
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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June Embroidery Stash Give-Away: Happy Birthday, Needle’nThread!


Amazon Books

This month’s embroidery stash give-away is a bit special, since yesterday marked the two-year birthday of Needle’nThread! Here’s hoping it’s not the beginning of the “terrible twos”! I’ll send out two packages this month with some nice embroidery threads and accessories inside.

In fact, this if the first time it sort of “hurt” to do the embroidery stash give-away! It’s awful of me to admit that, isn’t it? I wanted to include something special, so I decided to include a Kelmscott Needle Minder in each one. I have three of these – they’re brand new, and I’ve been itching for them for a long time! I almost thought, “Nooooooo, I’ll keep them for me,” but then I thought, “Noooooo. I won’t!” I’ll keep one, and give the other two away. These are handy little items for the embroiderer.

June 2008 Embroidery Stash Give-away: 2-year birthday of Needle 'n Thread!

You place the needle minder on the top of your fabric, and put the connecting magnet on the back of your fabric. The magnet holds your needle on top of the decorative piece. Usually, I like to have something to stick my needle on when I’ve finished stitching with a color, but am not ready to end the thread. I bring it to the front of my fabric and stick the needle somewhere convenient, until I need to use that thread again.

June 2008 Embroidery Stash Give-away: 2-year birthday of Needle 'n Thread!

Each package will contain a bunch of embroidery goodies! 6 types of thread, a packet of beads, a nice charm for embellishment, and the needle minder.

June 2008 Embroidery Stash Give-away: 2-year birthday of Needle 'n Thread!

It also contains two mother-of-pearl thread rings, which you can see on the green Vineyard Silk thread and the two colors of purple floche.

June 2008 Embroidery Stash Give-away: 2-year birthday of Needle 'n Thread!

To mention the fibers in particular, in one package, there’s a metallic floss, a twist of “Dragon” thread, which is an over-dyed cotton, a silk floss (in this package, a dark green Gloriana silk), some lengths of Vineyard Silk (kind of a wool-like thread, but it’s made of silk and has a beautiful sheen), and two shades of purple cotton floche.

June 2008 Embroidery Stash Give-away: 2-year birthday of Needle 'n Thread!

The second package is exactly the same, but with a different shade of Dragon thread and instead of Gloriana silk, there’s a skein of dark green silk from Needlepoint, Inc.

June 2008 Embroidery Stash Give-away: 2-year birthday of Needle 'n Thread!

In one package, there’s also a little enameled silver filigree heart charm and a package of green Mill Hill glass beads.

June 2008 Embroidery Stash Give-away: 2-year birthday of Needle 'n Thread!

In the other package, the charm is a very pretty iris, along with a package of frosty purple Mill Hill glass beads.

So there’s what I’m giving away, to celebrate my website’s birthday!! Calculating it all up, I think it’s safe to say there’s over $30 worth of merchandise in each package! Wow. Well, they were fun to put together!

BUT – to get one – you have to do something!

The way it works is this: I’ll pose two questions below, and you post your answers in the comment section below this article. Next week, I’ll draw from the names of those who post comments, announce the winners who will then contact me with a mailing address. I’ll ship anywhere in the world, via least expensive air mail, but am not responsible for any customs fees, lost mail, or anything like that. I’ll post the winners on Wednesday, June 11th, so you have until Tuesday night to comment.

Here are the questions:

1. What is your favorite feature of Needle ‘n Thread?
2. What would you like to see more of on Needle ‘n Thread?

I’m sure your answers will help me improve the website, so don’t be shy!

Enjoy the weekend!


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(58) Comments

  1. I like the videos for stitches and really enjoy your frequent posts. So keep more of those comming. I also like the stashgive aways I am considering doing something like it myself if I can get it together to post more regularly.

    Melisa B

  2. Oh I love your blog and always refer beginners to your video library! SO that being said my favorite feature is the Video Stitch Library!
    What would I like to see more of? Well, more vids is always nice, and as always eyecandy, but I really enjoy the ideas for kids you’ve been giving and I will for sure use felt for 1st timers thanks to your recommendation! Maybe some tips for teaching kids would be great too.

  3. Hi, congratulations on two years. I read you each day and enjoy it tremendously. You were going to test some DMC silk thread but I never heard what your reaction was to it…is it good to use or not? I found some but didn’t want to buy til I heard your results. Thanks alot and congrats again.

  4. Hi, Sharon –

    The DMC I was going to test – and I still am! – is the new “satin floss.” It’s a rayon thread, but a little more substantial than other rayons I’ve tried. I used it on a few projects alread – my embroidered embroidery sign and a couple embroidered cards – but I want to test it on fabric, too, and post photos and pros and cons and whatnot.

    So far, though, I like it a lot! It looks great for what I’ve used it for, and it’s relatively easy to stitch with, even though it’s rayon.

    Hope that helps!


  5. Hip Hip Hurray for 2 years! Thanks for keeping tis blog going. It has kept me inspired to try new embroidery techniques. My favorite part of your blog are the video tutorials and I would definitely like to see more of those. Close runner-ups are your embroidery book reviews and the patterns. I stitched my niece a book cover for my niece’s First Communion from your ecclesiastical patterns and she loves it. Thanks again for all you do.

  6. What a generous (and beautiful!) giveaway! Congratulations on two years and such a wonderful, wonderful site.
    My favorite feature: video tutorials–awesome!
    What I want to see more of: patterns, patterns, patterns! You have such great taste in the free patterns you offer.

  7. what a great giveaway – congratulations on 2 years! what I like most about the blog: photos and discussion of your own projects, like the communion prayer book. i also like the discussions on different products, thread comparisons, needles etc. What I’d like to see more of: thats tricky – i think your blog has a fairly good mix already of nice thing to see, links to projects etc and information. I guess more of your own projects – if you get time!

  8. 1. The pictures of your threads. I like looking at threads.

    2. More pictures of threads. Ok, I really like looking at threads.

    and the latest pix are very yummy!

  9. Congratulations on two years!

    My very most favorite thing about this blog is that it covers such a broad range of things! I like that there are simple ideas for kids projects and more dainty complex things. And I love the free patterns you post! Even if I don’t use many of them, they’re certainly inspiring and I get so many ideas from them.

    There’s nothing specific I’d like to see more of, just more of what you’re doing right now because I think it’s just right!

    Cheers- Kim

  10. Again, congratulations on two years of hard work on this site! I just read your story of how you make the videos and I’m blown away by your patience.
    I’m with everyone else here, my favourite feature is the video tutorials. As for what I’d like to see more of…well you have an excellent balance of everything, so it is very hard to think of something else. Just one thing perhaps…could you give some instructions on how to actually start stitching, i.e. waste knot, back stitch, etc. I’m never sure what method is the best, as some ways are more suitable to some stitches than others. Sorry if this is a dumb thing to ask 🙁

  11. Congratulations,Mary!!
    My favorite feature:videos tutorials with no doubt
    What I want to see more of:patterns and tutorials of satin stitch(it could be photos)

  12. Undoubtedly, it’s your video library thats my favourite feature.It gives even a novice, confidence to go ahead and try something.

    I would love to see some Indian embroidery videos.There is a great variety and very few resourcess to learn from.

  13. A numero uno favorite thing? Hmm…well, the Video Library is, of course, totally fabulous! The embroidery search engine is great! The resource links, the library, everything in The Editor’s Floss section is fabu’!

    But without a doubt your blog entries are my favorite feature, Mary. I love that there is always some new thing to discover; a new book to check out, some new and wonderful finished piece of embroidery to see, a new project that is in the works, some great new site that you’ve discovered and shared with us, and much more.

    I love the ripple effect that your blog entries offer me. One cool discovery that I’ll find in a piece that you’ve written will often lead me to a bunch of other discoveries. Here’s an example:

    Your recent entry on your bookmark project got me thinking about felt. That led me to wonder whether I could incorporate colorful bits of felt into my embroidered quilt blocks. If laundered would the felt shrink and make a mess of the blocks? I had a blast looking up information on felt fabric and I learned a lot.

    In the process I found way cool books on felting and other fiber arts. And somewhere along the line of searching for felt info’, I stumbled across a crafter’s message board site that I’d never seen before.

    On that crafter site I found a needlework forum where I found a message thread that offered How-To information on tinting, to be embroidered fabric, with crayons of all things! How cool is that; finding a reason, at my age, to buy a brand new fresh box of 64 bright shiny pointy Crayola Crayons?! Oh, bliss!

    Your one entry on bookmarks led to more discoveries too but I’ll stop there. 🙂 I’ll have to put on my thinking cap and come back later to answer the question of what I would like to see more of on Needle’n Thread. – Thanks for everything, Jeannine

  14. I just love the video library.It gives any novicethe confidence to try their hand at embroidery.

    Would love to see some Indian embroidery videos.There is a great variety and not too many resources one can learn from.


  15. Hi Mary congratulations on 2 years! I can tell you from a newbie to Hand stitching that my favorite part of your site is twofold, your videos and the conversaitons that you have with us on your findings on different floss’s, embellishments and stuff like that. I read your site daily and always go back when I have a question on a stitch. I like the way you explain in detail how to do a stitch and it is very easy to learn from you. Also as a newbie sometimes knowing what to buy as far as certain threads and embellishments can be a bit overwhelming so when you go into detail about what or why this thread was good or maybe a little hard to wrok with it helps me boil it down to what I might want to try.
    I don’t know that you could improve on what is already a good site for me to come to but maybe just an area that newbies could go to when they click on your site would be helpful. Thank you for many hours of good information and detailed help!!!!!!! I hope you have many more birthdays.

  16. I think your website is really good. I especially love the video section–I have learned many stitches from these videos. I suppose I would like more online patterns and resources–embroidery supplies are hard to find in my corner of the world. Keep up the good work.

  17. Congratulations..Mary.Within two years you have achieved and generously given so much to embroidery lovers.What I like most is the same thing which has made you so popular among the stitching community-video library of stitches.
    And what I’d like to see more is posts and descriptions of ongoing projects.The strawberry project was really awesome.

  18. Hi Mary
    I like all the tips which are easy to understand. I have started to embroider after 30 years thanks to you. I have learned more stitches than I could ever imagine. I would like to see more of what you have embroidered and others. Your site is the best I have come across, so there is not much you can improve. I love you site. I also like that you teach children and show all the projects good or bad.
    Congratulations and Happy Birthday!!

  19. My favorite thing about Needle ‘n Thread is that I always feel as if you are talking directly to me, as if we were sitting down over a cup of coffee, having just a pleasant chat about our needlework. It is very personal!
    Please don’t change a thing about it. I have saved every one and it is amazing how often I go back to review one that has particular significance to what I am working on at the moment.
    Anne B

  20. Close ups! I just love the picture close ups of the stitching you and others do! I am in awe at the patience and perfection!! More more more!!!

  21. Wow. Where to start??? I LOVE the videos and the gallery. I would love to read more of the editorials is the editors floss. Your insight is great. As someone who is baby-stepping into embroidery after decades of just cross stitching, what you offer here is like having my own teacher sitting next to me.

  22. I’ve only been reading your blog for a short time and still have not read all of it. So far my favorite part is all of it. You have so much information that any question I’ve had about embroidery I can find it here.

    I don’t think I would change anything.

    Happy blog birthday!

  23. I can’t think of one particular thing that I’d like more of. Just more of everything as time allows!

    There is a feature that I’d love but I don’t think it’s possible on a blog site. Mind you, I don’t know for sure because what I know about websites, blog sites, and all things internet related, wouldn’t even half fill a thimble.

    But it would be really cool if there were some way to know when new questions or comments pop up on older blog entries.

    I know I’ve left questions and gotten great information on entries of old. I bet others have too. But there’s no way to know if new info has been added. That’s not doable, right? – Jeannine

  24. Hmm,

    Ok my first comment seems to be lost in cyber space. (or moderated, LOL).

    What do I love about this site–whats not to love??? Specifically the videos are EXCELLENT!! As a beginning embroiderer after years of cross stitching I really appreciate having my own teacher available to me at the click of a mouse.

    What to see more of? The editorials, and especially the old books!!! WOW. I LOVE< LOVE< LOVE old books, so finding the treasure trove listed here was great (and led to a long stint at the Gutenberg site. LOVE it all, and congrats on the two years.

  25. Congratulations on 2 years…that’s quite an accomplishment! As a new stitcher, I go to your video tutorials a lot. Yours are the best I’ve found on the internet. It is so nice to have you there guiding me rather than trying to follow pictures in a book. Speaking of books, I’ve really liked your book reviews & have purchased one because of them. Would like to see more of these. Thanks for being there…don’t think my stitching would be as good without you.

  26. Congratulations on your achievement! Your blog is a wonderful resource, and great entertainment too.
    I love the video library – it is so helpful to SEE how to do something, but I think my favorite thing on the site is when you are showing an ongoing project and sharing the thought processes that go into it. More, please!

    Thanks again for all the posts,
    S Frye

  27. Thread type discussions, comparisons, and samples are my favorite, particularly in the context of your own work, followed closely by the stitch videos.
    Your discussions of historical needlework are always interesting–perhaps a look at some old oriental work, examining their techniques? “Achieving perfection” is a subject I would like to read about, too.

  28. I was always too shy for posting, but I want to congratulate you on the page’s anniversary!

    What I like most is the variation in your posts, there’s so much different to learn and see here! I also like the explanations of stitches. This page made me brave enough to finally pick up embroidery, and it’s so much fun!

    And what I would like to see more of… Hm, maybe explanations of special techniques? Or useful little tips for beginners? I don’t know so much yet about embroidery, so it is difficult for me to give specific tips. Anyway, keep going the way you do, it’s great!

  29. I first came across your blog because of your video tutorials, but I come back because I enjoy reading your posts!

    I particularly like following you through projects..

  30. Congratulations on two years of and excellent and exceptionaly blog, mary, and feel I was so lucky to find it.
    I learn a tremendous amount from your video stitch tutorials – your book reviews and your projuect descriptions – just about everything on your blog sings to me so it is difficult to pick the “most favourite”. Thankyou.

  31. I forgot to say more of the same please – if I have to pick one thing – the book reviews are so helpful

  32. Happy, Happy BlogAversary, Mary! Two years, my goodness. Amazing how time gets away from us. LOL.

    Wishing you a wonderful coming year.

    My answers:
    1. My favorite feature is, of course, your videos. I’m left-handed and I seriously struggled with so many stitches before finding your blog. I was able to quickly understand what I needed to do. And without having to use a mirror, or watch upside down, or walk away in tears. THANK YOU!

    2. I can’t imagine how you might be able to improve on what you’re doing now. You already provide such a wide variety of topics that there is always something fun and interesting.

    I do want to mention that I am vert please to be receiving your newsletter. I love the way it’s set up so that I can read it, save it, refer back to it, etc. Wonderful job!

  33. Congrats on two years. Since I am fairly new to embroidery, I have to say I just appreciate your video tutorials on the stitches. They are excellent.

    The only thing you could do to improve, make the site 3-D. So many times there are projects that you are featuring and I just want to touch them. Naturally this would come from someone who is a tactile learner.

    Actually your sight is just lovely and it is one of very few blogs that I read faithfully.

    Thank you for your time and effort and for all the beautiful lessons you have shared.

    Best wishes.

    Deborah W.

  34. Hi Mary, Congratulations on your
    2nd anniversary. I am loving the needle minders – esp the green one with the Lily of the Valley on it. I can spot a Lily of the Valley a mile away ;).

    Q1. I love the video tutorials – and that I can access them at anytime of the day, any day of the week. I also love the assistance that is given to anyone with a question or problem, either by yourself or fellow bloggers. *(see below)

    Q2. I would love to see you celebrate a 3rd (and subsequent) anniversaries.

    * I spoke to my niece about having another try with cross stitch (this is the one with a cataract onher retina). She is very enthusiastic and wants to start this weekend, so we will be off to the store on Saturday for the canvas and threads. Thanks

  35. ICongratulations on the site’s second birthday! He! He! He! I’m a June baby as well!

    Q1: I absolutely love when you include pictures, especially the close ups of your work or others, along with your commentary. It’s almost like holding the items in my hand as I read along, and makes it so easy for me to really understand the points you are trying to make.

    Q2: Because I am such a visually oriented person, I would love to see pictures in each and every blog you post. As the old saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” In my case and those like me, this is so true. I have to admitt I am often somewhat disappointed when there are no pictures in your daily blog.

    Keep up the great work. Your blog is so enjoyable, and I have learned so much from it. All your work is so very motivating.

    Thanks so much!

  36. Hi-Mary,
    As a true lover of hand needlework, I can’t get enough of the details about handwork. So, all of the photos, all of the close-up shots and all of the minute details of explanations and directions are so valuable to us readers. That is why we love you so, Mary! You have always provided us with all of the juicy details that we feed off of!
    There is no such thing as too much information when it comes to stitching. The majority of us that subscribe to your blog really love all of the old techniques of needlework, because the past carries samples of perfection in the art that may never be seen again if we ourselves don’t create it. My suggestion, then, is to add more of the old examples with notes on how to duplicate it with current threads and fabrics. Congrats on making the 2 year milestone, and many, many more years of success to you, Mary.

  37. NeedleNThread is like my daily newspaper, and an encylopaedia on embroidery :-). An interactive one at that.

    Showing labels would be good.

    Congratulations on almost reaching 1000 RSS readers, too. You’ll have to have another celebration!

  38. HI Mary
    congratulations on the big 2nd birthday celebrations and may there be many more for yours is a blog that entertains, educates and leads me to places I normally wouldn’t even look at. What do I like especially well I love it when you do a piece on goldwork and you do it fairly often but could we have it a little bit more?? I love the fact you do your educating in such a way that even old timers can learn more and I have and Mary – you appear to love Purple colour as much as I do and even though I probably wont win your blog provides great enjoyment for me to see the different threads you have on your side of the world for a start I have never heard of Dragon thread and am about to go look it up on my search engine- Thank you Mary you have a terrific blog and I really hope it goes for many many years to come – Happy Birthday
    love n hugs bear xoxoxoxoxoxxo

  39. Happy Birthday to you fabulous site and I would just love to win one of this fantastic packages.
    first question-what brought me to your site was your videos-I love them the best I think. I have a hard time sometimes understanding just reading how to do something in a book, but your videos are like you are here with me.
    and to improve the site-I would just say I look forward to my email and reading your posts-you inspire me, and enlighten me on things I didn’t know before. so I would say to keep stimulating us with anything new, or different in embroidery world Kathy in ozarks

  40. 1. I like the vidios of embroidery stitches. its like having a teacher sitting next to you showing you how to do the stitches.

    2. I would like to see more beginner/simple embroidery technicles and samples.

    Mary Jane

  41. I would enjoy answering these questions even without the lure of the giveaway. Cut choosing ONE feature I like? Too hard.

    1. I like seeing your work. I like seeing your work with children. I appreciate your information and critiques such as the review of the System 4 floor stand that got me mine, and of threads, etc. I’ve used your stitch videos. And I value your literate writing.

    2. More of your own work.

  42. Looks like some great giveaways; thanks for parting with some of your treasures!

    My answers:
    1. Like so many others, the video library has been my favorite feature so far. Extremely helpful.

    2. I don’t know that I’ve a been a Needle ‘n Thread reader (or an embroiderer) long enough to make any informed suggestions of what you should add, but here’s one idea: a monthly Q. and A. feature with readers’ embroidery questions and your replies. You could create an e-mail address for people to send questions from which you could choose each month.

  43. I’d love to see more video tutorials! I’m a newbie to embroidery and sewing so those would definately be helpful, cause I’ve looked at books and for me seeing is easier for me than reading a book!

    Also what do you suggest for a beginner like myself? What’s a simple project and what all would I need to start? I have a Michaels near me and I love their store but when i ask their employees for help on stuff they seem clue less..

  44. I love to read what you write each day. It is so inspiring and informative. Honestly, I miss you if you skip a day :))

    Do you really want to know what I would like to see more??? I would love to see your current projects more often. I don’t like to be in suspense. I love your creativity and your embroidery.

  45. Congratulations! You’ve heard it a hundredfold it seems, may you hear it a thousand times a hundredfold.

    1. There are actually two things I love most about your site. As many previously have said, I love your video tutorials. So much so, that I have refered many to your site. Not just my friends and colleagues, I moderate a craft website and tech edit the accompanying online magazine called The AntiCraft. (No, it’s not against Craft, it’s a tongue-in-cheek take on craft, and a site for people who would like a source for projects that tend to be a bit more daring or off-the-wall than what is available in the average store.)

    Here is the site in the forums where I cited your site: http://theanticraft.com/forum/index.php?topic=298.0

    The other feature I love about your blog is something you may not even consider a feature! I love that you share your personal stories. I feel very strongly that needle arts should always be connected to the human story. Handmade and the heartbeat — how many times have I jabbed myself with the needle and left just a tiny bit of my DNA behind. Well, it’s the same with the stories we collect or tell during or are inspired as a result of the process of creating these works. It’s a small part of history, and that’s no small thing.

    2. Which brings me to what I’d like to see more of. I love textile history. I appreciate it when you have ‘history of’ features. It’s nice to put works and techniques in perspective, to use an old process in a new way, employ irony, to learn something new.

    Keep up the marvelous work! I admire your stamina and dedication.

  46. Congrats on two years of an inspiring blog.

    What I like best are your tutorial videos. They are really very helpful, especially when descriptions in books are not clear enough.
    I also enjoy reading your book reviews and the sections on threads.

    I really would like to see more photos in your blog.

  47. I couldn’t have learned the buillon knot stitch without your video instruction, Mary. It’s the best part of your website, but not by much, because you offer so much and do it so well. I’d like to see more about DESIGN — I’m always slowed down in creating an embroidery project because I just can’t make some decisions about how the piece should look. Thanks very much!

  48. I love your video library. I have found wonderful patterns and websites for inspiration just from your web site. Your ideas for working with kids are great. This site is one of the best web reources. Thank you so much.

  49. Congrats on two years!

    I love your videos – my 10 year daughter likes them too and would like you to put on more of the basic stitches.

    I love the variety of your blog posts. Most of us are interested in a variety of crafts and needlework…

    I would like to see even more of your evaluation of fibers and fabrics.

  50. I love the free patterns and links to free patterns. I discovered the Therese Dilmont patterns through your site, and many happy hours of stitching have ensued.

    To improve, I would like it if it was easier to find things in the archives. While the topics show basic stuff, I know there is more excellent material that does not seem to relate to the categories given. Maybe some sort of tagging system?

  51. Congratulations on your two year anniversary! I love everything about your site. The videos, free patterns, what you have tested and plan to test and all the eye candy. Perhaps a way to search your site and not just the web search option.

  52. Hi Mary

    Congratulations on your 2 year blogiversary. I hope I haven’t missed the deadline like I usually do!

    1. What do I like most about the blog – can I pick two things? I love the thread experiment/reviews/comparisons. I don’t have a tremendous variety in my stash but I’m adding to it 🙂 and it is great to know someones experience and how it compares to other threads. I love following your projects and seeing how they progress. Your stitching is beautiful and the information you share is wonderful.

    2. What would I like to see more off? Well, more of the same really, lots of lovely eye candy and great information.

    Great blog, long may it continue :))


  53. Hello,
    Congratulations and celebrations!! YOU COMPLETED 2 years and I cant believe I have been following you for that long 😉
    The best thing I like about your site is the variety you offer. Its not just concentrated into difficult projects or easy ones. There is something for everyone and I specially like how you write about expanding each design or trying it in a different environment. That really gives my creative instincts a push with a basic idea to start on.
    What I also like is that you are very regular and there is always something new.

    ‘What I would like’ more is to see how each piece of work is done. So when you review a crewel work book or write up on blackwork maybe a small tutorial with a design could take us through the methods of doing it thus learning the new methods of embroidery.

  54. Different patterns and how to do this or that . I am very interested in Medieval embroidery use, how to,stitches, threads available etc : such as clothes embroidery and caps or cauls or swete (sweet bags) used as gift bags. Any information from 1100 to 1600 England, France Italy, and other parts of western Europe. I love your newsletter. I do not have the patients to watch videos. I use a public library for the internet. I do belong to the ANG and use to belong to the EGA of the United States. thank you for your newsletter/column. It is always interesting to me.

  55. I have a new canvas that features a small chick that is to be felted. I missed your article on that subject. Can you e-mail it to me?

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