
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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A Message from Trish Burr to the Book Give Away Participants


Amazon Books

Trish e-mailed me and asked me to pass on the following message to all who participated in the Book Give-Away this past week….

The idea for this particular give-away came about because Trish e-mailed me to ask about a topic for her next book, to see if I could “poll” readers to find out which of two topics they would be more interested in. You can read all about those two prospective topics on the original post, if you didn’t have a chance to catch it earlier. Besides just polling the audience, I thought it would be a good idea to have a drawing for a copy of Trish’s last book, since I have two copies on my shelf.

So it worked out well for both of us – I could do another reduction contest, and Trish could find out what needleworkers out there thought of her two subjects.

Here’s Trish’s message to all who participated:

Hello everyone!

Thank you all so much for taking the time to respond to the book question, I really do appreciate all your valued input and am overwhelmed with the response. I have had a wonderful time this week reading your sincere and interesting responses, and the suggestions and advice will all be taken into consideration when I make my final decision. This will have to be a surprise (hopefully a good one)!!

When I completed the last book I said “no more, this is the last”, but as a result of your enthusiasm I feel encouraged to get going again! It is important to me that each publication is something that is needed and helpful – being self taught from books myself I understand how essential it is to have clear and complete instructions. I will certainly do my best to put myself in your shoes and that which ever book gets published will incorporate some of the subject matter that you would like to see.

Congratulations to Freda Butler for winning the book give away, I hope that you enjoy it. I would love to give you all a free book but would probably end up in the poor house!

Happy stitching to you all.
Trish Burr

Thanks, Trish, for the opportunity to let people pitch in with their thoughts!

Enjoy the rest of your Friday and have a great weekend! I have a couple project plans this weekend, so I’ll keep you up to date on those. I’m also reading a good book (on needlework) that I thought I’d tell you about. But I need to read a little more of it to be able to really tell you about it!


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