
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Miniature Embroidery Framed


Amazon Books

A few months ago, I finished this little piece of miniature embroidery, and until this weekend, it’s just been sitting around, waiting…

Earlier this month, when I went needlework shop hopping, one of the most exciting findings for me was a little square frame which I thought would be the “perfect size” for this miniature piece. It was $10, and, admittedly, I sort of cringed at paying $10 for a frame that was just barely two inches square…!

But… have you ever noticed that smaller things are sometimes pretty expensive?

And if you figure that miniature needlework can take just as much time – if not more – than regular-sized needlework, I think you’ll discover a kind of value ratio there, somewhere.

Anyway, this past weekend, I did manage to put the miniature piece in the frame, and I had that little surge of satisfaction, knowing that I was actually right, that the frame was the perfect size.

Miniature Embroidery Framed

The horizontal line running through the middle of the piece corresponds to a blank line in the middle of the flower and a slub in the fabric, just in case you’re wondering.

After stitching on 28-count linen lately, I look at this piece (approximately 40 threads per inch – the whole piece is just about 1.5 inches square) and can’t figure out how I saw those stitches without any kind of magnification…! Don’t tell me my eyes are getting old, in just a few months’ time!

I took this photo before finishing the back, and I’ve since slightly adjusted that lower right hand corner.

In a bit, I’ll show you step-by-step how a framed the piece and finished the back of the frame. But for now, suffice it to say, I’m glad I’ve finally “finished” something! It always seems that anything I embroider these days gets put on hold and it never sees the finish line. I really need to stop doing that!

Happy Memorial Day!


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(10) Comments

  1. That frame is perfect Mary! I admittedly had wondered about that blank line in the middle of the flower…I think I would have been tempted to fill it in. I usually end up ‘tinkering’ with every design I stitch…

  2. Love the frame.
    How is the niece and auntie project coming along? And are you still doing the 15 minutes a day? This year my goal is to finish what I started. So far so good.
    Thanks again Mary, for the entertaining and informative blogs. I always learn something new.

  3. Looks very pretty in that frame!

    It is not just picture frames. Kids’ clothes and shoes cost almost the same as adult versions. The labor involved, not the materials, must be dictating the cost to us consumers. Oh well. I’d buy the perfect frame, too.

  4. Congrats! I have several UFO myself. Nope, didn’t notice the blank line, or if I did it seemed integral to the design. Happy day to you!

  5. I was waiting for theese photos so long. This stiching is something unbelievable for me (my smallest was only 32 linen and I thought, that it was very small). Inspired by this your work I am planning to try some other linen. This blog inspired me to try so many new things, I am so glad I’ve found it. Thank you very very much 🙂

  6. That looks great in that dark frame! I love it!

    Got a question – When I embroider it’s usually on muslin or tea towels, etc. I’d like to buy linen to embroider on for napkins or even to hang on the wall or use in a quilt. When I went to buy linen.. well.. there’s a lot of types of linen! LOL Can you help a gal out by letting me know what type of linen is suitable?


  7. Thanks, all, for your nice comments!

    Kandra, you’re so right – there are lots of types of linen! It really depends on what type of embroidery you want to do. It’s kind of hard to say “Buy this kind of linen” without knowing what the project is. What do you have in mind to stitch? Can you point me to a picture of something similar to what you want to do? That would help narrow down the linen choices.

    In my experience, I’ve rarely – and I mean rarely – found linen suitable for needlework at a local chain fabric store. Oh, yes, it’s true, they do sometimes have 100% linen, but it’s usually for garments and can be pretty slubby. That’s not to say you can’t use it, but it’s not generally needlework linen. That being said, I did find a bolt (and I wish I had bought the WHOLE BOLT!) of white linen sold as “handkerchief” linen in a fine fabric store, at $15 / yard. It was nice linen. It had good body, a nice weave and smooth hand, and was light and crisp, perfect for general surface work, cutwork, etc. But alas…

    Anyway, if you can let me know what type of needlework you want to do, I can hopefully help you a bit better. You can contact me, using the link at the top right…

    Thanks again, all!


  8. Mary, I love the miniature needlework. The frame is nice, too, and the piece would probably look very lovely with a rose velvet mat around it, maybe a touch of green at the bevel and a pale thin frame with ornate corners or edges. (Yes, okay, I admit, I am a professional framer, too!)

    Needlework always looks more beautiful when made ready for display. I think the only exception is lace-like or drawnwork items. They are so beautiful to touch and examine.

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