
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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August Embroidery Stash Give-away! It’s a Good One!


Amazon Books

Here we are, at that moment in the month to unload some bits of needlework stash. The focus this month isn’t fibers, though there are some. It isn’t bits of embellishment, either (though there are some of those, too!)… nooooo… it’s better than all that!

For those of you new to concept, during 2008 I decided to reduce bits and pieces of my needlework stash and little odds and ends useful to the embroiderer, and to do this, I’ve established a kind of monthly “contest.” Oh, it’s not much of a contest – you don’t have to do tooooo much hard work to have a chance to win!

This month, there are a few threads in the give-away:

August Embroidery Stash Give-Away

From left to right, there’s some yellow floche, followed by some blue floche and some blue Danish flower thread. I compared the floche and Danish flower thread a few days ago, if you aren’t familiar with either of them.

Then, on the right, screaming at you in Really Bright Pink, is a nice skein of Au Ver a Soie’s Soie d’Alger. This is absolutely my favorite stranded silk to stitch with – ok, maybe not in that color, but golly – I love this thread.

August Embroidery Stash Give-Away

Then, for the fun of it, some embellishments – some Mill Hill frosted glass beads in a dark red (very pretty), and a little heart-shaped-lock-sort-of-charm thingy.

But here’s the icing, and the whole cake, too —–

August Embroidery Stash Give-Away

Yes, your very own copy of A-Z of Embroidery Stitches 2, wherein you will find step-by-step photo instructions for about 145 stitches, in true Country-Bumpkin style. It’s an excellent book…

August Embroidery Stash Give-Away

…packed with photos of stitches and tips and tricks for working them, as well as nice pictures of inspirational embroidery stuff. Oh yes. There is nothing you won’t love in this book.

August Embroidery Stash Give-Away

The book features more of the “unusual” or uncommon stitches, and a lot of composite stitches (which are stitches comprised of two or more kinds of stitches). It’s a fun book, and would be a great resource for anyone into any kind of surface embroidery. To buy the book new here in the States, it’s anywhere from $25.00 – $33.00. This book is new – I pulled the sticker off when I got it, but haven’t used the book itself. It’s been sitting on a shelf.

August Embroidery Stash Give-Away

So there’s the little heap.

Now, to win this, you have to do something…

(My brain is actually running dry on ideas right now!)

SO, this is what I want you to do:

Comment below, and suggest a needlework-related question that would be suitable to these stash contests. That way, you’re helping me a little bit by setting me up for the next contest!

The nitty-gritty:

Your comment must be made on the website, not replied to via e-mail or the newsletter. To leave a comment, click on the heading of this article. You’ll end up on the article’s page on Needle’nThread. Scroll to the very bottom of the article, and find the link that says “Click to Comment.” Click it. You may choose to comment “anonymously” (that way, you don’t have to have an account), but in your comment, please leave some sort of identifying name or initials or something, so that I can count you in!

Suggest a needlework-related question in your comment – if you need ideas of the types of questions I ask, check out the other stash contests I’ve had on needle’nthread. You’ll notice the questions aren’t all that original – maybe you can come up with something really clever and exciting! I like questions that elicit information or ideas for other needleworkers, the answers of which would provide helpful information, instruction, or inspiration.

The contest is open to all readers, regardless of your location. I will ship overseas via the least expensive airmail method. I’ve shipped to several countries – Hungary (I never heard if that one arrived?), Germany (never heard back from that one, either), Australia several times (always heard back from the Australians!), and around the States. I’m really open to shipping anywhere, so don’t be shy!

And the contest ends next Wednesday morning, August 27th, at 4:00 am Central Time (US), because I usually post by 6:00 am. I will pick the winner using a random number picker.

I’ll announce the winner on Wednesday, at which point, the winner has to contact me. If I don’t hear from the winner within two days, I’ll draw another name.

I’m actually very excited to give this book away because I like it so much. I have a duplicate copy that was given to me, so I’ll keep the given one and give away the bought one!

Good luck!


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(90) Comments

  1. Okay. You’ve got your pattern, your materials et cetera, et cetera. Now to begin. But… Before you can get to the fun part (i.e. stitching), you have to set up the project, transfer the pattern, what have you. That’s usually not a problem if the project idea is a new one, the supplies freshly bought and you’re raring to go. BUT. What if the project has been waiting around for a while? (For whatever reason.)

    Question: How do you psyche yourself to start a project that’s been waiting around for a while and the passion for it is no longer fresh -or even there?

  2. My suggestions for questions you can use in future giveaways (my apologies if you've used any of them in the past; I've been a reader for a couple of months):

    * Ask blog readers what sort of project they might use the stash giveaways for (example: with this month's goodies I thought of decorating a little handbag with beads along the bottom of the outer flap & embroidering flowers above them, with the heart charm dangling outside a snap in the center.)

    * Ask readers what stitch they would like to see added to the video library.

    * Ask readers for needlework questions you can feature in a monthly "Ask Mary" blog post using several questions you've collected (which you could answer by linking to previous posts if you've already discussed the topic.)

    * Ask readers to help you come up with a clever name for an "Ask Mary" column using some type of embroidery terminology! 🙂

  3. I love your site! I am new to embroidery and am completing my first couple of redworks. I am addicted! I think all the information is on your site, but for the beginner, it would be nice to see a “what you need” list with your preferred product brands. Thanks so much sharing your knowledge and experience. Carolyn

  4. When I first read this one, I thought it was “a question that would be suitable to these stash conteNts” – and I was thinking, “Hmm… what would be your top five favorite stitches with this kind of thread?”

    But, since it’s about the conteSts –

    “What is your favorite non-embroidery-related inspiration for your work? Do you like to stroll through the flower market, or look through bulb catalogs for ideas? Maybe it’s architecture, or found objects – what do you find yourself looking to for design ideas?”

  5. Hi,

    Love your blog (some shameless flattery going on here). 😀

    My suggestion would be to ask readers what embroidery advice or tip has been the best or most useful they’ve received (and it mustn’t be something that you’ve given in your blog).

  6. my question would be what kind of project would you like to work with usig the thread and the embellishments with a book having 145 stiches to guide you ?

  7. The question that I would love to see posted is what are your readers doing with their needlework? Are they making pictures to frame? Are they stitching linens, ornaments, stitching accessories, or ???

    I’m also curious to know what happens to the finished project. Do they keep their stitching or do they give it away?


  8. Hmm…I’m probably repeating something you’ve already asked, but here goes…

    What is your favorite sort of embroidery project? Do you like to create utilitarian pieces such as tablecloths, pillowcases or tea towels? Or is creating an art piece that will hang on a wall more to your liking? Or do you prefer repairing and restoring and antique piece of embroidery? Do you prefer a kit where all the components needed are included and at hand? Or would you rather pick out the types and colors of threads, the fabric and the designs to be used, to create a project from scratch?


  9. How about “What is the most useful book you’ve read on embroidery and why?”

    “Tell me about the piece of embroidery that gave you the most pleasure to do, and why?”

    Your worst embroidery horror story? the piece that fought you all the way?

  10. My suggestion would be
    * How do you keep your unfinished and long pending embroidery projects nice and clean? (Yeah,u guessed it right, I have some stashed somewhere deep inside my cupboard)

  11. This is my first time participating in the give-away — really nice stash!

    Since my daughter and I took your embroidery classes this summer,I’m trying to come up with some ideas for projects that would be fun, but not too difficult.

    Ergo my question: What are some fun and easy projects to do for a beginner who really wants to make some progress in embroidery skills?

  12. You have some good questions already Mary but here goes…what is your favorite thread to work with (after your great lesson on different threads) and how do you choose what stitch to use where? I was thinking of the stitch used for the ladybug body and what other ways that stitch could be used.

  13. You are so very generous with these giveaways! I must admit this one would be pretty nice to win.
    So…my question…
    Where is your favourite place to stitch and when do you stitch?
    Mary Anne

  14. Mary, I want in on this one.
    * what has been the most challenging stitch for you to learn
    * what kind of needlework do you currently do, and what do you want to try

    You could pick a type of needle work and make us research its origins. Make us sing for our supper. (that sounds like hard work doesn’t it!)

  15. I would love to win this.
    My ideas:
    favourite book, and most used book – for 1. technique and 2. inspiration
    favourite thread type
    favourite way to finish embroidery – what d you use it for.
    what do you use as inspiration, if you dont follow patterns or use kits

  16. Hi Mary,
    I just discovered your site a few days ago and love it.
    My question is how do you decide what thread to use where, and what is the best needle to use?

  17. Hi, Mary.
    I love your site, it’s so usefull. And thank you about the bit of international shipment, it couraged me to answer.

    These are my questions:
    * Why do you do embroidery?
    * How you started to do it?

  18. Mary you are spoiling us-what a fabulous give away-I love everything in this stash-especially the book and the embelishments.
    I love embelishments, however I am very new to embroidery.
    My question is What embroidery stitch from this book would you use to secure the little locket embelishment, and also which of these embroidery threads and what stitch from the book would you use for the seed beads.
    thanks so much again for these wonderful stashes Kathyinozarks

  19. Hi Mary-I guess I need to rephrase my question, as when I posted I was asking my question for just this stash giveaway.
    Which embroidery thread and what stich would you use to attach embelishments? Kathyinozarks

  20. I appreciate this site so much. I am fairly new to embroidery and I find myself referring to the videos and photos frequently when I am searching for information.

    I have several questions:

    – What design process do you use for creating an original work?

    – When a project goes sour, where do you go for help?

    – Do you practice your stitches or do you just plow into your project?

    – How does one go about marking the fabric for particular stitches. I am a Crazy Quilter and I look for seam treatments. Is there a particular marking tool to help you get your stitches even?

    – Motifs used in CQ blocks – likewise, how does one mark the stitches?

    – If I had to depend on one resource for my embroidery – what would it be – internet, book, dvd?


    Deborah aka Quilteddiva

  21. I’d love to win this contest!! I’m starting a crazy quilt and could use all of the “fun stuff” for it. Especially, the book on the embroidery stitches! Wow,whata find. Eileene

  22. Okay, Mary. Every needleworker has a “secret” that she only occasionally reveals. It is the regret we feel for “the one that got away” – or, the item that we gave away as a gift, only now, we still pine for it! What item do you secretly pine over and wish you kept? That is my question. ( I have a bundle of answers!)

  23. Hi, Mary,

    I was the winner of the March stash contest, from Hungary. Unfortunately the package did’t arrive. I think it is lost, forever… 🙁 I would like to try again…

    As I have a cross stitch web page of my own, I have many questions. I list some of the general questions, which are applicable to regular needlework, too.
    – What kind of fabric do you prefer?
    – What color of fabric do you prefer?
    – How many projects do you stitch simultaneously? (one, two, many – I usually stitch two projects, a big, intricate piece and one small, relaxing one)
    – Do you go to stitcher’s meeting?
    (I have a small cross stitcher group, we meet about every other month)
    – What theme do you like to stitch? (Flowers, animals, people, landscapes, nonfigurative, etc.)

    I love the other questions, very much… 🙂

    KerGiz, Hungary

  24. What a nice stash! Thank you for your generosity to your readers!!
    Question suggestions: How old were you when you started stitching? What was your first project? Did you have someone teach you, or did you plow in on your own?
    Love your blog!!

  25. Hello Mary! My question would be “Who taught you to embroider? and what stitch did they teach you?” I know everyone I’ve asked has said their grandmother so I wonder if this is a general trend? Is it because grandmother’s have more time to spend on something that requires patience? I’d love to know 🙂


  26. I have a question about doing embroidery without hand strain. I do cross-stitch and counted thread embroidery and I work with the fabric “in hand” because I can’t hold a hoop without it hurting my hands.

    Tension has been an issue, but I’ve finally got the hang of it and come to the point where I really enjoy holding the fabric in hand and working the stitches that way.

    What I’m wondering, though…is it possible to do the type of embroidery you do (surface embroidery? crewel? I’m not even sure what to call it!) without stretching the fabric taut in a hoop or q-snap? I would love to venture out into new techniques, but this is what’s holding me back right now.

    Thanks for the opportunity to participate in the giveaway!

  27. I would like to have this stash give away for the same reason as everyone else… to stitch with it and learn some new stitches. Haven’t been very sucessful on winning any thing from ya yet so I hope I do this time.
    Thanks alot,
    Lisa Mitchell

  28. Your articles are very good and I love the instruction! I started doing needlework at about age 10 with embroidery taught by my mother. Over the years, I moved to crewel and then crossstitch, hardanger, and samplers with a variety of stitches. I love to work with silk fibers, cotton floss and perle cotton, but have not done a lot with floche. A class in Ukrainian embroidery was an introduction, but the floche is hard to obtain in all the sizes used. Keep it up!
    Liz S.

  29. I absolutely love finding your Needle’n Thread in my email box every day.

    My question is:
    When you’re not working from a kit with predetermined stitches, how do you decide what stitches to do? For example, why use seed stitch rather than satin stitch or French knots to fill in a space?
    Is there any rule of thumb or is it strictly designer’s choice?
    Kris in Michigan

  30. I just started to learn how to embroider ( i bought a kit).

    What do you like to embroider? cats, owls, mushrooms, dogs, etc…

  31. Hi Mary! I have enjoyed your site almost since its inception…you have a good eye, and you’re quite talented. I enjoy your unusual tips, also, and, in fact, have benefited from many of them. So my question, to encourage others to read through your whole blog and learn and apply your fabulous info, is “What is Mary’s favorite embroidery tool and why should you get one for yourself?”(*grin*)! (I did, and WOW!)

  32. This is a stash I REALLY want. I lust for the book and my si-in-law would love that bright pink!

    Some possible questions
    -what are you working on now
    -what was your first project
    -what was your favorite project
    -what was project did you hate
    -what project has/had you stuck


  33. Hello, my name is Abby W.
    I was wondering what stitch/project would you offer a friend just starting out with embroidery? What is your best idea for introducing them to the art without overwhelming them?
    I’d love to hear your thoughts!
    BTW, there are some great questions posted here!

  34. Sandy Breuer
    Mary, you have given me a lot of very useful information like fabric, threads, stitches, etc. This has been extremely helpful.

    My question is how do you attach beads to the embroidery work??

    What is the best thing to use to mark or draw the design on the fabric???

    When designing your own pattern, how do you decided what stitches to use???

  35. Sandy Breuer
    Mary, you have given me a lot of very useful information like fabric, threads, stitches, etc. This has been extremely helpful.

    My question is how do you attach beads to the embroidery work??

    What is the best thing to use to mark or draw the design on the fabric???

    When designing your own pattern, how do you decided what stitches to use???

  36. I would really LOVE to win this giveaway:)
    I have a little giveaway going on at my blog if your interested in primitive penny rugs.

    I am just learning some new embroidery stitches, and would really like to know what everyone’s fav book for reference is? You know, the kind of book you would take if you were stranded on a deserted island:)

    Love your blog so much, that I have spent many hours reading, and to few hours stitching.


  37. I would like to know how stitchers come up with their ideas. Do many use patterns (stamped or counted)? Do they draw out the pattern first or just start embroidering and “wing it” ? How do you know which stitch to use? Is it personal taste? I’d also be interested to hear what people embroider…meaning, do they embroider murals? clothing? home dec projects? Does anyone make embroidered jewelry?

  38. I would like to know more about taking out the markings that show you where to embroider after the embroidery is done. what are the tricks? Especially the tricks to remove the iron on patterns. Or are they just meant to stay?

    Melisa B

  39. There are some fabulous questions already, but I’ll throw mine into the mix:
    with so much choice out there how do people narrow down the projects they actually do?

    and thinking of those projects that are started and then left by the wayside, what made you put them down and pick up something else??


  40. Mary, I am new to your site and was so excited to see all the different things you have posted for us newbies. I have been a quilter for many years but, for reasons you will see below, I am unable to really quilt anymore.

    I have not embroidered in a very long time and would love the book to help me remember how to do all those beautiful stitches.

    My question is on storage. I live in an RV full-time and am traveling the US from coast to coast. While a normal person with a real closet and such can stash stuff away to await the next project, I am really limited on space. I have to be careful on weight as well.

    Do you have some secrets on how to store the most ‘stuff’ in the least possible space?

    I have not embroidered in a very long time and would love the book to help me remember how to do all those beautiful stitches.

  41. Hmmm… making us think!!

    How did you first get started in needlework or who introduced you needlework – and how old were you?

    Do you have motivation advice for finishing UFOs?

    What magazines or books have been most inspiring for your needlework?

  42. Excellent questions!
    Where do you get designs and ideas? How much prep work do you put into the design (sketching, rearranging pieces, etc.)?
    What other forms of handwork do you find inspiring?
    What stitches do you find work better with some threads than others?

  43. Hey Mary,

    another lovely contest, and of course I would love to win it.

    Now, as to the crux of this contest: needlework-related question that would be suitable to these stash contests.

    1. favorite type of needle, fabric, floss/threads and why–benefits or advantages etc

    2. Suggestion of new or different stitches to video for the tutorial

    3. where does yor work end up? finished? given away? sitting in a box?

    4. Favorite finishing methods. Framing, turning into a useful object like a biscornu, pinkeep ect.

    5. One if you are feeling brave: if you owned the site, what changes would you make?

    6.What should I (as in you Mary, LOL)publish first: A wonderful book full of all the insight and instructions from the website, or a video DVD of the same. The one woth the lesser amount of votes should be published the following year. =)

    I think that is it for now

    ruth M

  44. Hi Mary, First I want to say how much I am learning from your video’s I am a visual learner. I don’t usually do contests but think this book would be very helpful to me as I am doing Crazy Quilting have a picture of my mother I would like to use in the center of block then use as wallhanger.
    I think questions as to what people do with their finished projects and the type of fabric used would be great info along with the threads/emblellishments.
    Pat S.

  45. First, I love your blog and have learned a lot from it. Now the question: What should a newbie be most aware of when starting to embroider? Here’s hoping I’m in the winner’s circle. Sharon

  46. Hello Mary – thank you for this wonderful opportunity…. here’s my question:

    What one thing do you wish you had known at the start of your needlework career that you would pass on to a beginner or child just starting out?


  47. hi…
    am new to embroidery…tell about ur first needle work?where did u get the intrest??
    whats is the recently finished project?What difficutly did u face..like which stitch do u find very difficult???

  48. I see all the months their competition .. and good if I said this month,,, only if the book is as good as the number 1. I want .. to see use translator, someone casually asked today about what was best for needle stick beads, and few people responding to a question technique, that people do not respond to technical questions?
    By visiting the website, I see many blogs crafts and embroidery, but few like yours and Sharon, where people actually share their ideas.
    Not to be asked because it is easier to learn and teach some people and others?
    For that there zeal to teach tricks?
    As you would like him to teach the web embroidery?
    That methodology of teaching and learning is best placed to teach embroidery? See doing …
    Thank you for working so beautiful love your books. and thanks for your videos
    veo todo los meses su concurso.. y bueno este mes dije si,,, solo por el libro que si es tan bueno como el numero 1. lo quiero.. a ver uso traductor, hoy casualmente alguien preguntaba sobre cual aguja era la mejor para pegar beads, y son pocas las personas que responden a una pregunta tecnica, por que no responde la gente a preguntas tecnicas?
    Al visitar la web, veo muchos blogs de manualidades y bordados, pero pocos como el tuyo y Sharon, donde la gente realmente comparte sus ideas.
    No se a preguntado por que es mas facil aprender y enseñar a unas personas y otras?
    Por que existe celo en enseñar los trucos?
    Como le gustaria le enseñaran por la web a bordar?
    Que metodologia de enseñanza aprendizaje es la mas indicada para enseñar bordado? Ver haciendo…
    Gracias por tan bello trabajo amo sus libros. y gracias por sus videos


  49. Great questions everyone is asking. I’m wondering what are the readers favorite fabrics to work with and what type of needles do they use?

    I’d love to win the A to Z book as it looks like a good one!

  50. Thank you for your generosity. Their series is always wonderful. My question is: how do you know which thread to use for your design and fabric?

  51. I think I got in……great.
    recently I joined a site where I take a stitch on tuesday and it is so much fun….I’m so new at this.
    My question is what type of background fabric do you use with dmc threads….. what tools do you use for measuring marks on the background………….do you wash the fabric first before embroidery…..do you ever wash the thread before embroidery graper

  52. Hi,
    I’m new to your site, so sorry if this has been asked before, but…
    “What is your least favorite stitch, and why?”
    You could use this to discuss problems and how to fix them, rescuing us from our least favorite stitches! Yay!
    Email: bambi_raptor@hotmail.com

  53. Hey, Mary. My questions are:
    What is your favorite way to organize or transport projects for on-the-go stitching?
    How many projects do you have going at one time, and how do you organize / store them when you’re not working on them?

  54. Hi, Mary! Thanks for another great giveaway! I’m interested in knowing if anyone has dyed their own floss or fabric and how they did it.

  55. WOW Mary, that is a great stash for this month’s giveaway.

    Okay, to the questions. Here are a couple:-

    1. Why did you take up embroidery?
    2. What is your favourite completed a project?

  56. Hi! I’m VERY new to embroidery. My question is: If you are piecing together base materials for a project, how do you finish up the raw edges? Thanks! – Elizabeth C from Ohio

  57. Hi Mary I really am new to cq myself well about a year now and my question really relates to after you have a completed block or two. Would it be possiblet o do a segment on what to do after you have a few blocks stitched. Other thatn putting them in the design you want them in do you add sashing or not? Batting, backing or binding? Would the weight of the blocks make a difference? I don’t know if this has been asked before but would really be interested in knowing. Thanks for all your wonderful help that you offer so freely. Your contribution to the cq world is just wonderful.

  58. Hi Mary,
    Clever question for the stash contest this month ! 😉 🙂
    My question would be – What all finished goods (Frames, pillowscases etc) you create from your embroidered pieces? Or if I rephrase the question – What are the various articles you use embroidery on?

  59. Hi, Mary.

    Great site — I just discovered it.
    My question to readers would be what why do they use embroidery in unique ways — For example, I’m very interested in embroidering paper and using it to make books.


  60. Well, mine is maybe a bit different – how about suggesting that someone “pay it forward”? You are donating your stash for these contesta and i bet every one of us has something in ours we know in our heart of hearts we won’t ever get to or use. Maybe even with a hint of what you might give away – for example, I have this really cool bag of fibers to crazy quilt with, all in a turquoise/blue family. Very neat to look at but I doubt I’ll ever use it. . .

  61. I want the book!!! 🙂 I recently began to hand embroider again. I haven’t done it in about 20 years! Anyway, I recently discovered that if you have a light source beneath your working surface, it helps you find where to place the needle instead of poking around. Also, how do you choose which stitch to use and is there anywhere to see pictures of combined stitches?

  62. I am fairly new to you blog so I am not sure if you have done any Ribbon embroidery. So my question is could you show use some Ribbon embroidery techniques?
    Dawn R.

  63. Mary, always enjoy your post. I guess one question could be, where do you get your inspiration? Such as books, the web, nature etc. Then how do you decide what type of thread/floss would be best for the chosen design?

  64. How about a blogging question like Do you enjoy blogging your projects or only read needlework blogs or both? I think it would be interesting to know how many blog or are just readers.

  65. I would love to win that great reference book! As to questions for the future … What is your needlework “heritage” and do you bring that into your current work?

  66. Joan in Reno
    I love the site and find it full of useful information for “newbies” like me. I would love to know what type of projects would be appropriate for the different stitched in the A to Z book. Also, how does one go about choosing the appropriate thread for a particular project. Thanks!

  67. My suggestion is, what kind of projects do you prefer. Useable things like purses, pincushions… or projects just for displaying like framed pictures.

  68. How about a place for users to post their projects? I mean, knitters and crocheters have Ravelry, so why not a sort of forum for pictures to get the creativity in all of us flowing?

  69. I have two questions I’d ask: (1) what time of day do you most of your needlework and why at that time?; (2) Is it possible to tell when a needle is too dull to use or maybe better said, how often should a needle be changed when you are stitching?

  70. Hi, Donna – Just a quick comment here (not to interrupt the comments for the give-away, but…)

    I wanted to let you know that there is such a forum – it’s called “Stitchin’ Fingers,” begun by SharonB, and you can find it here:

    It’s an excellent community site!

  71. Mary just found your blog and sure would love to win since I just started crazy quilting.
    Do you think I could teach myself to embroidery?
    I did it yearssssssssss ago but have forgotten how. I didn’t even know they had different threads.

  72. I want to learn to embroider.

    My question….
    I am a procrastinator…what inspires you to start one of the million projects i have ready to start?

  73. Your site is such a wonderful resource–I love it!

    My suggestions for questions:
    1. What technique would you like to learn next?

    2. What is your favorite take-along project (one that can be easily transported and worked on while waiting for kids, etc.)?

  74. Have you discovered a guilt-free way to eliminate those UFOs you just know you will never go back and finish from your pile of things to do? If so, what is it?

  75. I would like to see a bit on Crazy quilting and what weight of threads that are best and what the different fabrics that are good for embroidery

  76. I’d love to win your stitch directory.

    I’d also like to see more information on dimensional stitches for embroidery.

    Thanks! Your website is great and I love your e-mail messages.


  77. Hi Mary your site is all too inspiring and I thank you for that. But my questions in reference to this stash giveaway would be how to take it from the beginning to the end, I have a wall that I want to hang like a 12 or 14″ block on and fall colors are my most loved colors. So in this instance if I used the stash that you are giving away when I completed my stitching how would I finish it off to use it as a wall hanging? Sharon

  78. Hello Mary…
    I am currently on different projects some of which are for framing. They include cross-stitch – a bouquet of flowers, embroidery on a child’spillow-cover. My major projects are embroidery for framing which includes a lot of filling work with long and short,chain, split and stem stitch. I found myself getting more and more fascinated with filling in long-n-short…Dorothy

  79. You are just so awesome,,,,,,,,,not only sharing information but doing the contest.
    The book your are offering looks cool. another question, what threads do you like best for which stitches and what fabric do you use for what
    jan in indiana

  80. I hope I am ansewring your question in the proper place ..this is my first comment ..I cross stitched a Noah’s Ark with the Alpha in the center ..with a poem ..and animals on both sides and the ark above them ..My husband watched me do this project and just marvelled at it ..I had it framed and had him to pick it up ..I then gave it to a special friend ..I never heard the end from my husband ..however I never hear from my friend …I do wish I had it hanging on my wall …thanks debbie from stephens city va.

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