
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Heirloom Embroidery Book Winner Announced…


Amazon Books

This past week, I announced a give-away for Jan Constantine’s book, Heirloom Embroidery. And now it’s time to announce the winner!

If you haven’t taken a look at the original post on Heirloom Embroidery, you might want to, in case you find it’s a book that strikes your embroidery fancy. If you didn’t win the book, don’t be discouraged – you can order it online from Amazon for $18.96, which I think is a good deal for this hard cover, beautiful book.

(By the way, this would also make a great Christmas gift for stitching friends!)

Soon after rising this morning, I moderated the last of the comments for contest entry, then added those names to my spread sheet where they are numbered automatically, mixed them all up, then went to random.org, where I generated a number between 1 and 68, inclusive. And this is the funny thing: talk about squeeking in under the line! Mub was the last entry. She also ended up winning! That’s a first, in this whole random drawing thing!

So the winner is Mub, who commented, “This looks like it has so many good gift ideas in it! I love those little heart snowflake ornaments! I think the stitch explanations would be mega useful too =)”

Congratulations, Mub! Please contact me with your name and mailing address, and I’ll get that in the mail to you at some point this week.

Stay tuned for future book give-aways. I’m planning a couple for November, along with the regular monthly stash contest. So do keep an eye out for those in the upcoming weeks!

I hope you all have a great Monday, and a really good week!


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