free Translation from Portuguese to English. You can also use the Google Translator Tool – scroll down to “translate a web page” and drop the url in there, and choose Portuguese to English. The problem with this option (at least in my browser) is that the photos don’t come up in the translated web page!

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