
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Embroidery Project Update: Sampler and a Hiatus


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I’ve been stitching along rather diligently on the Long Dog sampler that I’m working with my niece. Though it doesn’t look like much progress, considering the time I’ve had to work on it, I think it’s coming along well. I thought I’d give you a quick update and then talk plans!

This is a project I started as a stitch-along with my niece, who is learning counted cross stitch in one of her classes. The sampler is called “Angel Pavement,” and it’s produced by Long Dog Samplers.

Long Dog Sampler: Angel Pavement

This is the progress so far. The outlines of all the “memory blocks” around the edge are complete, so now it’s just a matter of filling the rest of them in. Each of those blocks is slightly less than one inch square.

Long Dog Sampler: Angel Pavement

These are my favorites so far. I love the colors and the designs of all three.

Now, onto the question of a hiatus. Wow – time really flies, doesn’t it? For those of you who don’t know, I am a teacher. I teach English at the high school level, and I also teach six hours’ worth of college courses a week (two courses), in the field of education. It almost seems as if the school year just started. As the year comes to a close, things are getting hectic, to say the least!

On top of the end of the year activities, I’m faced with a project with a deadline. A few months ago, I agreed to embroider a pall (a small altar linen) for a woman whose grandson is being ordained a priest this summer. As yet, I still haven’t started that – it’s due in the middle of June. Heh heh. Oh sheesh. I do tend to procrastinate. I always claim I work better under pressure, and in some cases, I do. In other cases…. well…. The inspiration for this project just hasn’t hit me, and the more pressure I feel over it, the more distant my Muse seems! Not a very good situation!

In addition to the above, my family is descending upon Kansas next week, to celebrate my mother’s 75th birthday! There are eight children in my family altogether, and all but one will be here, along with some grandchildren, husbands, wives, etc. It’ll be fun! Hectic, but fun!

Plans, plans, plans! So I’m planning on taking a hiatus from the sampler here for a bit, until I get all the upcoming major stuff out of the way! You may bid it farewell, then, until the (hopefully not too distant) future!


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(5) Comments

  1. This sampler is going to be beautiful. I like it very much, but I’m not sure I would have the patience right now.
    You’ll be right busy in the coming weeks, wow! I hope you’ll enjoy them though.

  2. Thank you Mary for all the posts you have done for us in the past.

    Happy 75th. to your Mother and wish her many more. It will be nice to have all the family together. That will please her far more then any birthday gift could.



  3. Sheesh, but you do stay busy, sometimes I get all worn out just reading about everything your into…LOL

    Hope you have a wonderful time with your family & blessing to your mom on her 75th birthday.

    Thank you so much for sharing your talents and your time with us through Needle 'N Thread.

    Wishing you a wonderful Summer
    and many hours of "Happing Stitching".

  4. The sampler is just beautiful Mary, I can hardly wait until it's finished. I love this site…thank goodness I stumbled across it one day. Happy Birthday to your Mom as well!
    Annie (beautiful weather in Michigan)

  5. Hi, have just today discovered this company and whilst doing a google image search found you. Your project is beautiful. I was just wondering whether you are using silk or cotton? It looks very light reflective and the colours are so vivid. Also, are you doing 1×1 or 2×1. It is so neat. I am doing my first ever 2×1 on 25 count and am having difficulty getting stitches as neat as yours. Regards, Nico Salomon.

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