
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Needle ‘n Thread: A Little Bit of Organization!


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I (finally!) reorganized a long-neglected page here on Needle ‘n Thread!

When I started the Gallery: Posts with Pictures index, I had every intention of adding all needlework photos to a long list, so that you could browse through it at your leisure.

I quickly realized it was turning into an ungainly, unsightly mess, but I didn’t have time to really sort it out. So, slowly but surely over the last couple weeks, I’ve been sorting, updating, and cleaning up that list! I’m kind of happy with the effort, though I must admit it’s hard to decide what goes in what category!

Anyway, if you haven’t noticed it, at the top of the right hand column on each page, there’s a section called “The Editor’s Floss” (that’s a take-off, by the way, on the term “editor’s gloss,” which is a summarization that an editor might make of a more complicated subject!). Under the Editor’s Floss, you’ll find indexes of the major categories on Needle ‘n Thread.

If you haven’t visited my Gallery recently, do stop in! I never realized I’d have quite so many photos on Needle ‘n Thread, but the funny thing is, that’s not all of them! I’ve just included major articles!

You can also browse through pictures on Needle ‘n Thread by clicking on the label “pictures” or “needlework pictures” at the bottom of posts with pictures (or with needlework pictures).

So even though today’s post isn’t full of photos, you’ll find plenty just waiting for you if you browse through the gallery! Have fun and have a Terrific Weekend!


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(5) Comments

  1. Thanks, thanks a lot, Mary!
    You have lots of interesting posts, I have been browsing up and down; with the Gallery it can be easier.
    I should like to know your opinion about which stitch may I use to embroider a someone’s simple sentence in his real handwriting.
    The main problem I have is that I’m using a thick linen. I think it would be much easier if it was on a fine linen.
    I hope I’m not bothering you,Mary, and you can understand my English.

  2. Hi, Meri – yes, your English really is very good!

    I suppose it depends on how large the embroidered lettering is and what kind of thread you are using. If it’s at least a medium-ish size, I would think stem stitch or outline stitch would be suitable. If it is very small, perhaps split stitch would work better?

    I embroider on heavier weight linen often – you can still use fine thread for fine lines. Just split the threads in the linen weave!

    If you want something smooth and very precise, you could always use an overcast stitch, but it would take a long time!

    Hope that helps!

  3. Thanks a lot Mary!
    I’ll try it.
    It is a specisl work according to a Portuguese writer sketch design she used to make in her note-books.
    She passed away last March.
    And I just want to join a sentence written by her.
    When finished I’ll send you a photo.

    You help at lot, thank you so muuuuuch!

  4. I am so glad you reorganized the Gallery!! I spent a month looking it the first time I found your site and enjoyed every minute, but I kept getting lost!
    Love this feature of your site.

  5. I’m new to your website, but I’ve already found a lot of really useful information, especially the info on the Evertite embroidery frames. I saw these recently at a local shop, but noone there seemed to know exactly how they worked. I’m also very much enjoying following the progress on your pomegranate project. Thanks so much!

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